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Scream: The TV Series (2015–2019)
An absolute DISGRACE to the memory of the legendary Wes Craven!
24 September 2015
Where to start... Right from the beginning when they announced a TV show instead of a new movie, my heart sank deep. I've been begging and hoping for a fifth movie to conclude the Scream series once and for all, but 4 years after, the master himself has passed away and Bob Weinstein was a stubborn moron, who missed his chance to earn big money… I love the Scream series, and I've been a huge fan, ever since I first watched the movies all the way back in 2008. I've watched most of Wes' movies, and he's by far my favorite horror director. Both "Scream" and "A Nightmare on Elm Street" has made a huge impact on me, more so than any other horror series. But this… "show" is just a giant middle finger to fans' faces everywhere, and a disgrace to the late Wes Craven.

Like I said, I never really anticipated this series. But I occasionally read up on news & rumors, just in case it turned out to be an ambitious project after all. Rumors that it would have super natural elements and that the killer might be super natural, instantly turned me off and the news that it would be a MTV show just ruined it for me... I can't stand any MTV show, with their incredibly low-budget, amateurish cinematography and overall general artificial "modern" style, product placements and actors, all cater to brain-dead teens who thinks maps didn't exist before Google was invented. However, I decided to give it a go, once I found out about the unfortunate passing of Sir Craven a couple of weeks ago.

Well, first of all, this isn't ANYTHING like Scream AT ALL! It takes place in a COMPLETELY different town, which is not okay at all! It's like if the "Nightmare" films all took place anywhere else but Elm Street! Secondly, the Killer doesn't even wear the iconic Ghostface mask and robe, but instead a 5$ cheap plastic mask, that looks like something bought from Toys 'R' Us, and a freakin' RAINCOAT! Could it possibly be any more ridiculous and further away from anything "horror" like. It would be like if Jason Voorhees didn't wear his iconic hockey mask and machete, but instead a chainsaw and a skeleton mask. It wouldn't be anything like Friday the 13th! You can't just make a show called "Scream" and not have it have the characteristic defining franchise elements, such as the iconic Ghostface costume and the iconic Ghostface VOICE! I absolutely HATE the new voice, it isn't anything like Roger Jackson's. His voice was genuinely terrifying and you instantly knew that something was about to go down, once you heard his distinctive voice!

The whole "mystery" ordeal (whodunit?) is gone too. They tricked the viewer into believing that the person who was revealed to be the killer in the finale, couldn't be him (what is "he" called anyway? He isn't Ghostface!). But not in a clever way like the movies, more like a really lazy way. The final reveal/showdown was the most anti-climactic moment in the franchise's history. I mean, even Scream 3's reveal was pretty climactic! The Killer is anything but scary, the persona is as far away from the spirit of "Scream" as can be. The show is more like a teenage drama, it doesn't even contain horror elements at all. The directorial style is also very unfitting for horror movies/shows, but it fits perfectly with the drama-queen style of MTV shows. It's like watching Twilight the TV show (not the Twilight Zone, but the vampire movies). Constant unnecessary teenage BS drama, that the viewers couldn't give two $hits about, and no horror or suspense whatsoever during the ENTIRE show! The only thing horrifying about this show, is the acting and unintentionally comical deaths and complete lack of plot. It's as if the writers couldn't figure out where they wanted to go with the story, so they wrote a bunch of random things on a piece of paper and put it in the word blender. Literally nothing was interesting about any of the episodes at all. We didn't care for any of the characters, unlike in the movies, so whether they died or not was completely pointless.

The new Sidney Prescott was just slightly below average and the new Randy was tolerable at times, but still overall annoying. It was nice with the homages to the movies and a couple of "Elm Street" references were also thrown in, but it still felt forced and didn't really fit in. Overall, unless you're a hardcore fan of Wes and in particular his "Scream" movies, don't bother with this. The show is not just bad, it's seriously awful. My hopes for a fifth Scream movie, will never be fulfilled. Without Wes, this series is nothing. If only Bob Wienerstein wasn't such a greedy corporate bastard, he would've been able to see past his ridiculously high expectations for the box office gross, and realize that it was because the series had been dead for over 10 years, and Wes would've gotten to make his real final chapter, to close this milestone franchise. But it's too late now. Wienerstein is an incompetent idiot for purposely holding back this franchise and loose out on hundreds of millions of dollars with new films.

R.I.P. "Scream"... We will always have the movies, but we will never get full closure...

