
51 Reviews
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Narrative like no other
21 April 2024
Not sure what I expected prior to watching this, but this wasn't it. This guy bears it all, raw nerves entire experience, you get to go deep down his neurosis, in a way I don't think I've ever seen in any other work, so you almost feel as if you also went through it all with him. You know there are stories where you're allowed to hear what the narrator thinks, but if you are an overthinker, you'll know that this is different, you'll recognize that "overanalyzing to avoid feeling" which is not present in fiction

And you won't really doubt much the credibility of his narrative, because the level of details, both physical, and emotional ones, simply cannot be manufactured... you will believe every aspect of the story

You also feel sorry for Martha, cause she needed help, and the other villain of the story gets to get off scot-free. It's not that she didn't deserve her comeuppance, but come on, he deserved it tenfold... But I guess, the author wanted us to feel that way too, cause he made it clear that he feels the same way about the events...

My only regret is that you can only ever watch this once, and it's probably going to haunt you for days, like that old Korean movie "Oldboy"... Anyway, watch it over the weekend or something, when you have the time to process everything he drags you through...
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Elsbeth (2024– )
17 April 2024
Very derivative, if you've seen one tv show about quirky detective, you've seen them all. This one is trying to be original, by having cutesy elderly woman in titular role, with her female of color protege, who is not smart enough to figure things on her own, but is smarter than all the male detectives, cause she actually understands the supposedly magically amazing main character

except she's not really magically amazing, I'd say you are always ahead of her but then, most episodes actually start with the crime, so even that part is adjusted for audience whose intellect authors do not hold in esteem. You don't have to figure out "who done it", it's obvious from the very first scenes... and then the elsbeth character just latches onto the actual culprit and keeps bothering them, until she finds proof of guilt

and all that while she's not a cop, nor a detective, she's a lawyer, and she's the only one who figures stuff out, all the detectives are constantly blaming wrong ppl... imagine what prisons must look like in this universe, stocked wall to wall with innocent people... sheesh.
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uniquely terrible and stuck in the previous century...
6 March 2024
Hey, remember that time Russia attacked the west?

Yeah, me neither...

But if you were to judge Russians based on american and British movies, and tv shows, you'd think that's all Russians do, start wars with UK and USA...

Then again, if you were to judge my country based on american and British movies, you'd think that all women here are prostitutes, and all men are huge brutes, yet, I live in one of the safest places on the planet, even according to us government trip advisory.

I decided to watch this, cause Simon Pegg was in it, and I must say, this was so bad, I'm now questioning my affinity to watch his stuff... like, what in a world was this?!? Does he seriously not understand that he has fans all around the world, and not just in UK establishment? How could he be part of this offense?

While I was watching this mess, I kept wondering to my self, who is this propaganda aimed at, no one can possibly buy into any of this... but then I came here, and saw a review by someone claiming that this is the best (and apparently first) tv show they've ever seen. Judging that review by the show's gauge, you'd have to think that the writer is a Russian troll, fortunately, they proceeded to say things like "all characters are likable" - the main character mopes and whines, and sighs throughout entire show, or that they are all believable - they all look basically prepubescent, so, who ever wrote that, was clearly being facetious.

All the plots are utterly nonsensical, and Russians appear to wield technology that is decades ahead of anything west has, like, having cameras all over gchq at basically ever angle. Despite that, all these Russians who have built all that tech, are actually against their president, who is actually easily the most popular president of any country around the world, but yeah, they all just wait for the opportunity to betray their own country, and once they do, despite all that tech, no one figures out that they have committed treason, Russians have no time for figuring out traitors, they are to busy being you know, not 5 moves ahead, but 5 whole chess matches ahead their enemy...

