

2 Reviews
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The Shield (2007 Video Game)
The Shield, great game, but it seems like they rushed it
7 July 2007
Being a Shield fan, I naturally bought this game the second I found it. The start of the game, you get an intro (Previously on the shield....) then your thrown into the deep-end (with a few helpful little tutorial bubbles along the way.

The game kicks off just at the end of season 3 (you know after Lem....) and with a storyline similar to some previous episodes (I won't spoil it for you). You control Vic and progress through "15 levels and 33 playable areas".

BUT it sure as heck didn't feel like it. The game was over far too quickly in my opinion. Just as I was getting into it, the credits role.

As for the content, all characters voices are done by the actors (or very good impersonators) except for Claudette (that really bugged me).

The graphics are not amazing, the characters bear strong resemblances to the show but not great quality. Great use of environment to interrogate people (kinda like The Punisher game) but no enough of it.

So to summarise, Great game, but it felt rushed


Far too short

Not enough interrogation

No real value in the "unlockables" (maybe i didn't get the good ones)

Not Claudette's voice

Not enough Lem!!


Control Vic

Have Ronnie & Shane as backup

Environmental Interrogation

Shooting (you can shoot the guns out of peoples hands)

Planting Evidence

Byz-lats & One-Niners

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Night Watch (2004)
7 June 2006
What a great film, how can you not like this. The first in an epic trilogy....

Everyone must choose..... The story is set in modern day Russia, and concerns the everlasting balance between Good (Light others) and Evil (Dark others). Taking no moral stand, this film presents the story from the side of "Light" and tells of the rise of the great "other" who will forever shift the balance of Light & Dark. This film is made on a minuscule (compared to Hollywood) budget but utilises some amazing effect (jus look out for "Tiger-Cub" and Olga) while still delivering a great story. Though originally released in Russian, the recent DVD release contains a English dub, which makes it even easier to watch. I would recommend this film to everyone, as it is one of the best films I have seen.... EVER!!

Keep your eyes open for Dechevney Dozor (Night Watch 2, aka Day Watch) and the final instalment which is currently unnamed but is only being released in English.
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