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The Menu (2022)
Very good acting, Failed writing
5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The menu" is a psychological horror movie with great actors, Ralph Fiennes from Harry Potter (Voldemort) and Anya Taylor-Joy (Queen's Gambit).

The problem is that the movie builds a lot of tension and doesn't resolve it. You will be very disappointed by the end. The movie just doesn't go anywhere.

The absence of fighting back is beyond ridiculous. There is no reason why a whole team of chefs would accept some atrocious stuff like the main chef orders.

Some scenes are very violent and could have been suggested, but it's always easier to shock the audience than actually setup writing in a scene. I can't believe that Anya went for this.

Another problem is that the movie it doesn't respect its subject. There is a chasing scene which has nothing left to do with cooking anymore. It's something basic that you would see on any horror movie like Animals or Final Girl, even The Purge.
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A beautiful disappointment.
23 December 2022
Avatar 2 is an amazing experience in terms of visuals, the motion-capture is astounding, the environments of Pandora are exquisite.

Well, except the framerate. Unbelievably enough, the framerate is not constant, going randomly from 24 to 48, and it gave me a headache. And I know exactly why. With something he called "Truecut motion", he wanted to avoid some "soap opera effect" so he kept the 48fps to action scenes...and that's puke for me. If you do 100% HFR like the Hobbit, you can get used to it. If framerate changes constantly, you just get nausea.

Even with good visuals, that's not enough to make a movie.

I cannot believe how much violence there is in this movie. On 3 hours long, there may be 1 hour of action, combat, destroying things, the colonel trying to take vengeance.

The whole movie is about the colonel trying to take vengeance on Jake Sully because Jake decided on Avatar 1 to protect the planet, against his mission. So we end up with a very cliché story of vengeance with a bad guy that never dies, that we seen a million times already.

It is beyond me that James Cameron went from Titanic to such a generic cowardly writing. Where is the debate about ecology ? Did ANYTHING evolved in terms of diplomacy ? I can't see any kind of resolution from Avatar 1 to 2. Nothing happened human-Na'vi wise. They just fight. I guess war is the only answer. Is that the real message you wanted to share, James Cameron ? How can we end up with such basic violence and no negociations ? Did you ever watch Star Trek, Goldorak ?

There are some interesting stuff, like the meeting between Na'vi and water Na'vi, but that's it.

Now, there are a bunch of things that I didn't understand. If humans can clone a mixed Na'vi-human DNA and put a consciousness in it...there can most certainly clone some whale substance to stop aging to millions of liters, right ?

How does the Na'vi communicate with the whale ?

Why the girl laughs when she see her brother fight ? Is that so funny ?

Why on earth the Na'vi get pregnant because the scientists on earth love each other ?

And what about stopping aging ? Is that really useful, in a world where you can just transfer your mind into another body ? Why no character thought about that ?

What about Earth ? Did anything happened there ? Are there any medias, any people against the whole process ? Does the scientist have any feelings ? Did anyone evolve on Earth ? We have zero news about it. But we do have hours of hollywoodian fighting.
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The Northman (2022)
A boring vengeance
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's face it, the good scenes are in the trailer. I love norse mythology but this movie was incredibly boring. I couldn't care less about this story of vengeance. I also watched this for Anya Taylor-Joy but her great performance didn't save it.

All the choice MC makes are destiny choices, this means that he only listens to his destiny, and this is a huge problem he always makes stupid decisions (well...except if you believe in destiny, but the movie isn't clear about the supernatural aspect. There are witches, soothsayers, but none of them seem to have an actual power, at least there is some doubt about it.

So it was really hard to buy that he made himself a slave just to get a vengeance someday. Why bother. He's destroying his life. At some point, he even reveals itself to the whole village (actually yelling) as the hidden son that stalked the brother's killer. I mean, way to go to kill yourself. But he somehow survives the dozen of guards. He creates chaos in the village, so the guards...give weapons to slaves. I laughed so hard. That was incredibly stupid.

Obviously, MC has a great sense of honor...but his mother doesn't, although she also receives a Viking education and culture. Whatever.

