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A missed opportunity
4 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, this film had enough potential to become a decent watch. The action sequences are fairly well shot and although are somewhat sub par to the original are much better than the previous sequels in the series.

The big let down is the supposed "REUNION" of Van Damme and Lundgren. With the fact that both actors actually agreed to come back, its a shame the script didn't deliver the scenes to capitalise on their history. There is a huge lack of screen time between the two and only a vague hint that they know one another from the past. Also Lundgren, doesn't really need to be in this film, his character didn't add anything to the story and actually just makes things a little more confusing.

Overall this had great potential and a fair bit of hype considering, but don't be fooled by the advertisements of the two original characters back together because what we see on screen is NOT Andrew Scott, but a shell of a once great and terrifying character.

Pick up for a mindless movie to watch with your mates, but don't expect to get the level of the brilliant original.
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The Wrestler (2008)
Rocky/ Rocky 2 for wrestling fans
29 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I thought it was great film, good acting, poetic writing and a realistic overall feeling.

The wrestling, like in Rocky is only the backdrop for the story which is more about Randy The Ram (Rourke)trying to make an honest wage and re build his fragile relationship with his daughter. The real world for Randy is represented in the human form of Pam (Tomei) who's life seems to be taking a similar path to the Ram.

If you are looking for a happy feel good movie about the glamorous world of professional wrestling then this film is definitely not for you. It shows the reality of what its like before and after your on top and just how hard life can be. Its a tragic drama that touches on the themes of passion and regret.

And yes its true what they say Micky Rourke is amazing in this role. His scene's with his daughter seem very genuine and heartfelt.
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Best Comic book movie ever
22 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First off, congrats to everyone working on this film, they pulled it off. Batman Begins was exceptional, but Dark Knight managed to raise the bar to a whole new level.

A huge part of this is down to the casting, Heath Ledger will be getting a lot of praise and its easy to see why, the whole time I watched it I found myself thinking how is this the same guy i saw in Knights Tale and Brokeback Mountain? He took the joker character and truly made it his own, its only sad that he can't be around to see how much people have liked what he has done.

Christian Bale, Arron Eckhart, Gary Oldman, Maggie G, and Michael Cane all need to be mentioned in this too, they all gave tremendous performances that helped to enhance the story, I loved how the chemistry between Bruce and Harvey grows the closer Harvey and Rachael become. Michael Cane again shows us that Alfred isn't just the bumbling butler who just happens to know everything, he is actually contributing a lot to Batman as a character. Gary Oldman is fantastic in every role he has ever played, this is a role that could have been a little dull if played in the wrong way but he managed to keep him empathetic and interesting.

The story is brilliant, The Joker isn't out for money or riches like most villains, he simply wants to change the world and almost prove to himself that people are evil. The fact that we never truly learn about why he is the way he is, just adds that level of creepiness to him that we've never seen before. Burton's Character was comedic, Nolans character is psychotic. HUGE difference.

Gotham looks realer than ever, especially more so than the Schumacker disaster's, Its gritty, dark and whole. it doesn't feel like your watching backdrops or computer animated places, its all real.

The fact that Scarecrow makes a return appearance helps to connect the films together, only other films i've seen this done in are superman (Lex) and XMEN (Magneto) but they didn't really have much choice.

Twoface looks scary and you can understand why he is so pi***d! Nothing in this film happens by chance everything fulls into place, the equipment he uses and vehicles aren't just there magically like other adaptations.

And yes someone does take up on that whole 'but surely someone will know its him, look at all the resources and money he has'. Waited a long time for someone to look at that.

Anyway back to the point, this film has met all expectations, it has exceeded its original which puts it into a small group in my opinion, it sets up for a third film and leaves us wanting more. if you haven't seen it, do, if your not a fan of the other Batman films, it doesn't matter. The character has come along way from using that shark repellent spray to get rid of a great white hanging off his leg or wearing costumes with rubber nipples attached, he is 3 dimensional and diverse. the plot is intriguing and the characters all shine, nobody can deny that this film is nothing short of a masterpiece and will truly stand the test of time.
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Iron Man (2008)
Good comic movie
3 May 2008
firstly it does in fact live up to a lot of the hype thrown at it. The first half of the film is a little slow but gives us a fairly good insight into the character of Tony Stark.

Once we see Iron Man hit the screen its what most fan boys would have wished for, he doesn't look silly. In fact the CGI is pretty damn amazing.

