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The most educational and inspiring documentary I have seen about Bruce Lee
6 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Many people only know Bruce Lee merely as a martial arts film actor in b-grade or C-grade movies from the 1970s.

However, he was much more than that. Mnay martial artists believe that he was the greatest martial artist who ever lived.

Bruce introduced kungfu to the non-Chinese world, breaking Chinese traditions to teach everyone, regardless of ethnicity; and he made martial arts much more popular.

Before he became a world-famous film actor, he developed his own martial arts style - Jeet Kune Do - the style of no-style and every style - utilising all styles, but being bound by none. I.e. the best of "martial arts" and street-fighting combined.

He took whatever worked from any martial art, philosophy, psychology theory, sports science theory, etc., without prejudice, without following traditions (dogmas), and synthesised them into an ever-evolving martial art. This meant that this little man was able to defeat opponents twice his size - big football players, big karate men and big street fighters.

Bruce did not compete in karate tournaments because he saw them as unrealistic. However, when he was a martial arts coach (he preferred that word, rather than "teacher" or "master"), the top 3 karate tournament competitors were all his students.

Bruce Lee is very admired amongst martial artists for the many great things that he achieved; and he has inspired many people in martial arts, physical fitness and so on, even after his death.

I find this documentary inspirational, and you might, too, especially in the area of self-defence and also in personal achievement generally. Also, if you watch this documentary, you might learn some profound truths, "taoist" truths, "zen" truths. ; ) PS, another great film for learning profound truths about martial arts and life in general, is "The Silent Flute" (a.k.a. "Circle of Iron"), which was based on a screenplay written by Bruce Lee.
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Borat (2006)
" ...all the other countries are run by little girls..." : P
6 February 2010
A comedy film that pokes fun at U.S. culture and society, in a "Candid Camera" sort of way, by having an actor pretend to be a strange, anti-semitic, sexist, homophobic TV personality from Kazakhstan, called "Borat", who is travelling around the USA and interviewing people.

Many of the people in the film seem to be unaware that Borat is actually a Jewish, British comedian and is only acting (you can see in the news media that some of them even tried to sue the film-makers for fooling them like this). This adds to the humour and poignancy of what those people say and do (showing their prejudices, and nuttiness, and so on) in the film.
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Michael Moore's Masterpiece
6 February 2010
This is the famous funny political documentary, made and hosted by Michael Moore.

"Bowling for Columbine" explores U.S. gun culture and related issues, such as the history of how the U.S.A. was founded, the history of U.S. imperialist wars, the high rate of violence in the U.S.A., and the many school shootings in the U.S.A. - in particular, the Colombine Highschool shooting. It won the 2003 Academy Award or Oscar for best documentary, and broke the record for bestselling documentary ever - until he eclipsed that record with his next documentary Farenheit 911.

I'm guessing that the film's title, "Bowling for Columbine", is a reference to "Gunning for Saddam".

By the way, the audience at the 2003 Academy Awards gave Michael Moore a standing ovation, but some event organisers near the microphones at the Academy Awards booed him, and that is what was broadcast during the Academy Awards and in capitalist news reports about the Academy Awards.
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Great family film involving Arabs - to counter the usual racist trash
6 February 2010
A great family film, about a boy from the U.S.A. and a horse from Arabia. The boy meets and befriends Arabs and Muslims and rides the horse in a grueling Arab marathon horse race.

What is most important about this film is that it is that rare gem: a Hollywood film that shows Arabs and Muslims realistically: as human beings, instead of depicting them as terrorists or fanatics, which is what Hollywood usually does (see the documentary "Reel Bad Arabs" for more about that topic). After all, the reality is that most Muslims are not terrorists or fanatics.

This film helps people to appreciate ethnic diversity, instead of hating what is different... therefore, unlike many media portrayals of Arabs and Muslims, the film helps to increase peace and harmony in the world.
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Blood Diamond (2006)
Interesting film with action, depth and complicated characters
6 February 2010
I loved this film. :) It is about people caught up in the brutal wars of West Africa - part of the legacy of colonialism.

