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The Outer Limits: Abduction (2001)
Season 7, Episode 16
This episode haunts me
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what it is about this episode, but it just really moves me. I guess because of the epidemic now of senseless school shootings that have occurred. The acting's great, the dialogue might be a little corny & cliched sometimes, but the ending is so impactful, it makes up for all its shortcomings. I was Jesse. Not violent, but I really hated the world & myself as a teen so I can relate about feeling hopeless. I definitely wouldn't have shot anybody except I could relate to his suicidal feelings back then. Great show & I know they tried to bring it back recently, but its just not the same as the last ones.
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Yes, it had it's moments
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As someone pointed out, it's ridiculously PC with not much rooted in reality. In real life could a plus size woman have 2 hunks fighting over her? Don't think so. Could an amateur opera singer make it to the big leagues out of the blue in one year? Probably not. Would any self-respecting accomplished PC woman put up with the verbal abuse she endured from a teacher that she's ridiculously overpaying? I hope not.

And to top it off, why couldn't they pick out arias that haven't been played to death already? That would have been nice. Meh, waste of time.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
One of the worst messes I've ever seen
24 October 2021
This movie to me is nothing more than a big gross out. It stole all the storyline from the previous film then just ramped it up with gory scenes where they try to see how many creative ways they can decimate the human body before people want to puke. What a disgusting exercise in human depravity. If you've got nothing new to add, I guess they just figured they would throw the whole kitchen sink of garbage in there. Repulsive. Don't waste your time or your lunch.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Ridiculous sending in the bots
4 April 2021
Give me a break. This movie is NOT bad enough for 1 star! This smells like the billion dollar guardianship industry fighting back to save it's cash cow systems. Well, you can't stop justice for long guys. Pike already won an Emmy so take that scumbags. The cat's already out of the bag & you guys are going DOWN.
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Well-meaning effort
7 March 2021
A well-meaning effort to make our belief cool. I think this could have appealed to unbelievers just for the great acting, special effex, costumes, etc, but it was not the most well-thought out story line imo. I felt like the story & sometimes the dialogue didn't always come across the way it should have. It felt like it was missing elements, meandered a bit & didn't have a real purpose. For instance, I was bothered by the story line with his friend; I felt it was a bit abrupt the way they dropped him off the film in the middle of nowhere. I don't think I even saw him leave. I think they should have fleshed out the story of the evil king a bit more, it was a bit sketchy. If he's the villain, we should get to know what makes him tick & why he should be feared as a worthy opponent. Not just let him do a few tricks with magic. These are the things that can interrupt the flow of the movie imo. Otherwise, I thought it did a pretty decent job I give it barely a 7 for originality.
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Not even worth 1 star
1 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a thinly-veiled hate documentary against the Pentecostal church. These Calvanists play God & judge any church that doesn't believe 100% the way they do, as heretical & false. The fact that they constantly take jabs at our Christian president, confirms to me that this is most probably connected to the left agenda at Netflix just in time for elections. According to these writers/directors anyone that makes a good living preaching the gospel has to be a charlatan. Do they know what a hard job it is to headup a large, prosperous church? How it requires working around the clock to serve these congregations? I'm happy to pay these hard-working pastors & church workers a decent salary. Wasn't David wealthy & Solomon? Why do any of us have to take a vow of poverty? (That's the Catholic church, not what the Bible believes.) God promises "life more abundantly" in the word to every believer who wants to claim it. If you want to stay broke & downtrodden, that's your perogative, quit playing God & judging those that don't believe the way you do. If there's liars & cheaters in the church, God will out them. Twisting these respected preachers' words is going to get these filmmakers judged. Slandering my Pastor TD Jakes? Really? All he preaches is KJV verses direct from the Bible, not "prosperity gospel"., but you can defintiely have the life of your dreams IF you believe it & receive it. Jealous, much? Not my problem, it's your choice. I want God to bless me so I can turn around & bless others. Period.