The second half of the film is a lot faster and more entertaining.

The dialogue is funny and sums up a lot of the characters, there were a few set ups for a sequel which apparently is in the works already. There were some great comic references including the usual cameo by Stan Lee.

Robert Downy Jr is amazing as Tony stark, surprised me a little but in a good way, he really fit the role well and showed what I know of Iron Man pretty close to the comics.

Also I will say the ending was a little bit of a shock and instantly made me want to watch the second when they make it, best ending of any comic movie, except maybe Batman Begins.

Definitely recommend it, they have made a fun film for not only comic fans but normal cinema goers, will be a big hit.
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Transporter 2 (2005)
stay away if possible
14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
James Bond looks seems very realistic after watching what this guy can do.

don't understand why they told him to get into an expensive car just to blow him up, when they had about 20 men with machine guns pointed at him. and yes he escaped...

the fighting was laughable, as the goons again attacked one at a time, this was something that always makes me laugh, the storyline was forgettable too.

and since when do FBI agents allow someone in custody to look through their files and speak to a wanted man on their phones? i couldn't believe what i was watching!

the icing on the cake for me was the main bloke, the voice he was putting on was obviously fake and irritating to listen to, so why bother? i never plan on watching this again, but if what i've described is your cup of tea then to each his own.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Give it a chance
14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this is a pretty good adaptation of the comic, i feel that they did most of the characters justice. the thing and human torch feud is well played and adds a lot of humour to the film.

Something to consider for people who think that it spends too much time setting things up- they have to show how 5 separate characters gain and react to their powers. (nothing like x-men so don't compare).

The story is a little average but what do you expect from a film aimed at children as well as adults? but seriously, fans of the comics should appreciate this title and kids will love it regardless and believe me its a lot better than the rubbish that they made in 94.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body (2001)
Season 5, Episode 16
Most realistic episode in the Buffyverse.
11 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Episodes like this, show us just how good the writing/ directing teams were on this show. Its a real reality check, the lack of monsters makes it all seem to real and actually allows us to feel more remorse than if Joyce was killed by a demon. The vamp at the end was nice touch.

All of the character's have their own moments which really define their basic instincts. Buffy's is the hardest to watch. We see the most powerful woman in the world reduced to nothing.

The bit at the start where Buffy has a vision of Joyce being alive and then suddenly 'FLASH' its not real, that just shows that not everything in life works how we want.

When we see Dawn hear the news, its awful. We see her teacher crying at Dawn's reaction and to be honest that whole scene is gut wrenching.

The rest of the scoobies show their loyalty to Buffy and to Joice through their own uncontrollable sadness (its almost as though Joyce was the mum that each of them wished they had and that they weren't losing Joyce. They were losing MUM!)
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Angel: You're Welcome (2004)
Season 5, Episode 12
Goodbye Cordy
11 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This might be the 100th episode of the show, but it's just as good as it ever was. Firstly Cordelia wakes from her coma and Angel's world seems like it might be heading back to normal again.

On the other hand we have Spike and Lindsey practically reenacting the first episode (Angel and Doyal) and its a great way to show how far Angel's character has really come throughout the show.

Having Cordy back even just for the one show, made me realise how much life she brought to some of the other characters at times. Her final scene with Angel, is for lack of a better word, HARD to watch. They have no need to act in that scene because it's obvious they are genuinely sad to be saying goodbye at long last.

Definitely one worth watching, and if you get the DVD then make sure you re watch it with the commentaries. Trust me.
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Better than the first film...
20 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Now as a fan of the original and Alien and Predator films i was fairly excited about the news of a cross over film because i thought it could be interesting.

However when i saw the first film i truly believed that they had destroyed two brilliant franchises, went to see this new one with some friends and even though it still didn't come close to the original films set in their separate realms it was a major improvement on the first film.

To start with it was set in a place with lots of innocent people so there was the opportunity to feel some empathy towards the characters where as in the first film I personally didn't give a s**t who lived and who died.

Some of the main problems that i had with the film, was the Predator Alien hybrid monster. Now i can only assume that it was a queen because it was impregnating people, and it was doing it straight from mouth to mouth rather than laying eggs for the little spider things.

The creatures also burst through people far too quickly in comparison to the older films and also there were two major spaceship crashes and a big explosion from the bomb early on in the film and no one in the town saw or heard anything, now to me that seemed a bit stupid.

