
10 Reviews
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I hope the Anime is better.
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have been tempted to check out the Anime for a while now but I seriously hope it is better then the movie and I suspect that it is.

Aki Maeda pulls off a good performance but has little to work with and had zero chemistry with her co-star which leads to a number of awkward scenes especially when ever they are meant to be intimate.

Another major flaw is that nothing is explained, we have no idea how Chise was chosen to become a Weapon (and where does she hide all those parts?) nor do we even have any idea who Japan are at War with or even why for that matter.

Painfully average and a great premise that sadly just doesn't pay off.
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9 Souls (2003)
A true masterpiece.
22 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
To be totally honest I wasn't expecting much at all going into 9 Souls even after reading heap upon heap of praise plied upon it but to say I was surprised would be a major understatement, in short I was totally blown away.

The basic plot is as simple as they come, nine prison inmates ranging from a drug pusher all the way up to multiple murderer's escape from prison and go in search of a secret stash presumed to be forged money hidden by a tenth inmate who cracked and was dragged away by guards shortly before their escape but it's the direction that director Toshiaki Toyoda takes this simple story that is so brilliant and original perfectly blending drama, comedy and violence creating a truly one of kind movie that deserve's to be seen not only fans of Asian cinema but cinema in general.

Superbly acted, emotional, funny, violent and at times very surreal this is a movie has it all.
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Average horror killed by an awful ending.
11 January 2005
After reading so much praise for this movie I had very high hopes but sadly they were dashed almost as soon as the movie started.

Acting aside which is of a high standard this movie never ventures above the average mark and is basically just another seen it all before horror movie and the ending that people keep praising is a total train wreck in my opinion and no I'm not some westerner who doesn't get Asian movie's I am an Asian movie fan myself.

I found the ending just plain confusing and people are still debating the meaning of it all to this day and every explanation has holes in it which says it all really.

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Loved it.
24 December 2004
I went into BRII after reading the usual drama queen style negative reviews (some were almost funny) expecting possibly the worst movie I had seen in years and much to my surprise I actually really enjoyed it.

First off I loved BR and wasn't to high on the idea of a sequel but thankfully instead of being lazy and just doing the same thing all over again they actually continued the story from the original movie and imo did a good job.

Not perfect but then again as much as I love it neither is the original, the book is x10 better imo.

If you actually have an open mind then Battle Royale II is a highly enjoyable movie.
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Wasn't what I expected it to be at all.
23 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest and say right now that I wasn't expecting much from this movie but it turned out to be one of the best movies I have seen in years and is also the best Japanese movie I have seen since Battle Royale.


The plot is basically about three close friends who in their search for paradise (a beach they don't know the location of in picture they have) decide to rob a bank to get the money to find that paradise and things quickly go wrong turning the robbery into a hostage crisis but in a strange turn of events the hostage's (ranging from a shy bank employee all the way up to a wanted international terrorist) don't seem to mind being held hostage after a while and actually end up joining the robbers and taking on the roles of characters from one of the gang members favorite anime series "Space Travelers" a show in which each character has a shocking similarity to each hostage and robber.

IMHO the basic story here is about escaping reality, the bank robbers want to escape to their paradise and for a short time the hostages all get to escape from their pasts or their boring, unhappy lives but the other side of the coin is the the dangers of trying to hard to escape reality with the tragic ending that You know is coming but still packs a hell of a punch.

A great movie filled with strong likable characters and some very touching moments which is a great way to waste 2 hours on the weekend, 9/10.
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Dragon Head (2003)
Finally a disaster pic worth watching.
9 November 2004
After sitting through predictable bore fests I finally get a disaster movie that is worth two hours of My life.

Dragon Head (based on a manga of the same name) starts off like Your run of the mill train wreck movie with two teenagers teaming up up to escape the carnage as well as a totally flipped out third teen only to discover the World that they knew has all but been wiped out by an horrific disaster leaving only an almost deserted waste land where even the Sun is blocked from view by volcanic ash actually raining down to Earth like thick snow.

Basically the movie centers around the two leads trying to make it back to Tokyo and their adventures along the way with a cast of unique and at times plain creepy characters showing up along the way, there are some flaws here and there but overall this is a great emotional, bleak, depressing yet in the end hopeful movie that I fully enjoyed and I personally thought the two lead actors did a superb job and at times the visuals and landscape were depressing yet stunning.

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Not as bad as people say.
1 October 2004
Well after reading about 35,000 complaints about Resident Evil Apocalypse I was expecting a total stinker just as I was expecting going into the first movie but thankfully yet again I was wrong and really enjoyed it.

It's no masterpiece but then again no Zombie flick is imo (even the original Dawn of the Dead is a very over rated movie imo) and what were the critics expecting?, an Oscar winner or something?, come on be real it's a Zombie flick not a period drama.

If You are looking for a deep plot with awesome character development then stay away, if on the other hand You are just looking for 90 minutes of pure action then this is the movie for You, My only real complaint was the ending with annoyed Me for some reason but other then that a solid 7/10 from Me.
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Getting old.
21 September 2004
I remember seeing the preview of this movie and thinking "wow" but sadly watching this movie left me with a now familiar feeling of "huh?".

Okay I kind of get the ending (I won't spoil it) but some middle parts of the movie were just plain confusing and just seemed to be there for the sake of cheap scares or fill time, My main complaint is the Chiharu part of the story that just confused Me and seemed to be part of a totally different movie all together (it reminded Me of A Nightmare on Elm Street), I didn't mind the unexplained elements in Asian cinema at first but sadly it's starting to show up in more and more movies and is imo becoming a cop out to avoid explaining confusing elements of movies which don't add up or fit into the overall plot.

Overall an okay movie but if I see one more Sedako style scene rip off I'll scream.

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Good but over rated.
14 September 2004
I watched the whole series in one day and even though it has some great ideas I just couldn't get into the series and at the end I was left wondering what the hell happened and was there any point to anything that came before the final episode and it has some of the most lifeless characters I have ever seen on My TV screen and I didn't really care for anyone by the end, maybe another watch would help but at the moment I'm not that impressed.

A lot of people compare this anime to Boogipepop Phantom but personally I would recommend that over this anime every time.

Overall good but very over rated.
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An essential missing piece of the puzzle.
11 September 2004
If Your a fan of the Anime Boogiepop Phantom and was left confused then You must get a hold of this movie since it covers the events leading up to the pillar of light and explains some of the unexplained elements in the Anime, actually a feeling I got from this movie is that the original idea was to release a series of movies but instead it continued in its Anime form.

Overall Boogiepop & Others (based on the original novel) is very similar to the Anime in which events are told out of order from different characters view points, the acting is strong and the plot is very well paced with a great cast of unique characters.

My only real complaints are that I think the relationship between Saotome and the Manticore is under developed and could have used some extra time spent on it and I think that Boogiepop and Echoes are both under used considering their importance, but overall this is a solid movie well worth checking out.
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