21 Reviews
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Hellraiser (2022)
Pretty poor.....
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Forgetting the original films, Doug Bradley, etc and trying to take this incarnation of Hellraiser on it's own merit, I found it hugely disappointing. It was almost like nothing happened in 2 hours. It dragged on and on and I found myself actually hoping for it it just be over and it was a chore to get to the end. I think this film generally equates to "Horror for the new breed" as there is no horror here for this 44 yr old.

One positive from the film was that I liked the idea of the different configurations of the box. The fact that the Cenobites took anyone that was cut by the box was just ridiculous. Changing one of the very fundamental traits of the Cenobites was not a good thing in my opinion. Their summoning was all about desire and exploration. This film turned them into pointless killers of anybody.

I didn't find the Cenobites alluring nor revolting as they should be. (Hell, even the cast never found them scary. Literally no one freaked out when they saw people with skin ripped from them wandering around.) The skin suits was a good idea but they didn't look good on the screen. The blood dripping through the leather of the originals had a more powerful effect. As for the ridiculous shiny pin heads, they made everything look cheap and tacky. Rusty old nails would have looked better.

The story, as predictable as it was, was dull. I couldn't identify with any of them or feel any empathy what-so-ever. In the hour or so before anything happened in the film, there was literally no build up or character between the cast to make you want to root for a winner, so to speak. I wanted to see them all die!

The cast for me were forgettable. I'd never heard of Jamie Clayton before the hype for this. She wasn't a good Pinhead for me but I don't think the costume helped and the dialogue she had was rubbish. Odessa A'zion was OK but spent way too much time screaming. Drew Starkey did a pretty good job in the circumstances. The cast could have literally been anybody else, nothing memorable here.

For me, in the end, the only thing this Hellraiser got right was the font in the title. 2/10.
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The Munsters (2022)
I liked it.....
27 September 2022
Okay, it's not even remotely on par with the original Munsters but then it was never going to be. Taking it at face value for what it is, a silly, almost childish, campy frolic homage to a classic. I'm not a big fan of Zombie or his wife for that matter but I enjoyed the film. Sheri is actually quite likable as Lily. Jeff did a pretty good job in an almost impossible character to pull off. He was never going to come close to Fred. Daniel was very good as Grampa.

Ok, there's not much of a story here. It's clearly a "how it all started" movie that looks to be heading to a sequel. The only thing that really bothered me about it was the colour. I found it all a bit too fancy. It should have been dumbed down a bit, even made darker and grain, like old film instead of the glossy digital we get nowadays. I think that would have improved the outlook a lot.

I gave it a 7. I enjoyed it, the wife did too. It passed an hour or so and was like a little trip down memory lane to when we were kids watching the original Munsters on Saturday mornings.
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27 July 2022
This film was a chore to get through. I appreciate that they were trying to go along the lines of the original games but what a failure.

No suspense, zero horror apart from a little blood. It was diabolical! Made the last 3 of the other series seem like masterpieces and they were not very good at all.
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Moonfall (2022)
Just don't!
10 May 2022
Don't waste your time. Me and my wife saw it through to the end just to see if it could get any worse and it really didn't let us down. The script was atrocious, the acting was, as expected, hammy but not in a good way. The special effects were pretty good (Hence the 2 stars) but that's about all it got going for it.

I won't post any spoilers but the part of the film with the Rocket, helicopter, car and tsunami was just stand out, incredibly dumb. That and the fact that you've seen this all before in other movies. This is literally a mash up of other disaster movies. A little Independence Day, a dash of The Day After Tomorrow. Add a hint of 2012 and a little Geostorm. Top it all off with a bit of Mission To Mars and you have this layer cake of garbage.

Don't waste your time.
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Studio 666 (2022)
Stupidly funny.....
14 March 2022
First and foremost, I am not a fan of the Foo Fighters. There are a couple of tunes I like but in general, they are just too heavy for my taste. That said, I kind of like Dave Grohl. He's a legend, seems like a good guy. A bit like the Keanu Reeves of Rock!

