
7 Reviews
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Surprisingly good. Really.
21 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's a delightful and lovely drama, with great screenplay, and outstanding performances by both leading actress and actor. I enjoyed every minute of the entire movie, and maybe it's been a long time a movie fully cheers me up that much. It centers around Fisher Wallow, a rich heiress who has returned from abroad, only to find out that her father did some bad thing that damaged a lot of people in Memphis, so now she's hated all over the area. Along with her own personality that is considered quite annoying (she's very sarcastic and honest),this makes it impossible for Fisher to find an escort to go with her to social events. Fisher has always had a feeling for Jimmy, a poor boy whose father works for her family, and mother cannot recognize her own son and is committed to an asylum. Jimmy is, however, not so interested in Fisher. He is actually the grandson of a governor, so everyone actually knows his name and respects his grandfather. Fisher, for her crush on Jimmy, hires him to escort her for the season. Jimmy eventually agrees to get the money to help his parents.After two eventful parties where Fisher took Jimmy with her, the two developed some drama and chemistry together. The biggest drama is around the loss of one of the teardrop diamond earrings, which cost 5,000 dollars each.

The plot is surprisingly and pleasantly simple, but with powerful acting the movie becomes very enjoyable. I've never liked Bryce Dallas Howard - not the actress herself, but the characters she played in movies I saw before. In The Help, or 50/50, her characters are really annoying, which fooled me into thinking that's the only kind of roles she does. But that only proves she's a phenomenal actress. Her performance in this movie should have received better recognition as it deserves. Chris Evans delivers a remarkable performance, too. I've always known he's a lot more capable than the superhero kind-of- roles he's famous for, but I was even more amazed by his portrayal in this movie - very refreshing and real. The accent is, however, pretty much of a letdown. But that doesn't make the movie any less good.
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Very overrated
30 July 2014
I don't know if it's because I expected too much, or the movie simply wasn't that good. But it really bored me. The acting is just OK, both Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence, let alone Academy Award standard. I watch the movie and I think it's just a standard romantic comedy, nothing so special and I can't really get the hype about it. There are a lot of more authentic and astounding movies that are worth watching way more than The Silver linings Playbook. This is not a bad movie, but it's just not excellent and I don't think it deserves all the good things people have said about. I loved Jennifer Lawrence in Winter Bones and I think she's gonna make a lot of good movies, but Bradley Cooper's acting is not my favorite.
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Avatar (2009)
Fake and Disappointing writing
14 April 2014
I guess this feeling comes mostly from the fact that I did have a very high expectation for Avatar, so it was a let down when I finally watched it. After all, I see that James Cameron movies always lack something. Even Titanic.

At the point the movie was out, everything I read was about Avatar, like, it was going to be a big bomb. But when I saw it, it was like, why the hell they talk so much about it? Except for the 3D first time thing and the CGI *which are spectacularly beautiful I have to admit*, the plot writing is really weak in my opinion. It's not really bad, but it just doesn't deserve the movie this big. It's cliché, simple, and I literally felt nothing while watching and after watching.

If you seriously is considering a good movie to watch, well, turn your eyes to other art works. There are many good movies out there.
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No, don't watch it!
31 March 2014
I came to the movie with high expectation, because two of my friends recommended it as "highly inspirational", which, to be honest, I did not find in any minute of the movie.

The whole time I was like, waiting for something interesting to happen. But no, nothing. There are some moments where I was like "Are they seriously doing this movie?", because I find those scenes just too absurd. The acting is terrible, plus a weak plot and very predictable ending.

In specific, the movie is about two guys who, by luck, got an internship in Google. It's great to see Google from the inside and see how amazing an internship there is, but it hurts to watch the movie, seriously. The story just makes no sense. It's too ideal and unrealistic. Like, one day you are a loser, you try your best and become a winner. The good thrives and the bad demises. It's like a kid story, which is presented in a very uncomfortable way.

The acting is the most disappointing to me. After Midnight in Paris I never expect to see Owen Wilson in a movie like this. Other supporting characters are weak and terrible also.

The movie can be fun and entertaining, possibly. But to me it's a waste of time. It's slow, no interesting scenes at all and no good character to follow.
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Mad Men (2007–2015)
This is why TV is better than many movies out there
31 March 2014
I genuinely don't know why I love the show. It's slow and full of day-to- day stories from an ad agency (I'm in love with this industry, that's why I started, but I did not expect to really like it). But strangely the charisma of the show is undeniable.

A brilliant choice of cast. Very well written. Music is among the best I've ever seen. And the show is beautiful, so it's enjoyable for the eyes.

The characters are the best in this TV series. Every single character, from the main to the supporting, are unique and memorable. Especially Don Draper, Peggy, Sterling and Pete Campbell, four of my favorite. They are all bipolar, complicated and very interesting.

