
3 Reviews
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School Days (2007)
I can't decide if it's genius or awful....
5 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just... oh my god. I hate this show so much.... Well, school days looks like your typical visual novel- inspired harem...but it's so much more than that (please note that I will be spoiling the ending). The characters are boring and stereotypical, and if you don't hate them all after the second episode you will by the end of the series. It isn't all that funny unless you're laughing at the utter stupidity of the characters, and... commence rant. OK, so there's a guy named Makoto and he likes Kotanoha. Sekai likes him but she doesn't tell him and tries to help him date Kotanoha. but Makoto soon gets tired of Kotanoha and decides it's easier to get inside Sekai's pants and by the end of the series he's sleeping with like 5 different girls. Then he decides to settle down with Kotanoha and is brutally stabbed to death by Sekai. Kotanoha then goes totally insane and kills Sekai, cuts Makoto's head of his dead body and cuddles with it on a boat. There's only one thing you could say to that... He had it coming!

I can't decide whether this series is genius... or terrible. It could be genius because the creators could have possibly made us hate the characters on purpose so that we get a happy ending when they all die and/or go insane (to kotanoha's defense, dating that guy would make anyone go insane..). But (and this is more likely) the creators wanted to make a huge melodrama and failed... then they realized everyone hated their show so they decided to give the audience what they wanted. I won't rate this. I'll hold on to that much of my pride for now.
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Nice Addition to the Franchise.
21 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all prepped to start FMA: Brotherhood on Hulu, but I have to get this review out of the way first. I wasn't expecting anything legendary when I started watching this movie, but I was relieved I didn't have to let the old series go right away. This movie is awesome! It has a bunch of things I liked about the FMA series (Mustang being awesome, Ed wisecracking during fight scenes, and HUGHES OMG), and combined it with new ideas (World War 2, for example). I would recommend it to EVERYONE who watched the FMA series. I realize people seemed to REALLY hate this movies's ending, but I was fine with it (I wasn't until Al came with him that I was really OK with it...). It gave me a sense of closure I didn't have before about the series. And I liked Noah a lot for some reason (am I the only one who noticed that she looked like rose??).

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Sailor Moon (1995–2000)
Watch it, but in Japanese with subs.
28 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(possible, minor spoilers) Sailor Moon is a great show. There are also 3 different versions you can watch.

Original, Uncut, Japanese Version- Pretty darn amazing. Good humor, animation, and entertainment value. There are 5 seasons, "Classic', 'R', 'S', 'SuperS', and 'Sailor Stars'". 10/10

DiC English Dub- Sailor Moon fans generally hate this version. Almost all the names were changed to sound more American, some animation sequences were changed so the quality of animation is generally bad, nearly all dialogs was changed. Completely unnecessary censorship, they even rearranged some episodes and left some episodes out because they wanted to avoid conversational topics (such as, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were heavily implied to be in a lesbian relationship, but DiC made them cousins to eliminate any romantic implication). They also left out "violent" episodes such as episode five, where Usagi (or Serena, in this version)'s little brother kicks Luna, and "Serena" throws a pet over a fence, although the pet was evil and sucked her brother's energy. Or instead of the sailor stars dying, they are sent "back to the Negaverse". Some characters talk like valley girls. 2/10

CW English Dub- 2nd English Dub, still has tons of problems. Although this is the dub is way better than DiC's, it keeps the name changes and the dialogs changes. Also, there are many references to the character's Japanese names in the show. Such as, Michiru's name is clearly written on her notebook in English letters, but her English name is Michelle. BUT, it did have all the seasons and episodes (with the exception of sailor stars), and that deserves brownie points. 7/10

long story short, watch in Japanese, and if you have your heart set on watching it in English, watch the CW Dub.
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