
2 Reviews
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An Inspiration of the Heart
9 March 2014
Where does a writer's inspiration come from? I'm not sure I could put it any better than Bill does when he says, "a writer is only as good as the sum of their experiences." When watching Stuck In Love, one gets the opportunity to watch a family of writers as they live their lives in search of their inspiration.

Every writer has a different journey, just as love is never the same love twice. Watching each of these writers find their journey through love is like getting to see the creative inspiration behind the book; the mystery inside the author's head. This movie explores love in all its forms, but it also allows you to see beyond the surface into something much deeper and personal: the creativity and the passion that spurs from love that is both lost and found.

Each of the characters throughout the movie realized that in order to be living they must put their heart on the line, risking pain and heartbreak and devastation. The beauty in this is that they then take this pain and turn it into words in order to heal. These words are not simply words anymore, but they're the beating of the writer's heart poured out onto the page.

"Writing is listening for that beating heart, and when we hear it, it is our job to decipher it to the best of our abilities."

Isn't that what we do, write from the heart?
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Jobs (2013)
More Than Meets the Eye
19 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Are we crazy to believe that we can change the world? If you agree that we are, then you probably think Steve Jobs was crazy to believe he could create computers that did just that. But the fact of the matter is, there is no denying how far computers have come, so to say that Steve Jobs did not change the world is to deny what's right in front of you. (Literally, since you are reading this).

This film is brutally honest in depicting Jobs as outright ridiculous and irrational. He was unable to work with others and cheated for his own personal gain. He did what he wanted without thinking about the consequences. But there was an indescribable light in his eyes that proved he could change the world. He was motivated, he was innovative, and yes he was crazy…but he was right.

You may be quick to judge this film as lacking in more important aspects of Jobs' life. You may think it was a waste of your time. But I think this film focused on the most important part of Steve Jobs: his inexplicable drive. Through countless scenes that seemed as though they did not fit together, we were knocked in the head with Jobs' character flaws and his obstacles in creating Apple Computers. Over and over again we saw others shut him down and tell him it couldn't be done. Over and over again we saw him do it anyway. Maybe for some it's redundant, but for me it was groundbreaking.

The ending, however, was not as groundbreaking as one would expect. It seems as though they just cut off the end of the film. You're left wondering why the movie seemed like such a disappointment. Where's the grand finale?! Well, there is none. Why? Because it's obvious. We know where Apple Computers is today. It only takes one glance at an Apple to store to figure that out. Everywhere we go people have iPods and iPhones in their hands. Apple Computers has become the largest and most advanced computer company in the world. We are living in the grand finale to this movie.

Apple Computers is more than just a computer company. It's a living example of what can be created from one man who refused to give up. This film asks the question, are we crazy to believe that we can change the world? Steve Jobs gives us the answer: that the people who are crazy enough to think they can are the ones who do.
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