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Awful Writing, No Risk
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
To summarize, this entire film feels like it was written by someone who read a book about what real life was like, but had never experienced it themselves. Even in a world where ghosts exist out in the open, it was impossible to ignore how awful the writing was.

The opening scene at the beginning of the film was probably the best part out of the whole thing. Unfortunately, after that we transition to the NY chase scene... It was at this point I realized how terrible things were going to be moving forward. Let's take the two police officers who witness the Ghostbusters speeding through the city and just shrug it off. Even if they were willing to let the Ghostbusters do their thing, cops would never just let them speed through the city like that in traffic traffic.

The chase scene ends with the Ghostbusters vehicle crashing into a bunch of eBikes. That in and of itself isn't the weird part though, it's the fact that Gary slams on the brakes at an intersection, turning the vehicle in the opposite direction. This should have brought the vehicle to a complete stop, if not flipping it sideways. For some reason though, Gary decides to accelerate afterwards, build up his speed again, then crash. It made no sense.

Next we learn the Firehouse is basically the finger stuck in the rip of the fabric of the universe, holding all the baddies back. So, if the Firehouse is so important, why wasn't Winston pouring money into its upkeep, city permits and other support? Better yet, why didn't Winston simply put his headquarters there?

Related, why did everything in Winston's lab look like it came straight out of the 80's and 90's? Also, all experiments basically occurred in the same giant room which is just asking for disaster.

Why wasn't Phoebe offered an internship at the lab? Everyone knew she was highly intelligent, and would have been a perfect fit there.

Given how much sensitive equipment is in the lab, why wasn't the little ball of hate making everything go crazy? In a previous scene, as soon as the decades old PKE meter gets near it, the device basically explodes.

Why did the incredibly important Proton Field generators not have a proper (instant) backup power supply?

Given Podcast's experience, he should know not to shake a developing Polaroid (it can cause the colors to run). This is just a minor gripe, but the kid is a total nerd and should have known better.

Phoebe even suggesting she climb into that machine to transfer her soul out of her body is extremely reckless, even for her. Also, she seems to have extensive knowledge of the machine after only seeing it once. Also, how did she get into the lab? Do they just leave the doors unlocked?!

Why did Garakka go to the vape shop first and ask if random dude was the flame keeper? The next scene is him showing up at the correct location as if he knew where to go all along. If this was a nod to the original Ghostbusters films (the Keymaster), then Garakka should have gone to a few other locations until he discovered who the true flame keeper was.

What is Garakka's motivation other than just being evil? We learn he was betrayed by a king thousands of years ago and wanted revenge, but the part where he decides to take revenge on all of humanity seems...excessive and one dimensional. It would have made more sense if there was another motivating factor, such as the king ending his family and the city cheering in celebration, or perhaps the king ends the life of his love? Or perhaps even a bit about the futility of war, so he wants to end all wars or something.

Lastly, the climax of the film where we actually meet Garakka, to the point where he is defeated is only ~20 minutes total. That's it. To quote a pitch meeting gag you may be familiar with, "the whole thing was super easy, barely an inconvenience." Sigh.

Unfortunately I am sorely disappointed in this film.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Amazing Concept, but Poor Writing and Execution
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Boy am I on the fence about this film. It is certainly beautiful and thought-provoking, but also incredibly frustrating to watch and confounding in many ways.

Everyone in the film seems emotionally stunted and almost as if in a daze. They also seem unbelievably self-centered, without any consideration for others or the consequences of their choices. Take Jakub for example and his relationship with his wife, Lenka. He's often emotionally distant, which we learn later is likely a result of the trauma he suffered as a child (more on that later).

While on mission, he discovers a creature onboard the ship with him. He's understandably shaken and questioning his own sanity for a time, but he never for a second thinks of documenting the alien or collecting any proof of its existence. This would be one of the most incredible discoveries of all time, but it never occurs to him to share that with the rest of the world.

Near the beginning of the film, it's stated at least half of the cameras are inoperative. That suggests there are still cameras that DO work. So then why did he not get the creature in front of one of the cameras that are still working? Did the creature never cross in front of one of the functioning cameras? Was there no device onboard that had an integrated camera he could use to record? The film seems to exist in a time that resembles the 80's, but with a strange mix of hybrid and advanced technology. Did none of those technologies include portable cameras? If so, why was this not demonstrated to the audience?