The movie is beautiful with a nice atmosphere but it's just too boring and incoherent for me.
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Men (2022)
Two movies in one...and they don't mix
16 July 2022
I love Alex Garland for The Beach, Sunshine, Annihilation...he made a lot of original and interesting movies. This one is also special but in the wrong sense.

I really liked the first part, a scary, slow atmosphere pretty much like MIdsommar. And then, for some reason, the movie becomes unbearable, violent and gore. I saw a lot of horror movies but I wasn't ready for sudden graphic content in a contemplative thriller. It was irrelevant and clearly a way be talked about.

It could have been a movie with great tension like It follows, but I'm not sure Garland knew what he wanted. The latent feminism is so naive and extreme that it's obtaining the opposite effect. (All male characters are evil)
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Gore, violent and pointless.
1 September 2021
An opening like a reality-TV show, a pathetic pile of pointless gore and violence, explosions and blood everywhere within the first 5 minutes...if you like to see that distrubing psycho content, there is probably something wrong with you.
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The Swarm (2020)
Nice atmosphere, poor writing
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the dark and horrific atmosphere of The Swarm.

But the characters didn't make sense, the mother and daughter are violent and crazy without any reason, it's clearly a naive way to add some "darkness" to the movie.

The mother is bankrupt and as soon as it starts to become better she buys a scooter for her daughter, and then they struggle again... When the swarm (spoiler) breaks out, they don't get inside with shut doors, they the beach. There is even a close shot of her wound supposed to lure the swarm, but nothing happens. A lot of tension is made for nothing.

There is no relationship with media in this movie whatsoever. We have no idea of where the swarm is going. It's like there is no television.

The ending is ridiculous, leaving all the accumulated tension. It's just unresolved and I had tons of questions about the swarm. There is like 30mn missing.

Very disappointing. Grave was better. (her previous movie)
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Luca (2021)
Cliché, boring, and charmless
16 July 2021
Luca has nothing to do with usual Pixal standards, except animation maybe, but even this style has grown old. Honestly a movie is not just a story, it's also a visual experience and it's been years that Pixar has been using the same visual engine without any artistic consideration. But that's the tiniest problem.

Luca has no charm, it sets in Italia, and all the clichés you can expect, pasta, italian accent, arrogant character, and 20 minutes of the movie feels like an ad for Vespa, it's pretty cringe to be honest. I have no idea what they tried to achieve here.

The mechanics of the MC avoiding water is interesting but again seen before and without any progression or added complexity. Pretty hard to believe the same guys did Coco, Toy Story, Up and Onward. Time to stop ?

How in the hell can I be interested in some random bike course in Italia ?
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Peninsula (2020)
Honestly pathetic
8 April 2021
What the hell happened ?

Train to Busan was really good but this is just Hollywood trash with bad acting, terrible writing, 2 hours of random CGI.

It doesn't even feel like Korean cinema. It is completely american and dumb.
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Tenet (2020)
A disappointing mess
2 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As many here noticed, it is incredibly frustrating to need a second watching to understand a movie. So I won't do it. Because when you do this kind of movies, you need to be sure that the first watching will already be a pleasure. It's not. Compare it with the sixth sense. When you don't know the end, you miss some details, and if you watch it twice it can be interesting but you don't have to do it. Here, the first watching is a pain and you HAVE to watch it twice to understand. Not because it's very intellectual. Not even because it uses some SF concepts. I've read a lot about time travel, I'm not scared of theses stories. No, it's the horrible dialogues and exposition scene that messes up the movie. I have no idea why the dialogues are that fast but it's beyond ridiculous. Characters are almost cutting each other off, like they're gonna miss a train or something. And this for the whole duration of the movie, so I had to use subtitles, like I suddenly forgot the English language. So I won't do my homework and watch it again because I wanted an experience, not a working task.

The music is overly dramatic. It's good to have overwhelming atmosphere when the scene is important and intense, but there is heavy music all the time for 2 hours, so it loses all signification. It's rare to see epic music so badly used.

