23 Reviews
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From: Strangers in a Strange Land (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
A Solid Start
21 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Both seasons one and two really are a Curate's Egg to be honest ,although I was pretty much hooked, or is that intrigued, by the end of S1 episode 1, anyway my interest was piqued sufficiently enough to start to watch the second season.

It doesn't disappoint in terms of storytelling, with new characters coming in to refresh things a little although god only knows how long they will last!

The acting's reasonably up to snuff ,although I did baulk at the 'crowd' scene with various newbies and townspeople gathered round the collapsed building as they all wondered (out loud) what do as they milled about aimlessly.

I just hope that this season continues to intrigue and entertain along the way, and that 'the voice' or whoever ''controls' the town are discovered, as I'm not sure that this (Lost-type) premise is strong enough for a third season.
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Star Trek: Picard: Võx (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
Fabulous-Takes me right back....
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely brilliant and nostalgic episode!

It was.for me anyway, the very epitome of episodes from 'back in the day with regard to how almost every episode was as good as the last-although that may be romanticism on my part!

Without over-egging the pudding.the as Enterprise NCCC1701D slid gracefully from her moorings, the 'carpet' was bemoaned, the lack of weapons,per Worf's complaint-as he always did, took me way back,and actually brought tears to my eyes and to see them all at their original stations was just 'right' Just a pity that Guinan was not pouring the drinks! .

Jean-Luc's"Make it so" and "Engage" also sent shivers down my spine!

I'm now looking forwards to the Borg engagement, their 'plan' they ALWAYS have a plan, and seeing the Borg Queen in all her pomp-as we were denied that pleasure in this episode.

AND,what's Jack gonna d to save the world ?
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Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Not Sure.........
17 April 2022
I've given this precisely 07.44 and am,so far, less than impressed!

Jody -and the storylines- have really been a Curate's Egg ever since she took over the role from Peter Capaldi, and this latest episode is no different.

I really hope that that next iteration is far more challenging in terms of writers, plot lines, and show runners.

One can hope!
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It's "Desperate" All Right.
4 April 2022
Rarely have I given a movie less time than this, prior to deciding to switch it off.

Thankfully I never got to seeing Tom Berenger, just what was he (or possibly his agent) thinking?

Thankfully my previous (good) opinion of him still holds firm.

That's 5 minutes 21 seconds of my life I'll never get back!
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The Responder (2022– )
Excellent but dark.....
28 January 2022
Whether or not this is a true reflection of a Bobbies' lot in life ,with regards to the people he works with, the assorted scallies that he comes into contact with when doing his job,his relationship woes et al, is moot.

The Bill it ain't, but the writing is great, as is Martin Freeman in the lead role, and despite his obvious leanings towards the dark side of the force, you're almost rooting for him!
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A Curate's Egg
17 January 2022
I confess to not having read the classic novel by Jules Verne ,and I'm rather pleased that I did not, having no preconceived opinions on this series as a result, although I did watch the film version a while ago, with David Niven in the leading role.

I find ,per current BBC programs, that it's 'right on' on terms of it being scrupulously PC ;but the main protagonist (Fogg) seems to have been utterly hollowed out-as if being a doughty Englishman may offend in certain circles which is a shame. Fogg is portrayed as cowardly,uncertain,morose,and reliant on his companions to a larger extent, something that the character in the book,or David Niven would certainly not have acceded to.

The performances are sound, the costumes are perfect, and the locations are excellent, although I'm left with a nagging doubt as to whether or not I'll get 'in' to it eventually.

I have watched three episodes so far and I'll probably watch the rest, but I'm certainly not swept away, but it passes the time I suppose.
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Eternals (2021)
Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching this film for exactly 1:30, so almost half way to the finish line -counting the seemingly endless reel- I absolutely loved Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings thinking it vibrant and completely and excitingly different than previous MCU films and had high hopes for Eternals.

Unfortunately those hopes were short lived, as has been said previously, although the reveal mid-way through the film that they were all "fancy robots" solved the mystery of why the 'acting' was so off.

In this post Iron Man/Captain America iteration one can only hope that MCU quickly resets itself and makes better movies going forward.

A huge disappointment. 1/10.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
You had your chance-and you blew it!
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I faithfully watched the entire series of 8 episodes, I thought initially that it was a 'slow burn' ,so I've been extremely patient with it, hoping for plot and character developments.

How misguided of me to think that, I should've stopped watching after Sam Neill checked out.

He must have seen which way the wind was blowing!
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24 November 2021
As above, the writing, storyline and the acting are all truly dreadful ,with Eddie Izzard's character particularly culpable as THE most insufferably arrogant mentor to the main protagonist.
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Gotham (2014–2019)
What's Not To Like?
24 June 2021
Very strange ,low marked reviews on here ,with regards to how "terrible" it is etc ,interspersed with good reviews.

I know that I'm only two episodes into the first series but, judging by the way it's started, I'm with the people that have reviewed the entire series and given it high marks.

