
11 Reviews
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Iron Man (2008)
Robert Downey, Jr. IS Iron Man
2 June 2013
An Iron Man movie? I was worried! How could they make this work? Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark? Jeff "the dude" bridges as the villain? I couldn't wait to see how this turned out!

When I left the theater, I was so thrilled! A new superhero movie to watch over and over again. Robert Downey, Jr. was perfect casting. So darn witty, funny, charming, smart, cocky, vulnerable, fun, tough. He did a great job in the dramatic moments and brought the laughs in the lighter moments. There is a real change in the character throughout the movie. Gwenyth Paltrow is beautiful and her Pepper Potts is wonderful. The chemistry between her and Downey, Jr. is fantastic. Terrence Howard does a good job playing Colonel Rhodes. You can tell Rhodes and Stark are best pals. There's a nice little tease here dealing with Rhodes character and an Iron Man suit. Jeff Bridges as the villain? So great! One of my favorite actors for sure! Paul Bettany as the A.I. (good choice) Jarvis? Another genius idea.

Jon Favreau did a wonderful job with this movie. He actually managed to pull this off, making The Avengers movie possible. Iron Man is a total blast! Favreau trusts his actors to really give their all, keeps the pace up, and the tone light. He even gets to play a role in the film, nice one Jon!

There are so many great moments: watching Tony Stark escape in the Mark I, building his signature suit, saving people's lives, battling Iron Monger, every scene with Tony and Pepper! The special effects in this film are amazing.

The final fight between Iron Man and Stane was not on par with the rest of the movie though. Maybe not epic enough, too short?

Iron Man flies by. It's a great time! Action packed, funny, great special effects, great performances especially Robert Downey, Jr. And that ending- "I AM Iron Man." Woah!
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
More Iron Man!
2 June 2013
After the spectacular first one, I was definitely looking forward to Iron Man 2! Robert Downey, Jr. was so good as Tony Stark, he brought Iron Man into my top list of favorite super heroes! I was very glad to hear he was back for the sequel. He doesn't disappoint! Tony is as arrogant and hilarious as ever while still kicking butt as Iron Man. Though, this time around, he's having some issues- the arc reactor in his chest is poisoning him, he's having daddy issues, there's a new villain 'Whiplash' (a great Mickey Rourke), a competitive weapons manufacturer Justin Hammer (played wonderfully by Sam Rockwell), the government wants his suit. So much to deal with but I enjoy watching Tony deal with all of it. We also get to learn more about his father, Howard Stark. Legacy is very important in this movie.

The acting is great all around, with Robert, Sam, Mickey all having fun. Gwenyth Paltrow is beautiful as ever though her role here mostly consists of being stressed out over running Stark's company. Don Cheadle takes over for Terrence Howard as Rhodes and he does a pretty good job. I only really started to like him towards the end where I felt the most that he was Tony's best friend. Scarlett kicks some serious butt here but I thought her performance was only alright. If only the script gave her more to work with.

There are some sweet action sequences like the Monaco race/Whiplash attack and Iron Man vs. War Machine/Drones/Whiplash climax. Watching Scarlett take on all those guards was a treat! So was seeing Sam Jackson as Nick Fury. Iron Man and War Machine fighting side by side? EPIC! Negatives? Maybe too much talking, the middle portion is a bit slow, Rhodes wasn't all that likable until the end, the fight between Iron Man/War Machine and Whiplash was too brief, Whiplash felt a bit too one-dimensional which was sad when you think of how the character could have been without all the editing.

Still, Iron Man 2 is a fun sequel with a ton of humor, great lines, interesting story, heart, action, and fun performances.
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Not completely terrible
2 June 2013
TEMPLE OF DOOM! There is a lot of hate for this flick! It's not my favorite but I still have love for it. Harrison Ford rocks as Indiana Jones. The perfect fit! His little sidekick Short Round is actually useful and fun. You can tell Indy cares for this kid. Stinks Willie Scott is so annoying. A damsel in constant distress, squealing and screaming! Being pretty is not enough. Mola Ram was a creepy villain for sure.

