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What is happening?
2 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
**full of spoilers throughout**

My brother and I decided to marathon the Paranormal Activity series last night (before, I had only seen the first) and I have some serious issues with the fourth installment, as well as the end of the third. Honestly, why not even tag on the end of the second as well?

The second movie ends with Katie coming and offing her sister and taking baby hunter. I suppose I am to assume that little cross just ended the demon's possession of Kristi? Alright, fine. I'll give that one to you just so that the "good guys" have even a slight chance of getting all this crap sorted out. Other than that, no. Kristi looked way to far gone to bring her back. She was basically defending the baby. For what? Who knows. If it was for Katie, why? If it was for the demon/Toby, why didn't she just take it herself?! Enough of that, though. Moving on.

PA3. I loved *most* of it. The swivel camera? Genius. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time it was on that camera. So much could happen in the time it takes to move back around. Every time it moved back and nothing was there = huge sigh of relief. The end, however, was another story. I understand the closet where Toby "resided" was creepy, but so was the Grandmother's entire house. They would have fared better in a public space. And if not, at least people would know what happened. Whatever. I'll return to this thought after my complaints with 4.

PA4. I thought the parents were complete idiots. Especially the mother. When she died, I wasn't scared at all, I was literally cheering. She was completely oblivious to whatever was happening in the house, and didn't seem to care about her kids' well-being. The parents' immediate write-off of anything Alex said was really annoying, and was also in the second and third movies. I refuse to believe that if a parent heard their child mention anything weird going on, or if they had a threatening, demonic sounding imaginary friend, they would assume the child doesn't know what they are talking about and proceed to dismiss their child's pleas as an overactive imagination, wind-blowing, lying, or anything of the sort. I feel like this was just a flaw in creating those characters (the parents).

Questions for the entire series. Who is Robbie? what the heck is that about? and this coven business? So now there are multiple families that have this going on? Congratulations, you just completely and irreversibly overpowered this demon business. Also, think of how many movies they could milk out of that. Way too many. A movie could be made for every other family/story line that stems from the women in that coven thing. Not only is it completely ridiculous, it's incredibly unclear. Up through the third movie, I was rather excited to watch the story unfold. The fourth killed that excitement. I simply don't care anymore. From here on out, with that vampire army, they might as well just make the fifth about taking over the entire world. or devouring it. Mostly the demon is just a major troll, I liked that. then there were a bunch of old people that made deals with it and became heartless weirdos. i don;t care for that so much. Maybe it is all just personal preference, but I think the fifth has some work to do in wrapping up this hole filled plot and returning the series from a jumpy joke back into the first movie, which was terrifying. Even if I wasn't scared watching it, after the fact, I certainly thought twice about leaving my door open while sleeping or looking down hallways without turning on the light or whether a random noise in the night was normal or a demon messing with me. I don't completely dismiss this movie. Some of it was pretty believable. A lot of it wasn't, and that killed it for me.
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