Ending, was obviously setting up for some kind of a sequel but in my opinion was stupid, slow and boring. They should have ended it on a high a little earlier on.

Despite some of these minor issues, the film is worth taking a look even if you like me disk=liked the first one immensely.
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Alpha Dog (2006)
i would definitely recommend
13 May 2007
I saw this film last week and i didn't know until afterwards that it was based on true events, however it was a brilliant film and to be honest I that I knew how it was going to end and I was way off target.

I did however really enjoy it and I can't stop thinking about it. The acting was also surprisingly good especially from Justin Timberlke and the kid who plays the boy who gets kidnapped.

The story really got me thinking about how stupid things can turn into something crazy and in that sense its a little scary.

Anyway back to the point, for anybody unsure then hear this. Watch it if you get chance because it was a good film and really exceeded all of my expectations.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Was a good film
5 May 2007
When I first got in the cinema I was expecting something truly amazing and to be honest at first i was a little disappointed because I felt that everything was happening too quickly, but then by the middle of the film everything seemed to fall into place and i began to really enjoy it.

The bit when we see Peter as a different person when he has the new suit was absolutely hilarious in my opinion and made the film worth watching for that bit alone.

For anyone who had any queries about having another goblin in the films, then let me reassure you, Harry was like a whole new character when he was in the suit and when he wasn't. He also surpassed the first Green Goblin in my opinion. James Franco really stepped up his game again for this film and to me he was the best actor involved.

Venom was brilliant to watch although he did only have a short time on screen, however i'm not sure we've seen the last of him (and I was one of the people saying he wouldn't be back). Sandman was just as good as I was hoping and overall it was a fun film to watch.

If you didn't like the first two then I doubt that you'll like this one but if you did then you'll love it because it holds all of the same characteristics that we have come to expect from a Spider-Man film.

Most of the plots were closed by the end of the film and I will say this last thing. I walked out of the cinema with a smile on my face, really glad that I watched it.
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good love film
8 March 2007
was always curious about this film due to the story. basically i wanted to know how the time travel thing happened and i got a lot more than i bargained for. i was on the edge of my seat at the end practically talking to the screen(which never happens to me).

overall there were a few plot holes as with most films that play around with the idea of time travel and events that happened due to the way people act with it. but i found that i didn't care, i just wanted to watch the film again.

so for anyone out there undecided, watch it now because its a brilliant film.
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Frasier (1993–2004)
Aamazing show
21 January 2007
I loved Cheers, and Fraiser I have to say tops that by a million miles. This show had more character development than any other i've ever seen, it had all the original cast throughout the whole 11 seasons as well as some cameos from ex Cheers characters which is what spin offs like Joey really needed. This show really knew how to make me laugh, so many episodes i've seen multiple times and I still find it hard to breathe through laughing sometimes. And I have to say this even though i won't spoil it, the end of the show though very sad and emotional was the best i've ever seen. It fit in perfectly and to be honest really closed what it had 11 years leading up to which was.......if you wanna know go watch them for yourselves because you won't regret it.

Please if you enjoy good comedy watch Frasier, Niles, Martin, Daphne and Roz and allow yourself to be swept away by laughter and tears alike.
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Battle Royale (2000)
A foreign masterpiece that has no equal!
11 July 2006
If you were put on an island and told you have to kill everyone in your class within three days or you die what would you do? Well thats what the kids int this film are told and its rather scary how suddenly some of them can turn on their friends but when it comes to survival i suppose we would all kill..wouldn't we? This is a foreign masterpiece that has no equal. Not only is the story absolutely out of control and completely crazy it is also really compelling and mind boggling. I can guarantee you will be thinking about your own lives and friends and wondering what you'd would do if you had to kill one of them to save yourself after watching this film.

But don't get me wrong i think this film is absolutely brilliant and deserves all of the credit it deserves, anyone not sure whether they want to sit through two hours of sub titles then take my advice and do. Cause after ten minutes you forget your watching a Japanese film and you decide you don't care anyway.

