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Almost perfect
21 April 2024
Late Night with the Devil nails the look and feel of a late night TV show. I'm not old enough to have experienced the 70's era of Late Night, but I've watched my fair share of modern talk shows, so I'll just assume the 70s aesthetic is accurate too.

The film tells the story of Jack Delroy, a late night talk show host in the mid 70s, who after losing his wife to cancer, shows up for the most important show of his career, a make-it-or-break-it effort to secure or lose his contract with the network after a lacklustre year in the ratings. And it just turns out this episode is airing live on Halloween night.

I watched this movie twice, which is rare for me, and the second watch definitely offered a lot of things that I missed the first time around. This film isn't a jump-scare fest, in fact there's nothing of the sort in my opinion. What the show does well is in its more subtle use of special effects and very quick little moments that you're sure to miss if you aren't paying attention.

The plot itself is pretty straightforward, with Jack hosting a bunch of different 'spooky' performers, like a child psychologist and her patient/ward, a girl who's allegedly possessed by a demon, an ex-magician who now preaches scepticism, and a psychic medium that cold reads the audience. Things soon unravel, but I'll keep this review spoiler free.

The ending is a lot more cryptic, however, with a lot of room for interpretation. The film will definitely leave you thinking at the end.

But this film has one flaw that caused a fairly large controversy online, and that's the use of AI-generated images. To be clear, the pictures are only used as quick one-second "We'll be back" stills, and everything else about the film and set design was human-made and very purposeful. But those four pictures unfortunately do set a precedent that makes some people (rightfully) nervous. This, in addition to the use of AI generated images for some posters for the movie "Civil War" is not exactly good news for artists who want to work in the industry. And in this film, the AI art used is pretty obvious, with the strange textures and broken-looking hands. It can be distracting for the wrong reasons. Honestly they should have took a little more time to hire a graphic designer to make them instead. Feels like a short-cut made at the last minute.

Despite this, I still think the film is worth watching. It's a very creative, unique, well written and well acted movie.
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Monkey Man (2024)
A compelling, thrilling but predictable action-thriller with a lot of heart
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think the biggest weakness of this film ended up being the marketing. The film was marketed as 'Indian John Wick' or 'John Wick in Mumbai', but it's both more and less than that.

Don't go into Monkey Man expecting a non-stop action-fest. It does honestly take a while for things to get going. Yes, there is a lot of good, well choreographed and well shot action set pieces, but they are backloaded to the climax of the film. Kid (played by Dev) is not a John Wick-level master assassin, he's a brawler on a revenge quest, and is over his head at the beginning.

What this film does very well is its well handled social commentary and its timelessness. The film wears its mythical inspiration on its sleeve. The film is very obviously a loose adaptation of the Ramayana, down to the human-trafficking victim and escort that Kid befriends at the nightclub literally being named Sita.

Another aspect of the film that becomes more apparent in the second half is how it represents the inner conflicts of the Hindu religion. We see the ultra-nationalist right-wing aspect in the villains led by Baba Shakti, who dresses and presents himself as a man of the people, an ascetic yogi, only to be an exploitative criminal kingpin who lives a life of opulence. And then we see the true noble side in Alpha, the transgender priestess of the temple of Shiva, who despite her poverty, opens her temple and her heart to Kid when he is almost killed after a failed assassination attempt.

I think that's ultimately what Dev Patel was trying to get at with this story. This isn't a story about one man's fight against an evil. When he tries to fight alone, he fails and almost dies. Instead, he learns to fight for himself and others like him, and accept their help.

So I do think this film is worth watching. It is compelling and beautifully shot, and rich with Indian culture, while still being approachable to a western audience. It is not John Wick, though.
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Weak dialogue and rushed pacing compromise an otherwise well-done adaptation
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Netflix adaptation of Avatar is decent. It takes the core plot points, remixes them a little, and turns it into a slightly more mature-toned version. It's still family friendly, but more closely resembling a modern PG-13 superhero story than the PG original.

My core complaints are the dialogue writing and the overall rush to get through the plot at the expense of deeper character development. There is a lot of fanservice, references to the Kyoshi books, a lot of action, and some small changes that I would argue are a little better than the original. However, those are at the expense of a deeper connection with the characters. The most well-developed characters are Aang and Zuko, but even they get a few of their core characteristics shaved off. Aang is a lot less goofy. He still acts like a kid and makes a few good jokes, but he isn't going on little sidequest adventures anymore. There's no elephant koi at Kyoshi Island and only a little cart surfing in Omashu. It's like they trimmed the fat and lost the flavour.

