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29 April 2023
This a nice movie to sit down and watch with the younger kids. The story is the usual affair of a young girl's parents going through a divorce and relocating to a new town. Charlie finds herself adjusting to a new school and some not so nice "mean" girls. To compensate for the lack of friends Charlie sets her sites on finding a horse with the help of her dad's friend. The ads provide some possible horses but none are in her budget. On the way home from a day of horse hunting they find a horse caught in some wire and rescue it. Charlie takes the horse back to the stable and they begin a search for the owner. As time goes by the owner doesn't appear and Charlie develops a real bond with the horse . Charlie's mom isn't crazy about Charlie's growing affection for the horse and worries about the real owner showing up to claim him. The drama comes later when a series of events threatens to keep Charlie competing in the rodeo and losing the horse. There's a happy ending and all is well.

This a show with no x rated surprises, the whole family will enjoy.
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Web of Death (2023)
Really Interesting show
20 January 2023
Just stumbled onto this show a few days ago and have already binge watched it all. Each episode contain a story about a crime that was solved with the aid of amateur sleuths. One of these cases were over 40 years old, when a Jane Doe was identified. With the internet and DNA testing very ordinary people are scratching their itch to help solve crime mysteries. In one case a head was found in a bucket of harden cement. No clues except a very general age and sex led a woman on a mission to give his family closure. She was successful and the family had answers to what happened to their loved one. Each show has a different focus. I didn't realize that there is quite a lot of pod casts and internet sites where people can help search for missing persons or volunteer to be genealogy detectives. If you have any interest in true crime this will be right up your alley.
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Darby and Joan (2022– )
A quirky fun show
18 August 2022
This show doesn't take it's self too, serious which makes it a delight to watch. There is no wokeness in your face, no political statements, either just two average relatable people on a mission. Joan looks like your average middle age female with Darby portrayed as a kind older male. Joan comes to Australia to find answers to her husbands death when he was supposed to be in Spain. Darby is an ex policeman who was forced to retire, and the two literally collide and decide to work together to find the answers of Joan's husband's death. As the two travel around the country they have some great adventures. The scenery is beautiful. It's nice to see a series with older actors having a good time. No darkness and gruesome deaths just light mysteries. Kind of reminds me of "Murder She Wrote" with the same presentation of the crimes. I've watched 4 episodes and am enjoying it.
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Not too bad 1st half of season
12 August 2022
I enjoyed the 1st 3-4 episodes of this series, but when the time jumps came into play, confusion follows. I finished the 1st series and began to watch the second half of the show and just gave up.

The show was dreary and hard to follow, the flow was off putting for me. I like a show that one can get caught up in and follow with not a lot of effort, otherwise it becomes tedious and this show did.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Love It
17 June 2022
I was a big fan of Longmire and this show seems to have many of the same qualities as that show. It's based on books, so there is source material which helps. There is a good cast of characters and the subject matter shines a light on a culture most of us know little about. There is a rich history to be told other than the stereotypical "cowboys & Indians." The actors do a good job and I look forward to more episodes.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Another tale from the WOKE
29 May 2022
I couldn't get through episode 1, woke goes broke. Some people may like all the violence and consider that drama but even violence has a back story. This show lacks that, even OZ had flashbacks to move the story on a point. I am watching on the free 7 day trial for Paramount+, having finished 1883 by the same creator. 1883 at least had beautiful scenery, this was just dark and dirty. I don't think Paramount + has a lot to offer except a lot of Star Trek shows.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Love the wild west
29 May 2022
I really enjoy this show, the scenery and the story are keep you wanting more. As prequels. Go this is a very good show, looking forward to season two. The only thing that bothers me is Elsa's riding. On a western horse you sit the trot you don't post. It drives me crazy watching her post on her mount.
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Too, confusing for me but we'll see if it improves
17 May 2022
I've not read the book or seen the movie but after viewing the first episode, I'm not inclined to do so, or watch any more. There are too many other shows out there that one doesn't need the confusion of this show. When a show is hard to follow a viewer looses interest. In several scenes Henry is shown at 2 different ages with tags on screen so we know his age. When labels are needed that's not a good sign.

I do like the actors and will try another episode to see if it improves.
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Harry Wild (2022– )
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched all 4 episodes and have concluded that this show is mediocre at best and down right silly at the worst. This is no "Murder She Wrote" by far, and Harry is no Jessica Fletcher, but just a bored interfering senior. In the first episode Harry is mugged by a teenage boy, who she later befriends (and makes her partner) even after finding out his dad is involved with the Irish mob. All the cases so far have had some literary clue that only Harry would recognize, how convenient and unbelievable. I like Jane Seymore but this isn't one of her best endeavors. None of the characters are very likable especially Harry's son. Even Harry comes off as ditzy as well as her side kick. Harry exposes herself, her granddaughter and her partner to all sorts of danger. It takes 2 episodes before her dim bulb of a son to listen and take her detective powers serious. I do enjoy the scenery in this "Irish" drama. Since there is a lull in shows I will watch and hope for the best.
