
25 Reviews
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Amusingly Dark
9 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Normally a movie with as much violence as this is not something I'd like to watch. But there was something about it that was great, I believe it was the humor. The movie is pretty serious and something will go wrong or they are confronting someone, but the acting and the dialog just make it funny. How upset can you be when Vincent and Jules are bickering over a major deal, as if it were a common annoyance? The flashbacks and forwards were only briefly confusing for me, but I was able to catch on quickly enough. I was trying to come up with the main point of a movie like this and had trouble. But I did recognize that Jules repeats a Bible quote a couple times. What I gather from it is that Jules says it to people thinking that he is the good man, getting rid of the evil men for the good of mankind. But that couldn't be right, because of how he executes that. If anything, he's just as much of an evil person. The movie ends with the beginning, so then you can think back to if Jules really did take that into consideration before he acted out.
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Loved it.
9 May 2013
First of all, this movie just kept changing for me. Like my perception was being changed. At first, because of the credits, I thought it was going to be a boxing movie. But then of course it wasn't. Now I believe the credit shots were just to go along with the song and emphasize the meaning. Then I found the movie to be really amusing and funny. The characters would sometimes be abrasive, but ultimately it would be resolved and all was well. But then the ending completely took me by surprise. It was not at all what I had expected, I almost couldn't believe it. The character that I originally thought would cause a huge problem, did not. Instead an entirely different scenario occurred. This film was just amazing and powerful. It had great messages about racism and violence. I think more people would benefit from watching this today. The reason I am only giving this an 8, is because it's a movie that I'd have to be in a certain mood to watch again. It's intense, so I would have to be up for it.
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Annie Hall (1977)
Very entertaining!
26 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Scrolling down the main page for this film, I noticed under "taglines" the movie is described as "A nervous romance." I think that is just the PERFECT way to sum up this film. Because I was definitely going to bring how nervously the two main characters, Alvy and Annie, acted the whole time. They just spoke awkwardly to each other. This was an oddly funny film, directed in weird ways. I really liked how Alvy would talk to the audience or to strangers on the street. The people on the street would give him answers like they knew his situation, but they were only strangers who would actually have no clue. The humor was sarcastic and observational. It made fun of real life; for example a stranger talking loudly behind you about something they think they know about, but don't. Or even what really goes through peoples minds when they are having a conversation. This movie poked fun at reality using unrealistic methods. It was really interesting.
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The Graduate (1967)
More understandable now that I'm older.
20 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie for a Film as Literature class in high school, years ago, but had since forgotten anything that had been pointed out to me at the time. So it was still exciting to watch it again. I knew what to expect overall, but now I was able to analyze everything in between. I just had an overall better understanding of it, being older and having almost finished college myself. So now I can appreciate Ben's thoughts and feelings as a character. Personality wise, Ben is just really awkward. Which I find is frustratingly hilarious. At certain parts I just felt he was being stupid and that someone needed to really tell him so, but he lacked friends. He was very detached from his parents, so he really had no guidance from anyone. He was just by himself in all of his rather bad decisions. I found the movie to be a little cryptic at times, but it was horribly bad. I liked how some scenes went in and out of each other, probably to make the viewer feel like Ben. Drifting through a routine with not much thought, then being disturbed by an outsider. The music went along great with everything as well.
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20 April 2013
I found this movie fairly entertaining for a western-type film. I appreciated the sarcastic humor that was spread throughout it. The montages were kinda upbeat and nice. The music wasn't typical for a western and I liked that. The "old" photos used to show passed time were neat. I found myself going back and forth between liking Butch and Cassidy and disliking them. Their friendship was adorable and how they bickered back and forth. But shooting people and being robbers, not so much. So I would go from laughing at their antics to then feeling sorry for the others involved. I thought the final scene was great, just those last few minutes... it was directed in a nice way to end the storyline.
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Wonderful! Loved it!
12 April 2013
I loved watching this movie, I thought it was wonderful! I liked how real the characters were as people dealing with their situation. How someone can say one thing and be all for it, but when it effects them they suddenly have to think about it, or it's not okay anymore. I think the subject in which this film handled was carried out in a creative scenario. It never seemed dull or boring. While the reactions of the parents seemed extreme to me, someone born in the 90's, it still seemed relevant in a way. While interracial relations are more widely accepted in the US with each generation, there are still some who aren't accepting of it. I think that there will always be someone who won't agree with it. I couldn't help but also think of the current issue dealing with equal rights for the LBGT community. I could relate this story to that somehow, in that someones parents could be for those equal rights, and yet if their child ended up being gay, they might initially reject it. I don't think I'm the only one who could make that connection today after watching this.
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Didn't Like It
12 April 2013
I'll start off by saying that this was one of the weirdest movies I've ever had to watch for sure. And not in a particularly good way. I suppose the creator of this story was going for offensive, to which they definitely achieved with me. I don't want to give out any details of the film, but it just dealt with different themes that just utterly repulsed me. I'm not even quite sure what I can write about it, because I just disliked it so much. It was too mysterious. Too obscure and non- descriptive. Too cryptic. It just focused on the real, scum of the earth types of people. At least to my standards. The only nice thing was the relationship between the characters Joe and Rizzo. That was kind of sweet in some sort of awful way.

