
9 Reviews
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Silence (I) (2016)
Most will find this movie boring!! So its for those interested in psychology of faith.
28 January 2017
Most people will find this movie incessantly boring. And to the average movie going public it will be.

The story starts with Liam Neeson. As a Priest he is stuck under arrest in Japan witnessing the torture of many newly converted native Japanese Christians. This then cuts to two young catholic priests: Andrew Garfield (Spiderman) & Adam Driver (Star Wars) discussing with a senior member of the church on a attempted rescue missions of Priest Neeson (or as he is known Father Ferriera). This is because word got back via a letter after some years that he had rescinded on his christians beliefs. The two younger Padres simply cannot believe this - as he was the man who brought them to their faith. They want to save him - not just physically but for his soul too. Therein their adventure ..or more misadventure ..begins. For the next 2 hours they trek to Japan to find him.

I would say this movie is only really for those who are interested in the psychology of faith or have a view about it. They will maybe find some interest in the examples and questions it raises.

This is a story about the prostelyzing Western Christianity pitted against 17th century Japanese Bhuddism. The Japanese are very hostile to it and want to hunt down & purge this "alien faith" out of their shores. (However, it could easily be a story of any dominant belief system pitted against a minority one)

This movie has some connotations to todays religious devotees. Most current in the news being Islam. Certain sects are fanatically faithful to their ways and interpretations of Islam. I am Muslim - so I can relate to some of the tests these Christians face in this movie.

The basic test asked by the Japanese Bhuddist is: "step on this image of Christ if u don't want to get executed" - to the average laymen its probably laughable. But you would have to imagine what if you were imprisoned and asked to spit on and shred something scared to you. ie your last ever picture of your family.

Apostasy and blasphemy isn't much of an issue in Christian communities anymore but its very much prevalent in certain muslim communities. This would be a viable test of faith to apply to a Muslim stepping on the pages of the quran for example. A devotee would be hard pressed to do it.

In the movie those who can't do it are brutalised to death. Those who can, let go as an example to others. This, the two western priests, have to witness being done to their new Japanese converts at great personal anguish and pain. It's a test even to their own faith.

I won't talk anymore about what occurs further into the movie. You will have to watch to find out if they find Father Ferreira. And what happens to them.

The movie seems to be an amalgam of themes from Last Temptation of Christ (the trials of Jesus), Bridge over the River Kwai (the beat down by Japanese militia) and Apocalypse Now (important figurehead goes astray and somebody must find him)

The movie I think asks the question: Is religious faith a good and powerful thing or is it all a bunch of hogwash when put to the test?

Are people falsely imbued with a sense of faith in a heavenly paradise when it gives them nothing but pain?

I am not sure from which angle Scorscece is aiming at faith here. He is either admiring it or proclaiming those who have it are brainwashed fools. You will have to watch the film to make your own mind up.

But Scorscece no doubt finds religion fascinating. If you do then you will get something out of it. If you don't - give it a wide berth and perhaps catch it when its on TV.
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God Awful. Tragic. Amateur.
1 October 2016
This film must have been created on a whim where the main protagonist 'Amar Adatia' had a school boys vision he'd make a movie one day. And this is what he made the minute he got a chance.

The movie (if i can even call it that) looks like something they quickly rustled up on the back of toilet paper.

All of it seems to be various comedy skits stitched together to try and make a movie. Rehashing of scenes they saw in other comedy movies they thought to replicate and just shove in this sad excuse of a plot. Not one part of it is funny. All of it cliché.

Seems like the entire cast (of which there are some familiar B/C- list UK faces) came on board as a favour to Adatia. Either that or he bribed them. Which may account for the alleged £1.8 million budget this movie professes to have spent. Where else did the money go? certainly wasn't on production value.

The movie looks like something that was filmed on an iPhone. In fact it seems like it was an experiment that was done on that a basis.

I cannot believe anybody involved in this film would think it anymore than a laugh at creating an amateur video for YouTube. Something for them to just privately snigger at. One that they done on a whim one week when feeling bored and nobody took seriously.

I think the crew who made this need to start at the basics of film making. Start off making 5 minute music videos. Progress onto making made-for-TV or internet programmes. And then perhaps progress onto short films and then full features.

Clearly the crew here hasn't learned their craft. I suppose they see this as a stepping stone to bigger better movies in future. But there was no redeeming talent here for anyone to think these are directors / actors we should look out for in the future.

This movie is an absolute dead entity. Should be looked at as nothing more than an experiment to see if they could make a coherent movie. They can at least now say: They cant!
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Tragic recent history - Dignified film making!
27 December 2005
Wonderfully executed film with the budget it must have definitely gave me a good account of the conflict and genocide through the characters eyes.

