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OSCAR worthy film
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE HIGHWAYMEN 1st aired last week of March, and we were anticipating a FINE period piece ala UNTOUCHABLES more than 30 years ago. Not disappointed. 90% filmed in Louisiana, where B&C's rampages finally concluded. Cast beautifully, 'A list' in my view: HARRELSON best actor material, Costner back to his best, Kathy Bates, Kim Dickson, plus support, ALL.

Loved the deliberate detailed build up. To some, it seemed a slow film, not I. Character development scripted so well. I'm fond of the 20's and dirty 30's style. Fans of vintage cars will be enraptured. Costuming, outstanding. Regional accents. Dialogue. Near perfect. Really enjoyed the mood of this film. Homeless people. Wealth. 80 plus years ago mirroring today's world. Law enforcement 'attitudes' touched a nerve too.

Will watch again in 12 months or so, maybe rate a notch higher..... Yes, it's that good.

Oscar worthy, if Netflix 'qualifies'.
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HBO resources misspent IMHO
9 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The original, if one has seen it, is a film noir classic, in Black&White, a 1945 production starring the inimitable John Crawford. Having said that, why are megabux HBO doing an adaptation with all it's techno brilliance in 2011? I love the art deco era: clothes,music,cars,architecture etc., so the 're creation' is a treat: lavish production, terrific soundtrack, stylish costumes & the cars are amazing. HiDEf BlueRAY = Wunderbar. The gratuitous Sex & Nudity? Not required TYVM, AND we get 5 episodes spanning 9 years (1931-40) and over 3 times as long as the original. Self indulgent? We CAN, so we spend millions on this 'project'? The 'Makeover' for modern viewers did this for me:

1. A realization how talented and special were the best of the 1940's Hollywood filmmakers! Working within the limitations of that era they created a masterpiece which will never be equalled.

2. Megabux & modern technology do not equal creative genius.

3. Superior talent is a precious commodity.

4. Another re write of James Cain's work is not necessarily in the best interest of 'art'.

5. THIS era has some really good talent, but NO 'Joan Crawfords'.

6. Even HBO, who can bring TREME (a modern MASTERPIECE) to the screen is capable of this turkey dinner. (I like turkey dinners, but always overeat and suffer the inevitable 'hangover')

7. Bbbbburppp....
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Even Money (I) (2006)
Terrific ensemble cast seems underwhelmed at their material
25 December 2011
THIS cast could have taken the film into a 'HIGHER realm' of movie magic than the 'Great Abraham' ever managed. BUT it never gets going... Disappointing Mark Rydell film that fails to 'take off'....KGrammar&RLiotta, terrific actors both, seem in suspended animation. Can't put my finger on the problem, but the spark is not quite there.

Happy to hire this DVD based on the talent displayed on the front cover. Some good scenes especially where DDaVito is concerned.

All told?

This did not deliver the goods

Would not recommend. This gets a "6", and feel generous with that.
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Edison (2005)
Vancouver is a beautiful city...too bad about this turkey
25 December 2011
Justin's a better singer than 'actor' (I hope) but with Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey et al in a good ensemble cast one hoped this 'corruption / redemption' story would work.

Not so. Barely up to a 'made for TV' effort in spite of all that high priced talent in the cast. Wanna see something in the 'genre' which BLOWS THIS out of the water? THE WIRE, made in the same year, Baltimore, gritty dirty real unlike Vancouver BC Canada where this turkey was shot. Pretty locations do not a quality film make.

Like the 'genre'? Serpico, LA Confidential, and the best of the best IMHO, CHINATOWN. Edison never makes it, but the young ones: Justin, LLCool, when he takes his shirt off...the fluttering of hearts in the small viewing audience notwithstanding, fails to raise the film to 'ART' status.