I'll give the movie enough credit in that it kept my attention. I was fixated on it, even though I wasn't pleased with it. It was very strange.
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Detour (1945)
Not For Me
7 April 2013
Eh... I didn't really care much for this movie at all. I'm glad it was only an hour. If anything, it could have been condensed to 30 minutes. Nothing at all really seemed to happen, it would loose my attention a few times. Nothing was really likable about any of the characters, they were very bland/plain. It had a few interesting effects with the camera and editing, showing how Al Roberts was thinking, but that's all. Everything seemed to happen in a way that wasn't shocking, nothing was even thrilling. Maybe the scene towards the end was exciting for 3 minutes, but then it wasn't anymore. I'm not sure what could have been done to make it better, because there's nothing really to save from it.
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The Killing (1956)
7 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't really able to follow this movie until about halfway through, when the plan was executed. THAT was when it got really good and I could see how clever it was. It's pretty amazing to me that someone was able to think up and write out that whole scenario. I'm one to suffer from anxiety, which this film actually bought upon me afterward. So perhaps it was a little too exciting, ha ha. It would be worth watching again to understand more of the beginning. I knew it was going to be confusing, since I know nothing about horse racing or how betting on it works at all. The acting and settings were pretty believable, minus the bar fight scene. That was actually kind of strange and really fake looking compared to other parts of the movie.
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Great performances and songs!
1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really enjoyable movie, funny and with good characters. It wasn't at all what I imagined the plot to be. It was actually a lot more interesting. In Disney or Universal when I was probably 5, I have a picture of me taken under an umbrella next to a streetlight, with a background like in this movie. So I've always known that the movie contained a scene like that were they sang a song called, "Singin' In The Rain". I figured that would be the most memorable scene, but actually for me, it was the "Make Them Laugh" sequence performed by Donald O'Connor. I really liked how it was choreographed. Donald and Jean Hagen were my favorite actors in this film. The only part of this movie that confused me and I think it could have done without was the whole "Gotta Dance" sequence. It was really out of place and unnecessary. Or at the very least, too long. Maybe if they shortened it by like 5 minutes it would have been better. But that's the only thing I didn't like about it.
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The Birds (1963)
Classic Story
1 April 2013
I saw this movie a couple times as a child and for some reason was not frightened by it. But I have revisited it as an adult and I can now understand it much better. To me now, this movie is a lot more frightening than other "scary" movies I've seen. I think what makes it more terrifying than a monster flick, is because we all know that monsters aren't real. At least the traditional ones. But birds ARE real. The birds that were used in this movie still exist and are everywhere. What could be more frightening than something that is so ordinary, in nature, suddenly turning its back on us? It's really very unsettling.

I think they did a great job casting this movie, every actor fit their part. No one seemed or looked oddly misplaced. A couple scenes seemed oddly edited for me, though. Almost like they suddenly skipped over or the sound would happen before a scene. But that could have been the copy that I have.