Why did he not analyze the fluid that the creature sneezed on him? Surely the vessel has numerous ways to analyze something like that to offer up as proof in the absence of cameras.

It's also made clear that he is a person that is able to endure long periods of time alone, but his inability to compartmentalize his emotions says otherwise. We also learn he's suffered massive trauma early in life; surely that has been documented somewhere and the company is aware. He would have had to undergo intense psychological therapy to qualify for the mission, and I'm in doubt he'd have been selected given what's clearly unresolved trauma.

The whole thing also begs the question, why was he sent alone in the first place? Such a long and important mission seems like it would require at least two or more people not only for emotional support but also for redundancy. In fact, we see near the end of the film that one of the other vessels on route had multiple people onboard. Why not his?

With regards to his Wife, where was the emotional and phycological support for her? In memory, Lenka seems like a very outgoing person. Where are her friends? Where is her family? She was obviously living by herself, alone in a house or condo. Why was she not living on-site at the space center for the duration of the mission? Things like that existed in the 80's and still exist right now, and would be incredibly useful to keep someone who is emotionally isolated closer to their spouse and other people.

Mid-way through the film we learn Lenka suffered a miscarriage, and Jakub was not there emotionally or physically for her. Why did she never seek or receive the therapy required to help deal with the trauma of such an event?

There's also the fact that she leaves to a retreat for women who are in similar situations, living with pregnancy alone. However, when she gets there, she spends the entire time by herself. She went there specifically for support, and to be around other people, yet seeks none at all when she arrives. The only time we see her speak with one of the other women is when she happens upon one by chance, then the film cuts away. Later we see her walk through a leisure room with at least a dozen other women all hanging out together but she has purposefully isolated herself; it's paradoxical and hypocritical of what she claims to want so much.

She also seems to lack empathy of any kind and is incredibly selfish (much like Jakub); so focused on herself, she's willing to sacrifice their relationship and put not only the future of their child at risk but also Earth (It's discussed in the film that the cloud is "pulling them in", which suggests it's a gravitational anomaly). It's also very strange that in one scene, she blames herself for the mistake of accepting him for who he is, yet in later scenes refuses to accept any responsibility for her choice to continue the relationship knowing that he was going on such a long mission.

Later in the film Jakub realizes the mistake of being emotionally distant, but instead of trying to find a balance, he dives deep into abandoning all of his own dreams of space and exploration. That aside, when he makes this declaration and abandons his dreams, she remains completely silent. He's offering everything she ever wanted but she just stands there and doesn't say a word. This scene leads me to believe that she may be suffering from undiagnosed depression related to the loss of her first pregnancy that was never resolved. And if that's true, then her decision to leave him may be tainted by the feelings of loss from the miscarriage.

It's also curious how the creature leaves Jakub, claiming he's unable to change; yet change and realize he does. Was this just the creature's way of spurring action in him? If not, it seems oddly unintuitive of the creature given how its intuition seems rather outstanding.

Ultimately, I think this film suffers under the weight of its own storytelling. It tries so hard to stick with some ethereal concepts and the writer's desire to reveal their truth at the end (whatever that was), that everything between unravels. By the end, Jakub seems to have reflected on and learned the error of his own selfish ways, exhibiting a genuine desire to change for the sake of his Wife. He intends to give up everything he hoped and dreamed for in exchange for her. But what has Lenka learned? There was absolutely zero character growth for her, only her own self-isolation and depression. Did she leave him? Did she stay? What resolution did she find? Did she find her own peace? There was no character arc for her at all.

Anyway, the film was certainly interesting, that's for sure. But in the end I think I was just left disappointed.
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Entertaining, but Ultimately Falls Flat
6 March 2024
Out of Darkness is a film about a group of misfits from mixed tribes who have chosen to traverse barren lands in search of a new home. Adem, their "leader", seems to lack any true leadership skills and is quick to anger when questioned or basically hits a roadblock of any kind. Geirr, who seems to be second and a hunter, tries to portray himself as brave but is actually quite cowardly, has no sense of direction, and lacks the mental fortitude needed for survival. There is Ave, who is pregnant, Odal, the old fool who thinks himself wise, Beyah who is young and inexperienced (though probably the strongest of the bunch mentally), and Heron who is basically a throw-away character.