It's well filmed ,well lit ,catches the Gotham "look" perfectly in so doing ,has good cast, and is decently written.

Looking forward to watching it all over the next couple of weeks.
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The Unholy (2021)
It's Okay For What It Is.
15 June 2021
As above, but please don't expect The Exorcist or the first Omen film or any other of the fine horror films that have been made over the years.

Also, I have to say, that John Winchester and his boys would've sorted this out in 50 minutes or so, omitting advertising breaks obviously!
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Ghost Wars (2017–2018)
A Damascene Conversion If Ever There Was One.....
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How people change, fresh from wanting to lynch Roman ,the main protagonist, with a lovely, fresh hangin' rope for being "different" in a town FULL of hicks, with various police staff treating him with contempt, and one ordering pizza ,rather than deal with him; to the partially sympathetic Sheriff-take a wild guess as to how long he lasts- to "we believe in you Roman" All in 42 minutes.

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Haunted (2018– )
I Really Think Not........
30 April 2021
After reading through the first review on the top of the page ,giving it 10/10 and with the viewer deciding that they"believed all of it" I have decided to take the easy option and avoid.
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Utterly horrible.
5 April 2021
This is a dreadful movie.

How anyone can deign to give it a "10" is beyond my ken.

Takes all sorts I suppose.
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Switch Off NOW
2 February 2021
I watched this this afternoon, the film starts reasonably(ish) ,and then quickly deteriorates into a horrible mess, with an awful script ,cheap production values and, "acting" to match , please refrain, from giving it "five more minutes" as I kept doing. Switch off after five minutes and do something productive instead!
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The Titan (2018)
Utterly Disappointing
2 January 2021
As above, a film the could have been so much better, had the people making it bothered to have been interested in actually telling an interesting story, instead of reverting to the (usual) Mad Scientist schtick.
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Hunters: Eilu v' Eilu (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
You Had Me Hooked Until This Final Episode 0/10
20 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As above, I've pretty much enjoyed this whole series, and have not taken it too seriously, as some have on here, as it's meant to be a pastiche of various people and stories from the Holocaust. For those wanting to see a "proper" programme regarding same ,I suggest that you take a look at Claude Lanzmann's Shoah, utterly harrowing, brilliant, tragic ,horrific, terrifying and REAL ,and although it's a marathon . Back to the above,final episode, I have not been so disappointed over the finale of a series since GOT, and this HAS to be the final episode, Netflix would be utterly foolish to come back with series 2 ,given the ridiculous, comedic ending, I will NOT spoil it (entirely), for anyone yet to watch it all, but when you have, come back and vent on here as I have done. Nine reasonable episodes with one series-ruining one at the end.
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
Horribly Mixed Reviews..........
9 April 2020
This is a preview ( to my review) after I've seen a few episodes, really can't make my mind up , we've got 1/10's, 10/10's and everything in between on here!, so let's go at a MOR 5/10, for now!
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Doctor Who: Praxeus (2020)
Season 12, Episode 6
Greta Will Be Thrilled-Again..........
4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is okay, if a little earnest and preachy. I love Jodie Whittaker in the titular role, and have totally no problems with a woman taking the role despite the fact that I'm now 60, ,a tad grumpy,and sport a rather dashing beard!, so hallelujah! to Jodie and her erstwhile companions , Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gil, BUT there is a little too much emphasis on the environment-plastic waste etc in this particular episode - but it's okay BBC-we get it! No need to ram it down our collective throats ,and we all should "get it" by now, and if we don't, there's really is no hope for us all going forward ,so we may as well pack up and leave now! I really hope that the forthcoming episodes focus on confronting Cybermen and Daleks -god how they frightened me as a kid-or other, scary extra-terrestrials, as this programme is supposed to be, first and foremost, entertaining ,and not a sermon on the mount
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Treadstone (2019)
Name dropping unfortunately........
11 January 2020
I loved ALL the Bourne films, even the one without him! but if you're hoping for similar in this new series, prepare to be a tad disappointed, however, if you've not watched any of the Bourne films , you will not have pre-conceived ideas, which is probably a good thing! Not that it's not worth watching, it's fine to while away an afternoon binge watching , although it doesn't stand out from the Strike Back, Jack Ryan, Deep State (et al) crowd in any way. Furthermore ,you will need to keep up. Be prepared to jump times and continents at the drop of a hat!
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Aquaman (2018)
Ham or Cheese?
10 October 2019
Cliched ,overblown,and has tried way too hard- to capture MCU's appropriate interjections of humour-and done it badly. So,Ham or Cheese? I'll have both thanks!
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Supernatural: Stranger in a Strange Land (2018)
Season 14, Episode 1
Must Do Better........
12 October 2018
One can only hope that this series improves, a tawdry and sluggish start,however it has achieved 9+ on here is beyond my comprehension.
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This is ONE short review.
10 May 2018
It's a fabulous film. It's not fabulous if you dislike superheroes, but you wouldn't go to watch it in the first place would you so why are you reading this?
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