
13 Reviews
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29 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Only those with a heart of stone could fail to be moved to tears by the emotionally shattering ending. Yes, the movie does have flaws but only the truly pedantic would complain that these spoiled their enjoyment of it. The fade out scene of the two boys holding hands in the 'shower' is one that will live with you long after the credits have rolled. If nothing else it is a poignant reminder of the 'evil that men do' and recent events in Africa and the Balkans show that mass murder of a race is no thing of the past. It is hoped that schools will use this film as a basis for Holocaust education studies as material of this type aimed at a young audience is rare.
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Not The Bond we Knew and Loved
29 April 2009
I found this very disappointing. The Bond franchise was hugely successful because it encapsulated action, humour, escapism and memorable villains. This movie certainly has plenty of fast paced action sequences, but where are the quips and most importantly the 'supervillain'?

The James Bond we knew and loved saved the world from eccentric madmen armed with nuclear warheads holed up in underground lairs beneath volcanoes - he didn't track down crooked businessmen trying to make a illegal profit out of water sales! He has gadgets and underwater cars which fire missiles. Remember 'Girls, Guns & Gadgets'?

I agree with many of comments left by other posters. Judy Dench is excellent as 'M' but Daniel Craig portrays Bond as a licensed thug without the wit or charm of his predecessors. By all means update the Franchise but stop turning the worlds best loved spy into just another thuggish action hero. Bring back everything that made James Bond movies special and unique.
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Lippels Traum (2009)
Superb Fantasy
16 February 2009
I have just seen this new German Movie at the Berlin Film Festival where it premiered. I went along more in hope than expectation as it was billed as a children's film. The audience was made up primarily of pre-teen school groups. They became totally engrossed in the story of a boy who is left in the not so tender care of a new housekeeper while his father travels to America on business. He is left a copy of 'Arabian Knights' in which he becomes engrossed and every night he dreams that he is taking part in the adventures. People he knows in real life appear in his dreams. The dream sequences look to have been filmed in Morocco (I could be wrong!) The movie succeeds on all levels and had the young audience cheering the hero and booing the villain - almost like a pantomime. The effects are excellent and the charismatic young lead actor clearly has a future in movies. Recommended for the young and young at heart!
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Gagma napiri (2009)
Puzzling Ending!
16 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've just seen this at the Berlin Film Festival. It tells of a young boy from Georgia on his way to his place of birth in Abkhazia where he hopes to find his father. The area is portrayed as a grim landscape of bombed out buildings where the unfortunate survivors of the recent war eke out a precarious living. The photography of a rarely seen part of the world is beautiful and the film successfully draws the viewer into the plight of the plucky youngster who sets out to search for his lost father despite advice that he will be dead. Along the way he meets a collection of weird and wonderful characters who help and hinder him in his quest. Up until the last 10 minutes I really enjoyed the movie but the abrupt and puzzling conclusion spoiled it for me. **SPOILER ALERT**. On arriving at the town of his birth he is told that his father re-married and moved away many years ago. He wanders out of the town and comes across a group of drunken musicians. They ask him to join in - he does. The screen goes black for a couple of seconds and then we are treated to a vista of wild animals - giraffes and elephants etc - wandering over an African landscape. The movie then ends! I've no idea why African animals should suddenly make an appearance. Can anybody post the reason for this strange ending? I enjoyed the first 80 minutes but a movie should have ending!
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The Problem with Mothers!
16 February 2009
Poor Max! He has the most embarrassing mother in the world. She loves her son dearly but has the unfortunate habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time - usually when Max's friends are present. Max himself does not help as he makes some horrendous errors in trying to impress the girl he fancies. I've just seen this at Berlin Film Festival where it was very well received. The young cast portray the problems of growing up with embarrassing adults very well indeed. The film is helped along by a witty voice-over from Max who pours his little heart out about his worries and fears. Although billed as a children's film it would be enjoyed by viewers of all ages - think junior Woody Allen! The film deserves to be seen by a wider audience. Highly recommended for the young and young at heart
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Wonderful Nostalgia
16 February 2009
I've just seen the European Premiere at the Berlin Film Festival. Although it did not win the major prize it was very well received. I enjoyed it enormously. It tells of a 1930's high society mother (Renee Zellwegger - never better) who walks out on her unfaithful husband (Kevin Bacon) after discovering another woman in his bed. She sets out with her two sons on a road trip across America to find a new rich partner who can keep her and her sons in the style they have become accustomed. One of her sons is serious and bookish and regrets missing his schooling while the other is an extremely effeminate gay who dreams of becoming a Hollywood star (a wonderfully camp performance by Mark Rendall who 'steals the picture' with some superbly funny quips). The journey across America and the weird and wonderful characters they meet make this an exceedingly engaging 'Road Movie'. It is beautifully photographed and well acted and directed. The dialogue is sharp, funny and entertaining. Highly recommended!
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Quirky but Brilliant!
16 February 2009
This movie has just won the 'Silver Bear' award at the Berlin Film Festival in the 'Generation' section. The award is well deserved. The charismatic young lead actor who terrorises his neighbours and family carries the film on his slight shoulders. It is cleverly structured with laughter and tears throughout. The dialogue is sharp and witty and the characters well drawn. On a more serious note the film highlights the severe problems disturbed youngsters left to their own devices can have. Another reviewer compared it to 'Home Alone' but it is much deeper and (with a suicide attempt) far darker than the American comedy. Filmed in Canada with French dialogue it deserves to be seen by a much wider audience. Strongly recommended!
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A Lovely Experience
16 February 2009
Have just seen the European Premiere at the Berlin Film Festival. This was the first Indonesian film I had ever seen and did not know what to expect. I was not disappointed. It was colourful, beautifully photographed and well acted by the young cast. The plot was somewhat simplistic and the 'preachy' pro Islamic Education sentiments which were repeated ad-nauseum throughout became rather tiresome. Other systems work as well you know! Despite this I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and only the extremely hard of heart would not have to wipe tears from their eyes at the moving finale. Highly recommended. It deserves to be seen by a wider audience.
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Event 16 (2006)
Unbelievably Awful!
12 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've never given such a low rating for a movie before as I always try to be positive in my reviews, but having just watched 'Event 16' on DVD I'm astonished that anything as bad as this was ever released at all. The plot summary sounded promising- a time travelling serial killer (echoes of Nicholas Meyer's excellent 'Time After Time' which the plot steals from) .