To sum up the group, they are all woefully ill-prepared in every way imaginable. In particular, they all seem to have no idea how to protect themselves and the group. They constantly leave themselves open to attack, and on multiple occasions individuals leave the group while under threat, going out on their own in the dead of night. In the woods, they leave their backs exposed to the darkness while by the fire, instead of sitting back-to-back with weapons drawn outward. Heck, not a single one of them even thought of climbing a tree (yes, it's possible to climb trees with no low-hanging branches). Given this takes place tens of thousands of years ago, each of them should have learned these basic skills as children. So I suppose that goes well with the idea these are misfits and were never a cohesive part of their original tribes.

The writers and film makers certainly have done an excellent job here portraying a fractured group lacking even the most basic skills necessary for survival. One thing that fell hilariously flat on its face was the "lesson" the writers were trying to portray at the end of the film. Without spoiling anything here, the justifications that were given didn't align with the reality of the situation or the events that came before. The "moral of the story" didn't really make sense and just seemed shoe-horned in there because someone wanted it to be that way.

In terms of cinematography, this was probably the strongest attribute the film had to offer. There were also a number of film techniques I quite liked. For example, when the camera pans or tracks away, it smoothly transitions into another shot without the viewer even realizing it. Colors were pretty bleak, but I suppose that matched the tone and desolation they were going for.

All-in-all, I think the film is probably a 6/10. Unfortunately I don't think it quite came together the way it could have, but if you've got some time to blow then it's probably worth a watch.
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The Creator (2023)
A Haunting Vision of The Future
14 November 2023
The Creator paints a haunting depiction of the future and forces the viewer to come to terms with what it means to be sentient, alive...real. Humans are a collection of cells, synapses, born with a base level of understanding; capable of learning and evolving.

While the AI depicted in this film is certainly different from us in truly fundamental ways, does that automatically mean they're not sentient? What does it mean to be alive? At what level of complexity does true intelligence arise? What are our responsibilities, and what right do humans have at that point to decide the future of that intelligence?

Many reviewers here have dismissed this film as cliché, tired, derivative. I couldn't disagree more. This film is NOT some formulaic fluff-piece pumped out in the typical fashion of Hollywood. It has meaning, depth, SOUL.

Perhaps some people didn't like the idea of America being depicted as the bad guys here. Personally, I think it's long overdue. America, from the perspective of the rest of the world has a violent history of meddling in other people's affairs, both domestic and abroad. The only reason the rest of the world puts up with it is because America has the biggest stick, which we see up close and personal in this film in the form of NOMAD and other military technology. In the film, America uses an alleged attack as the justification they need to essentially invade the world as a whole and decide for everyone else what should be done. They project themselves as having a greater sense of morality and righteousness, but as history has shown time-and-time-again, they do not, and have no right.

I highly recommend this film to anyone with open eyes and an open mind. This is true Sci-Fi at its best.
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Great concept, Mid writing
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All-in-all, the film was kinda mid, and it was largely due to the script.

The character of Mike is probably the most thought-out person in the film. Mike is deeply flawed, likely depressed, stressed, and with past trauma, which would explain why he has such a hard time keeping a job. Because of this, he cannot see the solution right in front of him, which is to sell the house.

The notice of delinquency, which obviously doesn't refer to child support since Abby (his sister) is with him, is likely from the IRS or Mortgage company.

Selling the house and moving would allow him to pay off his debts, give him a fresh start, and move somewhere else with more work to suit his talents. It would also allow him to get away from the toxic and narcissistic Aunt Jane. However, because of the aforementioned reasons, the obvious solution eludes him (plus the movie needs to happen, so...)

The rest of it kind of falls apart, though...

VCR static/damage/bad tracking seemed to have been created by someone who has never personally experienced those things. When a VCR tape is damaged or loses tracking, the whole image moves. The filter they applied (I'm guessing it was either Motion Array or Maxon Universe plugins for AE) was just applied on top, with a bit of image bleed. The entire image needed to jerk around, too. The tape was also too high resolution, and was clearly a progressive image when it should have been interlaced.