To the late Wes; you were a legend. You were one of the most influential film makers of all time. You single handedly pulled a "Nintendo" and revived the horror genre back when I was born in 1996, and you forever changed the genre with many of your movies. You gave us Freddy Krueger, Ghostface and Johnny Depp. You will forever hold a special place in horror fans' hearts, you will never be forgotten in the vast world of cinema and your legacy will live on.

R.I.P. Wesley Earl Craven; 1939-2015
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Inside (2007)
Fully lived up to the hype!
13 September 2015
This is a movie about every mother's worst nightmare; the fear of having your baby taken from you. A relatively taboo subject, that get's tackled masterfully in this flick. I was thoroughly surprised at how intense and beautiful this movie was, given that it largely takes place inside a house. This film is disturbing, violent and bloody but it isn't without artistic value. This is extreme art house cinema, with lots of symbolism.

The high- and low-key settings is used beautifully and really draws in the viewer and encourages you to think about what you see, while forcing you to concentrate about every scene. The colors are used so excellently, so subtlety and yet not so subtlety if you know about movie symbolism. It directly affects your mood and sets the tone perfectly, along with the intense and sad music. This is a movie, that makes you feel something that you don't want to feel, but that it reminds you, that you are alive.

Even though I didn't understand a word they said (watched it without subtitles), I understood everything as it unfolded right before my eyes. That is no easy task to accomplish for a movie, spoken in a language you do not understand. After waiting many years to watch this film, simply because I thought the plot sounded incredibly generic, my only regret is that I can't unwatch it. Not that I thought it was too extreme, but simply because I haven't watched a movie yet that holds up to this amount of artistic value, and certainly not in the horror genre. I have watched a few art house cinema, but I thought they were boring. I have yet to watch any of the other movies from the New French Extremism, but I can't wait to get started.

This is not a movie for the faint of heart or pregnant women. But if you like extreme, thought provoking horror and films, that isn't extreme just for the sake of controversy, then you're gonna love this. I will definitely buy this movie to add to my collection sometime soon.
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Bad Taste (1987)
Hilarious gore fest.
13 September 2015
Shot on a shoestring-budget, you can clearly see it is rather amateurishly shot (which is also excused by the fact that this is Jackson's directorial debut), but the gore effects are pretty impressive considering the low production values, even if it was made nearly three decades ago. The amateurish acting (except for the alien leader), along with the cinematography and special effects were done in true 80's style, back when movies didn't rely on CGI but instead on "real" special effects, which adds to it's charm. If this was made 10 years ago, it would've been much less charming.

The movie is pretty simple, which means you can just turn your brain off and enjoy the movie for what it is; A comedy splatterfest with no gimmicks, or hidden messages. The gore is so over-the-top that you can't help but find it hilarious every time brains gets splattered all over the place. The film doesn't try to take itself serious in any way, which just further adds to it's comedic values. The character of Derek is the funniest one in the film, and he has some pretty hilarious one-liners; "I'm a Derek and Derek's don't run", "The headshot's the only true stopper", "I'm born again" (the last remark should be taken into context with the climax).

Overall, not a bad movie, even though it may at first glance look like one. It's understandable that this movie has gained a cult-following. I would definitely recommend it to fans of gore and horror, if they haven't already seen it.
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Eden Lake (2008)
Surprisingly terrifying and suspenseful.
12 September 2015
I just watched this movie, and even though it's hella old, I couldn't help myself from making a review, based on some of the recent message board posts about this film.

This isn't your typical "horror" movie, in the sense that it's not so much about being "scary" or gory, as it is about being suspenseful. I found myself sitting at the edge of my couch through nearly the whole movie. And I very rarely do this to any horror movie, or movies in general. What starts of as a kind of tame premise for a horror movie, actually ends up being more terrifying than some of the greatest horror movies coming out from Hollywood. This film doesn't have any cheap jump scares, and is more a form of psychological horror and it works excellent.

I see that many people from the American audience, completely bashes this movie for no reason other than it doesn't have the typical "Happy Ending" ala Hollywood, which I think is totally unfair and just ridiculous. If you don't like this movie because of it's ending, then that's completely fair. Not everyone has a strong stomach. But I think it's unfair to hate on this movie because of it, and not even acknowledge the excellent acting and how they managed to turn this rather unoriginal idea into an absolutely horrifying thrill ride of terror.

