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MacGyver: K9 + Smugglers + New Recruit (2019)
Season 3, Episode 15
A pathetic ripoff of the original...
9 August 2022
Notnomlynis this nothing like the original other than name the writing is horrible Just flipped on this on tv a few min ago while waiting for my wife to get home They had s03e15 playing and OMFG I was not sure if I should laugh or cry at the absolute load of BS bad writing they were trying to shovel Garbage like "shipments of ghost guns" that have killed "untold masses" Can the writers producers and even the on set armorer not take 5 min to at least try to educate themselves before spewing this nonsense?

Then a few min later you have the new supergirl addition that's taking on all the bad guys that are all 10plbs plus her size and supposedly all exmil etc etc but she's walkijng through them like they were grade 2 brats needing a spanking..

Even if you ignore the linage of the original show this remake is such absolute trash its pathetic....

Seriously... even as a base grade formulaic shoot bad guys blow up car /house/ somethin and good guys go home they botched that basic goal..... and missed the entire plot of the original

No shock RDA cant stand this remake

Irony as well the anti gun rhetoric drips off this trash in spades and yet they rely on the very same tools for 90% of their content hypocrisy knows no limits with this trash writing...
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Worst to First (2017–2019)
Have salt shaker handy
24 May 2022
The show is ok.. however these 2 bumbling hosts are not the experts they claim to be by any means There are things that are flat out wrong and massively wasteful for the ppl getting shafted with the bill And there are idiotic things that is either beyond poor editing or the hosts are even more bumbling idiots

Ie s1e2 the aluminum wiring. Their claims that it MUST be rewired to copper and that alu wiring could start a fire with a snap of his fingers etc This is not true at all Yes alu wiring is not used anymore for good reason and there are safety aspects to dealing with such that dont apply to copper.

However it is not that bad and any qualified electrician should be easily capable of dealing with such to adapt it to any updates needed and done in a perfectly safe manner Its so easy to deal with there is even socket/switch markings explicitly designed for identifying use for alu and copper

This also is another massive red flag of the bad editing or them being idiots since any inspection of the house pre-purchase would have easily found this so it would never be a big bad news shock etc again given the age of the home as well it would automatically be something that would be checked for by default

So enjoy the show but dont rely on the info these 2 bumbling buds present as the truth....
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The Nest (I) (2020)
The Nest was the wrong title.. the Hibernation is more accurate
26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Nest was the wrong title.. the Hibernation is more accurate.. that is what happens to the audience watching this wannabe flick that moves so slowly that a prehistoric snail still stu k in a glacier older than than the beautiful massive table they dont make anymore (duh they dont make em like that anymore since not only would that cost a fortune but you need an entire moving crew to shuffle it even an inch)

The only moment of faster pace at all was starrung Carrie's breasts .. and while they are nothing to complain about they hardly make a good film alone unless the audience is a 11yr old boy dicpscovering the Sears catalog womens underwear section is not adult material (Keeping with the early 80s time period this snooze fest tries to portray)

So.. while there is somen acting talent in the cast it's a complete waste on this drivel

Do yourself a fav and skip this one... it's time you will never get back otherwise..
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FBI: International (2021– )
To quote the great Monty Python: run away run awayyyyyyyy
9 October 2021
To quote the great Monty Python: run away run awayyyyyyyy

Bloody hell the garbage being shoved out on the poor public this yr is never ending and this like of stinking crap is no exception

Just do yourself a fav... skip it don t even think of giving it a try. I already sacrificed that slice of time I'll never get back learn from that.
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Here Alone (2016)
and were off and running and breathing hard and itd going soo well,,, then in the end of this "race" suddenly the director loses it and jumps on a bus away from the movie
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously low budget it is but you can do a very good movie that's low budget and this one was running along very well indeed It was ex feeding many I've seen that have had far bigger budgets The acting was excellent they had a believable storyline and even enough what it's in there to keep the audience guessing and watching

And then almost like the director left and some moron like say Kathleen Kennedy appears to destroy everything that has een built to this point

The above review by nrossin81 was spot on imo and I have to agree.. dont waste your time they tolerate was a solid 8 plus on a budget of thr nibs from the shoestring and then pulled a Kenedy and sank themselves with unbelieveable stupidity that only went from good to predictable idiotic but absolutely dank the ship it was riding on

It's due to that last 1pmin aprox that it went from a refreshing small film to OMFG flush this and the asinine morons that have ruined it!!!!!!!