Another issue is the dialogue. Especially in the first episode, the dialogue is very clumsy and exposition-heavy. A lot of telling, and not enough showing. It does improve a bit from episodes 2-8, but a rough start gives a very poor impression, unfortunately.

In terms of the good, there is a decent amount. The choice to combine several plot elements from different episodes into one does work. For example, the third and fourth episodes in Omashu combine plot elements from "The King of Omashu", "Jet", "The Northern Air Temple" and surprisingly "The Cave of Two Lovers". You'd think I'm crazy, but it surprisingly works a lot better than it should.

Then there's the fight scenes. While not as impactful as the animated show, the mix of top-tier CG effects with real choreography far surpasses most fantasy television, let alone the awful 2010 movie. There's no six earthbenders lifting a single pebble in this one, I can assure you of that. Waterbending feels a little weak in this show, but that's about it honestly.

Overall, I'm impressed by the effort. It's not a perfect show, and it definitely isn't remotely better than the original, but I do think it's worth a watch, and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest when it comes out.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Dumb but great
18 November 2023
Thanksgiving is a surprisingly good, funny and gory horror movie. I would say its a mix of Halloween, Scream and Terrifier. Halloween because of the holiday theme, Scream for the plot and tonal similarities, and Terrifier for the well done gory kills and practical effects.

Eli Roth is no stranger to the horror genre, but he's more at home making torture p*rn films like the Hostel series. This is a slasher through and through, with a mix of mystery, comedy and a couple genuine scares mixed with the gore.

And the gore is pretty high up there. It's not quite the level of Hostel or Terrifier, but gets close in some moments. The camera isn't shy about the violence like some slasher films, and you see more than just blood.

I think it's worth watching. Don't take it too seriously, and have fun with the gory moments, and you'll find a lot of enjoyment from it.
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Long and slow-paced but otherwise incredible
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Killers of the Flower Moon tells the story of the Osage Nation, their discovery of oil on their land, their quick rise to wealth and power, and then the white man coming in to kill and steal from them.

The film makes a parallel to the Tulsa Massacre, another event of a minority building wealth independently only for it to be taken from them by racist, imperialist white Americans. Killers takes us on a slow burn journey through history, following the characters Earnest Burkheart, his uncle William King Hale, and his native wife Mollie Burkheart.

While the story is mostly told from Earnest's perspective, I think it should be considered Mollie's story. We see her genuine love for her husband, and as the story goes on, her growing suspicion of him and his uncle as her family gets killed off one by one, and she gets more ill every day.

Racism is an obvious theme to the story. We see how racist hatred and resentment can manifest in different ways. We see Mollie's financial guardian have a poster of the infamous film 'Birth of a Nation' on his wall. Despite their wealth, the Osage are required to have white people manage their wealth. A Ku Klux Klan parade occurs and is met with applause. But because of the Osage's wealth and power, the racists take a more subtle and stealthy approach to their violence, using friendship, romance and manipulation to compromise those they wish to rid of.

It is an incredibly smart and deep film about an event in American history I didn't know of before. My one complaint is the length at 3 1/2 hours. I have no issue sitting down for a long film, as long as the pacing is engaging and consistent. The Wolf of Wall Street is one of my favourite films, and that film is at 3 hours, but is much faster paced. I personally think that Killers could've been cut down to perhaps 3 hours, without losing too much of the story. That, or it could be cut as a miniseries. Maybe because the film was produced by Apple Films, they intended it to be watched in pieces, as we are likely to do in this day and age with streaming services.

I would like to watch it again, see if I can get more out of it in the future. For now, I'm sticking with an 8/10. It is definitely worth watching, but if the length is an issue, I would recommend waiting until it comes out on streaming, and watching it in bite-sized pieces instead.
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Saw X (2023)
A fun and compelling Standalone entry
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have yet to see all of the Saw movies. I've seen the original, Saw 2 (apparently, but I don't remember anything about it) and Spiral. I went to see Saw X because I heard good things about it.

Saw X is pretty good, but not perfect. The plot is pretty compelling, but I think the baggage of the franchise sort of put a hamper on the story. Imagine taking the same story, but it's the first Saw film you've seen. I think that would've been far more interesting. Everyone in the audience already knows that John Kramer is the Jigsaw Killer, but what if that was the twist to the story?