I thought this film was funny as hell. No one taking themselves seriously or pretending they could act. It was just good solid humour with a load of gore chucked in for good measure. Like with the Foo Fighters, I'm not a big fan of gore either but the gore in this film was just stupidly funny.

Like a flashback to some classic B Movies that I grew up with, I really enjoyed Studio 666. Don't expect Oscar winning performances or even good acting and you'll enjoy this dumb assed attempt at a comedy horror. It's great.
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21 February 2022
I give it 2 stars for the special effects alone. Apart from the named link with Leatherface and TCM, it is just another lame attempt at horror with zero scares. Where are the scares in films nowadays? Gore just isn't frightening. Gore doesn't make you jump out of your seat. There is no horror here, just the odd bit of gore.

Sadly, this is just another pathetic "bunch of teenagers on a road trip get killed" movie with nothing of interest in between and one of horrors most iconic characters wheel out of retirement for a Netflix payday.

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To Be Someone (2020)
19 October 2021
Just awful. The best bit about this film was when it finished and I could throw the DVD in the bin. I wouldn't even grace a Charity Shop shelf with this garbage.

Terrible cast, terrible dialogue, atrocious acting and I use the word acting lightly.
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Turn off your brain, relax and float.....
10 July 2021
I give this a 2 star for the entertainment value and the CGi. There was not a lot else to like about it, really. The Aliens were alright. The acting was alright. The story was nonsense and a lot of it just didn't make any sense. Any normal human being could work out better strategies of fighting the Aliens. Anyway, lots of others on here have already raved about everything that just doesn't make sense so I don't feel I have to do the same. Others have said it better than me.

In all seriousness, this is a "turn off you brain" film.
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Not as good as I hoped.
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It passed a couple of hours but dragged a little in places. It was almost like the film didn't know what it wanted to be. A Zombie movie or a Heist movie? Let's re-invent the Zombie for no reason at all. Daddy Zombie riding around on a horse? Really?

A lot didn't make any sense and served no purpose to the story. The characters are forgettable and the acting isn't that great. Especially the lead. Who told that fella he can act? He should stick to Wrestling or whatever is was he did before. Dreadful. I was kind of hoping they all die from very early on in the film.

It passed some time but I wouldn't bother watching it again. There are better films out there.
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Nothing special.
7 April 2021
I thought the main character had some potential as did the story. Sadly this just wasn't a very good film. People raving about Steve Guttenburg? Really? He was mediocre at best.

It passed the time for an hour and a bit but I wouldn't bother watching it again.
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I didn't expect much at all.....
5 March 2021
.....and got even less than that. It was just terrible from start to finish. All these 20/30 year later sequels should really just stop.
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Dreadful, sorry.
28 August 2020
There really wasn't a lot to like in or about this movie. I gave it 3 Stars for the other incarnations of the dudes in the film. The rest was pretty pants. The daughters were truly the most awful, pathetic characters but I expected nothing less once I clapped eyes on them Their first bit of screen time told me exactly how this film was going to go and I wasn't wrong.

I'm glad I watched it because I honestly wanted it to be "excellent"! Sadly it wasn't and I'll never waste my time watching it again.
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Like a Boss (2020)
18 April 2020
This is a terrible movie. The wife and I attempted to watch it earlier but we only managed the first 30 minutes or so. Dreadful acting, dreadful script, absolutely no humour what so ever.
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Vivarium (2019)
I really enjoyed it......
18 April 2020
I know indie, art house films aren't everyone's cup of tea but I really enjoyed Vivarium. Yes it was a little slow but that gave you plenty of time to try and conjure up ideas of what was happening and where it was all leading. I have to admit, I didn't see the ending coming but had a few wild guesses with the wife about what was happening and some of them were right.