Tldr skip it you will never get back the time lost on this should ha e been flushed movie.
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Cruella (2021)
Aw Emma.. how can you be so cruel to your own career?
28 May 2021
Aw Emma.. how can you be so cruel to your own career?

Seriously you can actually act unlike many, you have generally been smart in the roles you have picked and you can even at times help save what would otherwise be far far worse w/o you in it but this steaming pile.. the fact that it is the unmitigated ongoing disaster of disney should have been a massive warning

And this its another cheap attempt by the greed machine that disney has become to rob the pockets of people for what is at best sub par grindhouse wannabe movies that no one asked for

Now in your case your career will survive this black mark I'm sure the fact you can act helps a lot there but in the future you might want to really think long and hard on it the juice is worth the squeeze or if its tainted wannabe tang knockoff by ripoff central aka Disney.

For those that have not seen this.. do yourself a fav dont it sure as hell is not worth the $$$ disney is trying to get.. and if you must see it wait a few weeks it will be in the bargain bin or the trash ca where you can have it for almost what it's worth.
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Nash Bridges: Revelations (1997)
Season 3, Episode 8
this ep shows bad writing and don was not speaking up ugh
28 October 2020
This ep shows bad writing and don was not speaking up ugh

Wst off we know Don actually has training with firearms since he was given such for MV..

Yet the dolt writers for this ep have him saying to kelly at the 12min mark a comment about her plan with a 5 clip 32 cal gun

DON... holy hell you mustache been sleeping to let that blunder pass that day....

Sadly this is all too common evenin good shows due to writers being very lazy and or dumb.... maybe one day they will take 5 min to learn the very basic proper terms before making asses if themselves with FAIL like this... but I'm not holding my breath...
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"Crayon Zombies!"
23 October 2020
"Crayon Zombies!" Afterschool Special + Walking dead + snowflake central = OMG this might just be the end of TWDs long run of success... it just might be an EPIC FAIL level extinction event...

Its like TWD as handed over to Ewe Bol only worsel!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Warning!! NOT a PC safe space bubble wrapped wet nappy review... so you have been warned you cant compain! No explicit spoilers included either.. though there are some info bits that some could conder such in a vague way.. so if you wish to completely avoid any even remotely possible bits of that sort you have also been warned (Not like you are missing much however if anything spoliers keepng you from wasting your tim on this could be considered doing you a big favour!)

Seriously... the entire thing falls apart in the very first few minuites by the absoluely absurd claim that Portland survives the EOTW... that city is such a mess in the real world that they can't survive w/o being cated to beyond any sense of reason or sanity.. and with the cold hard reality of actual life being ignored by such.. If TEOTW happened tomorrow Portland wouldnt last 10 days neermind 10 years+.. seriously... this is the home of the Evergreen college whiners that need the current world bubble wrapped and demand their safe spaces.. Zombies would obviously be more upsetting that make believe absurd microagression BS.

Even the beginning/intro to this new spinoff is .. well.. childish would be an apt term IMO.. Not the sylizer graphic art of TWD or FTWD... but a soy boy rainbows and hugs painted zombie sort of effect instead,, itss just NOT believeable at all..

The entire thing is so tame my 5 yr old watched for this for a few min (He absolutey LOVES zombies.. and is dressing up as such for halloween this yr obviously) and he was laughing at the TV!!!! Seriously.. he pointed and said it to the opening of the show was "Crayon Zombies!"

But back to the series.. granted I have only watched the first ep so far.. so who knows,, maybe somehow they can pull a rabbit out of a zombies ass and at least make me laugh at the sdness of how pathetic this one is so far.. and I alays aim to be fair and give a show a chance to settle in.. and imprrove... i almost always give a show at least 6 ep+ yo find itsfooting.. though there have been some exceptions that are so horrifyingly bad ive killed such by the end of the 1st.. same as a few really crap movies that I've turned off unfinished to save my sanity

TNG took a season+ for example to really find it grove.. as did Voyager and others.. and some seasons of TWD etc have been betterthan others but it has consistantly found its way back on track w/o an extinction event happening.... but now with current disasterous crap daring to call itself Star Trek ie: Discovery.. which stars a former TWD alum... (massive downgrade for her career) it was so absolutly pathetic that even after the end of the 1st season it had not improved.. it got WORSE!!!