I think one of my favorite moments was in first episode, when american plant in gchq, states that it's too early for real people to be complaining that due to internet being down, they can't access their own money, like, how soon is too soon for that one, so she is like "the Russian bots are complaining" - basically it's not too soon to conclude that they are Russian bots... based on what? At the same time, as soon as she tweets, pesky Russians also know that she is gchq troll. You see, no one who tweets is a real person, they're all trolls

It's also funny that Pegg himself was ranting in one video about Sunak saying that kids should be learning math until they're 18, to what he took offense, he was like "I went into arts, and I quit math as soon as I could" - like, everyone who at 13 thinks they're gonna go to arts is gonna succeed in it, wouldn't that be a world to behold, but one of the preteens in the show is an artist, and, you guessed it, a math genius...

Maybe he filmed that video to say "I disagree with everything in the show you'll see in the future"... anyway...

They even do that thing, when you can tell right away if any current scene is happening in uk or in Russia, cause in Russia, colors look all drab and dreary, even the mansion of the preteen who plays Russian hacker, even tho his parents are supposed to be rich, looks gloomy, and everyone is dressed brown, and the only splash of color in entire Russia, is screaming blue dress of uk woman from a Russian funded uk tv station...

Apparently there's more sun in UK than in Russia, there, now you know...

Seriously, it's that transparent...

I don't know, maybe it's cause I'm actually from the third world (or, the global majority as is the modern politically correct term for us) but it feels to me like entire west, but mostly usa and uk, are still stuck in the cold war, while the rest of the world has moved on, and this show is a sad reminder of just how stuck they are...

It is weird to be here in the third world, watching the first world with pity... oh well...I guess that's just where we are now...
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it is as if "it's based on poe"
16 February 2024
When I was a kid, I read a lot of poe, thinking he's a well known writer, it must mean he's good. I always felt he was a third rate writer at best. Like if he was from any other country, we'd never even hear about him. His death, is way more memorable than any of his works. Later, when I had a misfortune of reading some "fanfiction" I found it to be just as bad as poe

just like poe, this show fails to be outstanding, it also fails to be mediocre, it's just third rate. And by comparing it to fan fiction, i mean, there's this really forced way they are trying to get you to what needs to happen, there's nothing subtle about story telling.

So, you already know the story that is going to happen, you also don't really care for any of the characters, they are like a meta "keyword" tag, with all the "minority groups" represented, including a ginger, all sexual variations, no one really feels like a person, cause they are all just collections of surface level identities. Basically like how you don't care for characters in united colors of benetton ad. I was watching the entire show for Rahul Kohli, and even when it was his episode, I still didn't care, that's how lame all these "characters" are. And he's otherwise a good actor, had he had anything to work with, his character would have some depth. Nope

the only good thing about this show is all the ravens and black cats, they look really lovely, rest of it is a waste of time.
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Gaslit (2022)
7 February 2024
It's watchable, but fails in telling the story it claims to be telling, like, they need to tell us repeatedly how Martha was right, but all we've ever heard Martha say, is that Nixon's wife had a beef with her, and that she was kept locked up for a day or two, unclear, by a guy who looks like a young Michael York

Additionally, too much of the story about how Martha was right, is for some reason about Gordon Liddy, who is completely uncharismatic and unpleasant to watch, and had no relationship with Martha herself. I've read that after the fact, he became a tv celebrity, probably for the same reason ppl can't stop looking at the car crash, so they probably put such an accent on whitewashed f-st, thinking it would please the audience, but the guy is horrible in every way, totally unpleasant, I skipped through most of his scenes, some of which drag to no end

Additionally large portion of the story is dedicated to. John and Mo Dean, who met Martha once, played absolutely no role in gaslighting her, and I can only assume got so much screen time cause they managed to get two attractive youngish actors to play them

So, yeah, it could work as a story about watergate itself, but, you know, you can watch "whitehouse plumbers" where they did cast a charismatic actor as Liddy, making it easier to watch his unhinged scenes, but it keeps pretending to be a story about Martha, and that, it just ain't.
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Upload (2020– )
marxist analysis of the world we live in
12 January 2024
I started watching this, expecting very little, expecting to have it waste few hours of my life, before I give up entirely on it. But then I saw a scene where character discovers that on every leaf, there's a logo printed. There are sometimes such moments in tv shows, they just grab you, but this one, this one kept bringing it!