The FX are quite reasonable for an obviously low-budget movie, but that's as far as the plus points go. The acting is completely one dimensional and the bad guys behave like second rate pantomime villains just waiting for an audience of children to boo them.

The dialogue is cringingly dire and even the actors look embarrassed at some of the truly awful dialogue they are asked to speak.

Product placement was the most obvious of any movie I've ever seen. You didn't need to read the credits to know that Misubishi was the main sponsor. The camera zoomed in on the company logo in almost the first frame and all the vehicles driven by the the main characters were of course all Mitsubishi!

This was the first time I had had seen a movie made and produced in New Zealand. I hope there's better to come!
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Day of the Dead (2008 Video)
Ignore the bad reviews!
2 April 2008
If you believed all the very negative reviews posted for this movie you would be forgiven for thinking that it's the worst horror movie ever made. (That's Alien v Predator 2 by the way!). It sets out to be a zombie movie with a difference. The difference being that the zombies don't shuffle slowly around with bemused looks on (what remains of) their faces. These zombies can really move!. It's true to say that this is not a remake of the Romero movie. It comes over more of a 're-imagining'. The gore effects are excellent. The movie is fast paced and though the plot is somewhat predictable and the cast overpopulated with irritating teenagers (does anyone make horror movies these days that don't have teenage casts?) it succeeds in holding your attention throughout with a few decent scares. To sum up - it's an entertaining, fast paced zombie movie with gore galore. What else do you want in this genre?
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A Gem
17 February 2006
Agree with all the previous positive comments about this terrific, underrated little movie. Julie Walters is as always quite wonderful in her role, but the movie is of course stolen by the 2 young leads who display a wonderfully natural talent in roles which could have been written for them. This take us back to more innocent times when young lads were more interested in cowboys than girls. I's particularly poignant that it is set amidst the tragic troubles which blighted Belfast for so long.In reply to the earlier reviewer wondering when it will be released on DVD I have some good news. Unlikely as it may seem it's just been released by Universal DVD Germany under the title 'Mickybo & Ich'. It's a Region 2 & 4 release with a variety of audio and subtitle choices. Should be easily available from
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Holocaust (1978)
Outstanding Mini Series
28 July 2005
Despite its length this still manages to hold attention throughout. The performances are excellent throughout, especially Meryll Streep as the 'good' German. The character of Eric Dorf very cleverly portrays the aridity of the Nazi mind and the fact that many of these monsters were terrifyingly 'ordinary' individuals who issued edicts condemning millions to their death as easily as they would order a change in traffic regulations. It has been many years since I first saw this on BBC TV and never forgot it. It is now available on DVD, though only it seems in France where a 4 disc set is available with a choice of English or French soundtrack. Highly recommended.
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A Shattering Experience!
17 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I've just seen the European Premier of this movie at the Berlin Film Festival and found it to be one of the most emotionally draining films I have ever seen. I cannot recall another film in which the sheer terror of living under the constant threat of death has been so realistically depicted. The scenes where the family are cowering in terror as bullets fly through their house were brilliantly directed and I witnessed many of the audience cowering in their seats at these points. The scene at the end where the 2 of the 4 boys taken down to the river are brutally executed by the army had the audience crying out in horror as they could not believe the utter callousness they had just witnessed. I note that the film has been put forward for an Oscar nomination. I can think of no movie that deserves it more.
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