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A very human film
23 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Killing Eleanor is the story of two women who are unable to move forward in their lives for very different reasons. Forced together, they must build a bond on an unsteady foundation to find a path out of their respective doldrums.

The screenplay, written by co-lead Annika Marks, delves into the complicated subject of assisted suicide with nuance and humor. Keeping a film like this both grounded and funny is a huge task and it starts in the writing.

The film never loses sight of who Natalie and Eleanor are as people, unafraid to show their flaws but also their strengths. Its clear the people telling this story care about these characters. Marks and O'Hara are pitch perfect and have great chemistry bringing them to life.

Subtle direction from Rich Newey along with a terrific cast allows the story to unfurl at its own pace. The result is an unflinching, funny, and touching film.

I left Killing Eleanor reminded that it is our impermanence, in part, that fills our time here with potential. Please go watch this film.
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Ali (2001)
good not great
29 June 2008
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Overall Michael Mann's choppy direction and a wandering script really hold back what could have been a great movie. Mann is obsessed with the music of the time period and while at times it does create a nice atmosphere, he also extends several scenes to unneeded length because of it. The script goes into great detail in certain areas of Ali's life, yet leaves other areas strangely glossed over. For instance, a great deal of time is spent on his father, whereas almost none is spent on the relationship between Ali and Joe Frazier, who many consider to be his greatest enemy, most interesting foil, and Ali's greatest triumph, yet the Thrilla in Manilla is not even mentioned.

In the end, it works to a certain extent thanks to a wide range of excellent performances including, Jamie Fox, Jada Pinkett Smith, Ron Silver, Mykelti Williamson, Jeffrey Wright, and especially Jon Voight and Mario Van Peebles. The last two portray historic figures in their own right and give them the proper scope those men deserved, while still being deferential to Ali. Finally, Will Smith gives the finest performance of his career to date and continues to grow as an actor as he impersonates Ali perfectly while creating a flawed, but larger than life man who becomes a legend.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Run Lola Run
3 February 2006
This frenetic, thriller starts out at breakneck speed and never slows down. It is an incredible sensory experience as the movie is artfully directed with very stylish sequences, including some animated, all set to a pounding techno score that sets up the mood perfectly. One of the most visually stunning films I have ever seen, it tells the story of Lola, who receives a telephone call from her boyfriend Manni. Manni has lost 100,000 German Marks he was supposed to give to a mobster. The meeting is in 20 minutes and if he doesn't get the money the mobster will kill him. The film follows Lola's frantic race across town to save her boyfriend.

This film, despite having an action packed exterior, also has a philosophical interior. It details how the tiniest events can have enormous consequences on not just ourselves, but also everyone around us. If your looking for an exciting, upbeat, offbeat, action/thriller then I highly recommend Run Lola Run.
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Cool Runnings (1993)
great film for the entire family.
29 November 2005
This is an excellent one to rent when you are looking for something that both the older and younger generations will enjoy. It is the feel good story of the Jamaican bobsled team. 4 Jamaicans, 3 of them sprinters who missed the Olympics, and are willing to do anything to get their shot to represent their country. John Candy plays a man who was disgraced and retired from bobsledding and agrees to give it one last chance as their coach. A hysterical screen play that has several jokes for the older crowd added in with the slapstick humor for the kids, combined with director John Turteltaub gives this movie an easy going feel. It is very funny and manages to come across as inspirational without being preachy at all.

Another great reason to rent it is it is one of the last performances of one of the greats. John Candy takes a break from his usual role as the goofball and plays this one straight while allowing the 4 Jamaicans to play off him. Especially the wise cracking Doug E. Doug. There is great chemistry between all 5 of the main actors though.

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time.
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Red Eye (2005)
Fast paced but has some holes
18 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Red Eye is an up-tempo thriller than continues to build suspense through out the movie. Ultimately it is about a political assassination but it takes place almost entirely on an airplane where the bad guy (Cillian Murphy) is trying to get the good girl (Rachel McAdams) to help him set up the assassination. This is where the movie is at its best as McAdams and Murphy both keep up with Wes Craven's breakneck speed and carry the movie.

