
97 Reviews
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Death Walker (2020– )
It's just not that good...
18 May 2024
I watched, sat through, several episodes of each season.

The first episode I watched was, "The Sallie House" where Nick states rumors, widely known as unsubstantiated, as "fact".

That's a bad way to go, Nick. You lost my respect there.

It's exactly like Ghost Adventures, but without charisma. Monotone and blah with way too many re-enactment cuts that are poorly done. It's just not as good.

It's trying to be authentic and respectable, but it's just boring. No big personalities. Re-enactments that seem longer than the investigation clips.

I've heard Nick complain that he believes another show was trying to have his this one cancelled. That may be true, but facts are that this show just isn't very good.

I'm going to skip the rest of the episodes. Maybe Nick should try something completely unique, not just a knock-off of his previous work.
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Surviving the Sleepover (2024 TV Movie)
Better than you might think
18 April 2024
This was a movie about mean girls...and one character that stole the movie.

Our protagonist, Hanna, is trying to help her mother recover from her husband's (Hanna's father's) passing. Mom is in the middle of building a new home for them, but stunted by grief, she can't seem to get the project finished.

Hanna and her mom are living in a motel in the meantime. Shes also trying to get through high school, but mean girl Melissa and her co-hort Charlotte are making her life miserable.

Thank God for their other friend Abbie (played by the beautiful Sage Moore) who is the only one with a heart. A truly believable character, she offers comfort to Hanna, but Melissa isn't having it.

The movie has twists and turns. Melissa turns out to be a lot "meaner" than we expected.

Abbie and Hanna need to lean on each other to survive. Although Abbie gets hurt, she turns out to be the strongest young woman in this movie.

It wasn't bad at all. Abbie (Sage Moore) is the most well rounded and realistic character and really steals the show.

Grab some popcorn -and an old friend- and give it a watch.
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The Finale (2023)
Horrible humorless "horror"
12 April 2024
I can forgive a low budget and inexperienced actors, but this "movie" has no redeeming qualities at all.

It's not funny, not scary, not clever, not inside jokey (although I think they think they are right on mark). Its not subtle or over the top.

Unattractive people, not a decent face in the crowd, doing lame theater class cliches. Their outfits - thrift store budget with hobo taste. Your eyes will start to hurt after awhile...

I gave it one star for the detectives making a joke about the angry captain cliche.

I have about fifteen minutes to go, to learn who the killer is. Or I can fold laundry.... Tough choice.
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Part 8? Heckin' yes! I'm in!
5 March 2024
The first movie was intersting and engaging, I liked it enough to buy part 2. Then 3, 4,5,6,7 and now 8.

They're obviously made on a shoestring budget, but the storyline moves right along. The movies end and I want more.

These are clever installments that keep twisting and turning. Original enough to get you hooked.

There's nothing fancy, no extravagant effects, but these movies don't need it. Our protagonist, Turner Clay, has a twangy nasal voice that I find endearing; not annoying. I want to hear what he finds next.

Each installment introduces something new. Part 8 is very different than what got us going in part 1. We're in some strange serial killer with a manifesto territory now and it seems perfectly normal and true to the continuity of our storyline.

Don't skip to part 8. Start at 1 and watch them in order.
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Dear David (II) (2023)
Complete and total let down
17 October 2023
Hey, Amazon, I want my $6.99 back.

This movie referenced the Dear David thread, but completely out of context with the original posts.

Our protagonist, Adam Ellis (the artist), is gay. He may be in real life, I have no idea and don't care, but this was a PRIDE movie more than anything else.

The introduction has a kid using early era computers to chat under the name Dear David. And...Adam is being haunted by some ghost kid with a head injury. Where's the connection? How is that supposed to make sense?

The Buzzfeed office and employees are stereotypically cool and use all the cool language so enthusiastically that you'll want to back away from your screen in revulsion.

This really was a terrible adaptation of a compelling and scary tale.

So dumb. I will not be able to make it to the end. Boo!
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Hex (II) (2022)
Two stars for the family connection, two for the movie itself.
27 September 2023
This movie is about a group of "hexed" skydivers experiencing paranormal events.

The best part if this movie is that this is the exact place my son sky dived for the first, and only, time to celebrate turning 21.

It was awesome to see the place we hung out at all day while waiting for his turn. Plus, we've lived in Orange County all of our lives and are intimately acquainted with the roads and topography of the area; Lake Also more, CA.

The movie is, ummm, adequate if you're bored and can't find anything else. Fairly tropical cookie cutter characters. Exactly what was bringing on the spooky suff had us guessing.
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The Gospels read word for word
24 August 2023
These "The Gospel of..." movies are a blessing straight from the Lord himself.

The movies read the Gospels word for word; nothing added, nothing ommitted. The actors portray what is being presented in a faithful and engaging way.