This is a true horror movie, in the literal meaning of the word; it's horrifying. What makes this movie even more scary, is that it's so realistic and the stuff that we see on the screen, is stuff that could happen in the real world. It IS in fact stuff that happens in the real world, right outside of your middle-class neighborhood. If it wasn't for the ending, then this would have been another one of the thousands upon thousands of mediocre Hollywood horror movies that somehow always manages to sugar coat what should've been a terrifying story, but instead ends up being a real bore fest because of the "Happily Ever After" syndrome.

Like I said. This is by no means a movie for people with a weak stomach. This movie will leave you wanting more from the aftermath, and will subsequently leave you feeling hopeless, and mess with your mind. As a good horror movie should. There is absolutely no BS with this flick. You're going to witness the evil and despicable side of human nature and society, from seemingly "normal people" that wouldn't kill normally, just beat someone up pretty badly. So again, if you're sensitive to movies, then you shouldn't watch this. But if you can take it, and yearn for some real horror, that will leave you slightly paranoid the next night, then you should not cheat yourself from watching this, before the inevitable inferior Hollywood BS remake with the accustomed fantastical ending.
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Powers (2015–2016)
Another god awful take on superheroes from Sony...
25 July 2015
So I finally decided to watch Powers, since I am a PS Plus subscriber and can do so for free. I love Sharlto Copley, I think he is an amazing actor. He's given great performances in District 9 and the A-Team, so I thought I was in for a real treat. But alas, after just the pilot episode I found it incredibly hard to focus on what was going on, because of the really low quality production values. I forced myself to continue though, just in case it would get better and boy do I regret it. It's 47 x 10 (yes I am too lazy to do the math) minutes there that I will never get back again, and those were some painful hours indeed. The CGI and special effects are amateurish at best. It's like something you can find on Youtube and I don't mean your average trailer from an upcoming Marvel movie. It's really cringeworthy to watch just how bad it is, especially the fighting and the "flying". Whenever they lift themselves slightly above the ground you can clearly see that strings are lifting them. I know that a TV Show's budget is significantly smaller than a movie's, but if CW can make decent CGI and effects on shows like The Flash and Arrow, Sony could too... The choreography of the fighting is awful too. It's like they are drunk or something. But I think the worst thing about this show are the young actors. All five of the main youngsters are horribly awful (man I really wish IMDb allowed you to swear sometimes...), really really amateurish and so so cringeworthy to watch. Deena Pilgrim is supposed to be another one of those hard boiled female bad a**es, but it doesn't suit her at all. Susan Heyward tries way too hard to be tough, so much so that I can't help but facepalm myself at how embarrassingly bad she performs. From the moment she is introduced as a rookie cop, she acts like everything is her business and everyone should answer to her. In other words she's just way too much of a tryhard. Then there's this Zora person, who's also played by a bad actress which just really makes her into an unlikable character to me.

The issue I have with Krispin is not so much that the actor is also an amateur, it's his character that I dislike. He seems so out of place in the story in the first few episodes, whenever he's on screen, he's just like... there... Doesn't contribute to neither plot nor interacts with the other main characters. It's only in the last few episodes he's truly needed for the overall story arc. And no spoilers, but he's a total D-bag towards his own mom and it's only because of her line of work.

But worst of all is Calista and the actress who plays her... I know that "hate" is a strong word, but man I really hate her! I can't stand her, she is 1000 x worse than Deena Pilgrim, Zora and Krispin combined. She is so unlikable, I automatically lost focus whenever she was on screen and just closed my eyes. She's too much of a wannabe, that she's convinced that she has powers, even though she clearly doesn't. She will do anything in order to gain her powers, and if anyone mocks her or tries to talk some sense into her, she get's mad and leaves. She does some crazy s*** throughout the episodes in order to "discover" her powers, even going so far as putting her life and others at risk. It's literally the ONLY thing that's on her mind. She's just way too cocky and delusional for her own good. And I don't get why Johnny Royale is so caring and protective towards her, almost from the first time they met, he treats her like his own daughter and provides food and shelter for her, even though they're complete strangers to each other. But the worst thing about her, is how unbelievably bad the actress who portrays her is. I'm not joking when I say that she's without a doubt the absolute WORST actress I have ever seen in my entire life, and I have seen Paris Hilton act... Everything she says and does, is done so without soul and emotion. She can't cry, she can't express anger, pain, happiness, NOTHING. There's an episode where she's supposed to be ill and look "feverish", but when she laid down on her mattress and "shaked", I instantly burst out in laughter and double- facepalmed myself so hard that it felt like my eyes got rolled around inside my head. "What the hell was that???" was the only thing I could think of. I am lost for words to fully describe just how ridiculous she looked. Olesya Rulin should not act at all and if I ever see her in anything else, I will instantly turn off my TV without second thought.