The officer, Vanessa, says Mike's eyes are bloodshot, but they're clearly not.

The people who broke in, what they did made absolutely no sense. They broke in after Mike had finished his shift, and after they saw him leave at the same time as the cop. So even if they claimed the break-in happened during Mike's shift, she could back him up that everything was fine up until he finished his shift.

Other complaints I would just chalk up to weak writing taking the easy way to get to new scenes, or pushing the film in a certain direction...

Why was Vanessa giving him a hard time about the pills? Why is he acting so shady about them? They're clearly prescription. It isn't a crime.

She shouldn't even be implying he "left a door unlocked", or that he was "wacked out". She had no idea if he was even using it at work. For all she knew, it could have fallen out of his pocket or bag.

Vanessa, in her own words, claims she can't wrap her head around why Mike would bring Abby (little sister) with him to work. She should already know why. Even though it's revealed a little later he has a secondary reason (the abduction mystery), what isn't a mystery is that he's Abby's legal guardian and he's struggling. A police officer in particular should understand parents (in this case, legal guardian), would need to bring their kid to work with them.

Vanessa tells Mike to go home in the middle of his shift and seems to blame him for Abby getting electricuted, even though she herself witnessed sparks flying from the animatronic in question. She also knew exactly how dangerous they were from the beginning. She herself is equally to blame if blame needs to be laid.

Vanessa is angry Mike brought Abby to Freddy's even though she herself encouraged Abby to stay there by helping build the fort. She's a hypocrite.

The Pharmacist steps out of line by questioning a medication prescribed by a doctor to Mike. He looks at the prescription, and with a disapproving face says "you know what works for me?"... He even calls Mike a dirty name when Mike is having none of it and leaves, when it was really the Pharmacist's own fault. That was probably just a bit more awkward than anything else, since bad pharmacists surely exist.

This could have been a great movie but the script needed some more time in the oven.
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Ahsoka: Part One: Master and Apprentice (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
A Solid Start but We Know How That Goes
23 August 2023
This is only a review of the first episode. After some extensive exposition, we're taken directly into two scenes that set the stage for what's to come. We first meet our villains, then our main protagonist investigating some mysterious ruins and a set of puzzles. As the story unfolds, we're slowly introduced to several characters, locations, and the plot unfolds nicely. The pacing seems to be on point, which mostly takes its time letting things unfold. We're not ushered from one scene to the next because the plot needs to happen quickly, which I genuinely appreciate.

My biggest gripe here would definitely be Sabine. Not only does she appear much too young this late in the overarching story, but after everything she's been through, she acts incredibly childish, selfish, and naively. For those of you who haven't watched Star Wars: Rebels, she's been through a LOT of stuff, and is HIGHLY experienced; heck, at one point she was even a bounty hunter! Given everything she's been through, I could definitely see her as having a massive chip on her shoulder, but what we see here is more akin to the 16 year old Sabine we were originally introduced to many years ago. I can only hope that Sabine's childishness is being used as a plot device for further character development as the first season of Ahsoka goes on.

At this point, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic, but we all know how these things go. Fingers crossed!
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Star Trek: Picard: Võx (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
The Best of All Worlds
18 April 2023
Now THIS is how you write Star Trek. I'm going to keep all spoilers out of this review, so if you haven't watched this season yet, simply stop reading and go find a place to stream the show or purchase it on Blu-ray. All the details and breadcrumbs that were dropped this season culminate in this episode and it all makes complete sense now, even down to the choice of music throughout the season. Everything about this episode is absolutely fantastic, with everyone playing their part perfectly - it all feels complete and properly put together, even the carpet. I hope studio-heads and writers from all companies take note, because this is exactly how you honor the legacy of a long-running series and tie a neat bow on top. You're gosh-darn right this is fan-service, and it's been done in the best possible way. I can guarantee I will be buying this season on Blu-ray so I can watch it again.
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Phenomenally Good
17 January 2023
With all of the terrible adaptions and mediocre television shows being pumped out these days, I was worried The Last of Us would flop. After watching the first episode, I am happy to report that so far, this show is nothing short of a masterpiece.

There have been some minor changes in terms of casting, but after finishing the first episode, my concern over those changes faded to nothing. The entire cast was so believable and talented, I truly feared for their lives within the first few minutes, knowing what was coming.