I'll end this review by saying that my mother is actually afraid of birds because of this film.
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Great, Suspenseful Plot
23 March 2013
I thought this movie was really great! I was able to follow it through it's twists and flashbacks. The main characters were distinct and memorable. They all seemed to have their own quirks. Ann Blyth's character Veda was really something, I'm not sure I could watch another movie with her in it and not compare it to this role. I had guesses as to where the plot was going to go, but then I'd find out I was wrong. I kept being surprised, which kept my attention. I think I just really liked how the story wasn't typical or what I had anticipated. It had some elements of noir, but not very much. I believe it was the very beginning and end of the film where it became stylized in that way.
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How I expected film noir to be.
23 March 2013
After just having watched this film, what initially sticks out to me is all of the suspense. There were a few instances when I was just sitting here, wondering what was about to happen. What were the characters going to do now? Even by the end I'm still asking myself questions. For what I thought film noir to be, it was pretty much as I imagined. There were higher contrasted scenes and shots of characters shadows and things. Not throughout the whole thing, in day time shots, but it was still there. But it did seem like that whole stereotypical noir feeling with the narrating by the main character. I feel like parodies of film noir in todays culture base everything off a movie like this one. A cool sounding guy sitting at his desk, telling you how it all went down. That feels very "noir" to me.
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I couldn't follow the characters.
10 March 2013
To be honest, I expected this movie to be different from how it was. The beginning started out well, I was interesting and I was following it. Then it went into another direction entirely. Suddenly there were a dozen characters and I could barely keep up with names or who was who. The entire movie seemed to just be people shouting over the top of everyone else, so I could barely understand information and sort it out in my mind. It probably didn't help anything that even though I was in a quiet area with my volume up, the sound in the copy of the movie I saw was very low. Another thing was the way jokes were peppered into the conversation, but the characters were speaking a mile a minute. So really, I was only able to get the real gist of the plot.
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Casablanca (1942)
Pretty good!!
10 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
By the end of Casablanca, I was well aware of where certain famous quotes originated from. I was pretty surprised to keep hearing lines that I've heard before in other movies or TV shows. I was excited to see the famous airport scene. One thing that really confused me was the transition to the time Rick and Ilsa spent in Paris. I must have zoned out or was thinking of something else, because I could have SWORN that it was a flashback into it, but then it never seemed to get out of it. Like there was a flashback, but it continued on to the rest of the story. I'm not sure what happened there. The characters were interesting enough, though. The romantic aspect of it was enjoyable and the twists at the end. It wasn't really my kind of story, but I liked it regardless.
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Realistic and relatable!
22 February 2013
I've always heard of "The Grapes of Wrath" but I had never known anything about it. So it was nice to get the chance to view it and see what it was about.

I enjoyed how "simple" it was. Sometimes I get lost in story lines when there's talk of financial matters and law. It just looses me. This was simple in that were wasn't too much babble about things like that. The characters carried on with life and had real experiences that I could emotionally follow.

I did seem to miss out on characters leaving the original party, besides the one that was pointed out by the characters. I did sit here wondering why certain faces weren't around anymore. I was paying attention, but I think it's because black and white movies are hard for me to follow, since I grew up with color. If a character isn't distinct enough, I'll forget who they are and mix them up with others. That would happen in such a story as this, with so many people in it and moving around such a large group.

Those are the only two discrepancies I had with it. Other than that I did enjoy it!
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Great Performances by Actors!
22 February 2013
I really enjoyed the cast of characters in this movie! I was able to distinguish all of them when they came up, which is good for me because I can't for every black and white film. I was never confused about who was supposed to be whom and what they did.

Bette Davis's character Regina Giddens was really something. I hated her, but I loved to hate her. While I just plain hated Oscar Hubbard (Carl Reid) from the beginning. Birdie Hubbard (Patricia Collinge), David Hewitt (Richard Carlson) and Horace Giddens (Herbert Marshall) were my favorites. They were genuinely nice and knowledgeable people. More so than others, this movie almost forced me into liking or disliking each character. I think that could possibly be due to how much information was given about their personalities through what they said or did. It was all about the characters for me.
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Not as great as I expected.
16 February 2013
Before watching this movie, I looked up the trailer on YouTube and it seemed like it was going to be pretty funny. I also wanted to see it because it was in Technicolor, the first one for my film class so far. It was amusing at times, but I was kind of disappointed. After watching "My Man Godfrey", this paled in comparison. The main guy seemed to be a pretty shallow character. I felt bad for him at first, but then he just kind of seemed like a gullible idiot. The dialog wasn't as funny, the characters weren't lovable. I don't remember any of their names. The storyline was actually kind of boring to me, I found myself checking my phone during it. The only thing that excited me was seeing Margaret Hamilton (of "Wizard of Oz" fame).
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Great, would watch again!!
16 February 2013
Great movie!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! All of the main characters were very engaging, colorful and memorable. The dialog was clever and sarcastically hilarious. The story was interesting and kept my attention. At the end, it did seem like I missed an important detail that most in my class seemed to get, but I think that's just me, as I often miss things in movie and even songs. But it did not effect my opinion of it at all. I would very much like to watch it over again on my own time to get what I didn't pick up on. But the family was highly amusing and wacky, but not in an over-the-top annoying way. It was just right!
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Frankenstein (1931)
Not as enjoyable as I had hoped.
8 February 2013
I was excited to finally be able to watch this movie. I've only ever seen remade scenarios of it in newer movies and TV shows. So I had an idea of what to expect, but I was completely wrong. It was a very different story than what I expected. It wasn't even scary, more like disturbing. At first I found the monster to be unsettling. Then for a brief second, I liked him. I thought that he was charming after all. But then that very quickly changed.