If you've ever tried to read the Bible, but found it difficult, or you were easily distracted...or found difficulty in understanding scripture then these movies are for you.

The birth of our Savior, gathering of his apostles and performing miracles are portrayed faithfully. We get to put faces and personalities to those we've read about in a way that enhances what we're hearing.

Each Gospel, as we know, tells a different viewpoint of all of those things including Jesus's suffering, crucifixion and rising from the dead three days later.

The extras in this movie are locals to the area and represent exactly what life must have been like.

I highly recommend these movies.
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Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
A Christian movie made for Christian families
23 August 2023
The premise is deeply flawed.

Kevin Sorbo portrays a hard drinking author specializing in books about atheism. In the opening scene, we see him give a speech outlining his hatred for God due to his son's death by cancer.

How can you hate something that doesn't exist?

The characters in this movie are painted in big, broad strokes. Kevin is a hard drinking man obviously miserable and in need of God's love. He's divorced and miserable. We know, right away, that this man needs Jesus.

After a car accident, where he was drunk, he dies for four minutes and he sees his son in his near death experience. Heaven just may be real after all.

Also,it bothered me that after his drunk driving accident, he woke in a hospital-not a jail. He's never arrested, the movie just carries on.

Slowly, he yearns for and finds God's love. I liked the message, but this movie used too many stereotypes in every way. It was too simple with no nuance, depth or subtlety whatsoever.

I did enjoy that his wife and sons were portrayed by his real life family. That was a nice touch.

It's a Christian movie made for Christians. It's perfect for families with teens or pre-teens.
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Void of ANYTHING pertinent or informative
11 July 2023
This "movie" documents the journey Vanessa Hudgens and GG Magree undertake to discover true witchcraft and enter the spirit world.

Yeah, right.

Whilst wearing negligees and appearing always slightly intoxicated, they giggle and prance around Salem.

It's a ridiculous farce. Then, Vanessa gets to the "serious" part where she reads from a journal about her growth and discoveries with braid extensions and lots of candles.

Again, yeah right. It's laughable and cringy.

You'll learn nothing.

It's these two blathering idiots discussing the women tried as witches ...and female empowerment. It's shockingly distespectful to those women who suffered and died.

There is no way anyone could possibly sit through it all the way through. I did it for you. Save yourselves...choose ANYTHING else.
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Warnings (2019)
Interesting property and grounds, but dumb as all get out
15 June 2022
My husband enjoyed looking at the house and seeing it's potential, but it stopped there. It was definitely in a California wildfire zone.

But, the plot...

A man and his girlfriend buy the property to start a weed farm. Yet, oddly, they don't have a single firearm of any kind.

They're out in the middle of nowhere. May I suggest a shotgun?

If they'd had anyway to defend themselves, this movie would have been four minutes long.

Also, the bad guys looked like their makeup was done with a grocery store Halloween kit.

It's a pass...
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No context at all.
12 April 2022
I went in not expecting much. After all, it was an indie movie made on a tight budget. Still, I was sorely disappointed.

Three twenty-somethings are on a cross-country quest to interview people who've had experiences with "shadow people". What those may be are never really explained. We just have to make our own formulations.

However, 98.5% of this movie is just footage of their car ride and road trip banter. Can you get carsick from just watching their endless travel? Yes, yes you can-in this movie, for sure.

I gave it one star for some pretty locations and waterfalls, zero stars for being a movie-which it barely is.

Skip this one.
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Nothing whatsoever happens
4 March 2022
I wanted to see something, but never did. Although adding crescendoing dramatic music made me pay attention, nothing happens.

It would be interesting to watch these three couples meet for the first time, I hoped. How would they get along under the pressure of ghost hunting? Even that was wah-wah-wahhh; they're all equally normal and boring. No fights, no drama.

It snowed. Outside. That's it! I promise, total waste of time.
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The Breed (2006)
One question...
31 January 2022
First, I have a German Shepherd, so it was fun watching all their bad-a$$ery.

In the foyer of the cabin they walk through, isn't rhat a stockpile of rifles and shotguns? Enough for everyone? Sure looks like it.

But our trapped protagonists went with a bow and arrow.

Enough said...
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Hard truths that gun owners need to see and hear
11 November 2021
These are unhappy, heart-breaking stories that won't change the mind of gun owners or those who abhor them.

We can argue all day about what-ifs, locks and safety measures but it won't help or change the past. People will always be careless and presume something so awful could never happen in their family.

I'm a gun owner, in case you're interested.

Things like this, this documentary, should be required viewing before a buyer can take their gun home.

I don't know why fanatics get so riled up and defensive when shown stories like this. We need to know. Lives are at stake here. There's no room for the cavalier.

My greatest sympathy and condolences to the families in this movie. They were brave to bear their souls and admit their folly.
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4 November 2021
Our protagonist, Mark Patton, is a gay man in real life.

