
35 Reviews
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Shot Caller (2017)
Turn your brain off, and its watchable!
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Fat guys in nothing but big wavy white bloomers, claiming to 'run the show', over the guards, in prison!

Come on man, thats ridiculous!

Some not very convincing prison fight scenes, some very unsecure prisons, and an even less convincing back story, and boom!

Very fragile narrative!

Bit part by Jeffrey Donovan was poor, no further info on it, The prison guard too easily 'bought', it all just fell into place for them, didnt it?

His son , the first time we see him, was old enough to operate a TV remote, but his 'drawing' to his dad, in prison several months later, was scribbles with a crayon?
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Cops Who Kill (2023– )
Daer Lord! Do they even try anymore! Mr Mellor sold his soul!
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
WTF is this scripted crap?

Terrible! It really is, when you know what to look for!

'They are criminals' 'They are selling 'drugs'... What? Literally NO context!


No amount of 'suspensful music', can save it!

We are given NO details, just that 'certain plants are illegal, therefore 'dangerous' 'Some cops are bad, but ALWAYS, the 'white. Straight' ones!

'It doesn't matter , as HE was a 'criminal', selling 'drugs', therefore putting him behind bars 'saves lives', etc!

You get the drift!

It goes on and on!

Cue MORe 'suspensful music' A woman pretending to cry, telling us how cannabis 'destroyed her family' Well timed pics of random people, hugging and pretending to be sad!

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12 Strong (2018)
Watchable, despite being based on the greatest staged event ever pulled!
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
9/11 was a 'false flag' terror event, conducted by the Bush Administration, CIA, FBI and MOSSAD, to name a few!

Who else could have stood down NORAD that day, robbed the gold bullion within WTC6 within minutes of the second military jet that struck the towers!

Who else had access to Military drones, unmanned, remotely controlled military planes, and full control of the media, who were talling us within minutes, WHO was reaponsible! And showing us those repetitive, lame , already edited tapes of that God knows what, melting into the towers Facade?

The defining global event, to get the USA into the middle east, permanently, to plunder their wealth, and their oil, and to install puppet dictators, like they have been doing for decades!

Who else could have done all that? Former CIA asset Bin Laden (codename 'Tim Osman') That said, the film was quite good, in parts!
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
No no no! rehashed, synthetic, boring cliches
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When you are a pretty blonde woman, running away from people trying to kill you.. DON'T run in straight lines!

STOP turning around every 3 seconds!

CHANGE your appearance, tie your hair up, etc If you get shot by a sniper, then smash your head into a concrete pillar at speed, you DIE! You are finished!

Remember , the CIA can hack into any grid, database or network, in the world, in seconds!

You CANNOT 'enhance' a blurry, heavily pixelated, zoomed in still, to make it HD quality!

For the writers...please please use someone whose accent doesn't keep changing, as the 'head of operations'!

When you hit someone in the face, there is no 'explosion' sound!

You CANNOT swing your fist fast enough, that it makes the 'whoosh' sound!

Swiping a blade through thin air, DOES NOT make the 'clang' (metal on metal) sound!

Try and actually research what an automatic gearbox sounds like, over a manual one!

Shaking the camera just pisses off the viewer, it really doesn't 'add' to the action!

I couldn't get past 20 mins of this tripe! Its NOTHING like the previous offerings!
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1 August 2021
Oh god, i no no! Garbage! Crap, CGI, no one can act! Stop!!!
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Infinite (2021)
terrible! Is this really by Antoine Fuqua??
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horrrendous! Same old scowl from Wahlberg throughout (one raised eyebrow) Chikotel on a very lame, vague (arabic) accent?

Add the usually cliches, poor CGI, a hot chick, a fast car, 100s of bullets that miss, the 'whoosh' sound when someone swings their arm! Crap, boring, done sooo many times! Watch it on pirate sites, DON'T SPEND MONEY on it!
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Appalling, dreadful, corporate narrative spouting drivel!
1 June 2021
My lord, what the h*ll is this garbage?

Its like the BBC again, desperate, hate filled, biased, propaganda, a mouthpiece for the UK government!

Utter drivel!
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Pointless (2009– )
OK as a game show, but well and ytuly sick of the PC stuff
26 May 2021
The game show is vaguely interesting, but of late, the PC 'diversity' thing is justs getting obvious now!

All the 4 groups of contestants MUST be a mix of black/white/asian/gay/trans.

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Rust Creek (2018)
3 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Filled with continuity errors, the indestructible girl, that runs/limps/runs again!