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Great old-fashioned thriller
18 April 2020
I'm really happy to see a kid's movie without foul-mouthed, angry, rebellious teens meant to shock & offend people. This stayed in the spirit of the original stories which I loved as a kid. They had to modernize it of course, but it's wonderful that they kept the girl detective at the heart of it, they didn't turn her into a witch, make her chase zombies or vampires. If they do any more I hope they stick with this formula.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Fantastic series
8 February 2020
"Oh waaah, boo hoo, they took the gore out." Tired of the same old, same old disgusting overblown dismembering blood & guts shows where sensationalism is more important than story. We're not inundated with graphic sex scenes with their brother, their mother, the family dog or whatever. I say good for these guys. The characters are well-drawn, sympathetic, the kids don't have to say MF'er every 5 minutes (What kid talks that way irl, anyway?) There's the usual nods to politically correct character relationships & leftist propaganda, but you learn to ignore that stuff. I do. The acting is adequate. The little boy is a compelling character who never seems to learn his lesson. The star of the show is the story line which has so many twists & turns you can't keep up. The special effex are impressive, the fantasy sequences are stunning. & well-presented. I can't wait to finish the series & thank God there's still great storytellers left in this world. And that it's already been renewed for another season!
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Ridiculous and boring
5 January 2019
What can I add that hasn't been said already? A definite waste of time. The dialogue, storyline & monsters are all laughable. I can't believe they actually published a book first. I can't imagine who'd even sit down to read it. How do they continually find financing for this crap?? Two-time Oscar winner Portman must be hard up for work or dating someone involved with this garbage.
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Patriot (2015–2018)
What a refreshing change from the usual.
3 December 2018
This show is proof that you don't need gratuitous sex & violence to be entertaining. True, there's a bit too much 4 letter words for my taste, but nothing close to what normally spoils otherwise great shows. This show just relies on a great story, fascinating & well-drawn characters, twists & surprises, as well as solid directing which calls to mind a great Coen Brothers or Anderson style. Kudos! I wish all of your shows could be this great, Amazon. This & High Castle are the reasons I keep coming back.
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
Same old, same old
20 November 2018
I'm beginning to dread new comedies coming out on Netflix that are rated "Mature". I don't agree with the rating. I think it should be rated IM for IMmature. What passes for mature humor these days? Teenage giggles about dicks & vags & bungholes. Even with respected actors like Michael Douglas & Alan Arkin who I always hoped were above this juvenile tripe. Instead we get a senior version of "Dumb & Dumber". Writers & producers seem to take the easiest route to humor. Nobody uses their brains anymore to write witty, thoughtful, insightful humor about life & the human condition. And by the consistent ratings I can see the US audience is just fine with that. Shame. I'll stick with the hits from the past, I guess.
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The truth about cancer??
9 November 2018
The acting was so so & a really pedestrian storyline besides, I don't think so. Another propaganda for the billion $ healthcare machine. Chemo is the biggest lie ever devised. It does NOTHING to cure cancer in fact it makes you too weak to fight it!! Natural, organic supplements are the only way to shrink the tumors. Family members have bought into the lie that chemo works & paid the ultimate price while I know people that didn't fall into that trap that are still alive today. Don't believe the lies!!
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It (I) (2017)
Disturbing characterizations
28 October 2018
The film is great & could have been fantastic. My only complaint, why is it necessary to have such foul language in films nowadays. Especially this film where the kids utter 4 letter words non-stop throughout. This junk was NOT in the original story & was totally unnecessary in my opinion. IIC.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Once again they've ruined it
11 September 2018
I don't want to lecture people how to live, but I'm so tired of producers/writers thinking they have to have wall-to-fall f-bombs for people to watch a show. I find it offensive & repulsive after awhile. The same with unnecessary nudity constantly in our faces. This was a great concept, had superb acting & writing, but I finally gave up on it. Thanks, Netflix.
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