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Napoleon (2023)
Napoleon the butcher, Napoleon the megalomaniac, Napoleon the lover
22 November 2023
Napoleon was the most significant man of his age and no film can explain his significance in 2.5 hours. Scott decides to focus on three specific aspects of Napoleon's life and personality to show who he thinks Napoleon was at the expense of omitting much of what makes him such a fascinating figure in history.

The first aspect Scott focuses on is Napoleon the lover. Much of this film shows his infatuation and on-again off-again relationship with Josephine. Both actors handle their parts well and while there is some humor and tension, it is the least interesting part of the movie. Still, some focus is necessary as his marriage to Josephine was certainly a key aspect of his life.

The second aspect is Napoleon the megalomaniac. We all know of Napoleon as the short guy who had insecurity issues. Even if there is truth to this, it is probably an overstatement, but there is no denying the massive ego of the man. In many respects his ego is understandable for all he accomplished, and Scott paints Napoleon's inflated belief in himself as the reason for his fall, particularly in his invasion of Russia. Scott does not want us the think Napoleon fights for the glory of France but rather for the glory of Napoleon.

The final side of the Napoleon casts him as a butcher. Towards the end of his career we see Napoleon recklessly spending the lives of his men as he seeks to conquer for himself. The movie leaves us with a comprehensive death toll that Napoleon left in his wake, a massive number that comes as a result of his callous disregard for his own men and endless ambition.

So then we are left with a Napoleon as a man who loved Josephine, who had a massive ego, and constantly warred, causing the deaths of millions. All this is true, but what of Napoleon the tactician? What of Napoleon the reformer? What of Napoleon the leader? Scott focused on the worst aspects of Napoleon to highlight while disregarding the best. I was shocked that more was not discussed and shown over the massive victories and the unprecedented tactics he employed that make him a general still studied in military academies today. He was a multifaceted man, who accomplished much good and much bad, but he comes off in this film as a little ambitious fool.

The film also seems jumbled at times and jumps forward in ways that show Napoleon must be conquering and doing something right, but he goes from general, to consul, to emporer in quick ways we are not shown. He beats Austria and Russa, befriends Russia, then is back at war with them one scene later. I understand the politics, battles, and alliances are hard to follow of the ealry 19th century, but I left feeling like I learned little more about Napoleon and the France he ruled than I already knew coming in.

Despite the films shortcomings, it is a genuinely effective movie and shot beautifully. The battle scenes are bloody and tense, and the costumes and sets look recreate Napoleonic France beautifully.
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A Solid Scorsese Film Though Not One I'd Rewatch
25 October 2023
When a great director makes a new film it will always be compared to his other works. Killers of the Flower Moon never hits the heights of Goodfellas, The Departed, or The Wolf of Wall Street though it is better other stellar films like The Aviator, The Irishman, and Gangs of New York (and yes I know I am omitting extremely highly regarded films like Raging Bull and Taxi Driver, among others, from this list). There is no getting away from the runtime. 200 minutes is a lot of time to invest in a film though long films are often the best films and this one is worth its runtime, though this is a brutal 200 minutes of film. The long runtime and bleak subject matter hamper it's re-watchability.

The film is beautifully and skillfully done. The acting is superb. The thing that keeps this film from greatness is the lack of levity. The film has little humor, though perhaps there is no place for humor in the story. Still, there are no moments I will particularly remember about the film. There is no scene akin to "you think I'm funny" scene from Goodfellas that transcends the film.