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18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've been wanting something new to watch and decided to give this show a try. The location, what we see of it is nice but the characters are just, too over the top. As other reviewers stated it's not really a drama or a comedy and certainly not much of a mystery. The tired plot line of a husband with a secret life gets hold and hard to believe. I will continue to watch to see if it gets better but I have my doubts. It makes a good multi task show as in folding laundry or ironing. No need to be glued to the set as there is little action.
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American Rust (2021–2024)
Depressing meets More Depressing
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched all 9 episodes, there are just 9 episodes right??? I slogged through each one just waiting for all the pieces to start to fall together and justice be served. Alas, no justice is served and all the main characters continue to make stupid mistake after stupid mistake. Billy, the main man won't clear himself from a murder charge and pays dearly in the end. Lee, Billy's ex girlfriend, a Yale grad, throws her marriage to a very caring and wealthy man away for a couple of nights in the hay. Lee came home to look after her crippled dad who was in the care of her gay brother who had a crush on Billy. Billy protects Isaac, who did the murder and to please his ex girlfriend. Billy's father is a ne'er-do-well and Billy's mother is portrayed as a spunky loving mom, who is trying to bring in a union to her work place. Mom works in a small company that makes bridal gowns. The contrast of beautiful bridal gowns to the location in this town where the local steel mill closed is stark. This contrast is beyond believable. With the down turn of the local economy, drugs are now a major problem for both the old and young. Billy is being investigated for the death of an ex policeman, who he had a dust up with in the past. The ex policeman was also a drug dealer. The local pharmacist is also involved in the heavy drug trade. There are so many twists and subplots, that the main story becomes hard to believe or tie together. We do have the checklist of characters needed by today's standards. Gay men, transgender person, bad white people, bad police officers, white trailer trash, fun drugs and people of color who aren't authentic. It's a long slog to watch this and then the last episode clears up nothing, ABSOLUTLEY nothing is resolved. The story needs at least another episode or 2 to clear up this mess. Why is it so hard for writers to tell a story?? I believe there was a book. Anyway a very annoying show as well as a dreary, depressing story. To add to the atmosphere the majority of this show is filmed in low light. Watch at the risk of being bored and annoyed.
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Like the Idea**********But
23 June 2021
I like the actors and the idea but the stops are rushed. In the first episode the fishing and dining experiences could have been so much longer. I don't care for the van chit chat as it seems forced. Just the facts boys!! Fill out the subjects and it will be great. Just did my ancestry and have quite a bit of Scottish blood so I'm enjoying it. Great scenery and historical places, just ,too short.
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Could Have Been Better
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like all the actors but in other shows. What a waste of the picturesque scenery, buildings and actors. A thin 2 arc plot that goes basically nowhere. The 1st plot line is between, Billy Winters, who is tricked into marrying a woman who is pregnant by another (man?). Daughter Beth knows Billy isn't her father, and when she asks who her father is, Billy says he doesn't know it is one of two men. Beth's mother dies, when Beth is young and Billy continues to raise her as his own. As the years pass, Billy starts to see Beth, not as a daughter, but as a love interest. After drinking, Billy visits Beth in her bedroom who then escapes to sleep with the maid. The maid is a friend and confidant to Beth. The maid tells her brother the policeman.

Billy is well off and has tenant farmers and a stone quarry. This is the second story arc. Billy was mean to Beth's mother and beat her and threatens to disinherit Beth. One day a man shows up at Billy's house and asks him to spy on his tenants as there have been bombings in London by Irish dissidents. He blackmails Billy by threatening to tell everyone of him beating his wife. The man shows a report from the maid's brother as to Billy's beating his wife and being, too friendly to Beth. The law is checking on all sources for dynamite. One of the men in the quarry befriends Beth after learning Billy keeps gold at the house. The gold is needed for the bombs. Liam plans with Beth to steal the money and run away but in fact only wants the gold and plans to kill Beth after she robs her father. On the night of her planned escape she gives her father a drug for horses to knock him out. She grabs the the gold and leaves only to be stopped on the way by a mute man. He forces her back to the house and draws a diagram to show her Liam has dug her grave. She's devastated and puts the gold back at which time Billy enters the room. Billy beats her and forces her to leave with nothing. Beth misses the rendezvouses with Liam and instead waits at his house. Beth is pregnant and knows Liam planned to kill her so she tricks him into getting in a boat to leave for a new life. Beth knows Liam can't swim and knocks him out of the boat. Liam drowns and Beth returns to Liam's cottage where Billy finds her and wants her, thus starting the same scenario as before. Three stretched out episodes to tell this tale that could have been told in one. A great deal of the story is at night with bad lighting for the eerie effect I guess. A waste of talent.