Starts to fall for a meth cook, has no concern about the dangers around her, nor the 2 guys that are hunting her to kill her!

Predictable, boring, the crooked sheriff could be seen a mile off!

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Ruined by talentless kid with famous father!
27 April 2021
Lets face it, Jaden Smith has only been given a chance, because of who is dad is!

No talent, can't act, reminds me very much of that 'Tariq' kid from the series 'power'!


CGI was lame too.
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Takers (2010)
Good action, but ridiculous OTT characters
25 April 2021
Rule 1!

NEVER use rappers/di*kheads with stupid 'street names' in films!


T. I character ruins this film, this isn't a ga*gbanger music video FFS!

Scotch sipping, cuban smoking, martial artist/expert thief, expert in weapons, slick, tattooed, whatever!

It is boring and transparent!

You can tell right away that this idiot has no acting experience, and it really ruins an otherwise decent film!
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Decent film about the abhorrent 9/11 False flag event, and the numerous lies surrounding the 'response'
2 April 2021
Torture of innocent people, lies, buildings turning to dust in mid air, entire missing planes, particulary the pentagon one!

Torture of prisoners, without trial, assassination of whistleblowers, endless lies by the bush administration, with full complicity from the corporate media!

9/11 in a nutshell!

Missing WMDs, invasion of sovereign innocent nations, only the curent COVID scam, beats 9/11 for sheer propaganda and lies!

Not a bad film, apart from that!
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Yellowstone (2018– )
OTT, lazy, ridiculous, trying WAY TOO hard!
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like Costner, but after 1st episode, i could see where this was all going! Couldn't stand Kelly Reilly character, nor Kasey, It was all pathetic and over the top, 2 episodes in, i'm done! Wearing a big hat doesn't make you a 'cowboy' either!
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Is there any end to the Govt BS?
20 February 2021
Boring, BBC crap, a woman talks to the camera! Thats it, in a nutshell! You are meant to laugh! More BS from the Biased Brainwashing Corporation, parroting govt lies, like they always do! Dreadful!
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The Last Leg (2012– )
I used to have a fair bit of respect for Adam hills, but its now utter garbage!
13 February 2021
3 guys, 2 are disabled, ones a ginger (uh?) sit and chat about current affairs. The ginger laughs at every fifth word, uttered by the host (Hills) and its kind of like watching a sitcom, when you are TOLD when to laugh! But lately (2021) It has just become a 'take the covid vaccine tool' show, scripted, pathetic, parroting the BS mainstream narrative! The host Adam hills (aussie, go figure!..) Is obviously being paid well, because he literally has no idea what is going on with the SCAMdemic, and what the endgame is! He just parrots the mainstream crap, without a second thought! Tool! It's not even funny! We have the MSM news to do that for us! Shame on you Adam! Just say no!
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Long Lost Family (2011– )
26 January 2021
Typical of BBC /ITV, The guy (very forgettable) is terribly slimy, every single episode is the same, sympathetic piano music in the background. The premise is simple, these 'genuine people' can't find a family member, apparently, despite having looked for months, so slimy guy and the dark haired bird, who is in literally EVERYTHING (Think ant and dec..) find said individual within days, they report to the family doing the 'looking', and rather than respond with 'F88k off, i can't find them, and i'm trying, what makes YOU so sure...) etc, it is an INSTANT burst into tears, man or woman, doesn't matter, cue more slow, symPATHETIC piano music....etc etc 'Oh thank yoooo so much slimy guy/gold digger bird, you have changed my life around! Bla bla Horribly scripted, mainstream crap! Avoid!
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Lots of subliminal 'truths', like many of SBC films!
23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Funny, silly, but wow, he gets those messages of truths out there, to the naive, Mainstream media swallowing masses, like the stuff about the PLandemic, vaccines, and how a 'certain nation' control the media, and the USA banking cartels!
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Limitless (2015–2016)
Can't touch the film, this was boring and cheap
30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You can usually tell why something goes straight to netflix, i got through the first episode and half of the 2nd one, before i turned it off! Its rubbish, its boring and its stupid! The leads beard never grows, he's not even likeable, the acting is lazy, why feed this guy pills? Why don't the FBI just take them, themselves? Where do the pills come from? Why why why?
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River (I) (2015)
Suprisingly good!
6 August 2020
Despite a lot of shaky camera work, the moral of the story is: Miscarriage of justice, if you are 'well connected', the powers that be will always win! Give it a watch!
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Fair Game (I) (2010)
Excellent film exposing the Fradulent Iraq war, based on the 9/11 false flag event!
25 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A brave production team, telling us what we already knew! The horrendous Iraqi invasion, based on the heinous lie, that was 9/11! Well acted too, superb film! That's how eager the Bush admin was, to go to war, that they even attacked their own populace, just to get acceptance, to do it!
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Black Water (2007)
Horrendously bad!
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This croc chose between 1. eating 2. killing for the fun of it! And 3. Splashing around and playing! WTF was up with that gun? It shot when it wanted to shoot It didn't kill the whiny blonde, it didn't kill the brunette, it just left her scratches on her leg How did the croc get on the boat, and off it? The camera work was crap! Eventually it gets shot, its still alive, but the blonde is now smiling..'come on grcie, we can go home now'! But you couldn't get to, or start the boat, in the whole film, so why would you be 'going home now'?? The croc wasn't even dead! The final scene, the blonde has somehow got the (dead?) brunette onto the boat, for the first part, she is using an oar on one side only, ye tthe boat is moving perfectly straight! Terrible acting, terrible script! Full of plot holes! If Jim, the guide, is so scared of the crocs, that he takes a gun with him, why offer to take the trio out fishing to begin with? No 'price' is even discussed! Lame!
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More garbage that doesn't dare even mention the parents as suspects!
21 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The dogs don't lie, the portuguese police hit the nail on the head. The parents have someone watching over them, even british royalty seem to be involved! But whenever they need a new yacht, more funding, more funding, the british media never even question them, and the circus goes on and on!
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Thor (2011)
Same as all its sequels!
24 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A garbled mass of CGI and special effects. Everyone is beautiful, tattooed, bright blue eyes Thor himself isn't even muscular, just 'athletic' Its like watching the old power rangers, anytime someone gets struck, a 'metallic' sound is heard, or sparks come out of them, even against skin! With every punch, a 'whoosh' sound is heard The long jumps have the character flying through the air without rotating, as usual, like they were being suspended via a harness (they are!)

