10 Reviews
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The Pyramid (2014)
Awful, just plain awful
10 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this film on the promise that it would be a 'spine chilling horror' and it started with promise. It's a rather claustrophobic watch with their journey in to the pyramids but given the cast (2 of which are more known for their comic exploits) I was willing it to surprise me - it didn't. The thing which is attacking them appears in part quite early on, leaving the main (a heart removing huge cat like anubis) o appear just before the end. The special effects leave much to be desired and the entire feel of the production is cheap and not well thought out. As with many 'horror' movies these days it felt like a piece of two halves; the first with potential to deliver and the second almost as if they just gave up and resigned themselves to producing a laughable and not remotely scary watch. Another huge disappointment.
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The Pact (II) (2012)
Really surprising and worth a watch
29 July 2013
I watched this with very low expectations knowing that i'd never heard from it and thinking it was worth a shot. The film itself didn't make you wait around long before it started feeding in it's first scary story line.I definitely felt that it had the jump factor. It seemed to be consistent the entire way through and there are several story lines going on here. All is not what it seems.I was very surprised to find out half way through to find out that my initial thoughts and understanding of the plot were completely changed by the big twist. It has enough gore and frightening scenes to warrant a 6-7 and I think if you like the synopsis then I really would give it a go. Interesting cast, good length and a very surprising turn out. No spoilers here :)
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Static (I) (2012)
Loved it till the end
29 July 2013
I watched the trailer of the movie before deciding whether or not to give it a go and it intrigued me enough to watch. It is clear from the first few scenes that there are a few story lines going on here.

Filming wise I think it is directed well with some interesting shots and a soundtrack which certainly adds to heighten the suspense.

Horror wise I think that anything which includes figures with masks on is always scary and throughout the whole film it kept you guessing as to why they were there, the point and what the outcome might be.

I really felt that the whole way through it was tense and suspenseful as a true horror/thriller movie should be, my only disappointment came at the end where I felt the movie recycled and ending which is all to common in cinema today. It would have been so great for it to have been something different to carry on the feeling of the rest of the film, but this sadly was not the case.

It is still worth a watch.
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If you can get over the annoying over done characters there may be the odd jump for you
29 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am not sure whether it is by design but the low budget look and feel isn't really complimented by the ridiculous acting, which I can only hope is done on purpose. If it were not for my friend who wanted to stick it out the characters alone and the general over acting would have made me turn it off after the first 5 minutes or so. The scare factor did provide the odd jump and the story line could have been a great one if you could look past all that I have mentioned above. If you like the idea of Ouija boards, ghosts and people who never turn on the light then perhaps this might be one for you. I've given it 2 for the sure annoyance factor.
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Go out with a bang you say? They Did!
14 June 2013
I have to say after the second movie (which was in essence the first movie in every way but just a different setting) I wasn't even planning to see this at the cinema. When we couldn't see another film and a friend wanted to see the hangover I thought I'd give it a go. From start to finish I was laughing out loud so much so that I think I gave myself a stitch. It's an uncomfortable a watch as ever and the characters do really seem to have come in to their own. I think time wise it's the perfect length and I didn't find myself clock watching as sometimes happens when this type of film. If you do see this film as with all the others make sure you stay till the end credits as there is a little treat for everyone. Well worth a watch and a great, if not a little emotional send off to the trilogy.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Failed to deliver, huge disappointment
14 June 2013
The idea was inspired and I know that I was not the only one waiting with bated breath for this film to come out. So when it finally arrived a few of us rushed to get tickets opening night. Having watched Sinister & Inidious but being let down with the laughable dark skies we both hoped for something big. The movie starts promising enough and like I say the idea itself is so close to the wire that we were hoping for the best. It seems to start with a script but after that the actors just do whatever they want. It's a senseless killing spree which ends as soon as it starts and if all crime is legal we were expecting other crimes to be thrown in to the mix which would shock accordingly. Hawke is utterly forgettable in this performance, his children odd looking and annoying and when it ended we thought perhaps there would be something else. The supposed twist at the end I saw coming a mile off, in fact in the first few scenes. Wouldn't even bother seeing it if you haven't already.
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Dark Skies (2013)
A real let down!
12 April 2013
Insidious & Sinister were two great and in my opinion really frightening horror movies (it's become harder and harder to be scared by anything that's released these days, always too predictable) so seeing this new release I naturally rushed to see it. I have to say if i'd have known it was about aliens I'd probably not have bothered, rubbish effects, the storyline was truly lacking and I found myself wanting it to end as quickly as possible. Everyone in the cinema laughed at bits which were meant to be serious and spent the rest of the time talking as it just wasn't interesting or scary. Let's hope its a one off poor movie from the director, back to horror for you please!
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Savages (I) (2012)
All star cast from stone didn't disappoint
17 February 2013
Aside from the questionable love triangle relationship this film did entertain. An all star cast from Oliver Stone who pulled in some heavy weights to play main characters; Travolta, Heyek, Del Toro. The story line follows the usual route of a film about drugs, a cartel and what happens when something goes wrong.It reminded me slightly of the beach in the bohemian sense that it is filmed with the beautiful locations and equally beautiful cast members.My only criticism if I had to find one is Blake lively is entirely wooden and seems only able to play herself, but I guess she wasn't cast for her acting skills. Nice twist at the end, good for an easy Sunday watch.
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Mama (I) (2013)
Stick to Spanish movies
17 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film (aside from a few jumpy bits) is really awful and such a let down following the few great Spanish films Guillermo has made. The evil beings arms seem to resemble inspector gadget's go go arms and it's bad from start to finish. Having been a fan since pan's labyrinth it seems to me that the change really has been since he stopped making Spanish movies and started casting high profile Americans in his leading roles. Add to this the fact that he seems to be producing a lot of work one after another I would say he's substituted quality for quantity. This does not mean I will not watch the next one he brings out in the hope that it contains something like the magic of pan's labyrinth a film which still shocks and amazes me now.
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Shadow Dancer (2012)
Gripping from start to finish
17 February 2013
Gillian Anderson, Aiden Gillen two blasts from the past back in full swing in this dangerously tantalising drama. From start to finish you are pulled in to the lives of those in, or watching the IRA. Families, real people and characters you almost feel sorry for. The main protagonist a mother and someone who seems genuinely conflicted draws you in, only Clive Owen at times lets the film down.An awkward kissing scene could have be done without, saying that I feel a little unfair to damm his acting entirely as he did play his role well. It ends with a twist and had my full attention throughout, something which today seems harder and harder to expect from modern films. Worth a watch!
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