They keep showing ill after ill of capitalism, but they steer clear of typical communist jargon that ppl today either don't understand, much like they don't understand when economists speak, or are trained to fear, and instead shows you everything that is wrong with the world we're all forced to live in (I was born in a communist country, when I was 18, we were bombed out of communism into this... this inhumane thing that we call capitalism, that's why I say, we're forced into this life, we sure didn't choose this)...

odd thing is that they keep building onto this, they don't just do one thing, one and done, no, they keep adding new critiques, new insights. They eventually focus on the current american society, where they have a guy who acts as a humanitarian, as someone who cares for the wretched masses, he sells his actions as "helping" the poor, but he's actually doing the complete opposite - from my personal observation, this is basically all elites do, exploitation on steroids, but all packaged as care

very poignant. I'm surprised that some ppl have commented how this is not very deep... how can you watch this and miss it, it's very much in your face.
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couldn't finish it
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, there's a scene about a guy who spent some time in Moscow, where he developed a delusion that Soviets were spying on him in his hotel room, based on nothing, so he spent his days there singing made up religious songs to himself... And he is conveying this story to us, as if to say "I really showed em", but that's not what it comes of as, he comes of mental. And so uncool...

Then later there's a scene where he's pretending to be the smart one, while confronting some angry students, and honestly, all you can think while watching it, is, how are they managing to convey both sides as obnoxious, illiterate, spoiled, and delusional, yet, so utterly boring. As in, there's no one on either side I'd feel intrigued to have a coffee with.

I finally stopped watching after a scene where two of them are seated on the stage, and his friend is singing praises about him, "oh he's so beautiful, and the most genius, and has biggest yoo-hoo in the world" - I assume that that guy (the yoo-hoo guy who was singing to himself in Soviet Soyuz, and who thinks that him being yelled at by spoiled privileged lamericans somehow constitutes as riveting television) must have been the producer of this borefest, cause, why else include such sleazy praises of himself?

I'm really disappointed, from the trailer it seemed fun, but it wasn't clear from the trailer that they would focus on the least charismatic person in the history of the world, and expect him to make this watchable...

P. S. I don't know who he is, but I think I've heard his last name in eponymous university, which I assume is not a real university, it's more like him once again being delusional and thinking he's schooling someone.... If that's not the same preger, my bad.

Anyway, yeah, don't watch this one, it really doesn't matter what side of political spectrum you're on, you can't enjoy it. Far right in america will probably hate it cause they hate everything, and ordinary right will probably hate it for having to pretend that they liked it, even tho they have no idea what's in it cause it's unwatchable. That concludes the entire political spectrum in the us

Okay, if you're suffering from insomnia, and only under those circumstance, you should watch it, it will knock you out in ~5 minutes.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
I have to wonder who made this?!?
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You'd assume that people making movies are hollywood elites, but those are exactly the people who'd be the bad guys in this movie. And sure, as that other guy said, it's a satire. Exactly. Historically, satire was always used when times were so bad that you weren't allowed to criticize the oppressor, so you satirized them

Sure, it makes fun of expected prejudices and all, but it's still clear who the bad guys are and who the hero is.

Betty Gilpin is really perfect choice for the role. She's such a weird little actress. I remember some years ago, someone describing Johnny Depp as weird, but I grew up watching him, he's conventional to me, now Betty here is really weird. She pulls weird faces, and her eyes shift all over the place, and you can never quite tell what she's supposed to be acting. Ordinarily that would be off putting, but it fits this character perfectly. Like, I can't even remember any fact about this character from this movie that she told us, but I can remember what Swank's character thought of her. That's how perfect she fits the prejudice she's cast as. I will definitely be on the look out for her in the future

Yeah, it's a fun little movie, like, how they made a movie from the perspective of Q people, but then they cast a female Rambo as a lead, you really need to be open minded not to hate it.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
14 April 2023
I've seen few episodes, 5, 6, don't remember. It seems like it has a good premise, it seems like it could be something, but it boils down to story about lame housewives who all distrust each other but are forced to spend time together. I don't know who would care to watch that.