This show invoked feelings of dread, fear, horror, and in particular, gut-wrenching sorrow. There are several scenes where the writers knew their audience was smart enough to understand certain concepts without using words. Masterful writing, to trust the intelligence of their viewers. There are far too many shows these days that feel the need to spell things out, when what they really needed to do was drop a trail of breadcrumbs. Perfection.

If the rest of the season is anything like the first episode, then we've got a once-in-a-generation hit on our hands. Keep this up and I will absolutely be buying the boxset on Blu-ray once it's available. Bravo!
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Andor (2022– )
Shockingly Good
3 December 2022
First of all, why are you reading this and not watching Andor RIGHT NOW?

After years of mediocre Star Wars, this has come seemingly out of nowhere and it's astonishingly good. Everyone cast in this show seems to be the perfect fit, everyone reacts and talks to each other exactly as you would expect in a normal conversation, and nothing seems forced or contrived. There is action, intrigue, hidden motives, mature themes, and one heck of a story. Who ever wrote this deserves a much higher role in the overall path of the Star Wars universe.

I can't believe I almost let this one pass me by, because this show had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Drop what you're doing and give it a shot!
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Drama Manifested
5 November 2022
Boy did I WANT to like this show. Like, really, REALLY wanted to like it. After watching the first season, I just had to stop.

Manifest is one of those shows that interweaves serious character building, interpersonal relationships, and general drama into what is supposed to be sci-fi and/or mystery. However, this show falls into the same trap many other shows in the past have done, and that's to lean WAY too hard on the drama. If you're more interested in the exploration of interpersonal relationships, this show may be more for you. An example of two shows that have done this correctly would be LOST and FRINGE - they very successfully interweaved personal relationships and drama into the sci-fi and mystery.

That brings me to how people behave in this show. It's one of those shows where the writing just leaves you scratching your head. People react in ways that are highly unusual and nowhere near what you would expect in real life. I realize that for the characters in this show, their world has been turned upside down but even then, what many of these characters do make no sense. On top of that, they doubt each other CONSTANTLY, even AFTER they've established trust and precedent. For example, early on they figure out that they've got this "calling" (I won't elaborate to avoid spoilers). Even after they've all agreed this thing is happening, they STILL doubt each other.

I also feel like a general PSA is warranted for one particular part of the show that really bugged me. One of the characters returns to their family and there's general stress, uncertainty and a clash of beliefs and priorities. Their spouse then tells them to leave the house and their family, and they do. If this ever happens to you in real life, no matter what gender you are, DO NOT do this. Consult a lawyer immediately, but do not leave. In many marriages that end in separation, you will be instructed NOT to leave your home. Doing so is an admission of guilt, and will come back to bite you in the butt later if things go to court. So unless you're instructed to leave by law enforcement or your lawyer, then STAY in the home. One good example of a TV show where this was depicted realistically was Breaking Bad. Walter White may have been an awful person in many respects, but he was right about one thing - his wife had no legal grounds to make him leave his home. Just keep that in mind, folks.

All-in-all, I'm really disappointed in Manifest. It is such a cool idea full of amazing possibility, but in my opinion squandered and too much drama.
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Barbarian (2022)
Not Without Its Flaws
25 October 2022
If you're a fan of horror, you'll probably like this film. There's some reviews on here that are overly harsh in my opinion, so take those with a grain of salt. Barbarian takes a couple familiar themes and presents them in a new and interesting way. The film really has a "cult classic" vibe to it, which can be hard to pull off these days. It's informally broken up into 3 separate acts, each starting separately and ending up intertwined in the second half of the film. Throughout, the building of tension and off-putting feelings you get while watching this are done quite well.

One of the only things that bothered me during the film was the depiction of the cops (no spoilers here). It was pretty clear the scriptwriter was trying to insert a message, and I got it, but it detracted from the film; really pulled me out of my suspension of disbelief. Even though some officers may act that way when interacting with repeat and familiar offenders, they would NOT have mistaken this person for a drug addict. Having worked with actual addicts in the past, none of the signs were there at all. There's other details to mention about this as well, but I want to keep this review spoiler free so you'll just have to see for yourself. That little story arc was clearly put there for ideological and political purposes; the scriptwriter likely thought it was the perfect opportunity to slip that in there, and just couldn't help themselves. Tisk tisk.