Disappointing really. The ensemble cast has so much talent. David J. Burke, where is your best work?
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Jimi Hendrix (1973)
fresh as a daisy
7 February 2007
Watched this docu again last night on DVD. Saw it some 30+ years ago on film. I was class of '69 (Jimi's cousin, Nona Hendrix, was in my grade 12 class) and remember when Jimi and his band came through my town(East Van rules). Jimi was from Seattle, some 145 miles south) I always rue the day I DIDN't go to the concert. I went to all the biggies EXCEPT this one, and I have never forgiven myself. WHY? I worked that night. I had every vinyl, worn the grooves off Electric Ladyland twice. The 60's re visited...This '73 docu captures the mood VERy well. Comments from impossibly young Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton (who I saw perform last week in NZ..even BETTER than he was in '69 the last time I saw him)... Jimmy Page, Eric, and JIMI were our holy trinity of guitar gods way back when...this was a T R I P down memory lane for me...the talk of drugs and race issues....subjects which never go away..we're still dealing with it today...but back to the music.....Jimi's fusion of blues/rock/jazz....wondrous to us so long ago, and still sounding 'fresh as a daisy' to this alumnus of the class of '69 see this DVD.... I give it an 8.8
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Enraptured and enthralled by 'perfect 10' music DVD
26 January 2007
Perfect pitch in a range exceeding 3 as flawless as an angel landing softly on a 'pavlova'...timeless graceful melodies sounding fresh as newly fallen snow, though written long ago, and performed countless times over a 25 - 30 year career prior to this magic night of nights...the joy of of the 'young' musicians sharing the stage with the 'Master' is a rare privilege to behold....Roy Kelton Orbison had the purest, most expressive tone of any singer of his generation...this film captures the essence of his genius better than any music 'video' this viewer has ever seen...the all star 'support' is anchored by James Burton, lead guitar phenom, to my mind playing on a level others can only dream of, including mega star Bruce 'the boss' Springsteen, who is frequently shown, delight radiating from his face....tasteful backup harmonies by KD Lang, Bonnie Raitt, and Jennifer Warnes blending perfectly with Roy's soaring notes that only Roy can hit...I sat in rapture for the entire 64 minutes, dreading the moment when the performance would end...a perfect 10, don't miss this one, music lovers of the 50's and 60's, it is VERy special film-making
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Walk the Line (2005)
the beat goes on
23 March 2006
Excellent music bio..... the 50's and 60's re created ...I was there and I remember them...the times they were a changin'...loved the Dylan references,the Elvis, Jerry Lee et al cameos... costuming and sound are exceptional as are the performances, both musical and dramatic... the throbbing hypnotic 'beat goes on' as opening scenes unfold. Johnny awaits his entrance to the Fulsom Prison concert in 1968 and casts his memory back to his early days....wonderful stuff... casting was thoughtfully and beautiful done...all so perfectly believable...I got caught up in the mood and didn't want the film to end...which it does...suddenly...after 145 minutes even! I want MORE..felt like calling for an encore..but the film credits were rolling to the beat of THAT throbbing wondrous guitar and THAT voice.. highest kudos to the filmmakers.. bravissimo! It's 2012: subsequent viewings confirm for me. It's VERy good & still a '9'. Casting is spot on. Music fresh. Catches the era perfectly for me.
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In the Cut (2003)
seriously good film for 'mature' viewers
20 March 2006
NZ genius filmmaker/screen writer Campion draws amazing performances from a strong ensemble cast. Not your average date thriller chiller movie suggested by IMDb's low rating (5.8). A VERy good piece of work and worth MUCH more on many levels. I would like to rate it at 8.5. Strong recommendation unless one eschews street language and graphic sexual discussion/ depiction. (Won't appear on the Disney Channel) Ruffalo gives an amazing portrayal of a troubled homicide detective and his courtship ritual with Meg Ryan's character is NYC all the way. His detective 'partner' is armed by a water pistol only after his wife brought charges against him thus emasculating him. Their interaction is a lot more than typical 'good cop bad cop'...

SEE THIS FILM, it's a good 'un!
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Dogville (2003)
a 'serious' work of art? that's 'entertainment'?
17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A visit to the dark side of the soul.

A VERY slow starter.

Difficult to watch in the beginning, then bit by bit draws the viewer into the play.

Assumes ALL humanity is flawed, quite a BIG call.

Feeling down? a bit negative today? this 'theatre' may be for you.

Wonderful cast and quality acting throughout on a minimalist set. Voice-over/narrator Hurt is terrific.

GREAT old period vehicles, especially 'Daddy's' Cadillac.

Reached back in my video library for "It's a wonderful life" to brighten up after to this heavy 'downer' of a film, which to me might be better as a stage play.

Entertainment? Not to me. Thought provoking? Yes, but I strongly disagree with Von Trier's pessimism.

Rent/ watch it at your own peril.

Lars, take a happy pill please.
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