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NCIS: Shalom (2006)
Season 4, Episode 1
secret extra
26 November 2020
For those of us that love all the procedurals the picture of the dead guy was none other that Pej Vahdat from "Bones. Also in this episode Ziva proves that she is an officer of NCIS and not just a Mosad assassin. And the girl fight is one of the best ever! '
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just the facts
4 July 2020
This documentary takes the form of a tour bus ride through the Kennedy Space Center. As such it does a very good job of explaining the basics of a Saturn V assembly, launch and control. The music in this video is a little strange and distracting but the narration is informative and easy to understand. some of the visuals are very informative, you get to see the mobile service structure and one of the low bays in the VAB with three complete Apollo modules ( moon lander adaptor, service module and command module) and you get to see an Apollo Saturn V and launch Utility Tower on the way to the pad with the other two towers in the background. the video also give interesting information about the size and internal weather inside the Vehicle Assembly Building. All in all I recommend this to any moon rocket fan.
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NCIS: A Bowl of Cherries (2017)
Season 14, Episode 20
alzheimer desease the real killer
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Having been through the pain of watching my mother go through the stages of Alzheimer's I found this episode painful to watch, but if it brings some awareness to viewers of just how much sadness this disease causes it's worth it. Also good advice about keeping all your data backed up.
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My fondest childhood memory
18 November 2019
I first saw this when I was only 7 years old. As a child looked forward to seeing this every year. As a child I had terrible asthma and growing up in southern California the air back then was fairly unhealthy so I didn't play out side that often so it was the songs that i responded to- some happy, some sad, some wishful but all perfect for the story. As far as I'm concerned this is the best telling of the Christmas Carol EVER.
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Sagage's is back
2 April 2019
As far as I'm concerned the original Mythbusters should have been on the Discovery Science Channel all along -their deeper pockets would have enabled a much longer run -even if it meant replacing Jamie H. That said this new series has the potential to be just as entertaining as the old; and I hope it gets a second season to jell the cast. As far as some critics complaining about the "Myths" it was a freshman season-those are always rough. the first season of the original series was just a few episodes. In short it was fun to see Adam so comfortable with all the cast and yet be just as squirrel y and fun to watch as before. AND YES I'LL WATCH ANYTHING WITH ADAM IN IT BECAUSE I'M JUST LIKE HIM a cartoon loving tinkerer that wants to know the how and why science of the world.
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screwball western
9 February 2019
I agree with the other reviewer I would LOVE to have this on dvd or bluray. The scene where the old sheriff recount "the old days" while the deputy mouths the exact words was hysterically funny as was the exploding stew.
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Bones: The Ghost in the Machine (2012)
Season 8, Episode 9
show the human side of our team
12 October 2017
I know a lot of reviewers didn't like this episode and I can understand why. It wasn't a cut and dried procedural like usual BUT the reason those of us did like it most likely is because it did a great job showing that even hardened professionals sometimes can't separate themselves from their emotions ( even stoic Brennan). Lets' be honest some of us would still like to believe in an afterlife and passed loved ones could find closure.Having his video shown to his crush in the end of the episode and seeing her reaction was quite touching. Now you should know I'm 62 years old and NOT an old softy but I did tear up by the time the boy's ghost skated away!
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Scorpion: Extinction (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
Jumped the shark?
28 September 2017
This series has been on a downhill slide (science wise) since season two,this episode looked like it was written by people from either Mad magazine or National Lampoon.

First lets look at the methane leak. Late in 2015 the Aliso Canyon gas leak started here in southern California and the nightly news was able to show infra red video of the gas leak- so how could a gas leak not be seen and detected by EVERY orbiting camera, NOAA and other agencies! Apparently the writers must have been living in a cave the last two years to not know this or they just think their viewers are stupid, either way I feel insulted.

As another has stated governments in the area of the leak would not take too kindly to having interlopers in their country without permission.

Now as to the singing it would have made more sense if it were all in the minds of the individuals and not actually sing out loud silliness.

In short the production staff has gone of the rails and are headed for cancellation if this nonsense keeps up!
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a great LOL sight gag
3 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The one thing I always remember from this cartoon involves a banana, cigarette, and a soup can. It is quite possibly the best sight gag in all Warner brothers cartoons. My dad was a smoker and once we saw this cartoon together that became an inside joke between us. I agree that nick was not as funny as Mugsy but he served the purpose of the henchman in this instance. As a lifelong owner(servant to) cats I always sympathized with Sylvester and thought Tweety was a brat that got what he deserved (well almost got)for goading Sylvester. By the way has anyone noticed the similarity between these cartoons and the Home Alone films? (think Sylvester as Marve, Yosemite Sam as Harry and Keven as Tweety)?
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