Also, Robbert Pattinson is pretty good, but the MC has no emotion whatsoever. You might as well put a robot. It is a SF movie anyway. Let's mention that the first scene is a mass shooting in a concert hall, like the 2015 attacks in France. It was very shocking to see that, and Nolan couldn't possibly ignore this fact. That is such a low-key way to make his movie stand out.

The whole thing reminded me of the new brainless James Bond movies, when MC need to get some item to prevent the world from total extinction, which require a lot of pew-pew (that is the official term) and car racing (there is even a blonde). I hate this "rich" visuals with big cars, big boats, even planes, just to make things look expensive. Where is the story ?

So, Nolan added some time reversing stuff to make things complicated and intellectual, but it doesn't really make sense. Maybe it does to him, to the writers even, but if it doesn't in the spectator's eye, then it doesn't matter. And the exposition scene doesn't explain anything, except that some object are time-reversed thanks to a future technology.
  • why does this work with people too, after half ot the movie ?
  • do they stay reversed forever ?
  • Does this property depends on the material ?
  • what about the paradoxes ?
  • What about the Tenet word ? They didn't use it a single time. Did they actually read their own story ?
  • How reversed object are gonna possibly interact with normal objects ? The whole movie is based on this object having their own arrow of time but it cannot make sense. Some physicists argue that there is no arrow of time, like Minkowski's cube, but things still have to go ALL in a certain direction. Nolan's movie is just pure chaos.

Because of the movie story, fight scenes are used twice and I couldn't believe it. I have to watch this again ?? Even if you watch the movie once, you get some stuff twice. What a scam.

I hate the pseudo-scientific talk that is supposed to make everyone asleep and fall for it. So the objects are time-reversed because of some future radiation stuff. Yeah sure. I'm sorry but I love science, so I can't love this movie.The idea that some kind of formula is gonna suddenly make us able to violate laws of physics is so childish.We know gravity's law, are we able to control gravity ?

The moral at the end is so pseudo-philosophical and forced that it shouldn't make it to the second draft. My two stars are for the visuals.
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Greenland (2020)
An interesting twist of the genre
20 November 2020
Greenland is a spectacular doomsday movie, with first class acting (Morena Baccarin was also in Better Call Saul, she's amazing).

I really liked this movie because it's not just another catastrophe popcorn drama, the movie doesn't abuse CGI and actually focus on a family that breaks apart because of the chaos caused by the meteors. It's intimate and psychological, much more than you would expect from this movie genre.

The separation of the characters create different points of view that come together to tell the story and this structure is well thought.

I really felt connected to the characters and the whole thing felt truly intense. Even if you're not a fan of doomsday movies, you should like this one.
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What's the purpose of this ?
22 October 2020
I have no idea what I just saw. Is this supposed to be funny ? A bit scary maybe ? I guess it's a movie for kids but it's absurd and vague. I didn't care for any of these characters.
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Misery (1990)
Great acting
20 October 2020
The unpredictable nurse makes it a very entertaining and scary horror movie, it really aged well, far from horror clichés and jumpscares. The atmosphere is great, the landscapes beautiful, and a lot of work has obviously been made. Clearly one of the best King's adaptations.
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Jumbo (2020)
Original subject with zero judgment
11 August 2020
Zoé Wittock is already known for "Portrait d'une jeune fille en feu" which also features the main actress Noémie Merlant.

I loved Jumbo and the objectophily is treated with as much respect and sensitivity as Zoé could. Jeanne is shy and fragile, different than the others schoolgirls like her, and she gradually feels spellbound by this big attraction, which she calls Jumbo. Jumbo is full of lights and it's a pretty intense attraction so Jumbo can actually make her feel something than nothing else can. So the emotional aspect is not just totally inside Jeanne's head ; there is also Jumbo's part, and even some surnatural, maybe symbolic animation from the object, but it's very poetic and discrete. I love the way this was handled, with much parcimony. There is a clear message at the end, an incentive to make us respect this special sexuality that really isn't bothering any one except the most narrow-minded. Jeanne only asks one thing, to be left alone and spend some time with Jumbo, but somehow this is too much to ask the whole society is despising her, it's really frustrating to watch, with still a positive shift at the end. There is even interesting aesthetics and photography, with the sensuality between Jeanne and Jumbo, without ever falling into graphic sexuality. It's subtle and beautiful. We must salute the director's initiative because this is a very touchy subject and she went all-in to propose us something new, something original and different. This is what I want to see in cinema. Anyone can appreciate this, I recommend.
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As interesting as 3 billboards can be.
12 May 2020
I saw that movie because of its 8.2 rating, and now I can say it's clearly overrated.