The film deals with issues of ethics, love, race, colonialism, post-colonialism, children forced to become soldiers, forced labour, and in particular, the "blood diamonds" - gems that are sold through gem traders, to ordinary people in first world nations for jewellery, to finance these dirty wars in West Africa.

This film can really open your eyes to some of the terrible realities of the world, and how we are involved in them.... And by becoming aware of our role in these terrible realities, we can take responsibility for stopping them.
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Black Rain (1989)
Does Ridley Scott dream of neon signs in Japanese? : P
6 February 2010
I love this film. It's one of my favourites. The film-maker is Ridley Scott, who also made the critically-acclaimed "Blade Runner" and the popular "Aliens". It is a visually beautiful and intense film, with some "film noir" elements. And I reckon the music is awesome, too! So what is it about? It's about a pair of U.S. cops who go to Japan on a murder case which involves the yakuza ("Japanese mafia"). They must of course meet and find ways to cooperate with the local police. It's a kind of gritty yet beautiful "fish out of water" story, a thriller... with action, drama, and tragedy, and the main character going through a spiritual journey of major change. I highly recommend it! : )
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Billy Jack (1971)
Billy Jack: rednecks versus hippies, with hapkido to help them : P
6 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about an alternative/hippy commune and its conflicts with local rednecks who are oppressing them. The people of the commune all stand up for their rights, but the main hero on their side is a part Native American, part White American, ex-military man who is an expert at unarmed combat (specifically the martial art of hapkido - which I reckon is one of the most effective arts because it has such a wide range of kinds of techniques).

When I first watched this film, I was surprised to discover that Billy Jack was not a redneck, but was the part Native American friend of the hippies. : O
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Bill & Ted are Taoist sages travelling through time?
6 February 2010
A fun, feel-good romp through modern Californian life and world history, with Keanu Reeves.

I love how, unlike in most U.S. films, the heroes resolve problems in generally non-violent ways. Thus, I think it is quite a healthy film for children and teenagers to see.

By the way, some may call the heroes in this film "unintelligent", but I disagree. I mean, they may not have much education, but they do manage to overcome much adversity and solve serious problems (in generally non-violent means), which shows intelligence. They also are quite good-natured - which I would say is infinitely more important and praiseworthy than book-knowledge.

Perhaps the word "wisdom" is appropriate here. Like Taoist sages, Bill and Ted may not appear wise to those who think along conventional lines and don't go deeply into matters - but their good-naturedness and the way they succeed show them to be wise.
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The great Walt Whitman: a man ahead of his time
6 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a true story of how a man ahead of his time - the great 19th century American poet and humanist Walt Whitman - made a significant contribution to how western medicine treats people with psychological problems.

Interested in the treatment of people with psychological problems, he began to associate with psychiatric workers and patients. After seeing the psychological methods of the time (inhumane and ignorantly cruel methods), Walt rejected those methods, and treated patients with compassion and dignity, encouraging other people to do the same> The story of Walt's interactions with psychiatric workers, patients and townsfolk is full of drama, good humor and wisdom. : )
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Baadasssss! (2003)
Badass (with lots of a's and s's)
6 February 2010
This is a dramatization by Mario Van Peebles, based on real events. It's about the making of the revolutionary film "Sweet Sweetback's Badass Song" (again with lots of a's and s's).

That film is the only one that I ever heard Huey P. Newton recommend. Do you know it? ("Sweet Sweetback's Badass Song", I mean.) I haven't seen it, because I haven't found it in any video stores, but I would like to.

Anyway, "Badass!" is also autobiographical, because Melvin Van Peebles, Mario's father, is the one who made "Sweet Sweetback's Badass Song", and Mario was also involved in making that film, as a child.
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The Awful Truth (1999–2000)
Learn about politics, and have a laugh at the same time ; )
6 February 2010
The Awful Truth was a funny, radical left-wing and liberal left-wing political TV series by Michael Moore. I don't agree with Michael Moore about everything - indeed, there are things I disagree with many political people about - but I think we can all learn something from them, and in Michael Moore's case, have a laugh at the same time.