The only redeeming things about this show, are Sharlto Copley, Noah Taylor and Eddie Izzards characters. They give good, believable performances, and their characters are instantly likable, especially Johnny Royale and Wolfe. Noah and Eddie are great actors, but it's especially Eddie's performance that truly makes me believe in his character and that he's this unstoppable force, if he ever get's out. But they fudged it all up and wasted his potential in the end sadly.

The best episode to me was the penultimate. It was the only episode that actually got me excited for the show, and it was mainly because of Eddie Izzard and how he really got to shine there with an interesting plot twist at the end, which sadly was wasted in the finale...

I will never for the life of me, watch another episode of this awful show ever again, even if it's free and I think it should be cancelled as quickly as possible!
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Disappointing ending to an already disappointing franchise...
21 May 2015
For a franchise that's called "[ REC ]", we rarely get anymore "live recording" POV after the second entry of this series, which is extremely disappointing, as this was what made the first two instant horror classics, and distinguished itself from so many other ones! This sequel is even more bad than it's predecessor, as the found footage style is non-existing in this one... The only real connections to the first movies, is Angela and her damaged camera with footage from the first movie, which the doctors on the boat is trying to recover, in order to figure out what happened inside the building and trying to make a cure. Standard stuff really. The last time we left Angela, she was possessed by a demon. The one that caused the first outbreak. She killed a priest sent by the vatican, and was granted safe access to the outside world using his radio, in order to further spread the virus. In this one, we find out she is somehow no longer possessed, which is rather disappointing and makes no sense... When we find out why she's suddenly free and what happens next, i almost stopped the movie out of sheer frustration... I got so bored, so quickly that i only paid half attention to what was happening, and what they said to each other after just 20 minutes! I really disliked all of the characters, especially Nick! He was extremely cowardly throughout most of the movie. He only got brave when it was about Angela, like he just wanted to get laid, which is fine really, but he could've at least tried to help some of the others as well, that would've benefited his character. The boat setting, is supposed to make us feel the claustrophobia, paranoia and fear like in the original two, but it fails to deliver scares, even tiny ones, and the hopelessness that keeps you on the edge of your seat is never really there, which every good horror movie should have! There is no suspense, as we feel the characters are never really in any serious danger like in the building. I never rooted for anyone, i just wanted it to end quickly no matter what the cost. This sequel is essentially just like the last one, a splatterfest with less splatter, but just as painfully boring and slow. They should've let this franchise end with the second one, which had the best ending this series could've possibly hoped for, as it fitted perfectly with the style and overall feel. These last two entries has gone away from the found footage style in favor of experimenting with something different, which is not okay and not at all in keeping with the movies central themes and title. It would be like if the next Paranormal Activity was filmed in third person. It's called Paranormal Activity but it's not really Paranormal Activity. I am so glad that this is hopefully the last one, and if not I will never EVER watch another-quote unquote-[ REC ] movie! Do yourself a favor and stick with the original first two, which is far superior and actually scary and consistent with the overall theme and plot, and stands as a golden testament to Spanish horror, and horror in general!
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Highly overrated series that proves, as long as it's made by Marvel, it's automatically a masterpiece...
5 May 2015
For a series that started off strong, I was rather disappointed after binge watching every episode in a row, thinking just 5 episodes in that maybe it could redeem itself, but sadly it didn't. The plot is nothing more than your typical "hero vs. villain", and almost right from the beginning, Daredevil has this burning hatred for Wilson Fisk, a man whose motives and intentions were pretty vague at his revealing. It felt really forced to me. And Karen, oh man... I really hate her. She became so annoying, so soon on, and her motives were even more ludicrous! She acted like a reporter/detective all the way through, when she's really supposed to be a secretary at a law firm, as if she had a good reason for that, other than being infuriatingly curious and careless pretending to be a heroine, not giving a damn about the consequences of her actions and how they affect the people around her, believing that her way is always the right one. She was literally obsessed after just a few episodes, all that mattered to her, all she could ever talk about with anyone was always "Fisk, Fisk, Fisk". She acted all tough as hell, like she shouldn't be scared sh** less after what happened to her, and she knew the kind of people she was dealing with, and yet when she's the one caught up in the middle, she's crying hysterically and whining all the time! Seriously, what is it with main female characters on TV being so annoying, that you just want to scratch your eyes out every time they're on, but even