
11 Reviews
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Agora (2009)
Beautiful film
17 October 2010
a really engaging film looking at the clash of Christians & Pagans in 4th Century Roman AD. The loss of ancient knowledge and destruction by ignorant violent mobs Hypatia, a female mathematician, philosopher and astronomer in 4th century AD Roman Egypt - a most interesting historical character. & the important of tolerance and asking questions, the pursuit of knowledge. beautifully shot film as well, a window of a lost society. I love Ancient History & was nice to see it brought to the screen. just tragic the destruction of ancient knowledge by stupid mobs whipped up by crazy zealots just makes you wonder with the collapse of the Roman empire how much ancient knowledge was destroyed
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Chuck (2007–2012)
An entertaining show
26 August 2008
I was a little bit skeptical at first about this show but after catching a few episodes on Virgin 1, it inspired me to buy it on DVD and I was pleasantly surprised at how fun it was.

Its like a send up of every spy genre and film, packed with geeky humour and some pretty impressive action sequences. The production also is pretty slick, but thats par the course for American TV shows (British TV is catching up) I liked Adam Baldwin in Firefly and its cool to see his talents on another show.

The rest of the cast is also excellent and just makes for a nice show.

so don't pay heed to negative comments, check it out and it will bring a smile to your face
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Rome (2005–2007)
Excellent show
28 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
HBO and BBC's co produced Rome is an outstanding series. As an Ancient History graduate one would expect me to nitpick and well take it all way too seriously but thats simply not the case! As I have studies I really appreciate it more and love the way a favourite subject of mine has been brought to the screen.

Rome captures the essence of Rome so well, the colour, the smells (ok we can't smell it but you get the impression) and infuses famous Roman people like Caesar, Brutus, Marc-Anthony and Octavian with life, makes them flesh and blood. They look sweaty, they are not this pure white classical image most people have of Roman history, they loved colour, the more stronger colour a Roman house had, signified how wealthy they were.

I love in the series also how within Roman society there was another one of women, who could be just as ruthless as their male counterparts like Atia (Polly Walker), who is an equal to Livia from I, Claudius, she at first appears as a selfish pushy aristocrat but as you go through the series we see she only wants best for her children and she will kill to make it so.

James Purefoy should get a Emmy or something for his amazing portrayal of Marc-Anthony, its such a hypnotizing performance and he is incredibly sexy in the role.

All in all a beautifully made and powerful series about a world which is as foreign to us as ours would be to them. Their's was a world of no Judeao-Christian morality which has infused our own culture. They did not feel shame about their bodies and lived very much in the public eye and because of this they make perfect materials for films, plays, TV series because they do all these things modern society would find shocking, we can be appalled and equally seduced.

Oh I almost forgot, wonderful performance from Ray Stevenson's as Pullo and Kevin McKidd as Vorenus, who are not only ciphers for the major historical events of the dying days of the Republic, but are well rounded characters of their own. Vorenus starts off as a Catoinian, a staunch believer in Republican values and basically a hard man but as the series progresses he becomes corrupted, being drawn into Caesar's rise to power and being one of his to a better word lackeys, who then descends into a hellish underworld as a mob boss and eventually becoming Marc-Anthony'r right hand man. while Pullo who appears gruff is actually more honest, who lives for the moment, he doesn't hide what he is therefore much happuer. The interplay is just fantastic between the two.

I love the show so much, that I cannot sing its praise enough, watch it and become enraptured by the sheer brilliance.
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Dexter (2006–2013)
Darkly brilliant show
25 September 2007
Just watched the final of Dexter on FX, and I have throughly enjoyed the entire series. Great characterizations , the cast do a great job and the comparison between Dexter's morbid life and the brightness of Miami is just genius. Another excellent point is the gradual revealing of Dexter's history, building it up gradually till the thrilling climax.

Makes me curious to go read the books the series is based on.

A deeply brilliant show!!!!!!!!

I am looking forward to season 2 arriving on UK shores (which I imagine will be next year)
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Casino Royale (2006)
The Names Bond, James Bond (and I'm back)
18 November 2006
A nice jolt to the Bond franchise, gritty, action packed and refreshingly gadget free. It has successfully manage to reinvent itself for the 21st century, after the 2 Bourne movies and 24, James Bond was starting to look more sillier than usual and quite tired, James Bond really lost his edge and seemed a pale reflection of Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer. It was helped by amazing action sequences and death defying stunts and even the Bond Girls were more rounded.

You were made to care for Bond, he was given human emotions and really suffered, he became flesh and blood rather than a cardboard cutout. Daniel Craig made for a tougher and meaner Bond not to mention also being very fit, nice body too.