Watch it now!!!! Oh but avoid the second one cause its not quite as good.
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American Playhouse: Into the Woods (1991)
Season 10, Episode 1
into the woods...and home before dark!
7 July 2006
I've loved this since i was a kid. the concept is great and so are the songs. Placiong together stories and characters for various fairy tales and creating something completely new to me is just genius. Some of the characters are hilarious and others are really believable such as the wolf and Prince charming. The songs are also brilliantly written and performed. One of the main strengths of this show was that everybody could act well and sing better. My personal favourites are the two songs done by the two princes 'Agony'. And of course the song sung by the Wolf when hes planning his evil idea for Red Riding Hood, 'that kind of scrumptious delectable feast twice in one day...there's no possible describe how you feel...when your talking to your meal!!!'. Anyway back to the original point this show is amazing and really worth watching, and also don't write it off as a silly kids show because most of the jokes and quirky remarks are written for adults.
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The Fugitive (1993)
7 July 2006
This is one of Harrison Ford's best film's behind 'Star Wars' & the 'Indy' series. What's worse than coming home to find your wife murdered and the attacker escaping through you? I'll tell you what, the police charging you with the murder and claiming it was insurance fraud. well thats exactly what happens in this film, only when our main man escapes its up to US Marshall Tommy Lee Jones to re capture him. The two leads in this film really work well together and were both made to play these characters. And if you don't believe me, look up US Marshalls and you'll find its actually the sequel starring TJL once again, only it never quite matched the original. This is a must see for all action fans, or anyone who just feels like sticking on a great film and letting themselves go.
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City Slickers (1991)
He's behind me isn't he?....
7 July 2006
Now i know that not everybody is a Billy Crystal fan and thats fair enough because sometimes i find him completely humourless but not 'City Slickers' it has to be his best film by a long shot. From the opening scene where he's being chased by a huge bull in Spain to him learning how to ride a horse and lasso a cow on the cowboy ranch is hilarious. And then once the trip begins the film really starts. Although this might be primarily a typical Billy Crystal comedy there are also some really heart felt moments slotted in every now and again, such as Curleys tale about the red head and the bit with Norman the calf when they're trying to cross the river.

Even if you're not a fan of Billy Crystals movies you should give this film a try because it seriously is funny and i guarantee you won't be disappointed. Oh and i leave you with one last sentiment "Hello...don't sew up anything thats supposed to remain open okay?" Now if you want to know what the hell that was all about watch this film and you'll find out.
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I am the queen of the rodeo...
7 July 2006
To be honest when i first saw this film i was really disappointed and a little bored, but once i sat down and watched it again i really saw the brilliance of it all and my heart just opened up. The end of the film is one of the most gut wrenching things i've ever seen in a film before. Jake and Heath really are convincing in the roles and i could see this happening due to the realness of the script. Ang Lee really out did himself with this movie, its beautiful yet still believable and very moving which is a mix you don't find very often in movies. So anyone who says i don't want to watch that film kits about gay guys, you should just put that thought behind you because i think this film has the potential to be loved by everybody and anybody who's truly willing to give it a chance.

To me this film will become a classic and will always be up there with the likes of 'Gone With The Wind' and 'Titanic'.
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The Fly (1986)
23 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Practically the best remake of all time. Vincent Price's movie was good but this one adds another level to it. Jeff Goldblum is wonderful as Seth Brundle/ Brundlefly he really shows the true madness of the character while allowing the emotional content to shine through the gaps.

This film is beautiful and even though the basic genre is horror this film plays out one of the greatest love stories played out in film history.

In short 'The Fly' is well worth taking the time to sit down and watch be it now or in ten years this film will always be a classic.
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Still one of my favourate comic adaptations
6 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved this film since I was a little kid, I would'nt change anything about the story: Steve Rogers applies to be the guinea pig in a US experiment to make super soldiers to help win the second world war. After fighting the German warrior the Red Skull, Cap is frozen in ice for 40 years only to be awoken in Alaska. His long lost love is murdered by the Red Skull and the current US President is kidnapped and its up to Cap to don the Red, White & Blue suit and shield to redeem himself and make up for his loss 40 years previously.

This film stuck pretty close to the character and I think people should give it more of a chance, I really hope that when the new Cap film is released in the next couple of years people go back and re evaluate their opinions.

Personally I would give this film two thumbs up. watch if your a fan of films such as 'Spiderman', 'Superman' and 'The Punisher'.
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Highlander (1986)
Who wants to live forever?
23 September 2005
Most people are afraid to die, but Russell Nash is afraid to live. The reason is that he is an immortal who was born in the early 16th century and has lived for four and a half centuries. Now in the midst of the gathering he has to use the teachings of his Old friend Ramirez (Sean Connery) to help him defeat his greatest enemy who has been waiting for their final confrontation for four hundred years. He is The Kergan (Clancy Brown), but their war against each other will be for the ultimate prize and the fate of mankind rests in the balance.