Once the action moves off the plane holes start to appear and questions pose themselves. Some times it is simply ludicrous. There is no way Murphy could have expended the energy he did for as long as he did after he was stabbed. When they call for security on the plane the entire airport would have gone into lock down and neither would have made it out. Assuming they both did get out of the plane and the airport why wouldn't Murphy just call his man outside the house and send him on his mission. If he had done this immediately he would have been in and out long before Mc Adams ever reached there. McAdams had bullet proof glass on the car she stole. What are the odds of that. Also don't you think the Coast Guard inspection crew would have noticed the giant cable hanging over the side of the boat to hold the rocket launcher? Just stupid mistakes that detracted from the enjoyment of the movie. It is still an interesting idea and worth seeing but it just seems to me they didn't think it all the way through.
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Misguiding Moral Message
26 July 2005
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I came away from this film fairly angry. I thought the several talented actors all gave strong performances, the direction was good and in general a pretty well done production. My main problem with the movie was on a moral standpoint.

Samuel L Jackson plays a man living in the prejudiced south who's daughters are raped by two white bigots. In search of revenge he goes after them and kills them. The main part of the movie centers around Jackson's trial. McConaghey is the heroic lawyer for the defense and Kevin Spacey is the oily prosecutor. Sandra Bullock, and Keifer and Donald Sutherland round out the talented cast. After a heated trial and many looks at the ugly racism of the south, even in present day, Jackson is acquitted. In our society a man must be punished for his crimes. You are not allowed to kill another man period. I deeply empathize with Jackson's position, I might have done the same myself, but if we allow the public to take law into their own hands, we will create a vigilante society where no one is safe and the law means nothing. No matter how evil those two men were and how much they deserved to be punished, they needed to be punished by the law, not Jackson. I agree that sometimes the law does not always fulfill its duty but that is something we must fix with the legal system. We cannot use that as an excuse to allow civilian killings. I also think racism is a problem still and is something else we as a society must address, but this movie gives the message that killing in revenge is OK, and killing is never OK.
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Pure Genius
15 July 2005
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Every so often a movie comes along that totally changes the way people define a good movie. Usually its an action flick, like the Matrix, that uses some new camera work combined with stunning visuals and everyone calls it a masterpiece. This movie, American Beauty, is truly a work of art. Every frame, every line carefully crafted by rookie director Sam Mendes. There are no battle scenes, no technology. It is just a family in suburbia.

This movie should affect everyone who sees it because it is true for us all. American Beauty is actually a social satire of suburban America. These people have an image of what they are "supposed" to be implanted in their brains. One day Lester (Kevin Spacey), snaps out of it. Lester realizes there is more out there than a dead end job, a wife who bosses him around and is obsessed with material possessions, but more importantly Lester realizes there is more in him. As Lester starts to change himself, it also affects his environment. His wife Carolyn (Annette Benning) is totally thrown off keel by his actions. Lester has discovered that they are not the average middle class suburban family but a completely unique group of human beings. When he tries to get this message across to Carolyn, she rejects him, has an affair, and convinces herself she is the victim. Lester and Carolyn's message and the main message of the movie is that we all wear masks, put up facades. And unless we become ourselves, we can never truly be happy. It is said multiple times in the film that it would be terrible to be ordinary.

Now, there is a second message. A parallel story is being told. That of Lester's daughter Jane and her boyfriend Ricky. While these two stories are deeply intertwined and connect with each other, Ricky and Jane's message is equally important. Ricky lives in a world of beauty. Beauty is everywhere and in everything. Jane, who at the beginning of the film believes she is ordinary and plain, is brought into this world by Ricky and is shown how much she has to offer. Their message is that there is beauty in everything and all you have to do is look for it.