Anyway, enough ruminating on hypotheticals. Let's judge the movie by what it actually is. Spoilers from here on out.

The kill on the poster was wasted, honestly. It was by far the most creative of the kills but making it a daydream where Kramer watches a hospital cleaner steal from a patient before then changing his mind was disappointing. I understand why they did it. It puts us in Kramer's perspective, a man who knows he's dying, and considering what he wants to do with the rest of his life. But the fact that it happens to no one of consequence is

Then we get to the big set piece. The group of scammers who pretended to give Kramer surgery only to take his money and run. Making the victims of the 'Games' this unlikeable was a pretty smart decision, considering that Kramer is the protagonist of the film as opposed to his usual role as the villain. The lead scammer is especially entertaining to watch as she eggs on the others to complete their games, revealing at the end that she wanted them to die so she could keep all the money. That was clever.

The one person I think didn't belong there was Gabriela. The rest of the team of scammers played crucial roles in the scam, pretending to be doctors, nurses, other patients etc. But Gabiela was just...there? She didn't really do anything except say "yeah the lead scammer doctor, she's good I guess". I mean, sure, she lied to Kramer, but compared to the others she didn't deserve to be in the games at all.

Again, I haven't seen all of the Saw films, so I'm guessing there's more egregious examples of 'victims of Saw that in no way deserved to be', but Gabriela is up there IMO. I will say her 'game' was the second most creative of the lot, or at the very least most visually interesting.

Overall this film was a fun watch. I need to catch up on the rest of the franchise now.
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The best fight scenes I have ever seen
28 March 2023
If I were rating this film soley on the fight choreography and cinematography, I would give it an 11/10. Not only is this one of the best looking action films I've ever seen, it also, for the most part, contains the best action setpieces. Watching this film reminded me most of playing a video game. I'm currently playing the Resident Evil 4 remake, and even though John Wick isn't a horror movie, the action was most reminiscient of a survival horror experience, with Wick constantly scavenging weapons and ammo from fallen enemies. There's no infinite ammo hacks in the Wick series, and that continues.

The bigger issue is plot armour, which Wick has in droves. His suit is explained to be made of Kevlar, but no amount of Kevlar justifies the amount of punishment he survives. Also the choreography of one of the minor characters, named Akira, was slightly lacking. She used a bow and arrow and Judo throws, but the enemies she fought were on easy mode compared to Wick's. Don't blame the actress necessarily, she probably just needed a little more practice. Fortunately she was only in one fight scene, and the rest of the action was very fun to watch.

My other gripe is the story. Every subsequent Wick film escalates both the action, and the plot contrivances to justify the action. The world of John Wick is one where half the population are assassins, and there are no cops. Seriously, the climax of the film is set in Paris, and there are NO COPS ANYWHERE, while Wick is killing droves of people across four different popular landmarks in peak traffic conditions. There's also an office for the Table (or whatever the assassin org is called) in the Eiffel Tower, where a DJ uses barely coded language to tell all the assassins where Wick is going. It's peak silliness.

I'm not gonna dock too many points for this, but I think it is possible to make a movie that has both top tier action and a comprehensible plot with good worldbuilding. Wick has the former and not the latter. We know that there are good action movies with great resonant plots out there. Stuff like Everything Everywhere shows that it is possible. The Matrix still holds up in this regard too (though the action has aged a little) and maybe the future of this franchise will offer better stories as well.

In any case, if you want 2 1/2 hours of fantastic action, John Wick 4 continues to deliver.
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Not great
16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are parts of this movie that I genuinely liked, and other parts that are really really mediocre. I wouldn't say bad necessarily, but just really dull and disappointing.

So first the good. I do think Kang has a lot of potential, but it hasn't quite been filled yet, and it was a good thing that Loki was the first view of this character concept instead of this one. Kang is building up to something big, and this step on the ladder is one that falls just a little short.

So my main issues with Kang specifically are that a lot of aspects of his character are as of yet unexplained. His power set is vaguely powerful. He has telekinetic powers, and can shoot beams that can vaporize people, but he gets overpowered by giant ants? Ok, I guess.

I just hope they show him to be a bigger threat than Thanos. Thanos in Infinity War was so incredibly powerful, and I am yet to be convinced that Kang is any more a threat.

So for the other stuff. This movie is just a boring Star Wars ripoff. So you're telling me that this amazing Quantum Realm is just Space again? There is literally nothing distinguishing the Quantum realm from anything that has been in Guardians of the Galaxy. Not only that, but the Star Wars comparison goes all the way down to having rebels, people who play both sides, faceless goons, etc. The only difference is you have to shrink instead of fly into space to get there.

