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Forgotten part of WW2
6 June 2022
I was really interested in this as my grandfather was taken from the camp in Thorn (Torun) Stalag XXA camp D. Sadly he died when i was still a child but my father has told me about it and many of the stories the survivors talk about in this programme match what i was told of my grandfathers experience. 300.000 POW's where marched from the East for months with no food so they ate whatever they could get hold pf even eating grass to try and stop the hunger. My grandfathers march ended in another POW camp and the Germans ran away one night and the Russians arrived, said 'Your free' and left. As he was walking out a Hitler youth 'officer' ran up to him with pistol drawn saying he was not going anywhere. He left and the German child did not. The story of what happened needs to be seen by more people as it is not commonly known unless you are a military historian or have a personal connection.
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Death Mask (1998)
Not bad for straight to DVD quality film.
11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I found out about this film after watching an interview with James Best so I thought I would give it a try. It was made by his company starring him and written by him with family members as producers. As the title says expect straight to DVD quality. The story revolves around Wilber (played by James Best) as a scarred mask maker in a carny who had been scared by his father as a child and because of his perceived internal and external ugliness his masks are hideous. Angel (played by Linnea Quigley) sees past his scars to the man within and he confides he wants to make just one thing that is beautiful so she takes him to a witch who makes a deal with him after he said he would give his life to create something beautiful to live on after he has gone, the witch gives him some wood from a hanging tree that was also charred from a witch use. Every one he shows it too says its magnificent but when worn things change. The effects are not great (even straight to DVD films a decade later had effects just as bad with CGI instead of the practical effects here) but the story is solid and you actually feel for Wilber who is at heart a nice guy. I would not say to look for this film unless you are a fan but if you have the chance to watch it give it a go you may be surprised.
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10 June 2014
After enjoying the first film i was really happy to hear they were making this but it was a mistake. You can tell by half way through that the writers did not even care any more,they had nowhere to go so put in any stupid thing that they could. The script does not know what the hell it is and they end up with the old standard of shoehorning in as many stars as they can at the end to try and keep people interested but it does not work. If this film is ON somewhere you are then watch it but do not bother getting it to watch as you may end up like me wondering half way through if you should turn it off and do something interesting.
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Devils of War (2013)
Oh please read.
8 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You know when you start to watch a film and you wonder 'Will this be so bad that its good?' the answer to that is NO it is just BAD. The premise of the film could have worked as it is common knowledge that the Nazi party were interested in the occult. The problem is that there is so much wrong with this film,they send in a 'special' group of soldiers dressed in German uniforms so they do not stand out but then have one of the men black,oh yes the German army was well known for the amount of black troops they had and they even mention how stupid it is in the film. I am sorry but this really did seem like it was written by a 14 year old boy (hence the 2 women with large breasts) the special effects were a joke half the time (the back projection during the spy on the motorbike and the toy plane). The only thing that this film has going for it is that you can watch it to spot all the mistakes and add them on IMDb.
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Nativity! (2009)
Have the tissues ready
27 December 2011
I know the film has been out for ages but i saw it on television last night. The basic story is a teacher who hates Christmas due to him losing the love of his life at Christmas time being picked to do the school nativity play in a school that he himself says is full of useless kids. Enter Mr Poppy the teachers assistant who is almost a kid himself in the way he thinks and acts,he has no thought to what may happen such as asking the kids if they want to see a baby being born. Finally add in the 'old friend' from the teachers drama days who is his rival. This film is a mixture of types, you have the lost love,the fool who does everything wrong but it works out and the underdogs who come good. All in all i saw see this film for a real 'feelgood' time.
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Level Up (2011 TV Movie)
A bit different
1 December 2011
This show is not as bad as some people think. The idea of characters from a computer game appearing in reality is not a new idea but they have created a decent story on how it happened (sort of). This show has a guild who play together who turn out to be a nerd,bad boy and jock showing that many different types of people play these games which makes a change from it only being the nerdy kids. People have said that the weapons look stupid but they are supposed to look like the ones from the game so i do not know what they expected. This first episode (pilot film) sets up the story well has some lines that game players will recognise and has enough action to keep young kids spellbound. All in all i enjoyed the show and hope it does continue as there is such a wealth of online material they could use (i wonder how long it would be before Chuck Norris is mentioned lol).