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Amber (2014)
Insulting To The Viewer
5 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I usually read the reviews before starting a series but didn't for this one, which was a mistake. Like most people who have been shut in for the last year, finding something interesting to watch is getting harder and harder, so when this pops up on Acorn it looked interesting. A 14 year old girl goes to town and just disappears. We are shown how Amber's disappearance affects the members of her family and their relationships with others. We are, also shown flash backs from different scenarios that give clues as to what might have happened to Amber. The story goes along and it seems that the writers are working towards a conclusion, but alas they are not. The viewer after 4 episodes knows nothing more than when the show started. I was waiting for episode 5 but there is no episode to finish up the story of Amber. I realize that Amber is evidently not coming home and this was the gist of this story. The writers could have tied up the ending in away that would be satisfying to the viewers, instead of just hanging everyone out there with "what the hell" was that about. After you've invested 3 1/2 hours to a pretty decent story to only find there is no ending is an insult to the viewer.
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Whitstable Pearl (2021– )
Very Boring and checks all the boxes
28 May 2021
I subscribe to Acorn for the mysteries and police dramas and this one hardly qualifies as either. The characters are totally unbelievable and flat. I read that is show was in someway connected to the Vera series by writer or books, and this is no Vera. The plots are tired and very simplistic.
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The Serpent (2021)
Very Good Watch
23 April 2021
Overall very enjoyable, I had some trouble following the time jumping especially in the Paris visits. This was back in my day and many of the "hippie" tourists in the late sixties and early seventies were draft dodgers, peace corps workers, or guru seeking hippies. A mixed bag of young people looking for something meaningful but often finding drugs, heart ache and even death. Charles Sobhraj reminds me of a little bit of Charles Manson in his ability to attract people to him and to get them to do his bidding. As far as the accents go I'm not an expert so it didn't bother me. The show was suspenseful to the end. The scenery and the story were good as was the atmosphere.
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Murdoch Mysteries (2008– )
Political correctness hits Murdoch
20 April 2021
I loved this show and use to eagerly await the new season. Over the last few years certain suggestions have filtrated into shows. We want to escape the daily grind not relive it in a TV show that is supposed to take place 100+ years ago.
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26 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished the series and thought it was outstanding for a true crime adaption. There was enough episodes to tell the story without being rushed or over done with filler. It always amazes me how the little things are downfall of the criminal. I do feel that the original detectives missed a big clue in the bar picture of the darts team. That picture led to the film being turned up with John Cooper looking very much like a sketch of the suspect. All in all there is enough drama to keep you interested. The actors all did a good job with the well written script.
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The Lie (2018)
Good exposé for the "trophies for all" parents
12 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The actress who played the spoiled teenage daughter did a great job of getting us to hate her in the first 10 minutes. The parents take an additional 10 minutes to loath. Clearly the daughter has been over indulged by guilt ridden parents to the point the daughter has no empathy for anyone. The parents after learning their daughter has just "killed" her friend go out of their way to protect their sociopathic daughter. I understand the desire to protect your child but these parents are so extreme in their actions. An accident can be explained and most people would see the need for common sense and decency but not here. All of the main characters are just crappy people who continue to lie and then blame the dead friend's father. The parents continue to cast blame bringing in the police to further the "lie". As the story progresses the viewer is shown the daughter in various scenarios where she doesn't seemed disturbed at all by her actions. Again the parents fail to pick up on any of these clues. It isn't till the final plot twist that the daughter confesses to her lie, but alas it's to late for the parents. The acting wasn't bad, nor the photography but the story for most of us "normal" people just didn't resonate as plausible. For the average viewer the message of overindulgence of children is never is a good thing. Love and attention are far more valuable than "things. Not bad but not good either.
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The Gulf (2019–2021)
Grey and Bleak both photographically and storywise
12 October 2020
Why would anyone making a series in one of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes in world chose to make everything so blah and grey?? Even the beach scenes are drab, no bright sunshine, sparkling water or lush vegetation. Why do so many directors feel the need to make the scene look like it is shot through an old yellow curtain? Besides the crappy photography the stories aren't well crafted and the characters are unlikeable. Why do our lead characters always have to be so damaged and barely a hair above the law when law enforcement is their job? Lots of missed opportunities here, in the use of scenery, and the indigenous people of New Zealand. Just another lightweight cop show with your typical cliche crimes and characters.