The first half is decent but the writing completely fails at renewing the intrigue and creating any kind of progression. The main character is dull and unlikable. Her son has almost no dialogue lines. The police characters doesn't make sense for the most of them. She get covered by someone who has absolutely no reason to cover her, for a very serious crime. They are much better dramas out there, keep looking and don't waste your time.
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
Subtle and beautiful, but no story and no ending.
1 May 2020
The assistant follows the story of a secretary and the atmosphere is really well-made with subtle scornful smirks on the face of her colleagues, a passive psychiatrist, no private space in the office, she needs to make absurd apologies because she asks questions... All of this is great but it goes nowhere. This movie has no development, no plot twist, no subplot, no surprises. It vaguely criticizes the offfice environment and casting couchs, but the writing is half made and the movie is not finished.

Big disappointment.
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Vivarium (2019)
When you can't write more than one line of script.
28 March 2020
It's basically a failed Truman show with no plot development. Nothing happens after the first 20 minutes, no ideas are put into pictures, I'm actually surprised that the movie is even able to show us anything, it does a good job at sustaining its own emptiness.

The actors act, the camera work. Unfortunately that's not enough to make a movie. A movie needs a story, and a story is something more than setup. These guys need to add some steps to their writing process.

Don't watch. Or just watch the trailer. Honestly it should just be a trailer, because there is nothing more in the movie.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Not interesting, and too much talk
21 March 2020
This movie is unbearable. More than two hours of non-stop talking, sometimes several characters talking at once, I don't know if it tries to mimic some king of intensity of action but it's pathetic and obnoxious. And the main actor is barely decent.
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The Platform (2019)
Interesting plot, no development
21 March 2020
The platform has a Bong Joon-Ho feeling, with a quite obvious social commentary and a agressive separation between rich and poor, and also a form of government hiding the truth and using the people. Unfortunately, Te platform fails fo bring some interesting development and additional intrigue to what was pretty promising. The more it goes, the more shallow it becomes, with a ridiculous, rushed ending. It fails to conclude anything and compensates his lack of substance by gore and violence.

Even is the trailer is incentive, this is not a good SF movie. Find something else to watch.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Great ideas, but half of the movie is useless
15 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved the atmosphere of Doctor sleep. The vampires are amazing, there is a lot of visual and aesthetic ideas, especially everything around the psychic powers, even the voice inside the head is scary. And the astral journey is beautiful. Ewan McGregor is convincing, and the main vampire is a great actress too.

However...after most of psychic vampires are defeated, there is almost nothing left to do. The scenario crumbles and this is just a guided visit of the Overlook hostel. The movie adds a lot of Shining references, and even recreates shots of Shining, and even includes some original Shining shots. All of this is useless and boring.

It's basically an interesting and scary movie of 1h30 and then you got Shining 1 again. I recommend the first part and then just get out of the theater.
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El camino : The path to disappointment
18 October 2019
Breaking Bad is my favorite TV show, but I felt absolutely nothing in this movie. Nothing happens, the writing is poor and doesn't take any risks. When I learned it was actually the same writer as in the series, I was just stunned. How could it be the same guy ? Why is this movie not interesting at all ?

Well, maybe it was time to stop with this universe. And they didn't.

Jesse is just looking after a bunch of money, and we get some flashbacks too, overall it's completely useless and a waste of time.

I give 3 stars to cinematography, but don't watch it, you'll miss nothing.
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Utter garbage
15 August 2019
This movie is beyond ridiculous.

Godzilla is shooting laser and you also got an hydra and a giant cockroach.

Oh, and and terrible writing, terrible acting. I had more emotions lacing my shoes.