Killers of the Flower Moon is a powerful story and worth the watch, though not a film I expect many to enjoy or love.
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Gladiator (2000)
A Worthy Best Picture
3 May 2022
Back when good crowd pleasing movies still won best picture Oscars, the Gladiator is a perfect example of an action movie done right and a truly great historical drama. Gladiator is not among my favorite movies of all time, but I also don't have a single bad thing to say about it. This is an epic movie that paved the way for many imitators but none that come close to how good Gladiator is.
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Socially Relevant in its Time, Interesting Today
3 May 2022
A black man dating a white woman today wouldn't be seen as shocking but it still could raise some eyebrows among certain social groups. This movie is a good lack at the changing times around when the film was made and features the acting of 3 actors who have a combined 7 best actor/actress Oscars between them. If not for the star power the film would probably be forgotten by today. This is probably more of an important film than a particularly good or interesting film.
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A Fantastic Finish
3 May 2022
Witness for the Prosecution is somewhat of a slow burn but ends splendidly. Charles Laughton (who I still always think of as Captain Bligh is a top notch actor in what is a very entertaining court room drama. I love courtroom dramas and think even a mediocre one is good entertainment but when you get the direction of Billy Wilder into the genre it becomes greatly elevated. I'd highly recommend this one.
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Good but not Best Picture Material
2 May 2022
Chariots of Fire is a good film, but it doesn't stand out. The score is iconic and the slow motion, though overdone, is similarly memorable. Essentially a character drama of two men with the background of athletics, the real-life feats of the Flying Scotsman were interesting but never felt important and the movie as a whole just lacks excitement and gravitas. A solid movie but a weak entry among Best Picture winners.
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I Don't Get How People Like This
2 May 2022
As far as Vietnam War movies The Deer Hunter, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, and Platoon are universally regarded as the greatest example of the genre. The Academy decided to award The Deer Hunter and Platoon with the Best Picture and the other two went unrewarded. In hindsight, Platoon is a fine movie but overdramatic and almost corny while The Deer Hunter is the undesirable combination of both dull and unbelievable, while Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket are easily top 100 movies of all time. There are a few good scenes in the Deer Hunter, but not many. Even the Russian roulette scenes seem to come out of nowhere as the movie rapidly switches times and scenes without explaining to the viewer what's going on.

For a 3 hour movie it can be broken down into 3 parts. The first part is unbearably boring. The wedding scene is completely pointless and among the most unnecessary and longest scenes I've ever viewed. This would all be forgivable if it is building to something interesting but it is not. The second part is Vietnam, and we are brought there randomly and without any explanation. Inexplicitly the 3 main characters all find themselves together and go through torture. The scenes are tense initially but lose focus as they continue. Part 3 is the aftermath which sees more stupidity and Robert De Niro go back to find Christopher Walken who has somehow survived for years and made a fortune off Russian roulette. Russian roulette is not something you can be good at, the fact that he could win that many times is not believable. He loses instantly when he faces De Niro though and what is supposed to be an emotional scene is lost due to how ludicrous the whole thing is and that the viewer has been watching a movie for well over 2 hours and still has not been entertained.