They really had an opportunity to get goofy with it, and they just didn't for the most part. The most creative part is the alien that you drink his juice in order to understand the quantum realm's languages. That's it.

With MODOK, I'm sort of mixed with him. I like the way they introduce him, and explain why he looks like that, but it feels like they can't decide whether to make him a comic relief character or a competent secondary villain. And him heel-face turning at the last minute because Ant-Man's daughter told him to not be a dick was just dumb. Way to kill off another interesting villain from your comics, Marvel. Please stop doing that.

Speaking of Ant-Man's daughter. Ooof. I don't think it's the actor's fault, but damn she's annoying and badly written. They try and make her sort of this woke zoomer archetype who gets arrested for protesting a homeless removal effort, but it felt like a comittee of boomers were writing this character to appeal to zoomers instead of actually paying attention to what they're actually like. Cool she has a suit though.

What else? Um...Hope had next to nothing to do. She was just there for the ride. At least Hank Pym did the ant thing with the smart ants, and Michelle Pfeiffer was the instigator of the plot, and should've been the protagonist to be honest.

Yeah, that's it. Watch it for Kang. Rest of it is dumb.
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Waste of a premise
4 February 2023
I read the book this film is based on before watching it. The Cabin At the End of the World was a great book that really dives into the histories of the characters, the philosophy behind the choice, and it ended with an ambiguous ending, where you weren't sure who was right at the end.

The movie was on par with The Last Airbender in how it took the source material and made a Wikipedia summary adaptation with poor dialogue, acting and an ending that missed the point. The only redeeming quality was Dave Bautista's performance. He really did a good job with the role of a giant with a heart of gold, who is forced to do something horrible. You can really see the sadness in his eyes, and his conviction that what he saw was true.

M. Night needs to get help with his scripts. He just doesn't know what he's doing.
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Deadstream (2022)
Dumb fun, one of the better found footage horror movies of late
10 November 2022
Deadstream is basically the story of a Twitch (not actually Twitch, but a made up website that represents Twitch) Streamer who, after suffering backlash from a controverial video he made, decides to make a big comeback by spending the night in a haunted house and livestreaming the experience.

Of course, the haunted house ends up actually being haunted, but the way they reveal this was quite well done. There is a lot of goofy moments, as well as surprises and plot twists.

My main issue is the acting, which is a bit on the bad side. The lead actor feels a bit off, not genuine. It doesn't feel like he's actually scared. That might be part of him playing it up for the livestream audience, but even after the ghosts start revealing themselves, it doesn't really change that much.

Also it doesn't really explain why none of the audience members try to help him, unless there's an implication that the audience are part of the haunting as well, which would be good if it was made more clear in the film itself.

But yeah it was a fun movie. Not very scary but a goofy fun horror comedy.
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Sissy (I) (2022)
8 November 2022
I've seen a lot of very good horror-comedy movies this year. Barbarian, Bodies Bodies Bodies, and now this. Although I wouldn't necessarily describe this film as a comedy in the traditional sense. There aren't a lot of laughs in this film, but it is tonally very similar to Bodies as a snarky satirical horror film about social media and toxic friendships.

I loved Bodies Bodies Bodies, but I think I love this movie more. It's like choosing between two great flavours of ice cream, or between a hamburger or a pizza. Sure you'll have a preference, but they're both good in their own right.

Anyway, Sissy tells the story of Cecilia, a young social media influencer with a semi-large following of 200k followers on Instagram. She markets herself as a mental health advocate and self-help guru, but we see at the very beginning that there's something not right with her, and that's the plot of the movie.

I won't go into spoilers, but let me tell you the way this film transitions from drama into horror is excellent. The cinematography throughout is great, the effects are great, the editing is on point. There are elements of surrealism that really portray the issues of the main characters well. There is so much to analyse here and I hope to see more people talking about this movie.

I honestly think this is the best Australian horror movie since the Babadook. Australian cinema is a mixed bag, as funding for movies is all over the place right now, but this one is a winner.
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Sang Krasue (2019)
A slow but beautiful horror-romance film
6 November 2022
Inhuman Kiss, or Sang Krasue, is a horror-romance film set in Thailand during the 1940's. While the second World War Japanese Invasion of Bangkok rages, another war rages in a rural Thai village, when a young woman starts waking up with blood on her bedsheets. At first she thinks it's her period, but as the days pass, the amount of blood grows larger and larger, until she realises that something is very wrong, and that she is possessed by a spirit.