Indy takes on the Thuggee Cult that has taken captive the children of a small village in India. If Indy gets the sacred Shankara stone back, all will be well. This is definitely a dark episode. A man's heart gets ripped out and children are enslaved. Lots of nasty bugs! There is some fun to be had though in Shanghai and the mine cart chase! The trio also jump out of an airplane on a blowup raft! Indy really gets to use his signature whip here which is a plus! He also has another fight with a huge henchman played by Pat Roach, the same guy who played the huge Nazi that gets shredded by propellers in RAIDERS.

TEMPLE OF DOOM is not as good as the other entries but that doesn't mean it's completely terrible. A change up in formula with no Nazis, Russians, or biblical artifacts. Harrison Ford is great as always as Indy. There's plenty of action and some humor. Wish Short Round came back in the other films. Check it out if you like Indiana Jones.
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Indy! I've missed ya, old pal
2 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Indiana Jones trilogy is one of my favorite trilogies of all time. The character, the director, the score, the costume/s, the action, the fun. Like any Indy fan, I couldn't wait for another one despite having a perfect conclusion with Last Crusade. It took forever to finally have another Indy adventure. Was it worth the wait?

First, the ark, then sacred stones, the holy grail, now a Crystal skull? Interdimensional beings? Henry Jones III? Not what we were expecting! What's neat about these skulls is that they actually exist and have their own mythology to them. Who better to have an adventure with them than Indiana Jones? The previews make it pretty clear what kind of movie this would be so the ending didn't really bother me that much.

It's just wonderful to have Harrison Ford back. He IS Indy. Ford may look older and a bit rough when we first see him but that fades away as the movie goes on. He can still take a punch and give one real nice, even jumping around a bunch! There is a ton of action: the opening action scene in the warehouse, chase through the university campus, the very long chase sequence through the jungle. Some ridiculous moments here and there, but that is normal for this series. Re-watch the earlier pics and also remember what the filmmakers' goals were for these movies! Crystal Skull has a lot of familiar elements to it, with Russians instead of Nazis and the skull instead of the ark. Marion is back (great to see you) and Shia plays Mutt, Indy's son. I don't hate Shia but he wouldn't have been my first pick. I thought he did a good job here though. John Hurt is a favorite but his character is a bit crazy for most of the movie. Ray Winstone's Mac was a bit annoying with his constant side-flipping. Blanchett is beautiful and dangerous, lots of fun, though not as powerful as I thought she would be.

There were a lot of nice nods to the original movies. Indy wears his signature outfit, we see the ark at one point, there are pictures of Brody and Henry Sr. on Indy's desk, a statue of Brody, the university, "Henry, Jr.", so many more. I love the 50's setting: the costumes, Elvis, greasers, "better dead than red", area 51, etc. Some of the scenes have a glow to them that really works with the sci-fi tone.

The script could have been better though, tons of exposition and weird sounding lines. Indy definitely figures things out pretty easy here, but I guess he is a professor?? Script?? The whip gets some use but not really his pistol. Silly prairie dogs, cgi, nuking of the fridge! tarzan scene, monkeys!

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: a ton of fun, a nostalgia trip, a different setting and new challenge for Jones with some old and new characters along the way, great action, twists and turns. Not as good as I had hoped but definitely not awful! My 3rd favorite of the 4!
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Terminator in the future
2 June 2013
When they announced this sequel, I was so excited! I loved Terminator 1 and 2. I even liked 3, but it was nowhere near the level of the others. Still fun, moved the story along, a great ending with judgment day finally happening.

My excitement grew even more learning that it was set in the future with people like Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Conrad Buff, Shane Hurlbut, and others helping out. McG was an interesting choice, wasn't too confident about him. Watching the behind the scenes, gave me a little more confidence in him because of his huge passion for the movie.

I finally got to watch the movie and I was conflicted. I loved that it was set in 2018 because it was the future but not the one we were used to. T600s were more popular. There were a few new Terminators in this one that really increased the threat for the remaining humans: hydrobots, aerostats, mototerminators, harvesters. The look and design of this movie was fantastic. I loved the silver tint, the sets, the terminators, the costumes. The action was pretty wild! Connor and co invading the Skynet base in the beginning and the Harvester/mototerminators sequence rocked.