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Great bit of escape
13 May 2011
This is a great fantasy film and unlike most that are released went back to the 'old school' of fantasy films. Many these days are clearly made for TV films but the values on this are far beyond the average. Since 'Lord of the rings' the film makers have seen that there is a place for these type of film. The only down side was the creature makeup let it down some as it was clearly basic masks with no 'hero' character with better makeup.

Now for the good parts,The locations were amazing to look at and a lot of work had gone into the buildings (should have aged the thatch though)the fight scenes are all you could want,up close and in the large fights you see the chaos of mêlée fighting between armies. I had no problems with any of the acting even though some people have knocked the dialogue its a d&d type of film and its what you would expect (thankfully its not full of thee's and thou's). At about 2 hours it has the time to tell the story well but do not expect any big surprises if you are a fan of this type of film as it ticks all the box's that you would expect. Great for a DVD night in with a group of friends.
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Don't waste time or money
23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I look at this as a formula film. violence,rape,gore,nudity all the boxes clicked but they forgot a decent story (or any as far as i can see) I am still trying to work out if the dialogue was minimalist or they could not think of any. The scenery is good but nothing special (such as the mountain views in Lord of the rings) But it could be found in most country's in Europe so nothing special that gives you a feeling of a certain place. The acting was about on par with the writing so do not look for anything that will stick in your head or make you want to see other work by an the actor. I have seen 'made for TV' films that have better acting,script and direction than this film and i agree with some other reviews that this looks more like an art-house movie!
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Sunshine (2007)
Why oh why?
7 November 2007
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Being a fan of SF i was really looking forward to seeing this film (sadly could not see it in cinema due to hospital) and i wish i had stayed there. This is like the new star wars films where you are meant to go "ooohhhh pretty" at the sfx but forget about the writing,what was this film meant to be? A man against the clock to save everyone film or a really bad alien clone? The start of the film works well (apart from these intelligent people being so dumb you wonder how they lasted the 16 months till the film starts) but at the end it looks like the writers suffered from ADHD and lost interest so tacked on a bit of alien to try and keep the plot going. I think the end would have been better (after the "we don't know what will happen due to mass etc" computer simulation) if the first attempt had failed and they went back and managed to restart Icarus 1 and for added mass rode the whole ship into the sun,this of course would have worked and for the feel good factor they use the computer (that needs no air) back towards earth broadcasting final messages to the families of the astronauts. Really think i could have done better.

If anyone asks if you want to see this film run away screaming unless you can be kept happy for hours by shiny things.
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Are you a fan of the book?
1 November 2007
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If you are a fan of the book don't expect too much.The basic plot is the same but that is where it ends.They even had the cheek to totally change a major characters race!!! People have knocked the acting but it seemed on par with most Hollywood films (i know Ben Kingsley is it it but its not Gandhi)The film is worth watching for Aishwarya Rai as she is so beautiful. The fight scenes are realistic (apart from the lack of blood on swords) and it has some good comic moments. As a stand alone film it may never be a great but its still worth seeing. The sets are very good and on par with the Rome TV series and its funny with the connection between the 2 lol. I hope that if they do another of his books (i hope spartan) they will keep it a bit nearer to the story and maybe that means a longer film but i never saw people walking out of LOTR because of the films length.
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Serenity (2005)
Should have died
9 December 2005
I don't know what is going on but i think the joss fan-club has hit this review page hard.You must remember that this film came from a TV show that failed,failed big time and would never have even been a show if it had not been written by Joss.I do not understand the gushing praise this film is getting i give it the 4 for the CGI but its nothing more than we expect from films now.OK we learn WHY it was so important that River was caught and we learn the alliance are not nice people (we found that out in the show) but nothing new!At least they seemed to move away from the "western in space" that was the TV show and thank god they did not have the stomach churning theme tune from the series (ok tacked the music on to the end credits). It was nice that they had all the people from the series in it but there had not been any real growth (ok was only 6 months from the end of the series but the doctor would have changed more) and we did not learn any more about them apart from River. They seemed to rip off anything they could from other sci-fi films and if you can watch the escape from the town without thinking of a certain pod race you must have missed a star wars film (even the same engine noise!!!!)There is 1 thing joss is good at and that was the Buffy universe he should have just made the Angel film that people keep talking about instead of this second rate sci-fi!