The Krasue, for those who don't know, is the Thai name for a spirit in South East Asian folklore that takes the form of a woman's floating head with its entrails hanging from the neck. Such a horrifying concept must make for a gorey movie, right?

You would be wrong for the most part. While there have been several movies about the Krasue in the past, this one is slow, romantic and dramatic. It tells the story of childhood friends who fall in love after a long time apart, and how the good natured man will do anything to protect the woman that he loves.

It is derivative at parts, sappy at others. Like a lot of Thai cinema, it is very melodramatic both in the pacing and the music. There are certain filmmaking sensibilities that I'm not quite used to as a Western viewer, but I can appreciate the film for what it does right in my eyes.

The film is very well shot. The lighting especially is fantastic. In this film the Krasue emits a red light, and the way that the special effects blend with the practical lighting was incredible. One of the best looking films I've seen this year for sure.

Overall it is definitely worth watching. It is a bit slow at parts, and the climax is quite the tonal shift for sure, but I think overall it does a good job at what it set out to do.
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Rick and Morty: A Rickconvenient Mort (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
I kinda love this episode
30 October 2022
Doing a rewatch of Rick and Morty in anticipation for the second half of S6. A lot of Season 5 is a bit mid, but I have a soft spot for this story. I'm of the opinion that Rick and Morty is best when it takes itself a bit more seriously. Even though it starts off as a silly parody of Captain Planet, the way it transitions into a sincere love story by the end is in my opinion well done for such a short runtime.

I hope that Planetina returns at some point, I think she's an interesting character and that there's more to explore in their relationship. The music choices are especially good in this episode too, really expresses the emotion of the story very well.
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Grimcutty (2022)
A horrible horror movie with a surprisingly decent message
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I thought it was going to be another "Internet Bad" movie. Basically a movie that is meant to dissuade kids from doing stuff on the internet. But it's kinda the opposite.

Essentially the Grimcutty monster feeds off the hysteria of the parents. It is an invisible monster that stalks and attacks children, hurting them while also convincing the parents that the child is doing something naughty and bad that they found on the internet. When the parents are worried about what their child is doing, that's when the Grimcutty appears and attacks the child. The only way to fight it is for the parents to trust the judgement of their child. It is a very positive message about communication between children and their parents, and is explicitly against the harm that being overly attentive can deliver to the child.

However, that is not to say the movie is good. The movie is quite bad. The acting is especially bad, particularly from the parent characters. The design of Grimcutty, as sort of an amalgamation of Jeff the Killer and SCP 1471 (look those up if you don't know what they are) is horrible and goofy looking. The effects are particularly bad, and the horror is uneffective. They reveal the monster in the first two minutes, which is a big no-no if you want a suspenseful movie.

The movie is also pretty preachy about its message. The movie ends with an extended ASMR (not kidding) monologue by the main character, explicitly explaining to the audience what the point of the story was. Like the ending to an Aesop Fable or a Veggietales episode. There is no room for interpretation or discussion. It's ham-fisted at best. Even if I agree with and support the message of the movie, the way it's delivered is bad.
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Black Adam (2022)
Great action, horrible story
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So the good stuff first. Dwayne Johnson, despite his ego driven promotion of the film, is pretty good as this character. I really enjoyed seeing him do edgy superhero shenanigans, and for a PG-13 film, this movie does go pretty hard. I wish they had a backbone and kept it rated R, but that's sort of expected.

The action was pretty good overall. The use of slow motion was a bit overbearing but there were some fantastic uses of it. And the other superhero's powers were done quite well. I really liked Doctor Fate. Despite his powerset being very similar to Doctor Strange, the way they write the character is very different and I do appreciate the effort. He's just a charming old man who cares about the people he works with. It's great.

Hawkman is a bit obnoxious, Atom Smasher is a one-note character, and Cyclone has nothing to do really, although I like the visuals for her powers. I think they mostly work as a group, the Justice Society.

Now the bad.

The plot is ALL OVER THE PLACE. It was a complete mess. Abandoned plot threads, unintentional red herrings, it was overwritten and underedited. The film was in development hell for a long time, and it REALLY shows.

The kid character was annoying. He should have been cut from the film entirely, he ruins the tone. No offense to the actor, he did okay for a newbie actor who has a badly written role.