The overall stink-o-meter is bouncing off the "Kathleen Kenedy" and "Ryan Johnson" zone.... and that is a VERY VERY BAD sign.. I seriously am hoping that such a fate has not what is happening to TWD universe... (Though given AMCs insane butchery of movies and genera HUA syndrome.. one can never know)

I will say that beyond the after school special feel the writing of it is also so far beyond absurd its sad.. thay've tried shoving crap into this that it feels like a rejected plotline from a Degrassi Highs spinoff... its beyond absurdly predictable dumb teenage mistakes.. its crap that even the dumbest teen would know better than to try in TWD universe.. since if they were not smarter than such theyd have been long dead before hitting puberty. Not to mention the total absurdity of a girl thats supposedly very smart but was rattled by one zombie that was never in a position to really be a threat to her safety.. and that hasnt even gown up enough to have even DATED.. seriously... post end of the world here and the odd of any teenage with no lack of other teens around NOT having alreaady had sex nevermind basic dating... the absurd-o-meter exploded beyond repair at that level of /facepalm

Oh and the MUSIC!! Was there a gas leak in the exec offices when hey green lit this... its beyond unsuitable.. its beyond bad and it sure as hell is NOT going to ever be a classic musical pick like the Gonk no matter what they were smoking when approving that...

PS An Old Oki printer... seriously? Those are so old that even the poorest universities have thrown them out decades ago.. and are only evver used now in museums or for the very very very rare case of someone needing to still use carbon copy printing systems.. Nevermind the fact that thsy dont showw a snigle piece of hardware at all within its vicinity that could provide any sort of input signal to make it actually print.
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There really needs to be a standard for"true story" so called historical dramas....
7 October 2020
There really needs to be a standard for"true story" so called historical dramas....

While this could have been a good display odf acting skill. proper production values and good cinematograpphy while also being a good honest example of histor portrayed on film so as to help themasses actualy lean history..

its NOT

Hence why yet again I say that for someone to say "true story" it really should be trying to be as accoate as possible.. vs the typical "based on" and the end result being a work of complete fiction told to misdirect the narritive in a manner not dictated by the facts but rahter by an agenda.

I wont spoil the plot or story line.. but for anyone that actually wants to learn about actual history I suggest skipping this entirey ssince you wont lern the truth here.. and by effect thereof the proucers of this sort of lie do everyone a disservice in the end.

Oh and before some jump on the "omg hes hating the " typie crap.. I'm not only one of those that has defended your rights as Americans I'm also not an American and dont live in the US., so I dont ave any skin in your political race per se. This Canuck actually prefers the truth over thinly disgised twisted propaganda.

I will say howeverr Its sad how many that yell and scream and act like spoiled brats can expend all of that energy rioting and other non-sense yet not spend even 10 min actually fact checking that which they are throwing a tantrum about.. perhaps one day they will grow up but I'm not holding my breath on the bubble wrap generation
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Who'd have htunk Sherlocks sister would be a MARY SUE...
24 September 2020
Seriously... right from the description alone it gives away the extremely unimaginative writing

"becoming a super-sleuth in her own right as she outwits her famous brother "

The desperate bs of hollywood as of late trying everything they can possibly do to not just do "girl power" but to try to replace any male character.,. and do it 'better" (Michal from the abysmal Star Trek Discovery anyone? How about the gut wrenchingly bad mary sue aka Rey.. from the disnitified Star Wars (aka abysmal desetruction of one of the most beloved franchises in cinema history)

Sorry but there is good reason why movies are bombing and studios are loosing billions.. get woke go broke isn't just a passing phrase..

Do yourself a fav and skip this drivel that at best should have been relegated to 3 AM on the womens network before being burned...

Its certainly time I will never get back sadly and I've seen some truly horrible flicks.. this insipid crap is even less entertaining than Ewe Boll's garbage.. since at least his is so bad you cant help but laugh at the fact he trying to be serious..