Very well shot and acted, great sets and music. Everything I want in an indie film. Someone else mentioned the Twilight Zone in a review and I totally agree. This would've made an excellent 10/10, 45min episode although I did appreciate the extra time to try and work out what was going on.

Try it. 👍
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4 March 2020
I managed 30 minutes before I skipped through the rest. Terrible film. It was like it was trying to be Cheech & Chong without the drugs or comedy.
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Villain (I) (2020)
Better than I expected.
2 March 2020
I didn't expect much when I started watching but it was better than expected. It's not groundbreaking cinema but the characters are pretty good and the acting is OK. A one time watch movie for me but it kept me entertained to the end.
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Not what I expected from other reviews.....
24 March 2019
It was long and a bit boring really, for me. Nothing really happens, even the ending is a bit nothing. There are some characters that don't get given any kinda of story but are just there. Who are they?

At the start it had the feel of Paul Haggis' 2004 film Crash with different characters being introduced and the skipping between one set to another but it never really took off. Some of them we meet early on are nobody's to the story really. A shame and a wasted opportunity I think.

I'll give it a 5/10 for intriguing me and keeping me watching until the end but I had lots of questions at the end and wanted to know what happened here and there to people we meet briefly. A bit more character development would of been great.
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Not what I expected.
3 March 2019
I was mildly entertained, I'll say that much. It was a bit boring. I skipped a few bits that seemed to just go on and on. People calling it the best serial killer movie obviously haven't seen enough movies. This is nowhere near the best, by a long walk.

Matt Dillon played an excellent part though, I'll give him that. He's still a fantastic actor.

TL,DR - It was too long and a bit boring. The DC Cut has an extra 3 minutes. You could shave an hour off this film and it'd be much better.

Wouldn't watch it again.
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A big let down for me.
1 March 2017
As a big fan of the Resident Evil films, I was looking forward to seeing this even though the series has slowly been going down hill for the last few movies.

Some good action here and there but I felt like the film never really gets going. It all seemed a bit "forced", for want of a better word. A disappointing end to the saga for me personally.

I really hope they don't make any more of them in the future.
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Poltergeist (2015)
Just a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE film.
24 June 2015
I never expected much from it being a remake/reboot but I never expected it to be so bad. The script, the acting, the whole bag of mashings was just terrible from the get go.

There is no comparison to the original which, to this day, is still a creepy film to watch even though I've seen it 100's of times in my life. This new one has none of the mystery, drama or suspense of the original. They move in and it all immediately kicks off and no one really batters an eyelid to any of it. They do some of the stuff from the original film and then it ends. Seriously, that's the film in a nutshell.

I personally think Sam Rockwell is a fantastic actor but he needs to seriously question what the hell he thought he was doing here. His acting is atrocious. Kyle Catlett was the only person in the entire film to put a bit of effort in to it and he could've passed for Pinocchio. I can't believe for one minute that, when editing this film, the director didn't think to himself, hang on a minute, this film is trash. If he didn't, he needs words with himself as well.

It was just a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE film. On par with Stallone's Get Carter remake. Awful. I hope to god they don't make a sequel. Let this festering turd of a movie disappear into oblivion and let the original live on.

1/10 - I'd give it a zero but that's not an option.
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Interstellar (2014)
Not what I expected......
21 January 2015
I think I watched the same film as all the others on here that disliked it. I enjoyed the cinematography and the effects but there is really nothing else about this film I can say I liked.

I think Matthew McConaughey is a great character actor but in this film he just didn't fit, for me. His voice, stance, mannerisms all seem out of place. Like he just didn't care and wanted the paycheck. Not that all the blame for the bad film can be put on his shoulders. The rest of the cast, all but a small few of them, just weren't entertaining.

From the maker of Inception I expected more. What I got was nearly 3 hrs of not a very good film.

3/10 for the visuals. That's all I got. Disappointed.
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