more so with Karen! I really, really hate that b**ch! Back to Fisk, he is really the only great thing about this show almost all the way through, right until the season finale (no spoilers, but if you know who the Kingpin is in the comics, then you'll surely be as disappointed as I was). But Vincent D'Onofrio's performance gave Fisk so much more depth than all of Marvel's movie villains combined, I was so in love with him, that I almost rooted for him. He wasn't just some regular bad guy with the power and goals, he had a sincere vision and was a deeply troubled man who just wanted to be loved like anybody else. I think it's pretty original, and to let the villain have a romance and exploring his life outside of his "job" was just the icing on the cake. It made him more of a human, like the good guys are always portrayed as, instead of just this criminal mastermind, the story's requiring him to be. But in a way, it's still sad that the antagonist is more compelling than the protagonist you're actually supposed to root with. Oh and finally, for a show this dark and violent, it frustrates me that there's still no swearing involved at all. It further drives me away from the fact that this is not just another PG-13 flick.
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Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla 2014: Still King of the Monsters
2 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this movie is by no means greater than Zilla himself. It's not a bad movie either, if you just watch it with your brains turned off and take it for what it is: A Michael Bay style blockbuster. The effects are pretty impressive, and it's obvious this is in the heavy-weight class when it comes to it. Godzilla couldn't, in my opinion, be better realized than here. You really feel like he's a real monster, and not just a CGI mess like in the 1998 version. I haven't yet seen the movie, just because i haven't had the time nor the interest since i've heard a lot of bad stuff about it, and honestly i can't imagine Matthew Broderick in an action flick, let alone a disaster/monster movie. Anyways, i've seen the monster and i've seen what the original looked like, and this one stayed true to the original, and is from what i've heard, the biggest Godzilla in the movieverse yet, to ever come to the big screen. The plot is a little stiff i'll admit and it's obvious you aren't meant to think a lot about it. After the characters and storyline have been established it's quick to kill off my favorite actor Bryan Cranston, which i thought was a bit disappointing because i thought he was supposed to be our deuteragonist alongside Aaron Taylor Johnson. Aside from that, when we finally see what we thought was Godzilla being unleashed in that abandoned Japanese nuclear power plant, we instead get what looks like the monster from Cloverfield? These are referred to as M.U.T.O's (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Object). Yes correctly, these because moments later another one appears on the screen only this one is a huge motherf*cker, the female. Apparently they're supposed to mate (the other one being a male and has wings, which the female don't) and they go on a rampage together through San Francisco. And finally we see the king himself, as he attempts to bring order to nature by going Battle Royale with these bastards. In the meantime Ford the protagonist (Aaron T.) tries to get an atom missile of some sort close to the beasts so they can anihilate them, and bla bla. The fight is impressive by all means, though i feel like it should've been longer and more detailed. It felt like it lacked some serious soul, like it was the ginger kid of battles. When he used his Zilla blast, i couldn't help but think "why the f*** didn't he use it to begin with?" I hate that they made it like some sort of video game, where he has to power up before he can use his special move, as if it was a Dragon Ball game of some sort, jeez? I love that they made him like this sort of misunderstood monster, the protector of mankind that men just were too afraid to realize, so they "killed" the poor bastard. Almost like King Kong. But unlike the king of the apes, Zilla saved the day and redeemed himself and man finally left the poor king alone. My favorite attack was when he grabbed the female by her jaw appearing to wanting to rip it open like Kong did with the T-Rex's in the 2005 remake, but instead he breathed fire into the bitches mouth, totally overkill, totally cool!!! But as i said, it's an okay popcorn flick when you have nothing else to do, or have movie night with friends or whatever. Just don't watch it, expecting to see a whole lot of Bryan Cranstons amazing acting abilities.
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One of the greatest sci-fi flicks of ALL TIME!!!!!!!
20 September 2014
One of the few sequels that manages to surpass it's predecessor on every level! I had always known that, even before i started watching the Terminator movies because of the debate about how most sequels suck and this movies is one of the prime examples to counterpart that. It has some really amazing effects, and it's really well directed. But what makes this sci-fi flick unforgettable is the characters. Arnold Schwarzeneggers performance as T-800 is amazing! Not to ruin anything but, I was surprisingly kinda touched by the end something i rarely ever am when watching a movie. The relationship between John Connor and the Terminator, the way he tries teaching him the values of human life even though he's a cyborg incapable of feeling human emotions, Linda Hamiltons performance, the plot and of course the badass T-1000 is what makes this sequel bigger, better and more gripping than it's predecessor.