Don Cheadle performance had to be commended ...its was subtle and understated when he could of so easily overacted throughout. As were all the actors! He portrays a man, just a businessman, not too concerned about the politics who just wants to live in harmony, run his hotel and please his top clients. When conflict starts to intensify ...he shows his dignity, love, courage and effort to do what is right.

I love the way the director interjected burst of the Hutu radio propaganda ...and the vile venomous words of hatred being spewed out...urging the Hutus to massacre.

I cant see how this film could have been made much better. A tragic human story excellently covered. Highly recommended viewing.
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Black (2005)
pretentious contrived and desperate!
26 December 2005
Just watched this film on DVD....and i cannot have a more opposite opinion with the majority on this film! One of the most pretentious contrived nonsense i have ever seen...

The film is so desperately trying to be recognised as a foreign film contender at the Oscars some bollywood moguls can rub shoulders with the glitterati in Hollywood.... but this film will not only rightfully get snubbed but absolutely slaughtered by western critics i feel.

I have to say it was a wonderful premise for a film ...and it had all the pre-conceived notions of an emotional journey ...but scene after scene of melodramatic, unresearched nonsense followed. I was rolling my head into the back of my eyes throughout! Film makers are given dramatic licence to make scenes work and give them impact they may lose some social realism ...but every scene in this was wholly and entirely unrealistic to its subject! I don't know where to begin ..OK i'll give a few: *Spoilers* Amitabh flips a switch when he sees the girl with a bell tied to her ...but then proceeds to slap her around and throw water over her to discipline her.

What line of interview questions are these by the principals before admitting her into university? The reactions/dialogue from the parents were completely unrealistic responses to situations! (There are so many more anomalies but i cant i have already forgotten most of this dribble)
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Alexander (2004)
Not bad ...some very enjoyable scenes!
20 December 2005
Just recently saw it on DVD...Not a bad movie...don't know why it was panned by the critics?? Apparently is was fairly historically accurate ...and having read a little about Alexander ...the scenes do fall into order.

Strong emotion led performances from Val Kilmer and Colin Farrel.

The adoption of undisguised Irish accents by Colin and some of his co-actors made it the film seem odd and laughable at times ...maybe one of the reason why the film was criticised. According the director the accents were kept like this to portray the varying levels of ethnicity and regional identities in ancient Greek culture.

More valid criticisms i think was the clever dick he was portrayed as a kid (at about 12 hes talking with all the gusto of an adult!!) ...and how he tames a wild horse in presence of everyone...these are just silly scenes! Also the scene of the trek down the cave with his father looking at the wall paintings was just mundane.

Great visuals though ..nice cinematography ...bright and spectacular sets (to be expected from Oliver Stone) ...and battles scenes were on par with the likes Braveheart, Gladiator etc.

I loved the exchanges he had with his father, mother ..his commanders and other subjects. These scenes are essentially what made the film for me. Renactments that gives great insight on what motivated Alexander to do certain things in the way he historically did them.

The filmed liked to dwell on Alexanders upbringing and past as to take a peep on what shaped him to become one the noted most greatest general of all time.

Some kurfuffle and controversy on the homo/bi-sexuality portrayed ....but according the historians this was normal accepted behaviour in the ancient Greek society. I think there was no big deal there really.

Loved the soundtrack ...but then again i loved all the previous soundtracks made by Vangelis. He is Greek himself no-one more appropriate for it.

Oliver Stone is a great director ...i love all his previous films. I think he was misunderstood on this project. But all masters do it once in a while ..Ford Copolla after-all made the film 'Jack' 'Alexander' a bit simplistic in areas but an underrated good decent film in my opinion.
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Tremendous new fighting skills on display
11 December 2005
I have to echo a lot of the previous sentiments on this film.

The film was a great template to showoff new star Tony Jaas incredible fighting and acrobatic skills.

I haven't seen a Thai film before ...this must be their first blockbuster and what a way to showcase this countries martial arts/stunt/action filming talents to the west. I hope they make more films like this and create a prosperous film industry there.

Tony Jaa is correctly praised for his aesthetic fighting ability ...his moves look flexible as well as powerful. But the fighting stunt men and extras deserve high recognition as well. The opening sequence of the tree climbing contest just shows what these people are capable of doing.

A reasonable story ties all the sequences together ....moreso than other MA movies. I like the juxtaposition of humble village life vs the grittier city life.

The film has a little bit of everything had light hearted moments ...sentimental moments ..decent soundtrack ...but breath taking action all the way!
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I.D. (1995)
Now this is a real good film!
7 December 2005
Sadly it will be largely forgotten as made for TV/straight to video/independent films do. I will give a brief review to it though as it is a film I have always remembered.