So go see this movie and reappraise what you think Bond is and you will come out with a different perspective.
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The Departed (2006)
Marty Scorese is God
22 October 2006
Just been to see The Departed, excellent movie. The direction, action sequences and the acting, all come together to make for a high quality movie. The cast is stellar, and who knew Leo DiCaprio could act! took me half way through the movie to work out it was actually him. Jack Nickleson also brilliant. Excellent supporting cast too. I love the gangster genre and I love Marty Scohrese's movies and this is him on top form. I've watched the original Hong Kong crime thriller Infernal Affairs, on which this is based on and its a great adaption. So go see a movie which has depth and emotion amidst all the bloodshed. Definly in my top 10, I love this movie! 10/10
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Angel (1999–2004)
A fantastic show
23 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan and I love its spin off just as much. It was such a inventive show with brilliant characters who actually developed as the seasons went by two examples are, Wesley who went from being a comedy persona to a dark tortured character (along the way taking over Angel Investigations, Kidnapping Angel's child and having a torrid affair with Lilah) and Cordelia who went from a actress wannabe who was only concerned about money to having depths (I did not like the way her character was mutilated in season 4 however). With his own show Angel the character was given room to develop and more of his back-story sketched out. My favourite seasons are Season 1 and Season 4, i liked S2,3 and 5 but not as much as 1 and 4 (season 4 was cool because they brought Angelus back, who despite being like totally evil is very sexy!). My room was a virtually a shrine to both shows, I had a huge poster of Angel on my wall and god knows I spent my pocket money on the Angel novels, yep thats me an Buffy and Angel geek. If you want to watch something different, if you want to enjoy great lines and characters you care about watch this show, you won't be disappointed.
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A rather good film
5 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie and was surprised it got slated by the critics, perhaps they did not like the message or seeing Saladin being merciful, who knows. It had excellent action sequences and the photography was amazing, loved the costumes and scenery as well. I mean there was a Battle of Hattin (1187) where Saladin captured the cream of European nobility which included King Guy of Jerusalem, as well as the True Cross, after the Bishop of Acre was killed in the fighting. Prisoners included Guy, his brother Amalric II, Raynald, William V of Montferrat, Gerard de Ridefort, Humphrey IV of Toron, Hugh of Jabala, Plivain of Botron, Hugh of Gibelet, and many others, this was a major setback for the Crusader movement and of course following that was the Siege of Jerusalem (1187) which saw the near total collapse of the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, and was the catalyst for the Third Crusade. So it was almost historically accurate (perhaps another reason the critics got all huffy). It was a great historical epic and I thought Orlando Bloom was not too bad as the leading character and Liam Neeson was very good despite his short time on the screen. So watch this movie, it will get you thinking of the past and the present and perhaps you will be more the wiser for it. Ridely Scott is in a different league to the directors of Alexander and Troy, which were both trying to be Gladiator but failed miserably. This film captures the essence of Gladiator.
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Sin City (2005)
A brilliant and bad ass comic book adaption
3 July 2006
Loved this movie first time I saw it, Sin City took you to a another world, different yet familiar at the same time. Vengeance is one of the major themes in this movie. The characters are larger than life. As a woman I was not offended by the portrayal of females in this film, cause I know its fantasy, its a based on a comic book for christsake, so what did you expect? a social cometary? Of all the three tales, Marv's is the best one, the story is much more filled out.

Often witty, very dark and beautifully shot.

This is definitely in my top 20 movie lists

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A majestic film
15 December 2005
Just finished watching Dr Zhivago and it completely blew me away. They certainly don't make them like this anymore. A sweeping love story set against the background of pre and post revolutionary Russia.

A stunning film, with extremely emotive and very handsome lead stars in Omar Sharif and Juile Christie. Lovely mood setting score as well.

This type of film we rarely see today, either because of the cost or cinema audiences have changed.

I love this film and it definitely goes into my top 10 list.

A must see if you love classic cinema.

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Wonderful movie
2 May 2005
I recently brought Phantom of the Opera on DVD, and well i was blown away by it. I came to the movie with no baggage, as I had not seen the stage version and only knew the main songs (due to my sister who used to play them on the piano). My sister recommend I watch the movie, when she was in Japan she loved the movie so much she went to see it 3 times! Gorgeous costumes, magnificent sets and wonderful acting talent! Emmy Rossum is SO pretty, her dress she wears during her performance of 'Think of Me' is stunning, I also loved her dress in the Masqurade scene, that was beautiful. She has that perfect fresh face innocence and her voice was also pretty. Her relationship with the Phantom is very well played out and as we know the ladies love the boy from he wrong side of the tracks.

Gerard Butler was wonderful as the Phantom, made him a sympathetic character and you can just see his character descending into madness, a very dark character indeed. Gerard Butler is a very sexy man by the way! Minnie Driver's La Carlotta was also excellent, high camp but very funny, the outfits alone! The story itself is full of twist and turns, betrayal and trust and ultimately high Gothic romance.

I have a weakness for costume dramas, ballets and operas anyway so I was not surprised I fell in love with Phantom of the Opera.
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