Well done AMC. Another favorite and superb show for me, besides Breaking Bad.
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Surprisingly enjoyable
31 March 2014
I did not expect much from the movie when I first heard about it. First I hated the name, then I'm not a fan of action and car racing movies. Actually, I did expect it to be bad after the trailer. I was worried before watching this, as I am a fan of Aaron Paul on Breaking Bad, so I just hoped that a silly car race movie would not kill his career. Well, phew, the movie turns out quite good, I have to say. I enjoy 2 hours in the cinema, and I came out with a smile. Gonna be my guilty pleasure from now on.

I would not say this movie is a must-see, but it worths a shot and I don't think anyone who goes see it would not feel entertained. I have always been into Oscar type movies, but this movie was cheesy and predictable in a very comfortable way. There is a plot for it (surprisingly), no real character development but I really like the protagonist Tobey Marshall ( I hope it's not biased by my liking to the role Aaron Paul played, Jesse Pinkman, on BrBa). The storyline is not strong enough, but this in some way is just helping the movie. After all this is a game-based movie, which focuses on car racing and action, so a strong plot may steal the light of action. The action in this movie is satisfying to me, some really impressive. There are flying cars and fast races (of course), and I keep thinking "They can't be serious. They really DO THISSS without any CGI/green screen/ computer help???". And they really do it, all the action scenes in the movie. I got that information from Paul's interviews, which makes the movie somewhat more fascinating to me. Acting is believable enough in the movie. Good may be a too generous comment (cuz there's little room for real acting in this anyway), so I would say it's "OK".

As for Paul, some says his performance in the movie is bad, which I find an unfair judgement. Of course this role cannot be compared to his performance on BrBa, which was phenomenal, but it's decent and convincing. He totally left Jesse Pinkman behind and be racer guy in Need for Speed. At some points I feel that Aaron Paul's acting is just too intense for an entertainment and light movie like this, making the movie a little bit too drama for me. However I think Aaron Paul knows how to make a simple role look complicated, and yeah, no one can cry like him. I always like the way he cries and emotes. He deserves to be a star in the near future, and hope he'll find movies that deserve him. A rating of 6. Iwould give it a 4 - 5 on the movie scale as a whole, and a 7-7 1/2 for entertainment/car racing movies. Suitable for a group of friends, boys and girls, hanging out for fun.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Enjoy the vague gray land of of what is right and what is wrong.
16 January 2014
We are all wondering who we are. The true self. The very big "I" definition. So, as a youngster, I am obsessed with the question of finding my own self, which is the thing I constantly look for in every piece of art I ever have the fortune to look at. Songs, paintings, photographs, novels… all full of characters trying to figure out who they are. Some of them failed and some of them succeeded, but very few of them, not to my recollection, ever hit me as hard in the feeling as Walter White and Jesse Pinkman did. Their journey, together and separately, totally rip the heart out of me.

Now you may ask: Walter and Jesse who? Dear Breaking Bad non-watchers, you MUST watch it, or else, you have missed the true best masterpiece ever created on TV. I'm not that TV bug who would search for all kinds of shows; by contrast I'm kinda picky. So before watching the show, whenever I heard Breaking Bad internet fanbase chanting "Breaking Bad Breaking Bad" I was like "Stop it now! No show can be that great!". "9.6/10 on IMDb huh? How could people be so obsessed with a fictional show? Maybe I should give it a try." Then I started off following the journey of Breaking Bad. Just so you know, the show is about Walter White, a school Chemistry teacher who was diagnosed with lung cancer and supposed to live for no longer than six months. Devastated by the fact that his family, including a housewife, a disabled son and a baby girl on the way, would not be able to live without money after his death, he found a way to partner up with his ex- student Jesse Pinkman to become meth dealers (meth or crystal meth is a kind of drug). And this is when all good (or bad, or even evil) things start to happen, then constitute 5 spectacular seasons of the whole series. During the whole series, you will follow the two main characters in their process of "breaking bad", or I would prefer, revealing who they are. You will find yourself excited inside a steamy meth lab as a true meth cook, then get nervous and anxious anytime the duo meth cooks are about to get caught. There will be times when you definitely enjoy the badass explosion scenes, the gun shooting fights, the "Yeah bitch!" moments of the show. But there will also be all those tough hours when you fill your eyes with tears. No, you will not cry out loud. There just the pain you feel very deep from the heart, and tears just unnoticedly stream down on your face. Those moments will just leave you days of emptiness and sorrows.

So be prepared. The drama is a hardcore type with topless strippers, drug use exposure and very violent crime scenes. There will be extremely sad moments (I'm not telling you when, to avoid spoilers. But those moments will stay a while in your heart for certain). It would be hard for you to choose to love, or to hate any character on the show, because Black/White just doesn't exist – all the main characters are morally ambiguous, leading you to a vague land of a gray mixed space of what is right and what is wrong.

Just watch it. And enjoy the pain
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