Anyway, that aside, I quite enjoyed this one and I tend to be quite picky when it comes to horror. Acting was definitely on point, and there are some familiar faces in this film which was nice to see. I would suggest you give it a shot, you may just like it.
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Uncle from Another World (2022–2023)
Hilarious and Fun
20 October 2022
Finding this series was completely unexpected and I'm glad I did! Isekai Ojisan (Uncle From Another World) is a unique twist on the Isekai genre. Instead of someone being transported from our world to a fantasy world and watching their journey unfold, we instead start at the very end, after they are transported back again. As the story unfolds, we get to see Ojisan (Uncle) become acclimatized to our world again after being gone for so long. With the help of his nephew, Takafumi, we find out what happened to Ojisan in the other world as he tells his story (memories) through a magical projection. We find out very quickly he wasn't exactly the hero we're used to seeing, was constantly discriminated against, and is embarrassingly socially inept. As the synopsis explains, Ojisan may have come back to our world, but gets to keep his magical powers. This is actually handled quite well, adds to the story, and never goes over the top.

Personally, I would recommend this series, especially if you're a fan of Isekai genre. Can't wait to see more!
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A Delightfully Extraordinary Series
17 October 2022
How do I even start this. If you are on the fence about watching this series, please give it a chance! I was honestly just bored flipping through Netflix and figured I'd see what all the fuss was about. I had nearly convinced myself I wouldn't like it out of the gate. Boy was I wrong. This show is an absolutely charming delight to watch. As a grown man, I'm not even ashamed to say it brought me to tears on multiple occasions; not because it was sad, but because it completely flipped my perspective and expectations of human behavior and motivation. To see the world through the eyes of this character completely changes your outlook and everything you take for granted. Watch the first episode in its entirety and I am certain it will hook you into watching the rest.
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On The Nose, but Hilarious
16 October 2022
Ok, come on reviewers! A lot of people are being pretty critical of this one, but they're failing to remember one thing: it's just a short! In this format, the "one-the-nose", hyperbolic and over-the-top storytelling here is perfect. The timing of the humor here, tied with the master-class level of timing in the animation itself is absolute perfection. Are they sending a message here? Absolutely. Are they making fun of all sides of the "spectrum"? Oh heck yeah. Lighten up a bit and enjoy this for what it is. At this point I'm just typing additional characters to make up for the minimum character limit. Oh, there we go! All done. Go check it out!
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Hellraiser (2022)
Disturbing and Flawed
10 October 2022
I'll start out by saying this film got the tone and visuals perfect. It feels disturbing, off-putting, disgusting, and all kinds of other words - which in this case is a compliment. Even though the film is 2 hours long, it doesn't feel like it drags anywhere, and doesn't seem to be full of "fluff" to pad it out. The protagonist, Riley, is deeply flawed and at first this infuriated me - I'm going to concentrate on this, since everything is centered around her in the story.

"How could a person be like this?", I asked myself.

However, given the character's past and background, it seemed to make sense the more I thought about it. Riley has a long history of making bad decisions for herself. This manifests in the form of poor self-control/self-discipline, low emotional maturity, failing to follow through on goals and aspirations, stunted self-reflection, and a number of other things a psychiatrist could articulate better than I can. It would have been nice to see where these traits originated from in her life, but the film is already pretty long, so I'll overlook that. In the context of the story, she's the complete opposite of a "Mary Sue" archetype. If you look at her actions through the lens of her deeply flawed personality, everything that follows makes sense. All of the terrible things that happen and all the people that get pulled into her whirlwind are part of that. In fact, the evil forces in the film are basically counting on the fact that she's all those aforementioned things. You could say she's been "marked" because of it - watch the film and you'll understand why.