The acting ranged from really good to decent. Anton Yelchin was a fantastic Kyle Reese! I really believed that he was a younger version of Michael Biehn's famous character. Sam Worthington was mysterious, tough, sympathetic, awesome! Wished we knew more about him. Christian Bale was a hardcore John Connor. Definitely a different version than the past few but I liked him. The scene where he sees the prisoners and the speech about his mother (Director's cut) showed his humanity. I also cared when he got tossed around by the Terminator at the end. His voice was similar to Batman's but that didn't bother me that much. Bryce did a pretty good job as Kate but her role wasn't big enough. Her pregnancy was also never addressed, not a good idea. Moon Bloodgood was a tough gal but her acting wasn't really that amazing and her romance with Marcus was silly. There were some sweet nods to the older films that I liked, including a cameo by a cgi/body double Arnold that was pretty neat. Surprise, Helen Bonham Carter was in this and no Tim Burton! She is always wonderful.

Now, this movie was set during the brink, but I never really got a feel for how desperate things were. Not enough suffering and death, especially in the camps. The way Kyle described it was way more intense and scary. There also wasn't enough Resistance vs. Skynet battles. I wished they provided more info on Marcus, addressed Kate's pregnancy, explained how Skynet knew about Kyle Reese, better writing/acting. The score wasn't so bad I thought, considering Danny Elfman scored it. That's not a dig at Danny, just never thought his style would have worked for this kind of movie. Interesting ending, though not the one they originally planned.

I liked Terminator Salvation, the idea/concept, and most of the execution. Some things weren't that great, could have been better, more explanation, maybe some scenes bringing us up to speed from when Judgment day happened and all these years later, but this was a welcome addition for me as it changed up the formula and the setting. I hope the next two planned sequels can improve on this one. Bring on the future war but don't forget about the characters!
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Skyfall (2012)
1 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I love James Bond movies! Some of my favorites: FRWL, GF,TB, OHMSS, TSWLM, FYEO, TLD, LTK, GE, TWINE, CR!

Sean Connery is the man. George Lazenby was pretty good, a bit more romantic. Great final scene in OHMSS. Roger Moore, over-the-top, action-packed, fun stunts....he could be cold and serious here and there. Dalton, serious, dark, brutal, yet still some fun. Brosnan, a hybrid of previous actors but I liked him. His acting got better as the movies progressed. Too bad the scripts weren't all that great!

Daniel Craig! I was surprised with their choice but man was Casino Royale so good. His acting was fantastic: funny, charming, dangerous, vulnerable, sarcastic, cold, cool. The action, the romance, the script, the score, the direction = great! Quantum of Solace? Not as good but I still liked it. The story and villain aren't as interesting but there is a ton of action, nice score, great locations (Italy), Felix returns, M is great as always, the return of Tanner, strong and gorgeous Camille, Fields, opera scene, some really nice moments in here (between Bond and Mathis, and Bond and Vesper's boyfriend).

Skyfall: Love that song. Reminds me of the Shirley Bassey songs. The score was pretty good, Istanbul and Shanghai scenes being favorites. I liked how Newman incorporated Adele's song briefly during James' entrance in to the casino. We even hear the Bond theme here!

Mendes as director? A pleasant surprise as Skyfall is a winner. Great acting- Javier Bardem, Daniel Craig, Judi Dench! Javier was a fantastic villain, scary, funny, creepy, flamboyant, sympathetic, dangerous. When he took out his dentures....woah. Wish he had a fight scene with Craig! The others were great too. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Ralph Fiennes, Eve Moneypenny = wonderful, Severine was a tragic character. The cinematography was stellar! Nice job Roger Deakins.

The story was way more simple this time around compared to Quantum. It allowed for a slower pace and more insight into Bond's character. His interactions with Dench make for great cinema. She will be missed! The opening Istanbul sequence was one of my favorite Pre-title sequences. And the action is coherent! I also loved the Shanghai and Macau sequences. They felt very BOND. Good idea to mix it up by having the baddies invade Bond's lair. OH! And great cinematography by Roger Deakins. WOW.

Daniel Craig's performance is so good! He is still the Bond from Casino and Quantum yet manages to bring some Connery and Moore, maybe a little Brosnan into the mix. A layered performance. Best Bond ever????