But, I've seen multiple people who are supposed to be cultured, sing praises about this telenovela. And now looking here, it has a rating of almost 8! I have no idea what anyone could connect to in this, it's a complete failure to use really good premise, to tell really engaging story, it's just boring and flat, and characters are off putting

Also, the age difference between some actresses who are supposed to be older versions of same generation teens who experienced something decades ago, is glaring and pulls you even further out of the experience

it's just all around bad show that for some reason has high rating, but really doesn't deserve it.
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Colossal (2016)
weird advertisment
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's kinda weird that this is advertised as comedy, even saying that hathaway is hilarious, when neither is true. There's nothing funny about this movie, in fact it's disturbing. It mostly can be understood like an allegory about alcoholism, if not for one flashback scene that basically ruins it.

Also, just one curious thing, have you noticed how in american movies, it's always some foreign city that gets destroyed? Typically it's Moscow, cause, you know, slavophobia is the only bias legally allowed in america, but not this time, cause this time you're supposed to feel pity for the people whose lives get ruined. Kinda lame.
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third world reference before ww2
30 March 2023
Such an ugly film, with animated characters but animated in a way where you have to see skin folds and moles on characters, but while some details are realistic, everyone moves like they have a stick up you know what, it's just not very smooth. They should have just made regular movie.

One thing jumped at me tho. There's a scene where some opera singer singer is saying "this is my first time visiting the third world". The problem with that is that Tintin operates before ww2, and during ww2, but split of the world into first (capitalists), second (soviets) and third, everybody else who mostly supported soviets, but covertly, cause the other guy nuked their enemy after the enemy has already capitulated, so, the phrase itself is a glaring anachronism. It only came into use decades later

other than that, few good jokes, if you don't really look at the screen where the off putting characters are wadding about, you'll be able to catch few good jokes.
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too much of everything, get ready for a headache
10 December 2022
Someone thought of a concept but mistook it for a script. Instead of a plot, the focus is on making every single scene looks like a masterpiece, resulting in a mess of things that have no cohesion between them, and worst of all, it's boring beyond belief. It kinda reminded me of my adhd room, where finding place for everything is almost impossible, unless that place is garbage bin. That's how pleasant it was. It's like someone trying to be creative, but lacking creativity, so they just pile everything they can think of, on top of everything else, overstimulating and tiring

For similar story but much more pleasing to the senses, go watch short film "bao" - you can even find it on youtube. It tells the same story, but in far less pretentious way, and since it's significantly shorter, you won't end up bored out of your wits.
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grueling to watch
4 October 2022
From the very start, it was so stressful to watch. It reminded me of my last job, which wasn't even a warehouse job, it was an office job, in a cable company, and yet, the way people behave, the way they act like up is down, like everything you do is wrong, like ordinary things are life or death and vice versa.

I once asked to leave early, cause my tooth filling sorta came out, but it stayed stuck in my tooth, so I couldn't close my mouth properly. My boss barely agreed, clearly she thought I was lying. Then my dentist said he couldn't do it that day, and when I told my horrible boss that I won't be leaving early after all, she made me stay longer. For absolutely no reason. Just for asking to leave early. So I have no doubt that things like this also happen all the time. Fortunately my filling got back into place and later that day fell out completely so I could close my mouth by the end of the day, but still...
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Roar (2022– )
Doesn't quite work
17 April 2022
Most of reviews here seem to want to hate on this for being women-centric, and in doing so, they miss that this really has serious issues. Like, each episode has a good idea, but not enough of a good idea to make up a full episode, so each episode has long scenes that serve no purpose, where character is looking confused while looking at what's going on around them. Like, it would be much more entertaining if they made one movie, or maybe two, maybe cramming all these allegories into one movie, and that movie would appear weird, like something Lynch would make, but would be more meaningful than Lynch movie, precisely because of metaphors. That way it could all be entertaining instead of being spread to thin.

