
3 Reviews
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Much better than Lord of the Rings
20 October 2009
This movie would have been a shoo-in for a 10 out of 10, but the vine-women knocked it down to a 9. First off, the cast was much higher caliber than LOTR's; John Rhys-Davies, Ray Liotta, Painkiller Jane, Burt Reynolds, Ron Perlman, Jason Statham, and the chick from Mallrats. I personally will take King Farmer over King Aragorn any day of the week, and John Rhys-Davies makes a better Gandalf than Magneto ever did. Only the most un-American terrorist-lover would set a movie in New Zealand when we have the beautiful Pacific Northwest right in our backyard. One highlight was Jason Statham's beautiful escape from being hung by twirling around while hanging from the noose and killing the guy and cutting the rope with one swing of the bad guy's sword (though the ladies in the audience will undoubtedly argue he never really escaped from being hung). This movie also puts books firmly back in their rightful place as the weapons of villains, which was a move that was long coming. I can only wait and hope that the next two movies are picked up to top off the trilogy.
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Silent Hunter (1995)
At 10,000 feet, silence is deadly (silent but deadly?)
15 June 2007
First off, I can understand being disappointed if you (like some previous reviewers) rented this expecting a half-decent, legitimate action movie. If that is the case, however, you obviously either don't rent enough action movies, or you got the rare blank, black-covered version that didn't list the cast and director.

Silent Hunter was no Cartel, but it paid the bills. Highlights included Miles' bullet-proof sternum, which absorbed three bullets from about 10 feet away, his obviously pasted on rustic mountain-man beard, the wheelchair bound veteran, apparently of WWI (at least he called it "the Great War"), the love interest reprising her role from Battlefield Earth, the corner store grenade salesman, and the villain's female henchman who switched between being Debbie Harry and Pat Benetar depending on the situation.

Overall, the movie is more than worth it, and ends on a brilliant note as Miles walks off triumphant as an amazing 80's guitar-rock clone plays. The film was also made much more amazing knowing who was directing. Fred Williamson was like a renaissance master and Silent Hunter is his Mona Lisa. I hear his moustache did the cinematography.
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Fortress (1992)
my god
22 May 2006
i can summarize this cinematic experience with one word: PAIN. every minute of this movie will make you feel like you crossed the yellow line, and by the end you'll be pleading for it to stop the intestination. despite a brilliant attempt to save the film by the rubber-faced Lincoln Kilpatrick, the acting is worse than atrocious. as far as the plot, words escape me. how exactly is paying to keep people locked up, fed, clothed, and boarded for 31 years less of a burden on society than having a second kid? the overhead that must be involved in running this prison is mind boggling. this is one of many questions you will ask yourself as you ride the roller-coaster of emotions this film provides. others may include: who decided the perfect soldier is a slow, clumsy, awkward animatronic plastic man with no lower jaw? if it is as easy to get to Mexico as driving through a single 15-foot fence that falls over in a stiff breeze, why did they bother to try to go through customs? why did it take until 1993 for humanity to discover that intestination is the most fantastic word ever invented? ultimately, this would have been a far better movie if it had had the benefit of being MST3Ked. As it is, you're better off going with the Mind Wipe.
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