PS NO I'm not some misogynistic woman hater etc etc before you make foolish assumptions. Give a good well written character and the SEX shouldn't matter.. (unless its the lame attempt to force a sex change as hollywood is desperate to do) something hollywood is too dense to grasp.. and while they desperately try to push their garbage and complain and whine misogyny etc when people hate it they conveniently skip right over excellent strong female leads.. like Sigourney in dozens of films... Princess Lea, Sarah Connor in the original Terminator and T2.. past that point that series wen t to crap and the last was so bad a plate full of dog diarrhea would be more authentically artistic... How about Laura Croft? and never mind WONDER WOMAN.. But no they don't care for .. reasons..
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2 June 2020
Well other that star rating jeffkastners review said it very well.. wow .. it should be retitled "how to take a stunning cast that can act and put everyone into a coma"

Holy crap.. great premise.. seriously stacked deck for casting.. and after max 10 min the downhill slide begins and is beyond an unsaveable pile of total crap at the end.

Seriously.. Scott Cooper as a director is almost as much of a disaster with this as the moron ryan johnson was with disnified star wars.. Hell even Use Boll didn't put you into a coma.. (he just made you want to kill him , the morons that kept giving him $$$ or yourself instead to try to erase his horrid "films" from your memory)

I'd ask for a refund but I think I might still be in a bad nightmare in the coma this movie has induced....

End result.. DISASTER
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Live Once, Die Twice (2006 TV Movie)
With luck you can sleep through it if you are somehow forced to watch this exercisein lazy writing and thinly veiled lame politics BS being injected.
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well despite having2 acrtresses that later in their careers learned to actually act their performances here were.. lacking shall we say and cmbined with bad writing/directing I doubt it would matter. I fortunately have seen newer works with Cindy (Private eyes where she has become more polished over the years but is still carried by Jason's skills IMO) and Kellie whom I more recently caught in "A Christmas Ornament" where her skills obviously were much improved. The 10+ yrs between this and most of the newer material I've seen with either Cindy or Kellie in has certainly helped both gain experience and skill from such. (Some get experience but never improve their skill or lack thereof regardless)

But to be fail the writer of this movie is obviously more concerned with typical unimaginative "twists" aka plot A, sub-plot B, with a load of BS trying to obfuscate the political crap from the writer(s). And sadly more of the typical unrealistic action sequences written by those that are absolutely clueless about reality