The civilian characters (by which I mean the ones who don't have powers) are probably the worst part. They're just uninteresting. The main girl who wakes up Black Adam, it's unclear what her motivation is for entering the tomb in the first place. Why is she also looking for the crown? Did I miss something? Like I know that they want to stop the mercenary army that controls their city, but why are they looking for the crown. Also, how did they miss that the bad guy that is in charge of the mercenaries is pretending to be their friend? How did that happen?

Also how did she know what to say to wake up Black Adam? How did she know Shazam? Speaking of Shazam, he isn't mentioned at all. Like they both have the same powerset, Black Adam is to Shazam what Venom is to Spider-Man. Not even a cameo? They made Superman the end credit scene cameo, but not Shazam?

Like the Wizard is in this movie, but not the current Champion? Also they completely retcon what the Wizard tells Shazam about Black Adam. In the movie, Black Adam is the father of the Champion, but the Champion decides to give his dad the powers. But in Shazam, the entire motivation of the Wizard was that he was looking for a suitably moral person to fill the shoes of the Champion, because he regretted giving Black Adam powers. It's like the creative teams of both movies didn't cross reference notes or something.

Also another nitpick. Where did the Justice Society come from? This team of established superheroes that haven't at all appeared in any other story. They just come out of nowhere. Like, the whole arc of Batman forming a team in the Justice League movie makes no sense now, because there's already a super wealthy government backed superhero team with a very similar name. Were they formed after the Justice League? When were they formed? Who sues who for copyright infringement?

Anyway, I would say that Black Adam is a fun movie that has some very well directed action sequences, but makes no sense if you think about the plot for more than two seconds.
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Some good segments, some eh segments, mixed bag anthology
19 October 2022
It's an anthology halloween special. There were some really good segments. I'm a big fan of Joel Haver and David Firth, and seeing them in something this mainstream is neat for sure.

A lot of the segments unfortunately fall into pretty cliche slasher tropes. Seeing the different animation styles is cool and all, but at least 3 of the segments, and the overarching narrative of the Paloni Show are all the same plot wise. Justin Roiland, as always, plays the same character as he always does. He has like 2 voices that he chooses from. Same with Zach Hadel, although in my opinion his voice is a little more tolerable.

But the standout segments were great. Some very creative uses of animation throughout. Joel Haver and David Firth, of couse, were my favourites. I love Joel Haver's sense of humor, and David Firth continues his creepy satirical sensibilities. There was also Rafillo, who created a crazy animation called Killer Bathtub. He seems to be most famous on TikTok but he's mostly Spanish language so I haven't heard of him before.

Lee Hardcastle also did a great claymation segment, really showing off his talent. And Jaime Rodriguez also made a horrifically well animated short.

Overall I say it's worth watching, if only to see some exclusive animation from some of the best indie animators working today.
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A for Effort, D for Execution, C for Satisfaction
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So heavy spoilers in this review

So the big moment of this show is the absolute shattering of the fourth wall, with She-Hulk going into the "real" world to confront the writers and then Kevin Feige (not really, it's a robot who represents him) about the creative choices of the show.

Decent premise for an episode, for sure. It parallels similar moments in the She-Hulk comic series, which is cool. However, just because you lampshade the Deus Ex Machina, doesn't mean it's suddenly not a Deus Ex Machina. Entire plot threads that are pivotal to the show are simply dismissed outright. They justify this choice by making fun of the big climactic final episode that has become a cliche in MCU shows, and having a bunch of characters appear out of nowhere nonsensically.

But we need to remind both the audience of the show and the creators that just because you perform self-awareness, doesn't mean that the creative choices are 'good.' The climax is still rushed and unjustified, even if you say it is in the show. Doesn't fix the issue.

The show is still an MCU show. None of the issues are fixed. It's unfortunate, I wanted to like this show, I disagree with a lot of the more reactionary tenencies of a lot of MCU fans, but this show isn't good. It doesn't deserve an 87% on Rotten Tomatoes. There are only 2 episodes that I really liked. I just want good shows, please Disney! Also let your VFX workers unionize.
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Unlikeable characters done right
23 September 2022
When I first saw the trailer for Bodies x3, I thought it looked like an average Blumhouse flick, so I was very surprised that A24 was one of the production/distribution companies behind it. Now that I've seen it, I can confirm that this IS an A24 film, not a Blumhouse film, despite all appearances.

The film follows a group of rich zoomer/millenial friends who meet up at one of their mansions for a sleepover during a hurricane. But when the sun sets, people start dying, which causes the friendships to unravel and have everyone turn against each other to find out who is the killer and why they're doing it.