Russell Nash/ Connor Macleod is played by the french Christopher Lambert, who learnt English especially for this film. Roxanne Hart plays Brenda Wyatt the woman who wants to get close but ends up being court in the middle of the hatred of the two main characters.

This film has some very good battle scenes and flashbacks including Ramirez teaching Connor of his potential. the sword fights are also very well choreographed and certain quotes will definitely make you smile.

The music is mainly that of the greatest rock band to ever walk the planet 'Queen' the song who wants to live forever is also very powerful in this film because of the meaning.

Directed by Russel Mulcahly.

This is a very good film overall and well worth watching and owning, but it would have been better if finished after this one but unfortunately they made three very poor sequels that ruined the whole idea of the film.
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Ghost (1990)
Till Death Do Us Part Doesn't Have To Be The End
28 August 2005
'Ghost' is one of the most beautiful and heart felt films i have ever seen in my life. I love this film and i don't care who you are in at least one part of this film you will shed a tear.

The Story.. Sam (Patrick Swayze) and Molly (Demi Moore) are the perfect couple, they love each other, they have an apartment, life seems to be going great but one night Sam is killed while trying to fight off a mugger. Molly is having trouble coping with the memory of her late lover and is even more distraught when a simple seance con artist called Otamea Brown (Whippi Goldberg)turns up claiming that Sam has came to her to send a message to Molly that Sam wasn't randomly chosen out of the crowd by the man who tried to mug him...

I love this film and it has an amazingly sad ending that touches the heart. Patrick Swayze is brilliant as Sam, he really brings out the emotions of a man who is coping with death and the after lie of watching his love deny all the signs that he is still with her.

A must see film, 9 out of 10 stars.
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poorly made horror disaster
24 August 2005
This film was pretty crap in my personal opinion, i thought parts of it were funny just for how ridiculous they seemed to be, but other than that the plot was terrible.

First of all the killer is called Trevor Moorehouse, who apparently killed a young girls brother at a holiday camp a few years earlier, so she decides to work in the same place and then wonders why she has nightmares about it, the whole setting is a cheap low budget rip off of the original Friday the 13th film and the costume is pretty poor and non scary. The title on the DVD i watched was 'Jason Vs Trevor'which for one is a blatant rip off of 'Freddy Vs Jason' and it doesn't even fit in with the idea of the film because the only character called Jason was the dead brother of the main heroine in the film, he is never seen and only mentioned a couple of times and in no way contributes to the overall effect of the film or storyline.

This really is a rushed low budget film and i would only recommend to watch it if your with a lot of friends late at night who really wanna have a good laugh, because really thats all its good for.
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Thrashin' (1986)
Romeo and Juliet on Skateboards
23 August 2005
Thrashin to me is just Romeo and Juliet on skateboards but its is still awesome, it has some great 80's skateboarding moments and a cool clip of a younger more energetic Red Hot Chili Peppers. Corey Webster (Josh Brolin)comes down to the Valley in LA to stay with some friends and Skate the Downhill and falls for the sister of Tommy Hook, the leader of the Daggers. A local Skate gang who have no regard for anybody especially Corey. As Corey avoids Tommy's warnings to stay away from his sister, the Daggers decide to send a clearer message by burning down the valley Skaters local ramp that they built themselves. Things then become a lot more personal for everybody and with the downhill approaching the stakes become a lot higher as the winner will get a pro sponsorship and the ultimate respect from his fellow skaters. This is a very fun filled film and if you like extreme sports or comedy then this is a great film to watch.
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Beautifully made dark tale of romance and acceptance
22 August 2005
Edward Scissorhands is in my opinion a classic and besides Batman it's Tim Burtons greatest achievement. Johnny Depp is fantastic as Edward the the poor creation of a brilliant inventor (Vincent Price) who unfortunately dies before he is able to finish his greatest creation, thus leaving Edward with a pair of huge scissor-like hands instead of what we would call normal hands. Years then pass and one day Edward is discovered by the local Avon lady who decides to take him home to live with the family, obviously the whole neighbourhood wants to know about Edward straight away but it seems he only wants to know one person... I must say the scene where Winona Ryder is dancing in the falling snow always brings a tear to my eye, because its such a beautiful scene and it is really made perfect by Danny Elfman who manages to capture the mood with his wonderfully composed music. Edward Scissorhands is really one to watch, and so if you haven't already seen it i suggest you do.
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