example dialog by a supposed cop walking 2 "rough looking thugs" into a station.

~~~ "Nice bunch of guys.
  • Well, that's what happens when
a country has real gun control." ~~~~

Reality however is in Canada the gun control laws are so poorly written (intentionally) they are 95% focused on control and punishment of the law abiding firearms owners and the only part in the "'firearms act" explicitly written to aim at actual ad guys has never been used in court yet (25+ yrs later) No I'm not joking.. its sadly 100% true (Given the actual aim of c-68/c-71 from the mid 1990s thats not a surprise for anyone that was actually paying attention)

Now as for the action sequence as well .. yet again typical of someone that would hove a flat out lie like the above dialog into a script is proof they know nothing about firearms or the actual laws in reality.

Warning SPOLIER ALERT for anyone that can't predict the absurdly obvious.

Nearer the end of the movie there is a gun fight between the bad guy and the PI (Mac) the women had hired. A LONG running battle.. which in and of itself is very unrealistic (real life gun fights between only 2 people typically are over in less than a min.)

But in the grand hollywood tradition this "gun battle" goes on and on with both sides firing off a pile of shots each.. not once ever reloading (aka Rambo style ) despite the fact that both are using REVOLVERS which the majority of which are 6 shot capacity (and the highest semi-common capacity model was not present here only holds 8 (and we can safely eliminate the 10/12 shot .22 types since no one realistically would be using that as a sidearm)

Also as to the abve injectio of the writers lame attempt to claim "real gun control" for Canada.. the big bad guy obviously was still armed regardless of those laws (FAIL) and the PI which I didn't catch if hes supposed to be Canadian or American. However in either case legally he would NOT be armed so yet another FAIL in the writing. (IF he is Canadian he would need an ATC to have a sidearm and those are basically non-existant and no PI's are NOT armed in Canada.. and if he was an American he woul be disarmed to enter the country (even most cops that are visiting are NOT allowed to be armed while here) and if he was not in adherance with that section of the law it would again make him a bad guy with a firearmillegally. so FAIL again.

Now granted this is a lower budget made for TV movie and we all know hollywood in general is not known for getting things right. But given even the lowest budget shows can at least make an effort to get things right and be more realistic.

Yes I am a well qualified source for this subject before you ask. I also have helped on more than one production I worked on in keeping such facts more accurate and mostly its not that hard with a lil effort. The sad fact is its extremely lazy writing/directing in most cases.. since even some of the better produced shows get garbage like this included..

Not to mention the never ending idiot mistake of calling a magazine a clip.. they are NOT the same thing! Getting that small fact straight alone would help a lot for realisim and accuracy. And don't even get me started on some of he most pathetic farces in this regard like the tripe "supergirl" /facepalm

Anyhow if you are bored to tears and /or have brokenlegs and no modern remote control then maybe you will suffer through this movie.. but with luck you will be spared and can sleep through it instead.

There are worse.. but the bad writing and blatant BS is way too prevalent to give this one more than 2 stars (one star alone for not having uwe boll involved)
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Munich (2005)
meh spielberg half hearted attempt at a spy movie
22 November 2019
Seriously valid real life subject.. good actors.. reasonable theory of how to do X but it seemed more an anti-violence agenda than a thriller about real justice vs the terrorists that maimed and killed XXXXX # of people in the name of their religion

Sorry but in the end a reasonable flick but SS certainly could have done far better imo esp given he didn't lack funds or acting talent.

Therefore while its not a bad film per se it is not an award winning class some think it is. so i give it a pass at 6 stars.
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brain damage would hurt less..
2 November 2019
Seriously.. LS is a blatant RACIST (yes he real meaning the word nut the slap on label as per usual snowflake morons that use racist, nazi etc and dont even understand the meaning o the words), massively self entitled, fem-nazi man hating beyond unfunnny embassment for all Canadians. (Make no mistake, she was born here to wealthy imigrant parents from India, but sure hell does NOT act like a typical Canadian to say the least!)

This show is essentially more of the same garbage as found on her youtube channel ( and despite it being blatantly in breach of the YT TOS repeatedly YT continues to never enorce their own rules on her due to blant political agenda BS)

As for the show... the only joke involved at all is on those foolisly expecting actual comedy and entertainment from this steaming POS.. seriously.. its nauseatingly bad and the fact some moron has chosen to try to push this garbage onto mainstream TV says a lot regarding just hhow massively biased and pathetic the network idiots are.

Whats even more sad is the try to push LSs blantly racist anti-freedom crap yet the same sort of execs had a meltdown over roseanne's aking an actual JOKE in a tweet that was not even a part of her work for the TV show...

The dictionary needs to have a picture of those execs etc etc beside the word hypocrite

Oh and rottentomatoes logo should in there for the word propoganda