I know this is a classic, well-liked movie, so I kind of hate to say that I didn't like it... but I couldn't really get into it. The other part of the story not involving the monster was a little "bland". It was inconsistent in places. None of the characters were very likable at all. Mostly they were all annoying. Perhaps I'd like the other old monster movies, but not this one.
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Dracula (1931)
More funny than scary.
8 February 2013
Being the second classic horror film I've seen after Frankenstein (1931), I enjoyed this one much more. However, after seeing a bit of the opening for the Spanish version and then the English version... I almost feel like the English one is "cheesier". I'd like to see the other version in full with English subtitles.

Perhaps I'm bad at following movies, because I couldn't quite catch all the information on the characters in the beginning. The movie seems to just start right in the middle of something that the characters have already been planning. So that was strange. But I really liked Bela Lugosi, he was quite funny. Which was probably very unintentional, but I'm watching this as a young person of 2013. So my reaction is probably very different than of those when this movie was new. But that at least made it more enjoyable to watch and kept my interest. I feel it's worth watching again in the future, to pick up on what small parts confused me. It would be good to watch on something other than my laptop, as the sound track is kind of hard to hear at times, even at my laptops loudest.
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Not for me...
1 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't until I came to write a review for his film that I noticed that Paul Muni starred in this film, as I just watched 1932 Scarface in which he also starred. So that makes things more interesting! In this movie he's more innocent and respectable, but the complete opposite in Scarface.

I felt bad for his character, James Allen. The entire time I found myself rooting for him, but he just kept getting bad luck. All I kept wondering was... why didn't the burger stand guy stick up for him? It was pretty obvious that he didn't want to steal from him. He was also held at gunpoint. He ran because he was scared, it's just a human response. So I really don't understand why he got into so much trouble.

I'm glad to hear chain gangs were gotten rid of after this movie came out, because they seemed like disgusting, awful places. Imprisonment for crime is one thing, but slavery is awful.

It's just really unfair how he even went back willingly to serve time and then the government pretty much spat in his face and kept him there. It's completely wrong, I can't understand what kind of people would do something like that.

I personally couldn't get into this movie at all. It was just sad and upsetting to me. I was having trouble concentrating on it, because it was giving me anxiety. So if you're a sensitive person, I wouldn't recommend it.
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Scarface (1932)
Surprisingly Interesting
1 February 2013
Well, I must say that I am not one for gangster films or movies of this kind. But this one was able to keep my concentration. I was able to follow along with the subplots and relationships of certain characters. Say for instance Tony's relationships with his sister, Poppy, Rinaldo and Angelo. But all of the police, press and mob scenes, not so much. I only caught onto the brief St Valentines Day Massacre reference. But I suppose that what makes this movie good after all. Because even if all of those things weren't for me, it still had things that were. Things that made me care to know what happens to the main characters.

For an early sound film, a gangster movie is a good choice. Because a lot of sound effects had to be applied to all the gun scenes, a few of them went on for a long while. So I'm sure it was very impressive for its time.
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Sherlock Jr. (1924)
Great story!!
25 January 2013
I was very impressed by the cinematography! I did not expect all of those special effects from such an old film. A couple of the little tricks in the beginning were funny, but then there were the more difficult ones. I couldn't understand how they did it! Then there was the perfect timing between all of the segments of the motorcycle scene. It was very well done and very amusing!

I also really liked the transitioning of reality and the dream sequence. The storyline was easy to follow and engaging. I liked the characters, especially Keaton's, who was sweet and lovable. I would recommend this to someone else who isn't familiar with silent films, as it is not too long and for the reasons stated above.
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The Circus (1928)
Wonderful Story
24 January 2013
I'm very glad that I was able to see this movie. I've never seen an entire silent film before and I was completely surprised and drawn into it. It was such a great story and I really ended up loving it.

I initially had only a visual in my mind as to who Charlie Chaplin was. I knew that he was in silent films and that he was a comedian. So I expected it to be the way it was in the beginning; slapstick comedy and general silliness.

But then it suddenly became something more than that. It became a movie about kindness and selflessness. It had a very beautiful meaning to it. The ending isn't what one would expect from a comedy, but that's what makes it stand out. It was wonderful and I really hope to watch it again soon.
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