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King Arthur (2004)
Hollywood History
9 November 2005
The reason i give this film a 6/10 is that as a stand alone film (acting locations etc) but the fact that it was called King Arthur i take as a insult all there is that has anything to do with King Arthur is the names.According to celtic history he was alive AFTER the romans had left Britain so he could not have been a roman officer.There were still romans/romano-British at the time so there would have still been roman influence in the way people lived as there were many good things that the romans brought.The equipment was not from that time period (crossbows for example) and some of the things they showed were just laughable,the 800 yard shot into a tree to kill someone(who could see a man hidden in heavy cover at 800 yards to begin with).If you want something that follows the legends of arthur then get excaliber which in my mind is a far better made film anyway and i hope that people who watch this take it for what it is,the world according to Hollywood and not a representation of a legend of about 1500 years ago.Maybe the next film will have Abe Lincoln as a drunken homosexual but i guess they do not mind changing the history of other countries or (as in u572???) change history so that America win s every wars and does everything of note in the world(the UK captured the first Enigma device not the Americans).
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10 October 2005
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having just bought the DVD of this film as it has owen Wilson in it i am now wondering what better use i could have put the money towards!OK there were some good CGI moments but as for the rest of the film it seemed to take a very long road to go nowhere!Yes there were some very nice locations used for the film and the only other thing that really made it in the film were the Bowie covers lol. There were so many things that could have been built upon,when they found the plane it could have been (excuse spelling) Emelia airhearts plane or some other famous plane that went missing but all you get is a puffer fish that expands at the black box!What was the point of that section of the film? All in all i would say don't buy it unless you are a BIG fan but if a friend has it and puts it on watch it then if you have nothing else to do.
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The Island (2005)
Nothing new
2 October 2005
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I have just watched "The Island" and for once i find that Hollywood has made a movie with a storyline instead of just pretty effects (shock horror) but the storyline is very old.Man escapes from facility could live a normal life but goes back to save all the others!I personally think this film is a hash of a few others 1)Escape and go back to save everybody else "Logans Run", 2)Living in a world that is not as it seems "Matrix" or "The Village" etc.On the other hand the film was still good with a nice mix of story and action and the first chase on the freeway was very well done with very nice effects. I would have given this a higher score but for the rehashing of old script ideas but it gets the score it does for the good acting and that fact that there WAS a story.
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Cutting edge (circa 1980's)
18 September 2005
I remember watching this when i was a child and still enjoy it as much now as i did then,the breakdown of morals were shown very quickly with the main character trying to save a girl from being raped and it made me think what would happen if there was no more law and order and the sighted could do whatever they wished.OK the triffids are very 1980's (but that is when it was made so what do you expect) But if they made a remake now it would be all CGI and no story (war of the worlds being a major case).All in all i would have to say get it (not the rubbish film but the bbc version) settle down on a Sunday afternoon and go back in time to when a programme had to keep you hooked by the story line and not the special effects and maybe make you worried about your garden at night lol.
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Stealth (2005)
Knightrider in the sky
10 August 2005
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Compared to the other big summer action film War of the worlds this is amazing,The CGI is spot on and the camera work is like a steady cam fixed in the air,it shakes when a plane flies past.Now the slight spoiler!If you are a knight rider fan imagine KARR in a plane just following orders but near the end its KITT once it has learnt more about how pilots think. All in all a good film to loose yourself in and i am sure that the air forces might have a slightly higher intake this year lol.The characters are believable and human (unlike the normal gun ho that Hollywood shows).The only problem is there have been films like this before "technology goes bad and the race to stop it" but at least there is a nice twist at the end. Go watch it.
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bore of the worlds
10 August 2005
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I am sorry to say that i walked out after the first hour (only other time i ever did this was seeing Hero).The film is a total waste of time,i now understand why there was such a clamp down on the film before it was released!They did not allow reviewers to see this before the premier as they knew that it would have been panned.OK the CGI was good but no better than we expect from TV programmes (B5,Galactica etc) and i wanted Cruise (the movie midget) to get turned into a pile of dust alone with the whining daughter and oh so typical teenager. If this is the type of thing that we can expect from films where they are so hyped before they come out and there is no substance i feel sorry for movie goers. A rule of thumb,You put the best bits in the TV adverts for a film,the WOTW advert was about 10 seconds of the film and that was about right for what i saw. Wait till it comes out on DVD and go to see it at your friends house (if they were stupid enough to buy it) and only then if you have time to waste (i would prefer to watch paint dry).