Is this a horror masterpiece? No, I don't think so. However, if you can get into the head of the protagonist and her incredibly naïve, well-meaning friends who clearly have little life experience, you'll likely enjoy the film for what it is.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Pretty Darn Good
29 August 2022
You know what? Yeah, let's do this. Two episodes deep right now and I'm really feeling this new series. The cinematography, tone and acting is really on point here. It really feels like they're building something here; something looming just over the horizon, and I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I hope the screen writers stay focused on this series, because I think a lot of people are looking for something satisfying to stick with. Some are calling this boring, but you should really decide for yourself. If you've ever read the books, there's a TON of this kind of dialogue and story-building in the original series. Plus, there's dragons. I mean, come on! Give it a shot.
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Nope (2022)
Needs a Re-Cut
28 August 2022
Inside this film is a real gem. A cult-classic, in my opinion. For what it sets out to do, that is, a Sci-Fi Horror film, it does very well. However, it is held back by side-stories and character introductions that could be removed from the film entirely. In fact, if some of these extra scenes that stand out like a sore thumb were cut from the film, this would have been one heck of a ride. This film showcases beautiful cinematography, a solid cast, and some of the most mind-blowing depictions of a UFO/UAP I've ever seen before. I hope against all hope that this film will be edited, cut down to roughly 1hr 35m and re-released. I would pay top dollar to own a copy of that version.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Excellent 6-Episode Series
16 August 2022
The Sandman is a thrilling fantasy adventure, full of stunning visuals and haunting story threads. Just be sure to stop watching after 6 episodes. No, I'm serious and not joking. Watch the first 6 episodes and then stop. The main story wraps up nicely, and you'll feel satisfied with the series.
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Westworld: Generation Loss (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
Only Getting Better
20 July 2022
Here I thought the previous episode was good - this one was even better. Like I said in my previous review, the season starts out a bit slow but picks up very quickly. This episode's conclusion sent shivers down my spine, and brings the pieces of the main story all together with... fidelity. Absolutely top notch, incredible writing.
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Westworld: Années Folles (2022)
Season 4, Episode 3
Excellent Return to Form
12 July 2022
Season 4 starts off a bit slow, but this episode is a true return to form. We are treated to some excellent story-telling, jumping right back into the core plot once again. I should also note, the sound effects for this - specifically the large computer array towards the end - are really good, and quite chilling to hear with headphones or any quality sound-system.
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Almost Passed This By
15 June 2022
Wow. I can't believe I almost let this one pass me by. If you're on the fence about this film, please give it a chance! It's one of those rare films that comes out of Hollywood that doesn't feel recycled or formulaic. It's fresh, funny, fast, and Nicolas Cage plays the role *perfectly*. What a treat!
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Aging Like a Fine Wine
3 June 2022
This show really seems to have hit its stride. The first season was appealing, but the jokes were laid on a bit thick. The second season saw the writing improving and easing back on the awkward comedy. This season is hitting us hard right out of the gate with some pretty heavy emotional and moral storytelling, with a few light gaffs sprinkled in between. Personally I really think this show has a ton of potential and the writers seem to recognize that. Like many have said, it's a real throwback to classic Star Trek in many ways and I can't wait to see where this goes. I truly hope this series continues, as I believe there is a place for it among other sci-fi classics.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part I (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Pretty good overall
27 May 2022
Production quality is high, and the scope of the series seems broad enough so far. Personally I'm looking forward to finishing the series.

One thing that struck me as odd (besides the chase scene) was why Leia's adopted parents wanted her to apologize to her cousin. Watching this was quite infuriating, as it was clear she handled the situation quite well. It was also a bit unclear whether Bail Organa overheard Leia in the reception hall, because he smiles after she outsmarts him with words. Yet, later he seems surprised when Leia repeats her cousin's words about not being a real Organa. In any case, I was quite surprised the way these scenes were written. If her parents want her to become a senator so bad, they should have been quite proud that Leia handled the bullying with her intelligence and words. She didn't shirk away, cry or lash out with violence. She stood boldly and used her words to gain the upper hand. Very strange.
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Absolutely Hilarious
16 May 2022
Now THIS is worth your time. If you're an adult and you like D&D, or any RPG/Fantasy at all really, check this out. Absolutely hilarious animated series. Stop reading and just give it a go!
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Now This is Star Trek
5 May 2022
Just finished watching the first episode. The only advice I have to give to the writers and studio is - KEEP THIS FORMULA. Finally, a Star Trek series the FEELS like Star Trek. Watching this gave me goosebumps and satisfied a deep craving for Star Trek I haven't felt in many, many years. For the love of the Federation, stick with what works and everything will be fine.
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