This movie combines old and new in an exciting way. There are tons of references throughout, even some Roger Moore-like moments in here (Komodo dragon fight). It was great to see the DB5 again along with a new underground headquarters and that groovy office at the end.

There are a few things though like a striking similarity between this and The Dark Knight, the fact that Silva and Bond never fight, some plot holes (every movie has them).

Overall, this movie is fantastic. If you dig James Bond, you will dig this.
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Furious 6 (2013)
Ridiculously entertaining!
27 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie! Furious 6 is even bigger and more over-the-top than Fast Five, which I also loved! That vault-dragging scene was a blast but this new sequel is even more epic and maddeningly entertaining! This time, Hobbs and new sidekick Riley, played by Gina Carano, team with Dom, Brian, Han, Gisele, Roman, and Tej to take down Owen Shaw and his crew. If they succeed, Dom and Co. receive full pardons and the chance to make their family whole again as Letty is in fact alive and working with Owen Shaw.

This movie opens with a race along winding roads that ends at a hospital. Mia is giving birth and Brian's a mess. This movie is all about family and I definitely appreciate that though I think they said the word "family" about.... 1,675,894,035 times! I kid- The attention to continuity is admirable with an opening titles sequence highlighting super sweet moments from the previous five entries. There are a couple surprise character appearances that should make fans smile at least a little.

The Rock is still huge and awesome, always great to see Vin and Paul doing their thing (Paul does a better job here), and welcome back Tyrese, Ludicrous, Sung, and Gal! Michelle's Letty still has attitude, is tough, yet vulnerable. Seeing Letty and Dom together again just feels so right. Sorry, Elena! Gina isn't that great of an actress but she sure kicks butt! Luke Evans as the main villain does a swell job! Best villain so far! His flip car is wild! Though his death wasn't that epic...Speaking of deaths, one of the good guys doesn't make it to the end, my heart AHHH! Poor Han...

Furious 6 offers up a few twists, a ton of comedy (thanks mostly to Tyrese and Ludicrous), over-the-top car and tank and plane action, hand-to-hand combat (Jah vs. Roman and Han, Riley vs. Letty, The Rock/Dom vs. Klaus), shootouts, a wonderfully directed race between Dom and Letty, so much entertainment! You can tell that these guys and gals are having a blast and know just how ridiculous and fun this series is! I love how these characters end up back at the house from the first film!

If you're into crazy car stunts, fist fights, shootouts, beautiful women, hilarious one-liners, cheesy acting, melodrama, fun, then this movie is for you!

The scene during the credits will make you wish Fast & Furious 7 was coming out next weekend!
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Fast Five (2011)
So ridiculously sweet!
27 May 2013
"Don't ever EVER let them get into cars." - Hobbs

Especially when dragging a vault...yep!

I saw this movie with my best pals at a midnight showing. We had an absolute blast! I really dig the Fast and Furious franchise for it's fantastic mix of fast cars, pretty ladies, crazy stunts, fun action, cheesy dialogue and acting, and sense of family! This movie takes all of that and just cranks it up!

Picking up exactly where the last film ended, Fast Five continues the story with Dom, Brian, and Mia on the run in Rio. This time, they are being hunted by Hobbs, played by the huge and highly enjoyable Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. The tension in this pick is crazy! His fight scene with Dom is definitely one to remember! Many characters from the previous four movies are also in this one! Great idea, filmmakers! This movie is kinda like Ocean's Eleven with cars and you can tell the people making these films are having a blast.

The actions scenes in this one are wild! Justin Lin shoots his action clearly- no endless shaky cam! The vault-dragging scene is ridiculously sweet and one of my favorite scenes from the series! The train sequence rocks too! There's also hand-to-hand combat, shootouts, chases. Don't forget a ton of humor and each character has a moment to shine. The chemistry between the cast is fantastic. They are one big epic family. I like how these movies maintain a continuity between films (nice to see Vince in there.

Fast Five is a highly enjoyable, action film with some truly awesome action, comedy, drama, suspense! Stay after credits!
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It's nice to have you back
27 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved "The Fast and The Furious." Cars, ladies, cheesy lines and acting, crazy action = a groovy mix! Fast forward a few years and we finally have "Fast & Furious"- the first true sequel! So much nostalgia! Seeing Vin, Paul, Michelle, and Jordana together again was fantastic! You can tell that these characters have grown since the first film. Brian is working on a case with the FBI that brings him in collision with Dom, who is back in the states seeking revenge for the murder of his gal Letty. This entry is definitely a bit heavy compared to the first few but that doesn't mean there isn't fun to be had! The opening sequence and the race at the middle of the film are two highlights! The tunnel sequences were not as good though, CGI being one of the reasons- still enjoyed it though!