I won't spoil the twist, but it's absolutely perfect, and makes the film go from great to amazing. The way the characters are written, using zoomer lingo and talking about being triggered, problematic etc. Is spot on to how I see young people talk on social media. This isn't some boomer making a movie trying to emulate how young people talk. The writer definitely knew what she was doing.

Absolutely worth the watch. The movie isn't scary, I think there was only one scene that made me jump, but it's quirky and funny. Worth watching.
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Rick and Morty: Bethic Twinstinct (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Someone in the writing staff REALLY likes incest
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is having an affair with your clone the same as incest? I don't know but it's close enough that quite a few people found the premise of this episode uncomfortable. I personally didn't mind the story, it was goofy and silly and inconsequential to the rest of the series.

I really like the addition of Space-Beth as a recurring character in the show, I thought she was going to be more of a one-off character when she was first introduced but the way that the writers continue to find uses for her is cool, even if this particular episode is one of the more controversial ones.

I think the show is at its best when it explores these weird sci-fi concepts, as long as it doesn't go too overboard with it like the sperm episode last season. This episode is fun, and the way it ended was the best part.
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A visually stunning masterpiece
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As I was watching this movie in the cinemas, I was wholeheartedly thinking that this movie was a 10/10, up until the third act.

The romance came out of nowhere. I knew from the trailers that romance was going to be a part of the story, but there was no real romantic chemistry between Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba, so when she wished that the Djinn would love her, I felt like it was a bit out of nowhere. I think they could've developed her attraction to Idris genie a bit more than just springing it on the audience. Maybe make the movie a bit longer to do that.

But besides that, this film was a spectacle. Essentially it's the story of Idris genie recounting all the times he fell in love with mortal women, and all the times he was cursed to live in a bottle. Spanning a literal three thousand years, the film is more about love as a broad concept than the love between the two main characters (which as I said before was underdeveloped in my opinion) and the way it was shown in little vignettes was great.

George Miller really shows his visual chops in this film. I do think that he is one of the best directors when it comes to the cinematography and effects of his film. Mad Max Fury Road is one of the best action movies of all time, and the direction is the main reason why. Even Happy Feet is a looker, despite the weird and mediocre plot. Miller continues to impress with this feast for the eyes.

I highly recommend this movie. It is up there with Everything Everywhere as one of the best looking movies of the year. The only issue I had was the rushed third act, but everything before that was fantastic.
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Not a 1/10, but not good
5 September 2022
Look, first of all I know that the show isn't finished yet, and I fully intend on finishing it, but I do feel disappointed in this show.

I actually like the idea of a female led comedy law show set in the MCU, and the self-referential fourth wall breaks are definitely in line with the comics from what I've seen, but goddamn this show is a mess. Like the CGI models, the action, the writing for the law scenes (which the creators themselves admit to not being good at writing. Like what??? HIRE ANOTHER WRITER WHO KNOWS HOW TO WRITE LAW SCENES THEN)

The first episode was fine, when she first got her powers and is being trained by the original Hulk. The CGI was pretty okay, the action was good, and the conversations between the characters was good too (including the scene everyone takes out of context and deliberately misunderstands the point of) but after that, ehhh. Even though it has more episodes than most of the other Disney+ shows it still feels like it has the same problem of saving all the interesting stuff to the last two episodes and just doing whatever in the meantime. Like, come on. Pace your shows better, Disney. Get better writers and give your CG artists enough time and money to do what you want them to do properly. Do you want to become a joke? I don't want the MCU to become a joke. The MCU is my comfort franchise. Please make good stuff for it.

EDIT 9/8/22: The latest episode is by far the best. The effects are good, the humor is more spot on, and the story actually feels like it belongs in a She-Hulk series. Hope this shows a turnaround for the series as it goes on.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Get Out Meets Ready or Not, but not as good
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised by the low reviews for this movie. It's really not a bad movie at all. Derivative? Yes, but not a bad effort.

Tells the story of Evie, a poor black woman living in NYC who discovers after taking a DNA test that she's related to a rich family from the UK. She is swept up in the happiness of finding the family and privilege she always wanted, and becomes attracted to the young and handsome lord of the manor. She soon notices that something isn't quite right, and tries to find a way to escape.