To make a film of such deep content, it takes a skilled cast and crew to come across as not preachy. Director Sam Mendes (Road to Perdition) has a long and successful career ahead of him. He was able to draw such subtle performances from a magnificent cast and then tie it all together with a tremendous score by Thomas Newman. Alan Ball, another fairly new name, gives a screen play with such audacity, wit, and deeper meaning its almost scary. And of course any review of American Beauty would not be complete without mentioning Kevin Spacey. Before I saw this movie I didn't think it could get much better than his role as Verbal Kint in the Usual Suspects. He was better in American Beauty. This is a tremendous actor in the role of a lifetime. This is one of the finest cinematic achievements I've ever witnessed, and there wasn't one explosion.
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Great until the end
30 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie with great anticipation and was not let down throughout all but the final three minutes of the movie. Yes there were a couple of plot holes, but overall it was incredible. The score was excellent, Cruise was very good, Dakota Fanning has a big career ahead of her if she keeps acting like this. But above all this Spielberg was in his element. He kept it tense, fast-paced, enough character development to keep it interesting, but not so much as to bore us. He never bothered to question man's existence or anything like that. He was just taking us on a no expense spared thrill ride. I had no idea what would happen next for most of the movie. This had some of the most fantastic camera work, unbelievable effects. All in all i was having a heck of a time. Then they killed the final Alien and walked up that Boston street to find....... the mother and the son both alive. Not only that but they happened to be looking out into the street right as Cruise comes walking up it. After doing about as good a job as a director of a disaster picture can do in avoiding clichés, Spielberg unloaded a giant dumpster of them on the audience in the final minutes. If it had been just Cruise and Fanning, Cruise would have had to become the father he had already started to change into, Fanning would grow to trust him and they would rebuild their life as civilization rebuilds. THat would have been a far superior ending and I would have given this at least a 9 out of 10 without hesitation. But the complete breakdown of holding off Hollywood, even though it only occurred in the final seconds was very disappointing. In any case its still worth seeing, especially on a big screen.
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My Blue Heaven (I) (1990)
Light hearted jaunt
25 June 2005
This film went completely under the radar in 1990 and it isn't all that bad. Steve Martin hams it up as Vinnie, a mob informant under the Witness protection program, Rick Moranis is the FBI agent assigned to protect him, and Joan Cusack plays Moranis' love interest/Vinnie's enemy as the DA of the suburban town Martin has been relocated to. These three are the best part of the movie. There are definite plot holes, the script gives Martin a couple of one liners but is weak in general, and nothing else really stands out about this movie. WHat made it worth while to watch is the great chemistry between the three leads. Martin gives it his all and is very funny. Moranis has it tougher while trying to be a nerd/FBI agent(unusual combo) but he pulls it off. His face is so expressive its like you can see what he is thinking. This makes the scenes where Martin is making him do something crazy that much better. All in all, its not great but its worth watching with your kids because they will love it and you will be entertained.
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Howard works his magic.
16 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Alright lets get the bad things out of the way first. It was very predictable and it started out a little slow. All done.

Now heres the good part, everything else. However, while everyone involved with this did a terrific job, there is one man who deserves special mention. Ron Howard. He did an amazing job really making the audience care about Braddock (Crowe). Despite the fact that I knew exactly what was going to happen Howard manipulated me to where I was in fear of Braddock's life and on the edge of my seat throughout the entire final fight. Kudos must go to the entire cast, especially the scene stealing Craig Bierko, and everyone else who was involved with this film, but as of right now Howard has my vote for the Oscar.
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Terrible Movie
9 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Longest Yard was a movie with great potential. It had two of the hottest comedians around in Sandler and Rock, a recognizable name for the older crowd in Burt Reynolds, an excellent villain in James Cromwell(watch LA Confidential if you don't believe me), and finally it was based off of a pretty good original (which starred Burt Reynolds). Despite all this the sum of the parts was disappointing. Here is why.

The plot holes are enormous. Sandler does not look anything like a football player for obvious reasons of stature. The scene where the guards try to pick a fight with Nelly is ridiculous because when he doesn't fight back the guards don't do anything. Earlier in the movie Sandler is beaten up by the guards without picking a fight and they were looking to injure Nelly. They didn't want to injure Sandler.

