3 Reviews
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One of my Favorite movies
18 July 2013
If you are thinking of watching this...


I found this movie a while after it was out. Never saw a trailer or heard anything from anyone. In my opinion that is the absolute best way to watch this movie because i cannot figure out how to describe this movie without ruining the experience. Instead, I'll try to describe the type of people who might like this movie and if that's you, then stop reading and just watch it.

You might like this movie if any of this fits you. if you like crime and or mystery genre. if you can't stand missing the first 5 minutes of a movie. if you like movies that keep you guessing and trying to figure out whats going on. if you like movies/shows like Snatch, Oceans 11, Leverage. if you like one liners and entertaining dialog. if you rewind movies you watch at home because you are worried you might miss plot developments.

if your into that stuff go watch the movie.

if your still reading this then maybe its not for you. I'll try to get further in depth without revealing anything about my rating and likes/dislikes here. I know dialog is both a con for some reviewers and a pro for others. it is true that at some times its a little too witty in the sense that nobody really talks like that 24/7. I, however, am on the side of pro. i love the one liners. a specific one told by Hartnett i find particularly memorable because no matter how many times i think about it, i would arrive at the same answer every time. I also feel it keeps those scenes interesting enough to hold the viewers attention without being too interesting/funny as to completely derail the tone of the scenes. Pacing to me is another thing i like. For me it was perfect, it never shifts scenes too early that i haven't picked up what i was meant to understand, but also fast enough that i don't have time to process it and start devising my own conclusions. Its that small gap between acknowledging the situation and comprehending the situation. For me this movie hits it perfectly, again and again the whole movie and it makes for a great ending. and last is the plot twist/big conclusion style. I am a big fan of these types of movies. Most movies, however. in order to pull off a big finish. they need to throw in a lot of beginning chaos. the bigger the finish, the more chaotic the beginning. That leaves the average person confused and some times irritated. I know many who do not like this style of movie because of this. Lucky Number Slevin, however, manages to keep a big finish without making the viewers feel lost. viewers just feel like their riding shot gun to this extremely unfortunate persons life and to me that makes this movie great. that fact that you don't have to feel confused to get that wow factor.
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lower your expectations first.
18 July 2013
Most of my low rating is due to the directing which from one other review i skimmed it seems you need to be a fan of in order to like this. (personally i do not see why any movie should have such a high requirement in order to enjoy it but, whatever. i guess its my fault for not researching a movie before watching it.) I generally have low expectations of movies i know little about so it is hard for me to get disappointed. usually. This movie, however, does a really good job of building disappointment.

What i mean by that is that this movie actually shows you a taste of what excitement is like, than it never comes back to it. it actually "blueballs" its own audience. For example, some of the back stories of the psychopaths are so intriguing that i have to wonder, "Why didn't they just make a movie about the psychopaths?" but instead they made a movie about the guy making a story about the psychopaths. this thing disappoints me in a lot of other aspects (like the false realities) but this to me is a huge flaw as it actually generates its own disappointment.

I feel like i understand the route that the story tried to go. the semi-classic, "writer gets written into the story"/"story comes to life" plot/theme/whatever, and on paper the whole thing seems like it would make a good story. in fact this would probably make a great book if it isn't one already. In the end though, i just found watching the movie boring and, like i said before, disappointing. constantly waiting for it to get better but better never comes.

As i said before, it looks good on paper, and i cannot really blame the actors for my sadness so i think its probably the director which from other reviewers i gather is an "acquired taste."

I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
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Perception (2012–2015)
I love this show! but...
16 July 2013
This is one of my favorite shows and I am so glad it got a second season. It is kind of like A Beautiful Mind. Watching the main character on screen never gets old and I look forward to new episodes more than any other show at the moment.

With that said, why not a 10 out of 10? One reason. the character Kate Moretti. yes, this one character is so bad that the show drops 3 stars. I do not know who to blame for this as the character is flawed in so many ways. She is quite possibly the worst character in any currently running show. The Actor herself has only one facial expression. She tightens one cheek and smirks. surprise? smirk. frustration? smirk. concern? smirk. she literally looks exactly the same no matter what the situation is. Now for the character flaws. The character brings nothing to the show other then her credentials as an FBI agent. Yes, the show is about Dr. Pierce and not Moretti but look at sub characters from other shows: Mentalist - Lisbon controls Jane. Sherlock & Elementary - Watson provides medical expertise. Bones - Booth is street smart. Castle - Beckett is equally smart and tougher than Castle.

but Moretti...after the pilot episode she brings nothing. she doesn't even try to solve the cases on her own. she follows him around like a preschooler letting him solve the case while she stands there awkwardly. she could at least take out a note book or cross her arms once in a while. Shes more like his chauffeur. her entire character from the screen write to the actor is horrible. the character is so bad she should be tapered off to once or twice a season instead of every episode.
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