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Pandora (2019–2020)
Read the reviews.. HEED the WARNINGS!!!
23 July 2019
Those reviews warning you away you need to heed!!! They are spot on unlike the obvious shill reviews.

Monty Python said it perfectly regarding this disaster attempt at Scifi.: RUN AWAY!!! RUN AWAYYYYYYYY!!!!!

This series couldnt be worse even if pandoras box had every STD in the galaxy! Special effects are so bad overall that better can be easily found from the 70s!!! Im not kidding! Given modern CGI capabilities better quality could be done on my smart phone!!!

The writing is a disaster.. the acting.. well lets just say it dosnt matter and the one pathetic attempt to hint at using the main actresses's body (aka sex sells) was so poorly done you can find better acting and directing in almost any old porno flick.. you know the master dialog/plot:

person1: Hi person2: Hi person1: heres your pizza person2: I dont have any money but... etc etc meanwhile the undoubtedly empty pizza box is the actual star of the show...

SFi can be done very well including on a budget. Dark Matter was a KILLER example of this.. but pandora is the flip side and sadly the only way I can think of making this steaming pile worse would be having ewe boll involved! In fact I intentionally gave it a whole 2 instead of a 1 since hes not involved afaik... though IMDB needs to seriously add a ZERO or NEG rating option IMO
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Camp (2013)
Nice mix of humor and drama to make a fun show
23 July 2019
My wife and I appened upon this little gem by accident way back when it was new.. decided to give it a shot and enjoyed its entire season. Sadly some dolt killed this series.. a big mistake as is easily seen by its IMDB rating alone. It could have been better sure but nothings perfect and in our opinion it easily was worth the time spent

Suffice to say the series is worth the time to watch for a light hearted laugh and while it is not currentlyly avail on bluray etc etc there are some sources still where the entire 1st season can be ound with a little digging. :)

I also advise everyone ignore the retentive rantings of reviewers like "reapersgames" whom obviously needs to get out more and spend less time worrying about what others do and more introspection oh his/her own obvious failings.
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Ignore the title - Pay attn to SE's perormance
2 July 2019
1st off ignore the rather absurd title.. its not well named IMO

Now take Sam's talent instead and applied as it was for this flawed but deinately unique film and you have something that really is different and itt'll as other have said be a love it or hate it movie.

Is it one to add to the vault in max quality? No cant say it is It'll never be a movie most will want to watch over and over and over. But it sure as hell was worth the time spent IMO and unlike so many movies esp in the last few yrs.

This is not pointless drivel or yet another idiotic lame ass attempt at virtue signaling or pushing yet another lame tired BS political agenda which has zilch to do with the movie at hand. ie: Its not a Disney product like Captain Marvel (See my review or details) with the beyond no talent but overblown ego known as Bree.. or worse yet (and thats very hard to do) the steaming pile of garbage aka black panther..

So it you want something with more depth than disneys drivel and have 90min avail.. odds are this movie will be a good bet and it certainly willl make you use your grey matter ar more vs the typical BS spewed outta holllywood esp. as of late.
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Visually STUNNING, Intelectually STUNTED & ultimately a /Facepalm
20 May 2019
Visually STUNNING Intelectually STUNTED

No one will fault the amazing CGI work Visually it reminds me of Valerian Sadly writing wise its just as much of a mess..

Hugo is the only real "Name" from the main cast and as usual his performance is very good. His acting skill is superb and he did in V a performance that would cripple most actors.. with a mask seriously hampering hhis ability to convey meaning, feelings and emotion to the audience he pulled it off in spectacular fashion IMO. But that said even the acting skill he displayed in V and many other roles could not alone save this pathetic mess of a movie.

Jackson has brought us some absolutely brilliant films with the LOTR trillogy.. and even the Hobbit was above average (despite idiootic $ grubbbing execs forcing it to be 3 films. They should have followed JRRs originnal plan there).. but he has also failed at times as well and this movie is definately one such example.

Watch it if you have 2 hours a BIG screen to appreciate the visuals.. but dont waste $ buying it and dont nab it just because of credits for Jackson or Hugo being there..

Its simply too much of a mess.. and ultimately falls flat on its face regardless of actors, producers..

I give it a 4 only due to the visuals and Hugos performance.. and thats barely a 4. I have seen far worse but thhis had potential which was wasted with too many cooks in the kitchen.. or at least thats the impression I and many others I know got after watching it

100% guaranteed this will NEVER make the Criterion collection list
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I want a refund for the time lost watching this coma inducing POS excuse for a film
14 May 2019
At the end the creators display this info

"This film was inspired by many folktales, fairytales and written accounts of historical witchcraft, including journals, diaries and court records.

Much of the dialog comes directly from these period sources.