Its just boring and predictable, it may hold the concentration of children, but they could raise their game a bit, for the older, more observant viewers! Its hard to remember who's fighting who, who is 'good' (those with the blue eyes) and who is bad (the 'english accented' characters..) Its hard to care too, its just so easy to see the plot and continuity errors. Yawn!
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Nah! Too much CGI, and too many plot holes!
14 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Denzel is an ex Mil, martial arts performing old guy with endless resources! The opening train scene was blatant CGI! Why? Can we not use a real train in real countryside in this day and age? What the hell was the accent those generic muslims on the train were using? 'Torrkey'??? What? Denzel's hair grew back real quick after visiting 'Torrkey' How did he know what apartment to visit to get info from those rich kids? After he beat them all up, why didn't they report him? Where did he get that high end BMW in the second half of the film? Was it a rental? Why did he have that secret closet in his apartment? Why all the hidden CCTV? He didn't have any enemies that he knew of! The 'Miles' character seemed like he had a disability? The way he walked and talked. The 'bad guy', Dave York, really didn't seem that evil, or that bothered, that Denzel could possibly take revenge on his family. His kids seemed very into Denzel, hugging him, holding his hand etc, despite only just meeting him! Where did Denzel get the cop badge from, to 'return' to his old home near the coast, during the hurricane, why didn't the cop check it out properly, or are they really that easy to fool ? Why do knives make the 'metallic' sound when you swing them through the air, or bury them into soft flesh?? Since when does swinging your fist or leg, make the 'whoosh' sound? The final battle was over the top and predictable. Denzel has endless Ammo, and ends up with only a scratch! Yawn! First one was better!
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Mile 22 (2018)
Generic clichéd crap!
2 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
An 'unnamed ' Asian country, whose government is apparently more corrupt than the USA , or Israels! Usually 'America saves the world stuff' again. The 'elite' team are the usual mix of male/female /black /white/gay etc, trying to act as tough as possible, taking hundreds of bullets, all miss of course! Only when they are hit 12 times do they die! The guy with the silly beard, constantly sucking on a cock..tail stick, sums them all up. Ultra tough, ultra cool and Indestructable The 9/11 official narrative references were cringe worthy, especially as mark Wahlberg and ronda rousey are known for their criticism of the 9/11 official story Throw in constantly changing camera shots, lots of swearing, and unlimited ammo, any voila, you have another 'America saves the day' dumb action film
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