The part about the funding of political parties ("The People's Pimp") is my favorite part. I want everyone living in a capitalist "democracy" to watch it. I found it very funny, and at the same time, a very profound introduction to the way capitalist "democracy" works. Even if you know lots about how it works already, this is a funny and comprehensive summary of the reality, and memorable, too.
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Attila (2001)
The story of the man who brought the Roman Empire to its knees
6 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The mighty Roman Empire was the largest and most technologically advanced empire ever known, an empire which had existed for hundreds of years, and for much of that time had dominated the Mediterranean Sea, and the 3 continents of Europe, Africa and the Middle East which surrounded that sea. The Roman Empire had grown and grown, and seemed unstoppable.

The Huns were a nomadic "barbarian" people, seemingly no great threat to the Roman Empire. And yet a Hun named "Attila" rose to lead his people to successfully invade the Roman Empire - a major factor in the downfall of that empire. This is the story of that man, and is based on real historical events.
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Animal Farm (1954)
George Orwell's famous allegory
6 February 2010
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The film version of the famous allegory of the Russian revolution, by George Orwell.

It shows how a revolution can start out with high hopes and yet become a corrupt and totalitarian regime, much like the regime it sought to replace.

I think we can learn a lot from the history of the Russian revolution, how it was created, and its faults - the reasons it turned out corrupt and totalitarian.

Many people claim that Animal Farm is a condemnation of socialist revolutions in general... but when I read the book of Animal Farm, and then saw the film, I was inspired to participate in revolutionary politics, and to use the problems shown in the story as warnings of what problems to look out for and to overcome, to ensure a successful people power revolution, free from tyranny. ;)
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Ali (2001)
The controversial Muhammad Ali, the people's champion! : )
6 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A great biopic starring Will Smith, as the controversial Muhammad Ali, greatest boxer who ever lived - the "people's champion", heavy weight boxing champion of the world.

In his peak years, he risked his freedom and his career by refusing to heed the call up to be part of the U.S. Vietnam War effort (to be an army demonstration boxer), back in the early days of the Vietnam War, when the peace movement was very small and peace was not a popular cause: 'I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong - no Viet Cong ever called me "nigger"'.

In response, the U.S.-controlled international boxing organizations took away his belt and the top fighters refused to fight him: 'They couldn't take away my heavyweight title in the ring - this is the only way they could do it'.

And when, after 3 years of financial hardship, 3 of his prime boxing years, Ali was allowed by those boxing organizations to return to the professional boxing that they controlled, once again he shot straight to the top. What a legend!
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Cuba libre (2005)
Cuba was not a democracy under Fidel? That is a dishonest premise.
5 February 2010
This movie is based on the dishonest premise that Cuba is not already democratic, and that Fidel Castro has not been elected numerous times.

That is a common capitalist myth, which ignores the fact of the 1976 People Power constitution, and the concomitant political system.

In Cuba, workers in workplaces and people in communities meet and vote on issues, and elect representatives to regional assemblies. This system is so democratic that the voters can recall those representatives and elect new ones before the next general elections, if those representatives do not do what the voters want.

Then, at the regional level, representatives meet and discuss and vote on regional issues, and elect representatives to the national assembly.

Those national assembly representatives meet and discuss and vote on national issues, end elect representatives to the Cuban government executive. Until recently, they continued to vote for Fidel Castro as president in each election. Then after Fidel Castro resigned from the presidency, they elected Raul Castro as president (Raul Castro had previously been elected many times to be vice-president).

Thus you can see that Cuba is a democracy - a socialist democracy - and the film's premise is dishonest, and promotes the capitalists' myth that Cuba is "undemocratic".
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