All I can say is your sources SUCK! Holy hell slow burn my ass slow burn at how horrifyingly bad this pile of crap is.. it desperately wants to create a creepy scary atmosphere.. it falls flat on its face to say the least.

For that do yourself a favour and watch "The Descent".. it hands down succeeds on that count in spades.. and get the Euro ending not the lame ass US version!

I didnt pay for this movie.. thankfully.. but despite that I swear I should be billing the amature clowns that foisted this crap upon the world for the ti,e I sadly will never get back

I could include spoilers as well but there is no need how can anyone spoil somethis this coma inducing???

Also before you foolishly assume I am not one of the short attention span putz reviewers thaat can't handle slower moving films.. glacial paces does not mean bad BAD means BAD and on that this film is BAD.. hence why the 1 star.. I sadly can't give it lower... believe me it deserves lower!

90min runtime... felt like 90 weeks...
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Tropical Cop Tales (2018–2019)
wtf???? seriously WHY??
18 April 2019
Wtf???? seriously WHY??

This utter crap is desperately trying to compete with Ewe Boll forhow bad crap can be that some tard threw $$$ at..

Throw the $ my way instead I could make something better using a decade old cell phone camera and farting in its general direction..

The sad part is thats NOT a joke... anyone's farts would be oscar winners in comparison!!

/facepalm @ how in bloody hell this crap ever got made nevermind actually broadcast!!!
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First Man (2018)
/facepalm where to begin...
19 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
/facepalm where to begin...

Well unlike this movie I wont waste a ton of time.

(Note I am checking SPOILERS so the imdb staff checking this can decide if they consider it such. I dont consider such spoilers but some might for some bizarre reason.)

Excellent special effects?. check.. actors and actresses that can actually act? check. Historical clips? check

A director that is in dire need of lessons on making this sort of film without putting the viewer nto a coma? Yep CHECK there fore sure!

For the love of all that can be good in a bio-pic/documentary get David Attenborough to teach this director!!!!

Spielberg should be ashamed of his name being associated with this massively BORING waste of time

You could easily chop out over an hour from this film and not only not loose anything of value but it would abe a massive improvement.

And before you assu,e otherwise.. i can easily handle films of truely epic length and some I have seen are truely massive in that regard.

Once Upon A Time In The West, The Right Stuff, Schindlers List, Magnolia, LOTR-ROTK, Seven Samurai, etc etc the list of movies far longer than this yet infinely better is not lacking.

If you want a movie on this subject or close to it.. The Right Stuff and Appolo 13 right off the bat come to mind and both are seriously excellent films

and of course one I have not seen yet but have heard rave reviews from vergood sources (not msm shills for the studios etc or blatanty BS sites like what rotten fruit has become)

Apollo 11 (2019)

Sorry but the fact this is rated a 7 on here is beyond suspect (Lets hope imdb is not going the same way as RT has) since everyone I have spoken with about it (and that is a very large # not just friends chatting) all agreed with me.. potential was there but damn.. snooze fest 101 was the result.
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/me yawnz..
13 March 2019
The controvery over BLs idiotic rants was more entertaining

Special effects + bad writing + bad acting from a very forgettable lead does not a good movie make

Add to that the absurd feminist crap they are desperately trying to shove down everyones throats just adds to the level of a bomb this movie is

The sad part is just like the backlash over the last jedi the tards in charge still firmly have their heads up their arses and refuse to listen

Stop the policics crap, stop trying to shove progressive garbage into movies

GOOD writing plus at least decent acting seems t be a lost art and the more idiots like BL open their mouths the more we all end up loosing since whhat could have been good is instead a steaming pile of crap.. and then t wont end up making actal good movies in the future due to the financial failures caused by such arrogance and attacking the FANS

End result... they got zero $ from me or any of dozens of my friends whom refused to go see this movie due to BLs crap I watched it since I got to waste the time for free and ultimately end result is I want that lost time back,,, even having a nap would have been a better was to spend that time

Meh would be too nice for this bland garbage. skip it you are not missing out and by skipping it you also help drive home the point of attacking the fans or trying to shove politics where it does not belong is a very bad idea.

3 stars 2 fr SJs acting and 1 for special effects zero starts get added for the rest of this drivel
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
I try to be fair and expected the worst. but with careful thought given acordingly...
7 March 2019
I really did expect the worst.. its not despite my almost wishing it was

Now thats said its a sad attempted ripoff of the original.. its watchable but ONLY because of its original basis and compared to so much utter crap being spewed out of lunatic PC hollywood this is thankfully mild in comparison

The swap for Higgins was not needed but is barely passible if such a change must be forced in. The obvious PC black female shoehorned in MAC change is cringe worthy at best..