Many of the jokes were way overused and stale. Cheeseburger Eddie was not funny at all and his putting a burger on Rock's grave was almost insulting. The male cheerleaders in drag was not very funny the FIRST time they showed them. By the end of the movie the cheerleaders had been on the screen for at least 10 minutes. The football player on estrogen was funny however. But only for the first few times. They just kept showing it and showing it. Keeping with the overuse theme, the use of the slow-motion technique. The first time with Nelly running was cool. After that is was boring. I think that movie would have been another 10 minutes shorter if that was taken out.

Finally the script was just bad. It gave Rock nothing to sink his teeth into. Sandler looked like he was bored half the time. And many scenes were just not needed (the secretary who has the hots for Sandler, the Brucie character's on again of again relationship with the lead male cheerleader).

I will admit i laughed at some scenes. The cameo by Rob Schneider was funny. The whole scene leading up to Sandler's arrest was funny. I also enjoyed the cameos by the football players and announcers. Irvin and Chris Berman especially. But it just wasn't enough to save the movie. I'm saying this as a big fan of both Sandler and Rock. I love Waterboy and Happy Gilmore, but The Longest Yard is nowhere near up to the standards of those two.
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A thoroughly enjoyable movie going experience
19 May 2005
I was nervous as I sat down in the theater on opening night. Nervous that this Episode would be as lame as the one before it. After the catastrophe that was episode 2, I had begun to lose faith in George Lucas. How wrong I was. This is by far the best film of the newest trilogy. It is a long movie but it doesn't feel like it. The script is decent, the acting, while still wooden at times, is vastly improved (especially by Hayden Christensen). The action scenes are breath taking and John Williams is tremendous as always, but that wasn't what made this film. The high point for me was the way it lined up so perfectly with the original trilogy. Every little detail was arranged so neatly. Lucas even brought in James Earl Jones to be the voice of Vader once Anakin's transformation is complete. All in all it is a very enjoyable movie that is good for almost all ages.
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My favorite movie
17 May 2005
This is in my opinion, the best movie ever made. Where to start? Acting? Kevin Spacey gives his best performance ever and the Oscar he received is more than deserved. Gabriel Bryne is terrific as Keaton. The rest of the cast is all very solid, especially Stephen Baldwin and Chazz Palmintieri. Del Toro and Pollak are also very good. Then there is the script and plot. Both build very well. They leave little hints without giving anything away. To completely understand this movie you have to watch it several times before you get everything. And of course the final scene is among the best ever. Director Brian Singer has really impressed me. He brought a certain style to this movie that is also evident in his X-Men movies (some of the better comic book adaptations). John Ottman gets kudos for his fantastic score. And everyone else who was involved in the making of this breath taking movie. This is a must see for everyone who doesn't mind a little violence and likes a movie with good twists.
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U-571 (2000)
16 May 2005
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One heck of a movie if you take it for what it is. U-571 is a submarine thriller about a crew who takes over a German U-Boat and then is stranded on it. The movie explains it better than I do and it is fairly believable for the most part. The movie even adds a little character study of it's main character(played by Matthew McConaughey). Not much though. This film's purpose is keeping you on the edge of your seat and it succeeds to the fullest. It has great special effects, decent acting, and is not dragged down in the slightest by its script or plot. If you want to have a thoroughly enjoyable movie watching experience then rent U-571.
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Wes Anderson's best yet.
16 May 2005
This movie has it all. A great plot, a tremendous script, fabulous acting by a huge cast, comedy, action, tragedy. Wes Anderson has delivered a gem in The Life Aquatic. Bill Murray is absolutely wonderful as the "f'ed up" Steve Zissou. Owen Wilson plays a man who might be his son. Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum, Anjelica Huston, and William Dafoe are all marvelous in supporting roles. On top of being funny, "Aquatic" also is a fascinating character study. The only thing I would warn you about this movie, is that it has very subtle humor. You have to pay attention to get all the jokes. I've seen it three times now and I'm still discovering things.
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