I find it shocking that this movie is beloved and an award winner. This is a bad and poorly made film. It is the worst "good" film I have ever seen.
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An Epic Light in Tone and then Suddenly Dark
2 May 2022
The Great Escape interestingly makes POW camps look laidback and to some extent even fun. This is not for the whole film and the horrors of Nazi Germany and WWII are in full display here but much of the film is fun rather than dark. Though Steve McQueen is the lead, the cast of characters here is huge and the many are well developed. The movie also has a great score which I was whistling for days after I watched it.
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Average Hitchcock
2 May 2022
Hitchcock is at his best when he surprises the viewer. This film is certainly suspenseful but the truth about Uncle Charlie is revealed too early when I believe an air of mystery would have been more effective. Still a quality film, Shadow of a Doubt firmly sits in the "good not great" category for Hitchcock's filmography and pales in comparison to his best work.
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A Movie that Stays with You
2 May 2022
There is something about this movie that just stuck with me. After watching it I thought it was good but nothing special but after a few days I found myself remembering scenes and thinking back fondly on the film. The atmosphere and score are fantastic, as are the two leads. The murder mystery aspect is solid but isn't fantastic only because the main point of the story is racism and the relationship between the white southern sheriff and the black big city detective. This is a film greater than the sum of its parts.
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A Much Worse Sequel
2 May 2022
Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a bland, boring film that mildly entertains but never excited. This feels like a TV movie, it loses much of the humor and charm of the first and really feels like Woody Harrelson is the central character of the film rather than Venom. There isn't much plot development aside from the contained story and I'm just not sure what the point of the film was. Superhero movies are held to a higher standard these days and Venom: Let There Be Carnage falls well below that mark.
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An Excellent Movie that Poses an Interesting Moral Dilema
2 May 2022
Bridge of Spies is a fantastical movie and the second-best collaboration between Spielberg and Tom Hanks (Saving Private Ryan has to be #1). Bridge of Spies tells the real story of a lawyer who is called on to represent a Soviet Spy in the heart of the Cold War. Though much of the movie concerns a hostage exchange and is tense and interesting, I found the actual trial and ethical complications around the trial the most interesting. At the time, America was anticipating a nuclear war with the hated Soviets and the thought of representing the captured spy in court must have been a daunting one. The movie stands up for the Constitution and holds dear to American ideals that make the country the great nation it is.
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Cute, What You Want From a Rom Com
2 May 2022
A cute and effective romantic comedy that succeeds in being unique enough to stand out. Both leads are effective and there are enough laughs to keep even the men engaged. Though I wouldn't call it a great movie, for its genre it is a good example.
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War Horse (2011)
Too Jumbled, But Well-Made
2 May 2022
Spielberg almost only makes good movies and War Horse is no exception. It is a beautiful movie and though it suffers from a lack of focus it is still a worthwhile watch. While this is not among the director's best work it is a stellar movie with a great mix of war and the story of companionship between a boy and his beloved horse.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A Satire, but not as Stinging as it Thinks it is.
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't Look Up is a completely average movie outside of the satire. It mildly entertains for a little over 2 hours but doesn't provide much in the way of fun aside from a few laughs. Don't Look Up is clearly satirizing the world's (or America's) denial of science for profits. That is a fine satire, even welcome in the light of climate change denial and Covid denial that, but the moronic plot brings this down to a childish satire rather than a poignant one. The situation is simply too over-the-top to be believable. Even if the American government were stupid enough to not blow the meteor off course (which no matter how stupid the president was, they would still try) every advanced nation in the world would try. Europe and the UN would certainly mount an effort even though all that is mentioned here is that China, India, and Russia tried in a cheap plot mechanism to try to justify the plot hole. If every nation capable of saving the world decided against it, then surely an Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos type of billionaire would fund the mission. The idea that a nation or billionaire wouldn't want to be the hero that saved the world is ludicrous. The satire skewers big organizations prioritizing profits at the cost of the wellbeing of their customers, but again it goes too far. This movie isn't nearly as smart or 'scary' as people are claiming it is.
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Frailty (2001)
I think... My Favorite Movie
3 January 2022
Fraility is a brilliant movie in my opinion. I think the plot is gold. Father Bill Paxton believes he sees angels and is being tasked by God to murder demons, while one of his son's is skeptical and one buys into to his father's visions.

I was expected a good movie but it blew me away. This is the only DVD I still own. I force this movie on people and everyone who has watched it that I know has given it great reviews. Don't miss this one.
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Creep (I) (2014)
Engaging Low Budget Horror
3 January 2022
Definitely engaging and creepy with a grade A performance by Mark Duplass., Creep is great for what it is, a low budget, character driven horror. Did I love it? No, but i was hooked while I watched it and it stuck with me for some time after watching.
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King Kong (1933)
Iconic but Tremendously Dated
3 January 2022
I love older movies but King Kong is the most dated movie I have ever seen. The graphics, though great for the time, just don't hold up. It's not the bad graphics make the movie hard to watch, it's that the movie's quality is fully dependent on the graphics. Every movie from the 1930's will have bad graphics but the 1930's movies that do hold up don't have over 45 minutes of screen time showing a giant gorilla or dinosaurs walking fighting and Faye Wray endlessly screaming. Though the movie tries to be deep it isn't. I am only giving this movie 5 stars for the impact it has had on culture and film.
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A Star-Studded and Well Acted Romance
3 January 2022
The Philadelphia Story might feature the most legendary top three leads in film history. Katherine Hepburn, Jimmy Stewart, and Carey Grant are all top 10 actors of all time in many people's book. Though this is not Jimmy Stewart's most iconic performance (which is almost surely It's A Wonderful Life or perhaps Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) it is the one for which he won his sole Oscar, and he is quite good. Cary Grant is a little understated but still solid and Katherine Hepburn is the star of the whole thing.