And god forbid they try to do anything even remotely capable of upsetting the snowflake sjw femnazis with humor that dosnt need to pass the "sniff test" that is constantly shoved down our throats by the hypocritical tards in charge of trying to push an agenda instead of focusing on good writing

The unmitigated current disaster wanabe Star Trek garbage aka Discovery is a shining example of that.. and CBS scared to hell of the Orville.. which ironically is vastly superior IMO desspite it starting life as a parody of sorts.

So new Magnum a win? No cant say it is.... but it is not a total failure either unlike so much garbage as of late (Ghostbusters, Oceans 8, Discovery, etc etc)..

Undoubetedly the best part of the new reboot is the HD film quality but sadly lacking 4K still for some moronic reason.. seriously what are they doing in that area????? Its a idiotic as filming in HD and only releasing it on DVD format. (somhing sadly all too common esp here in canuchistan)

Will I continue watching? Yeah probably unless they make it worse than it is now.. there is massive room for improvement needless to say however.. and given the limited choice for "new" shows this currently is one of the least offensive to speak But that is still walking a very thin shrp edge and one mis-step and the new Magnum will undoubetedly castrate itself

ie: dont try to shove in more PC agenda lunacy no absurd forced non-binary/trans/whatever the snowflake theme of the week is.. put your noses down and try to do some good original writing instead and the show will improve.. try to push in more changes in the basic original structure for NO GOOD REASON like the MAC stupidity and itll be a kiss of death.

Especially for the fans of the original whom are not the "can't wipe their own rear ends without an assistant while whining incessantly" generation aka we dont all get trophys just for showing up.. thats idiotic and if you try to feed us that absurd garbage expect a backlash accordingly.

I know I am not alone in saying we are fed up with that coddling crap and we demand better.. or you loose viewers which means loosing $$ and that is ultimately what the execs care about in the end.

Therefore considering all of it so far and giving it time for cast melding etc (no show is perfect right out of the gate) I've therefore thought carefully and have given it a generous rating of 6..

There is enough there to have promise if polished properly and improved accordingly but not so bad as to be an unpolishable turd unlike the majority of such esp in the last decade..
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Taken Back: Finding Haley (2012 TV Movie)
cliche is an understatement - razzie wannabe IMO
6 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All the acting power of Amanda and Moira combined + horrifyingly bad directing/writing and pathetic predictable mishmash they put together for this...

I normally avoid made for tv movies due to crap like this... took the chance on this and wow.. well lets just say its the low point in the careers of both actresses..

There is no doubt they are capable of so much better than this tripe.. but that said their names alone in the future won't be enough alone to justify the time spent or in this case lost.

Id vote for this for a razzie but its so poorly done it does not even make it into that class... Sorry but it;s the equivalent of taking 2 good actresses and giving them the most stinking low budget high school production to try to save... you know it does not matter how good either is.. it;s doomed from the start..
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11 February 2018

OMG what a pointless boring horrific waste of time and acting skill. Great actors sure.. I can't blame them at all as all three have more than proven themselves elsewhere... but for this movie but that didn't help one iota

However that said.. this movie while I wanted to like it was horrific! I've watched some really bad sh*t over the years.. including many very pathetic B movies that had a budget of a case of beer that were better done.. (Check out my other reviews for examples of some really bad movies)/.

Seriously though.. the director has crafted what can only be called a pointless steaming pile of crap.. this movie was so bad did something shocking to those that know me and how many movies I've watched..

I TURNED IT OFF mid movie!!!!!

It's insanely rare for me to ever turn off a movie before watching it all (barring emergency/other obligations etc obviously).. well this was one of those few.. I just couldn't take it anymore.. it was putting me into a coma!!

Seriously.. it was so absolutely pathetic I killed it after forcing myself to suffer through aprox. 2/3 in the desperate hope that it would somehow get better. That somehow the acting talent presented in the 3 leads would somehow get to shine... that hell some idiot on set would accidentally knock over the nearest pail of water onto the power cables to shock some life into this pathetic mess..

Sadly this was not to be.. do yourself a huge favor.. DON'T waste the time even starting to watch this piece of crap..

The really sad thing is I'm always comparing bad movies by default to anything Ewe boll has touched... and he's so far out to lunch he thinks hes god gift to cinema while being the opposite in reality.. and this pos excuse for a morie does to tbe best of my knowledge not involve him at all.. scary thought..

The director should b so far beyond ashamed of this it's not funny... and the 3 main leads.. god help their careers if they ever sign on with him or anything this bad ever again.. I doubt their careers would survive such again regardless of their acting skill.

In the great wise words of Monty Python and this movie:

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