You could put none-allegorical stories into another movie. Like story with Alison Brie, that one had 0 metaphors and was pretty much exactly what it was. It is also the only episode (out of those 5 I've seen so far) that didn't need fast forwarding. It might even be good enough to be a standalone movie

Another big problem is that it's anthology series, which, I don't know why they keep making these, like, as soon as you get used to a character, that character is gone for good. Just make movies ffs, no one likes anthologies

Anywho, might have been better if episodes were shorter, cause with exception of Brie episode which could have been longer, 4 other episodes I've seen were all dragging, some could have easily been no longer than 20 minutes to be completely entertaining.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
these characters are nothing more but these very famous actors reading lines
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's okay, it's solid, for the most part it is how the people react. Not sure why americans always have to put riots in movies, we barely saw any riots during wwp and now in ww3 too, and those that we did see, were mostly about other things.

What would made it better tho, would be if both sides were doing something really dumb, which is what we saw during pandemic, here only one side is dumb, and the other side is aware, but, important thing is that no one does anything to solve their problem, the scientists are answering stupid questions all day long, while unchecked billionaires are looking how to profit out of mass extinction, which is exactly what happened, so it's very much hit and miss.

The president is to a large degree a crossover between trump and hilary for sure, an ugly old woman in bed with oligarchs, that's hilary part of it, and having family members embedded into high positions of power, and being rude those parts were very trumpian. And ugly hats were also clear nod to trump. But as I previously stated, the duality of madness is only allowed to one side, which makes it unrealistic. Like, main reason why people on one side were so adamant about not getting vaxxed and relying on dewormer, is cause the other side insisted that a medicine that entire global south depends on, is horse dewormer. Anyone who knew it was primarily human medication, would instantly lose all respect for the other side. And the other side forfeited their credibility over nothing. That is not conveyed in movie, they clearly made one side sane and the other one insane.

One part that maybe deserved more focus, was when americans blew up Russian-Chinese mission to save the planet. That was just a throwaway line, and characters, all but one, heard about that mission only then when it was destroyed. Same as we did. It could have been something they talked about, hoped for, banned from participating in, tons of things, but none of that, it was just a throwaway thing, like producers wanted to say "we acknowledge that the rest of the world exists, but they don't matter".

However all of that could be overlooked, but the main problem was that cast is all these overused actors that at this point you can't see as anything else but what they are. You're watching fat LDC and everyone pretends like he's looking good, which he didn't even before gaining weight, but especially after, and, I mean, it's LDC, we know who he is, why are we pretending he's an authority on astronomy and can do math? Similar problem with rest of the cast, like most of them are too recognizable that you're not buying any of it. It was even hard watching strip and hill act like mother and son, while not selling it at all, and you knowing that the two aren't related, so then you get how impossible it was to recognize that these characters are anything more but these very famous actors reading lines. Yeah, this would have benefited so much from significantly less name recognition.
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After Life (2019–2022)
tries so hard
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the idea was for it to be wise, clever, funny, and also sad. But it fully succeeds only in being sad. Occasionally there would be a joke, like the one about ageism and "her teeth".

As for being clever, there's a character in there specifically written to be stupid, so Ricky could flex his superior intellect which due to all arguments being something we've all heard time and time again, doesn't come of as particularly clever, and instead, comes of tired and forced. Cause it is.

You don't really get the sense these people are connected, they do and say things like they care about him, but you don't feel they do. Even the dog seems disinterested for the most part.

Gervais has chemistry with Wilton, but I think that's just her, she's likable no matter what, so everyone seems to have chemistry with her. The relationship with his ex wife is also lacking, it's meant to be this great relationship where he's being a kind and funny guy, but honestly, him waking her up, honking a fog horn at her, and constantly spilling water at her, comes of more as abuse than humor. He even seems to judge the nurse who's perfectly nice woman, as a less than, cause she had no problem cutting into the lemon with poorly drawn face on it.

The only thing it does really well, is being depressive as much as you might want.

The ending is particularly insane, as suddenly all the people we were told throughout all three seasons were weird, and smelly, and socially unacceptable in every way you can imagine, they all get hitched, within like 5 minutes of the last episode, and the guy who was threatening to kill himself for the better part of two seasons, looks on them with smug look on his face, as if this is all thanks to him, then walks off with his dead wife next to him, and their dog, until they all vanish and that's somehow meant to tell us that life goes on, and he's not dead. Yeah, right, that's totally how I read that ending.