The F&F franchise isn't really known for stellar acting or writing or even realistic action sequences so it's no surprise that this sequel plays the same way. I think that's part of the charm of these movies, at least for me. Don Omar and Tego were hilarious, John Ortiz was good as the villain though not at all threatening, Fenix was just asking to get owned by that car in the end (what a way to go), and seeing Han from Tokyo Drift was a nice little treat. I had hoped we would see more of Gisele and we do in the sequels! That's a good thing!

"Fast & Furious" is a fun, dramatic, action-packed continuation of the franchise with some nice nods to the original that fans will appreciate. The ending got me so pumped for the next one!
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Death Race 3: Inferno (2013 Video)
Another one!
30 January 2013
Death Race 3: Inferno was directed by Roel Reine, the same director as Death Race 2. It is a sequel to the prequel but still a prequel to the original which is a remake of Death Race 2000 (a classic!) I enjoy them all! As a Death Race movie, it has all the ingredients: beautiful ladies, sweet cars, guns, explosions, twists. But this time, the race goes to the Kalahari Desert. Great move! It was refreshing to have a new environment. It provided the opportunity to mix things up, add some warlords here and there, maybe cliffs, other stuff! Watching Frankenstein and his signature car rip around always rocks.

The same cast from the previous 2 entries in the series have also returned (the ones that make sense, anyway). Danny Trejo is always fun to watch. Tanit Pheonix is gorgeous and awesome. Luke Goss kicks butt, he rocks as Frankenstein. Ving Rhames is super cool. Dougray Scott plays Niles York, the baddie of the picture. He is one-dimensional, hammy, incredibly unlikable, couldn't wait for something to happen to him yet I enjoyed watching him do his thing. All the actors seemed to be having fun and it's contagious.

Sure, there's some editing issues (ex: navigator battle), bad acting, poor dialogue, plot holes, but hey, I loved it! It was fun, fast, ridiculous, entertaining, over-the-top, and knowingly so. There were some neat surprises throughout the movie, definitely at the end. Won't spoil it but I'll just say it all kind of connects in an interesting way. The makers of DR3:I have an obvious passion for these movies. An effort was made here like with the previous ones and I respect that! If you like Death Race or any other ridiculous, over-the-top, kinda movies, I recommend this one.
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Warm Bodies (2013)
I liked it a lot!
24 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Warm Bodies" is a comedic, romantic, action-filled zombie flick. Being a zombie movie, people do get chased, attacked, eaten by zombies but since it is PG-13, it's not too graphic. Fun surprise: zombies aren't the only creatures stalking humans in this movie.

This movie opens with a wonderfully fun and clever introduction to the zombie apocalypse as well as the main zombie character named R. Nicholas Hoult's R is funny, loyal, curious, likable, protective, charming. Definitely not a typical zombie. There are many scenes where our zombie friend goes about his daily life, accompanied by hilarious and clever voice overs. It's interesting how he questions everything, thinks constantly, longs to connect. This opportunity arises when he meets Julie, sparking a sort-of Romeo and Juliet type of relationship. Julie is a resistance fighter whose dad (John Malcovich) leads the humans. She is strong and brave yet vulnerable and sweet. The chemistry between R and Julie is undeniable. I can honestly say that I cared what happened to them.

All the actors did a fantastic job. John Malkovich is great as always. Dave Franco's character was quite tragic. Analeigh Tipton is wonderful as Jule's best friend, providing some funny lines and support, though it would have been nice to have more of her. A shout-out to Rob Corddry is required as he has some of the best lines and is just fantastic as a fellow zombie. (Definitely would be on my crew during the zombie apocalypse)

I absolutely recommend "Warm Bodies." It's fun, fast-paced, clever, looks great, has interesting characters, action, some scares, romance. Maybe see with a date or by yourself or a group of friends, up to you.
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