
1 Review
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Great Movie :)
13 November 2012
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, was an inspiring and touching movie that taught me life lessons or how to live a good life. The movie was based on family, death, and determination, this was all caused by the 9/11 terrorist attack. For example, the film was inspiring and touching because the way you see how you can instantly loose a family member or someone important in life faster than you know and how it effects many lives.

Thus, the motion picture was an amazing experience. Although, there were many scenes that made me very emotional. The Stephan Daldry movie starring Thomas Horn as Oskar Schell, who was the main character that went on a door to door journey to find what his key unlocked and could tell him more about his father. Oskar was a determined young man, that was very close to his father, whom he had lost in the 9/11 attack. He found a key that he thought would lead him closer to information about his father. Eventually, after planning, researching, skipping school, using every minute of weekends, making charts and maps, Oskar realized that the key lead someone else closer to their dead father but lead Oskar not even a tiny bit closer to his. Even though, Oskar didn't become closer to his deceased father he became closer to his grandfather, who he never knew existed before his adventure.

Furthermore, the movie has inspired me as well as brought me closer to my family. This tragic event that destroyed many families has made me to be more thankful for mine. It was also an inspiration to me how Oskar had so much faith and determination to go out on his own knocking on unfamiliar doors. It taught me that if I want something bad enough and give my all, it can be worth it in the end. Seeing how you could lose a loved one at any time changes my outlook in life. If I hadn't watched this movie, I feel that I wouldn't be as close to my family and friends as I am today.

On the contrary, the movie could have been seen as a horrible film due to the lack of action and the amount of prediction and imagination that was needed in the film. The film didn't have a lot of detail nor good descriptions. Therefore, if you look for a big amount of detail in a film I don't recommend this movie. If you expect a movie with a good quantity of computer graphics then this movie isn't for you.

Moreover, the movie was emotional and brought excitement, curiosity, and sadness to me. Likewise, the film made me sad and brought many tears to my eyes because of many scenes. The first was watching how Oskar had many regrets by not answering his phone when his dad was calling him minutes before his death. Instead, he sat and listened to voice mail after voice mail his father left hearing him face his death in the last message. Secondly, I was very emotional watching how Oskar yelled at his mother wishing she would've died instead of his father. Finally, I was sad because after all the hard work Oskar did for his expedition, he did it all for nothing. Henceforth, the movie had me curious to see if he was going to pick up his fathers last call or why his mom allowed him the freedom to ride the subway by himself and go to strangers' houses. Last but not least, I couldn't wait as Oskar got closer and closer to finding what the key unlocked. Additionally, I was excited for Oskar knowing he was able to have a great life without his father being there. Even though, he was happy towards the end I was excited that he made up with his mom and that their relationship as a mother and a son had the chance to grow stronger.

In conclusion, the movie was great. I recommend this movie to those who aren't very close to family and that need a good reason why they should be. Without our families we wouldn't be as great as a person we all are now. I challenge all readers of my review to watch the film and than tell me how it affected your life, if it did.
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