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Knight Rider: The Game (2002 Video Game)
Rust in peace
8 August 2005
Knightrider!!! A part of my life!!! growing up in the late 70's early 80's i saw Knightrider and"it was good" lol but the game sucks big time! OK it does not look too bad but they could have done so much more,they could have had sections out of the car(gta like) or had a section where you have to chase a man on foot through buildings (making u use turbo boost and ski modes) but it seemed to be the same thing again and again.In addition to the other post here,i have played the sequel and it does not look (check out the headlight positions) or sound like KITT in the slightest and once again its race/destroy/puzzle then boss and of course you have to fight Goliath and KARR again. All in all spend the money on the DVD's and re-live the show.
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Knight Rider (1982–1986)
Back to the past
7 July 2005
I grew up watching this show along with streethawk,airwolf and blue thunder (notice a pattern lol) so when it came out on DVD i just had to get it and to my surprise i enjoy it just as much (ok i look for the man behind the drivers seat now which can be seen so easily sometimes) and my son who is slightly younger than i was loves the show. OK the production values were not great but people have to remember that the show was made over 20 years ago and we now expect so much more (imagine what they could have done with the CGI we have now!)but for a little piece of your childhood its well worth getting.Oh and if you see this after the first post in this thread the reason Micheal "devoted his life to fighting crime" was that wilton knight had said he saw a lot of himself in Micheal and Micheal promised him!Also the fact that he bonded with kitt. If you want a laugh watch the programme "the night the cylons landed" from the original battlestar galactica and keep a ear out for the clown(remember it was on about the same time and i had such a shock lol).
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Give us some lip
4 June 2005
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I just saw the film and i must say i liked it (being a fan of the series) and it was good to see all the old faces especially tubbs,edward and good old papa laz (hello Dave).I think most people know the basic story by now(look above) and it was nice to see the "forgotten gentleman".All i can say is watch for the massive twist at the end that i must admit most people in the cinema didn't get. Herr lip was the best in the film as you see a side of him that you would not expect and rounded the character out very well (maybe a spin off would be good,wonder where i got that idea lol).

Go and see it
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2 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly minor spoilers so beware! I just watched this film and am a bit annoyed at the waste of money and the loss of a few hours of my life. This film is nothing special at all in the effects department ( the jumping in the fight scenes is terrible half the time) and i will never forgive the Wookie doing a Tarzan impression???? Come on he has had a VERY long time to think up the story and this is all he can come out with? If this was a stand alone film it would have been panned by everyone but there seems to be a "aura" around star wars that means that no wrong can be done and that George is some kind of film making hero.I saw all the originals when they came out and they were good but the last 3 (ep 1,2 and 3) are rubbish,its all "hey we can do cool effects! who needs a decent plot or dialogue?" He has said that he will never do the last 3 and i am sorry to say that makes me happy,maybe 1 day someone who believes in the epic story star wars was meant to be will come along and finish it the way it was meant to be.
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20 January 2005
OK this film was created as a pilot but that does not give it an excuse!!! OK as a bit of sci-fi it was not that bad if you pay no attention to the B5 series. The major problem i had with this was the ships,anyone who has seen the series would know that the WHITESTAR's were the ultimate ship so why did the rangers not have them? They were created for the alliance and the rangers were the special ops of the alliance! It was nice to see G'Kar back at his best. I think the film would have a better reception if they had gone ahead with the show and people would look back with a better understanding but thats TV for you.

Now for a bit of intelligent thought! If you want to make a new B5 series or film you have the perfect opening in the first shadow war,even if you want to be lame stick in a time warp (whoops they did that) and have some B5 regular turn up (maybe delenn as that would be cool with sinclair). But all in all this film was a bit of an insult to the B5 name that for once showed the American TV exec's that people will watch a programme with a story arc and do not need the throw away things such as (ready for the grinding of teeth) star trek next generation (DS9 was better).
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