I have two major criticisms: the wonky tonal inconsistencies, and the rushed climax. So for the first 2/3 of the film, it feels like one of those Hallmark romance, or a fairy tale playing up the regular woman falling for the handsome prince. However it keeps cutting to scenes with the maids where the vampires kill them randomly. It's like the film was trying to remind the audience that, yes, they were watching a horror movie, not a romance.

Then they have to rush the end, where Evie discovers that the handsome prince is actually a vampire, and that he wants her to be one too. Will she embrace becoming a rich vampire who can live comfortably on the backs of the working class (the political subtext is quite blatant in this film also) or will she tear things down? This could've been better developed, but it was still a fun climax

I thought it was mostly fun. Gotta love movies where the rich get defeated by the poor. It's definitely derivative and on the nose, but despite this it was a good time.
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Rent-A-Pal (2020)
Well made and clever thriller ruined by poor ending
15 July 2022
Set in the early 90s, Rent-A-Pal follows David, a 40 year old man who is single, taking care of his elderly mother who suffers from dementia. He uses a video dating service where he gives and receives video tapes in order to find compatible matches with others. While at the video store, he spots a video tape called Rent-A-Pal, where a man sits and talks to the camera and pretends to be your friend.

However, after a while things get strange, and you're left with the question of whether David is going crazy in his loneliness, or if there's something not quite right with the video tape.

Since the story is told from David's perspective, you're never quite sure how much of the tape is real. Some of the things in the tape line up a little too well with what David is saying to the TV, while other times it's obvious that there's nothing there.

Things sort of go off the rails at the end. I won't spoil the ending for you, but it seemed a bit in a rush to end quickly, and there are some contrivances that weren't as well established in the film.

It is a fun watch, and it works well within its budgetary means.
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Fun but unfocussed
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thor Love and Thunder is two movies. The first movie is another Thor Ragnarok, a goofy Taika Waititi comedy with lots of improv and silliness. The other is a dark and gritty story about Gorr's grief for his lost child, and how it parallels Thor's grief for the impending loss of Jane.

The issue is it doesn't quite balance that. I'm not sure if that's the fault of Taika Waititi's direction or producer meddling, but either way, the film is a bit 'off'.

The good stuff is good. Christian Bale as Gorr is fantastic. He nails the portrayal of both the grieving father, and the corrupted evil mastermind. Jane's story as Mighty Thor is also very compelling. If I could say one thing, would be that she should've been the main focus of the movie, with regular Thor as a side character/comic relief for an otherwise dark story told straight.

That, or just save the Gorr story for a later time, and have another goofy Thor comedy ala Ragnarok. Have him hang out with the guardians more or something. I don't know. The problem with this movie is that with the slightly reduced run time of 2 hours, and the inconsistent mix of tones, the film feels unfocused and rushed. Which is disappointing, because of the two stories that it used up (Gorr's and Jane's).
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Injustice (2021)
Is it just me, or is this "evil" superman not actually evil?
21 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Injustice is an adaptation of the DC video game franchise and comic book series, which is set in a universe where Superman gets tricked by the Joker into not only killing Lois Lane and his unborn child, but destroying all of Metropolis with a nuclear bomb that was set to explode when Lois's heart stopped. This traumatic event sets Superman on a path where he says "enough is enough" and decides to become the absolute ruler of Earth for himself.

However, this movie doesn' that? Not really. The same origin happens, the same gruesome death of this universe's Joker, but after that, since they only have like an hour and 10 minutes to tell this massive story, they just have Superman be kinda mean and solve a bunch of world problems by forcing bad people to not be bad anymore. Like 'oh no, he forced Israel and Palestine to sign a peace treaty and he got rid of the nukes, how horrible!" Like the lynchpin of the story, the turning point where people realise that Superman has 'gone too far' is when he massacres a bunch of Joker sympathisers. The other characters treat this like it's a massive deal, and that the Joker people just had disagreements with Superman, but keep in mind that in this universe Joker literally nuked a city. Yeah, I feel about as bad for these kids as I do for the people condemned in the Nuremberg Trials.

Like this Superman is meant to be a fascist, right? He doesn't really act like it in this movie though, he's at worst a dumb authoritarian who gets tricked by Ras Al Ghul into unleashing a truly unreasonable authoritarian monster onto a small town. Superman himself doesn't do anything like that. He lets Catwoman off the hook when he catches her stealing, he says he only cares about violent crime, so it's not like he's killing people for littering or whatever, that's what the evil robot Ra's builds does.

Anyway this movie is dumb and way too short. Play the fighting game or read the comics instead.
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