The story starts slow and none of the characters are particularly likeable at first but they grow on you. The ending is a little abrupt but I must admit that I didn't know who Hepburn was going to end up with. A romance/comedy of a different vein than those of the last 30 years, Philadelphia Story, though not perfect, is a good watch that starts out mediocre but becomes very good.
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A Stellar Sea Adventure
3 January 2022
I had heard of the Mutiny on the Bounty but knew little about it. Not everything in the 1935 film is historically accurate but it was fun to learn about the bounty nonetheless. The acting was topnotch and features a non-mustached Clark Gable. The film does a great job of depicting why the crew would consider mutinying and also the remarkable navigation of Captain Bligh after the mutiny. The scenes at Tahiti were fun and the movie is solid overall. However, nothing about this movie jumped out to me as excellent. Mutiny on the Mounty is a very good movie, but not an all-time classic.
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Completely Unnecessary and Mediocre
29 December 2021
300 is a truly epic testosterone filled film. 300: Rise of an Empire is a cheap parody with inferior characters, a less interesting villain, and a less engaging plot. There was no point to the movie. I found myself not caring rather than loving the over the top action. 300 was a great story based on a truly heroic last stand. While the actual history of the rest of the Greek's conflict with Xerxes' Persian empire is interesting, this is not. A huge let down and worth skipping.
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Scrooged (1988)
Not a Good Movie, But an Interesting Watch
29 December 2021
This isn't going to be a Christmas movie I ever watch again. It is over the top, Bill Murray is ridiculous, and the plot has been done a million times before. But there is something about Murray's charisma that hold the movie and wins the viewer over. I would never call this a good movie but it one I could see people either enjoying or hating.
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A Terrible Remake
29 December 2021
The original Miracle on 34th Street is a classic. Much that is good about the original is changed in this one. The actor that plays Santa is good in both but the male lead, female lead, and child lead are all far better in the original. The Macy's and Gimbles plot line is also far superior to the changed one here. I hated the acting, hated the changes, and hated the movie. There was no need for this movie to be made. Inferior in every way.
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A True Spiderman Spectacular
29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My biggest problem with the Disney Spiderman movies is that they felt more like Avengers movies than Spiderman movies. Spiderman is far and away Marvel's best character and I felt that Disney did a disservice to the character by making him a side player in the Avengers and someone who completely plays second fiddle to Ironman in his own movie. While the Disney films were both well made and entertaining I felt they didn't display fully what Spiderman could be. The original Spiderman series was not necessarily well acted but it was iconic and entertaining, while Andrew Garfield's Spiderman went back to the traditional comicbook aspects of the character. I liked both these series better because, despite their flaws, they both undeniably made Spiderman the star, not just a player in a larger game of heroes.

This Spiderman is a love letter to the character. By bringing back the big screen villains and thankfully Andrew and Toby, we are given a fun , though imperfect, romp. Yes there are plot holes and it's not all great, but they tried and I appreciate that.
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The 39 Steps (1935)
A Competent Hitchcock Thriller
28 December 2021
One of Hitchcock's earlier films, The 39 Steps is a solid, if unremarkable entry in the great director's filmography. The lead plays his part well and aside from a somewhat slow beginning and middle, a strong finale ends the film on a high note.
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