The Easter eggs in this movie are EVERYWHERE giving us clues.

Other than that interesting and fun part, this is a cheap, quickly made money grab of a movie that's terrible.

The spontaneous combustion parakeet was unique. That's about it.
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Paranormal State (2007– )
Captains log- We stage everything and it still sucks
3 November 2021
Annoying, oh so annoying.

The psychics OBVIOUSLY know everything before they, um, get to work.

Ryan is annoying, Elfine or Elfie has about as much charisma as a dead fish. The others? Don't know their names, don't care...doesn't matter.

This is just the bottom of the paranormal shows barrell.
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Done very well
14 October 2021

The opening credits are a tad long.

The two episodes I've watched are shot, edited and scored beautifully. There's a lot of very similar shows in this genre; this one is done very well. It's very, very nice to look at.

The stories, themselves, are good and solid, spooky and believable(ish). Are the real people actually the people who've had the experiences ... or actors? They seem real, but I'm not 100% sure.

This a definately worth a dark night's watch with someone you can share a blanket and popcorn with. More episodes, please.
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Lots of intrigue, but you may be disappointed with results
1 October 2021
Skinwalker Ranch, owned by Brandon Fugel, definately has some odd things going on.

Mr. Fugel has assembled a small group of highly credentialed team members to apply their area of expertise with the hope of getting some real answers about the place.

It has a long history of anomalous activity; from UFOs to weird things banging on the floor, from the basement, at one of the homesteads housing ranch hands (one of which has a degree in anthropology and has been published).

Radiation is coming from the sky and a very old deep well . We see UFOs. Testing has led to unexplainable injury, but these very smart men set out to test their hypotheses.

There's no shortage of brain power, but we, the audience, hear and see things as though it's being explained to grade school aged children. I wish...more science.

However, like the Curse of Oak Island, much hype and hope leads to little actual results and answers. Just more questions.

Oh....and the man in charge of security goes by the nickname, "Dragon". Seriously, he does.

It's interesting and I think I'll watch it all the way to the end.
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My husband could have died watching this!
17 September 2021
Our adult son recommended this to my husband. Not me, just him.

We watched together anyway and oh my dear Lord, the humanity...and hilarity!

He was laughing crazy hard, eating popcorn and humming the theme song: America, *heck yeah!

One false move and he would have choked to death. It would have been worth it. Great, great movie.
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Something (2018)
Just wait, it'll be worth
21 August 2021
At first, well...through most of it...we thought cheap, indie and cheesy. Not the case, as it turns out. There was a point, a good one.

It's an interesting story and we wanted to find out what's going on. Just wait and pay attention.

The ending was AMAZING. Don't ruin it for yourself, just watch it and be blown away.
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Hometown Horror (2019– )
Better than most of its kind
11 August 2021
The episodes in this series use real people with actors doing the reinactments. That's a nice change from most of these kinds of shows where actors play the real people and other actors play the actors.

We get actual people telling us about their experiences with their hometown's spooky tale.

The stories are interesting and intriguing. I hadn't heard of many of the places and their stories. The recreations are done pretty well.

It won't terrify you, but it is perfect for a late night watch with popcorn and someone to snuggle with.
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Jungle Run (2021)
Worse than a Scy Fy made for TV movie
9 August 2021
Siblings and a small group of people go look for their missing father in the Amazon.

Something about dad and his crew not respecting the heart of the jungle, while cutting down trees, and releasing a creature to wreak havoc amongst the ruiners.

None of the characters are likable. If that daughter screeched, "DAD" one more time I was going to pop my own eardrums with sharpened pencils.

The special effects were "special" alright, but I'm not being complementary.

There are no redeeming qualities to this movie. We paid $4.99 on Amazon to watch this tripe. Don't be like us. Pass on it.
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Spiral (2021)
Chris Rock, WHY
26 July 2021
Why would you waste your considerable talent on this poorly written, badly acted, butchered editing, hokey gimick blood splatter on the camera piece of garbage?

Five minutes in and I knew it was a terrible movie.

It's a B-movie rip-off of the Saw franchise. I could not be more disappointed.
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My Haunted House (2013–2016)
Get thee behind me, fakers!
18 July 2021
Actors play the "regular" people in scripted stories that never happened. Different actors play them in the "re-creations".

It's entertaining, if you're into FAKE.

Literally, 7 seconds in you'll see for yourself.

Skip this one, I'm going to keep looking...
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Ghost Loop (2019–2020)
Faked badly
13 July 2021
After four seconds I figured out that everyone is acting; they're not real people or investigators.

They're really just awful actors.

So obviously fake, stupid stories and a "ghost loop" is news to me. An intelligent haunting through a residual method? It's So lame, it's offensive.

No redeeming qualities. How and why did this show get made?!
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