Me and my mates had a great laugh and were glued to the TV when watching it! The football chants, the aggression and hostility to the opposing sides, the pub gatherings, the boozing….the lad-ish behaviour …all so authentically British!

But, what I remember about it is the characters and their development throughout the story.

It follows a band of Cops set as an undercover squad to infiltrate the hooligan element in the local team: Shadwell FC (if I remember correctly)

The story follows the evolution of their demeanours and near loss of their own psyche (one actually did totally loose it) as they seek to emulate hooligans in the undercover sting operation. These are professional policeman and they are gradually declining into real hooliganism. Their behaviour is spilling over into their professional lives ...into their non-working lives…into their family lives …and has some disastrous consequences.

Scene by scene, act by act, you can see they are slipping into a dark area of human psychology and sociology which I myself had been used to seeing in the British football arena.

This film premise has been done before and has been done since ….but not as good and they way this film does it. It does it in a gradual incremental process which you follow almost as if you there yourself. You can empathise. You can almost see yourself doing the same thing if you and your mates had to do such a sting operation. Getting carried away in your role …living it too much for real …losing your identity (I.D.)!!

Watch it if you can still find it; a little gem of a movie!
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So bad that its good!!
15 May 2005
Am i glad i was recommended this film by a pal...i found it in the neglected bottom corner shelf at my local video rental store gathering cost me £1 to rent out and now that £1 investment is worth a million dollars in laughs.

Ever since watching it has stayed wedged in my brain as a inspirational movie experience on par with the likes of Braveheart and Gladiator - but for different reasons.

I have to admit it may be one of the most talked about movies amongst my friends. When we talk about it we reminisce about it like a long lost funny fat friend ..with hilarious memories! The film is good for the same reasons why Barry White or Abba are now considered greats. Naff, untrendy and old skool but now has a cult following amongst fans.

It is so bad that it comes round in a full circle to become absolutely brilliant. Awful acting, mediocre effects, awful acting, simplistic plot, funny fight scenes, poor production value and oh, awful acting!

I could swear, in a scene, rather than do slow motion action playback the fighters fight really s...l...o...w! Cannnot recommend it enough ...the ultimate classic in Z grade movie experiences!
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Remarkable. What a film!!!
2 December 2004
I cant believe some people have scathed this great film. It deserves a lot higher rating.

I got this movie out thinking it was going to be a brainless splatter fest. But after watching it in completion I was bowled over ..I wasn't expecting to be challenged by its visuals as well as with the sociological lessons and questions it raised.

The film is real, genuine and honest to the subject topic: 'Barbarity' can be innate in all humans.

It can be argued that humans coming into the homo-sapiens stage of evolution survived and expanded because of what is now considered barbarous savage ways. Savagery was a survival tool. We came from barbarity...and to an extent we still are savages.

Though the acting is poor in most places ...the film director portrays cannabilism and barbarism ...and portrays it rather intelligently.

Obvious connotations can be made to Blair Witch Project. I'm sure the crew that made BWP was inspired by this movie.

The film follows a Professor investigating the disappearance of an American film team (3 guys and girl) that went into the jungle of South America to film a documentary about the native cannibals.

The Professor with a couple of jungle assistants venture into the jungle to trace the lost Americans footsteps. He manages to get on the trail and slowly uncovers the grizzly ways of the jungle tribes! By carefully befriending these natives he captures the lost film reels and returns back to his skyscraper clad conurbation.

In amongst the film there is the media business cogs turning. The dilemma of TV executives battling with the Professor to air the once lost footage on TV for the viewing public. The professor is reluctant.

The professor seems the only person possessed with moral understanding and compassion throughout the film ..everyone else it seems is after ratings, fame, money or blood.

The film commences its ending by playing back the raw footage of what the expedition team filmed...and it is shocking. Questions arise: Who is committing the real 'evil' savagery here?

As for the animal cruelty scenes: Yes they are real and shocking. But should it be anymore shocking than the beef burger that is served up in McDonalds. Cows are slaughtered everyday. Perhaps one needs to watch a bovine neck getting slit before they take it for granted they are eating a nice juicy steak on their plate. The film portrays the reality of human meat consumption...and yes all kinds of animals are killed for the human appetite, especially in the wild - someone will do it! For those who dispute this film on these grounds 'Can you handle life?' This stuff still goes on regardless of whether u see it happen or not.

This film is absolutely brilliant. A cult classic. I can see it making a revival...but don't know when...perhaps in some years time.
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