T2 has now become one of my favorite movies of all time, and i would definitely recommend everyone to go see it if they haven't already!
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Way, WAY too much Hollywood for my taste!!! BORING!
1 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely the weakest entry in The Expendables series. Lousy acting, and too much Hollywood invincibility it's annoying. I get that the good guys in such action movies, almost always has to win, i get that. But NONE of the heroes die! Not even the new, young ones, it's pathetic! No matter how bad-ass elite soldier you are, you just cannot let, what uh 12-13 people, get away without so much as a broken arm or someone dead or something against a whole freaking army! Even Caesar is alive at the last scene, even though he wasn't in the whole movie almost and that was what it was all about, revenge, but for what? This movie is so cheesy, everything is seen and done before, but this one still doesn't manage to kinda' make it it's own in some way. And the last battle between Stallone and Gibson is just pathetic. Gibson kicks his ass the first half minute, then Stalone get's the angry "now you're gonna get it" look on, and get's those special Hollywood "hero almost looses the battle but at the last crucial moment, gains momentum and defeats the bad guy" powers, it's so old! Oh and then the cheesy one liner "I am the Hauge", and then BANG Gibson's all gone and the battle is won. I was really disappointed with this one, i actually found 1 & 2 entertaining enough if you just take them for the brainless action movies they are. But c'mon for Christ sakes, get some variety and let someone other than the good guys die, so it's just a little more believable and fun to watch. If the next one is just as much Hollywood bull crap and cheesy, then i'm done with these movies AND Stallone!
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Silent Hill (2006)
Terrible, TERRIBLE acting storyline!!!
5 August 2014
God, what an awful movie! I haven't really played the video games, so i can't really compare it to them, but as a horror movie, this is just pure sh*t! Not to spoil anything, but there are so many clichés, like why does Rose have to stand still all the time she's being chased until the last second so she can get away to safety. I hate that! Run goddamn it, run! And why on earth would a cop say "don't move" while pointing a gun at a monster that's coming right at you!? FREAKIN' SHOOT IT ALREADY! Why would a monster stop because of that?! It's not human and it is going to KILL YOU! The acting was just horrendous!!! Radha Mitchell and Laurie Holden were as convincing as this movie is. I couldn't help myself but get annoyed every time she did or said something, she was totally miscast for this (Radha Mitchell) well they both were, but Radha took it a level higher (or lower if you will)! I actually had my hopes up for this one, because many say it's one of the better "video game to movie" adaptations. Well, it's not! Do yourself a favor and don't watch this mess! It wasn't even scary, not the slightest!
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Just plain weirdness and totally bizarre?!
20 June 2014
This movie is so unbelievably weird and bizarre, it just hurts my head when i watch it. I really liked "Drive", so i was kinda looking forward for a decent view again, but no i was totally stunned by this mess! I watched "Drive" in theaters back in 2011. Thankfully i didn't watch this one at the movies. I really don't understand people that think this is some kind of "masterpiece", it's that cliché that everything bizarre in art is "magnificent" and "brilliant", when it really isn't and it just shows people lacking taste in what's good and what's really NOT! I'm not sure, but i think the main character Julian (played by Gosling, who btw is a terrific actor!) has some kind of weird fetish that involves getting hurt in a bloody kind of way? The acting is actually solid enough for this weird movie, but overall everything in it is just very confusing and bizarre in the "wtf" kind of way all the way through till' the end, and you're like: "What did i just watch" This 90 minute flick wasn't a total waste of time though. Visually it's actually kinda beautiful in some scenes. But then again those hall way scenes are just "wtf?"! This is one of those movies, where you really have to look deep and analyze everything before you have some kind of idea of what it's about. Sure there's the plot line, but every movie has some kind of message in it. This one seems to hide it very VERY well. Also the ending sucks b*lls too. You'll see what i'm talking 'bout if you plan on seeing it. And if you do, don't try to give yourself a headache trying to understand this movie, because you won't! And enjoy the visuals, and the decent acting.

I give this one 4 out of 10 for the reasons stated above
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