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Away (2020)
8 September 2020
A series that is about space travel but isn't, just family and coworker drama. Again we have our token characters, strong white female in charge, Asian lesbian, Jewish black man of mixed race parentage, evil Russian, and a muslim. Meanwhile back at home, a whining rebellious teenage daughter who has her first crush on a nice Catholic hispanic boy, the disabled husband to the female lead, a black cowboy playing the system, a girl with Down syndrome, and I think I caught a glimpse of someone using sign language. The writers threw everything and everyone in there except space travel. A couple of tense moments in the space walk but it goes downhill after that. If this is any indication of real space travel, how the hell did we ever get to the moon 50 years ago?? To much uninteresting family drama, and not enough space sci-fi. Again to much PC writing and not enough story telling.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Perry Mason NOT
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After much hype, HBO's Perry Mason( in name only) has arrived with a big thud. If you are going to pimp the show as Perry Mason lets at least have some semblance to the character the show was named after. Instead of a brilliant, articulate well dressed attorney, we are shown a dirty, depressed, self-loafing human being. The scenes are depressing and over the top. Dead babies with stitched up eyelids, obese naked men running down the street, same naked obese man eating whipped cream from a young ladies genitals, 30 sex positions in a single bed, or some lame brain torture all within the the first 30 minutes doesn't necessarily make for an interesting show. I also believe there was electricity and sunlight back in the 30s, but this show lacks both of these factors , thus everything is dark and gloomy just like the main character. The whole episode was very disjointed. We are not introduced to our characters but just subjected to little bits and pieces of information none of which are very helpful. Any semblance to the Perry Mason of early TV is not to be found anywhere in this show. Perry is not an attorney but a milk cow, air stirp owning private detective. He is also portrayed as a bad father and husband, dishonorably discharged army vet of WW1, a bad dresser and all around unlikable person. Again another attempt to take a beloved character from fiction and TV and make them into something edgy that fell flat. We loved the original Perry for his sharp mind and dry wit, but this new Perry doesn't come off as the sharpest tool in the shed, he's just comes off as a tool. Queen of the South's Veronica Falcon is Perry's "love" interest ( 30 sex positions) and is not believable in that capacity. Matthew Rhys does a good job at being the down and out Perry, but the script was lacking depth. I will give it another go next week and hope it improves but not holding my breath. Maybe Perry will take some night classes to get his law degree. I do think the time period for Perry as an attorney would have been interesting, with prohibition and crime leading up to WW2. Dead mutilated babies, oral sex, f-bombs, bad lighting, and unlikeable characters do not add to this show's appeal. A hodgepodge of dark (literally) disjointed scenarios without a well written story do not make for an interesting Perry Mason.
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Criminal: UK (2019–2020)
B is for Boring
17 June 2020
I watched 2 episodes and although the 1st wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. I made it through the 2nd episode and decided not to watch any more. This format seems to be a cheap way to make a show and the results were obvious. With the amount of shows out there today, a show needs to tell a good story in a believable way and you'll have a hit. No need to try for edgy or different as I feel they were going for here. There is a reason why the classic mysteries and Tv shows of the past are still enjoyed today. Good writing and actors go along way and this show lacked both. Isn't it amazing how all the criminals start out no comment and then just admit it all in the end. A good lawyer wouldn't let them to say anything. Another show to not watch, as I would rather watch reruns of the oldies than watch this boring mix.
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Marcella (2016– )
We're all in this together
15 June 2020
We're all in this together, where have I heard that??? Maybe the writers would be better at predicting the future instead of writing this mess. I liked the 1st season as it was edgy and different, season 2 took several weeks to watch, season 3 I gave up on completely. Why would the writers think the viewer would want to watch the non stop mental chaos of the female lead?? This season was beyond terrible from the writing to the acting. I didn't make it through episode 4. This show, as so many checked the PC boxes and made it totally unwatchable. Goodbye Marcella!!!
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Run (I) (2020)
24 May 2020
The trailers to this show really looked interesting, but the show itself isn't. I don't know what I was hoping for, maybe some drama, intrigue, mystery and chemistry between the the actors. This show is stifling in dialogue and character portrayal. If you've just dropped out of your life to RUN off with an old love, you would be hopped up with anticipation and excitement for the event. Not our main characters here, no charisma or excitement between these two, just awkwardness. I guess I'll go back and watch Big Love or 6 Feet Under to be entertained.
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