Oh yes, there was one other good thing. Aside from sadness. Character of James was really like James Corden. Spot on.

I mean it's watchable, and it had Joe Wilkinson in it, and that's why I gave it 6, but I honestly don't know what all these people praising this so much are on about. It's just not that good.
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Guilty Party (2021)
I liked it, I really did
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
And I don't like many things, so me liking this, tells a lot.

I liked the characters, they all did something nasty, made them real, the story was open about being preachy, without actually being preachy, there was a plethora of weird side characters, each of them like more intense version of people we all know.

The only thing I didn't like, was the "big reveal", come on, don't make me like someone and then do this with them, come on. And they effectively did it with two of the characters, both you get to like and care for, and both suddenly take a sharp turn to stupid in final episode.

If, that's final episode, this doesn't seem renewed, but could use two more episodes, no problem.
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why was everyone freaking out about this?
5 November 2021
Finally watched it, 17 years after it's release date. I don't know why I haven't seen it back in the day, probably cause everyone was so freaked out about it, in my experience when ordinary people love something, it's average at best. I saw this after watching blades of glory, and no surprise, this was average.

There are no laugh out loud jokes, most of the jokes boil down to this character who looks completely unaware of the world, doing something cool. There are some cutesy moments, it's watchable, unlike your usual hollywood product, but, back then films were watchable, so that's not exceptional.
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lowkey awesome
23 October 2021
I haven't enjoyed american movie as much as this, in a very long time. You can totally see why someone such as them would decide to go offline for a while, considering that all conversations they have with their peers, are exactly the things you will read if you have spent 2 days online. There doesn't seem to be an original thought between all of them. It kinda reminds me of how these days no one understands that "original quote" is actually just "jack of all trades" which isn't necessarily offensive, and no one uses that phrase anymore, instead, everyone says: "I really hate it when someone says 'jack of all trades, master of none', cause that's not full quote" and so on. When "master of none" was added later, and what they are adding, is completely made up by whoever was the first to create such post on internet. You've all heard people say how they hate that expression? Well, they hate it cause they all heard someone else say it. So now they all repeat it uncritically, and they perpetuate the myth that these recent changes are original, when they are not. I recently heard a guy, who with his pregnant girlfriend, lives in canadian woods, off grid, who also started repeating all that nonsense. I guess he thought it was super original when he heard it for the first time, but didn't understand we've all heard it million times.

So, characters in this movie, have such vapid conversation, where they just repeat things they heard online, none of which they cared to verify, and of course, as you watch them prattle on all this nonsense, you would be forgiven thinking how vapid, and obnoxious they are. But, it's fully intentional. They are meant to represent average person, from this day and age, and no one else, and they have to be incompetent, useless and with zero marketable skills. What better way to convey that, other than having them speak in memes?

So in that setting, our two main characters, one of which is guy from "Search Party" where he plays exactly the same character, and he does it so good, they decide to go offline for a week. Obviously, the very same day as they go offline, the apocalypse starts off, and they are blissfully unaware of any of it, as they are vacationing in cabin in the woods, and they brush off all signs of the doom that reach them, as "sounds of nature" or something similar, cause, as I said, they are that clueless.

At any rate, it's very well executed, very well done, but you have to know what you're watching, and not be put off with how trivial and uninterested these characters are, that's exactly where the fun comes from. Unless you want fart jokes, in that case, this might not be for you.
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Search Party (2016–2022)
6 August 2021
I expected this to be really bad. And it is. But it's also awesome. Like, each character is obnoxious, with lead being slightly less so, so we would have someone to partially relate to, but it wouldn't work if any one of them was likable. They are like cast of Michael Scotts, you should hate them, and in real life you would hate them, but they make the show work.

I just finished season 1, so I can't guarantee beyond that, but season 1 was excellent. Truly unexpected after all the bad things out there.
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Greener Grass (2019)
surealism out of it's time
6 July 2021
I know authors quote only american influences on the story, and sure, there's some lynch in there, if lynch was mulholland drive, and nothing else.

For the better part of the movie, I thought it was just a surrealist movie made decades after peak of surrealism, with some scenes looking almost exactly like stolen from "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie". However at some point you do realize that surrealism is just the style, and unlike purely arty movies of Luis Buñuel, this actually has a point to make.

How can you tell if this is a film for you? If you haven't seen a good movie in a very long time, or even have stopped watching movies over how bad they all are, this might be one for you.
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Odd one for me
20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This one was really odd for me. I decided to watch it mainly cause I haven't seen Dunst in anything in such a long time, and I used to like her back in the day. And this show is really good at telling a story of fraud, desperation and hope.

Living on Balkans, where everyone is desperate and wants to get rich, I've had fair share of people trying to push me onto pyramid schemes. They are so convinced that this will work, that it's like a religion (just as the show portrays it), they can't understand why you wouldn't want to be a part of it, so they keep pushing, until they push you so hard you block their phone number, and never look back.

You know it's not worth trying to pull them out, religion works like that, when some fakeness gives ppl hope, no amount of reasoning would pull them out, exactly as no amount of them pushing can get you in. It's futile trying to get them out. Who knows, maybe they've already spent so much of their own money, that no matter what doubts they now have, they can't just get out, they need to get that money back. Or it's just the crazy religious hope that won't let them back out until they have nothing left. Definitely nothing you can do about that, except block them for good.

It's huge disservice, bordering on grand treason, that states aren't teaching children in school's how to recognize these schemes, and other similar schemes, so that no one ever gets into them.

And, when news is quiet, you keep thinking "everyone knows about these, no one would fall for it these days". But, I thought that back when that bit-something thing happened. It used the general fascination with bitcoin, to pull people in, onto fake crypto currency that then exploded into all of it's participants faces. So clearly, ppl still don't know and can still fall for it. And in future, they will look ever so slightly different. Like how that one used bitcoin's popularity, some future one might use intersectionality, or whatever becomes buzz word that everyone is pushing but many don't really understand.

Initially I thought she would progress through the system until she becomes a leader, who then takes a fall when fbi finally gets onto it, but with few episodes left, it doesn't seem that's where it's going. So that's good, I do hope she manages to expose it all, and hopefully end up better off.

Anyhow, really hard to watch because of how close it feels. People within such system, just don't understand how hurtful and insulting it is when they try to drag you in. Just horrible.
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The Matrix (1999)
can't be explained
29 April 2021
I don't know if it's times changing, or what, but apparently creators had hard time getting funding for this movie, cause "it was too confusing"?! Even worse, one of the characters says to another "it can't be explained, you have to see it for your self"... I can explain it in one sentence. Granted, these days this story is basically part of our every day lives, with people like elon musk mentioning similar concepts, but I honestly don't remember this being that hard to grasp even back when I was a kid when I watched it.

It does however explain why today, there are no more watchable films, let alone good ones. Cause everything has to be dumbed down.
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18 November 2020
At no point in the movie do you feel anything for the characters, and you don't believe they feel anything for eachother. everyone is so cold towards everyone else. lines they say seem to be like someone throwing bricks on the pile, hoping they make up something resembling the wall. everything that happens happens too fast, for no reason, no one's motivation is clear, it looks like someone had cut scenes from bunch of movies, and managed to combined them into something that sort of resembles coherent story if you ignore all the grating gaps. it's sad to have talented actors waste time on nonsense such as this
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mediocre at best
17 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why they have to focus more on a character who's not gonna be a love interest than on a character that is, but in the end, when she hooks up with one she wants, you just feel miserable for the one you got to like and care for over the course of the show, who never stood a chance. also, the main character supposedly has a super power, and what they don't point out, is that her super power is that she gets everything she wants w/o having to do anything to deserve it. she just exists, and whines, and wants, and then everything just falls in place, and she gets everything she wants, and it's just annoying and unrelatable.
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