Classic CGI exhibitionism with no ideas. The original Godzilla was much better.
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Midsommar (2019)
An insane, otherwordly masterpiece
2 August 2019
I didn't see Heredity from Ari Aster but I definitely will. I saw Midsommar 2 days ago and I'm still shocked, still with the atmosphere in my head, it's really bewitching.

We follow a group of american friends going to a festival in Sweden. The music is very harsh, tense, you can tell it's not gonna end well. Even before the trip, the setup is very dark because Dani's sister has suicidal tendencies.

And then it really begins. The trip is thrown away is a few shots, because it's about the festival.

Dani and her friends are welcomed by a community of maybe 100 people. They seem kind even though a bit weird, and I don't really understand how these young people could be interested in a traditional, local festival, but anyway. Some of the friends have actually related studies about anthropology, so I guess it all starts from here.

Quickly, a lot of unsettling things happen, and Dani and his friends feel more and more insecure. These locals culture is odd, to say the least. Quite shocking actually. Do NOT bring your children. This cultural differences bring a really good reflexion about what is good and evil. It's not just about a bunch of weird people, we could actually learn some things from them. Dani, even with the strange coutumes, starts to feel integrated to the locals, while his friends are freaking out (and they should). It's hard to see what's wrong and what's right. Ari Aster makes a perfect job at muddying the waters.

All I say sounds like a basic horror movie but it's not. The atmosphere is perfectly conceived, it's deep and captivating. I didn't even feel the 2 hours and a half. But it is really mentally exhausting, maybe like Funny games or Clockwork Orange.

The narrative progression, the tension is so well-rythmed it's a surreal experience.

Everything is beautiful. Even when horrible things happen, it's just shot perfectly, with perfect colors, and clever details ( some of the friends take drugs and sometimes you see subtle changes in the shots, in the background). The costumes, the dances, the architecture, the symbols and runes...they put a lot of work in details and creating this universe.

The actors are amazing, regarding the tough scenes they have to realize. Dani is a nice discovery for me.

It's impossible to describe really (without spoilers), but I loved it and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind some graphic violence. (a few shots)
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Us (II) (2019)
It promises to be original and surprising, but it's not.
26 May 2019
So, It's Jordan Peele's second attempt to create something close to Funny games from Haneke, and it still fails.

I really liked the cinematography, especially in the beginning.

The first 20 minutes hooked me. We discover a family haunted by their doubles, and these doubles are very special, they are not zombies nor humans. That's what interested me. And then I realized that nothing special would happen. It's just people being harassed by strangers. The double could be anyone else. There is a vague expanation in the beginning, the mother is somehow linked to a girl she met when she was young, and that's all.

The concept is very inconsistant. Sometimes the characters can control their doubles, but most of the time they can't, it makes no sense. So it ends up just being a horror movie, trying to be special but failing. I don't really recommend.
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The Society (2019)
Wonderful surprise.
23 May 2019
The Society is a Sci-fi story about college student being subtly trapped in what seems to be another world. We don't know much about what is going on, even after watching the whole season. It's frustrating but actually it allows this narrative to focus on the political aspect of these young people trying (or not) to live together and figure out how to survive without any outside help.

Some details about the universe made me raise an eyebrow (why is there electicity ? Why are they able to communicate with phones?), but overall the story is captivating and intense, which couldn't be possible without really good acting, not only from MC but everyone in general. Suprisingly good, given the average age of actors.

A really interesting detail : a scene shows some characters unable to understand each other because they use different sign languages (ASL and BSL). This is a topic not much talked about and I think the lack of unity in Sign language is preposterous. Maybe that will raise some awareness.

What really hooked me is the realistic tone. While watching, I always told myself : "It would definitely happen this way". This is obviously great quality screenwriting and a lot of work has been made.

Finally, it's available on Netflix. And for a Netflix show, again it's surprisingly good. If you liked Under the Dome you'll most likely enjoy this one too.
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Funny, dramatic, shocking
11 March 2019
I had no expectations for this movie, I just saw the trailer and figured out it was some kind of comedy.

Turns out it's a social drama about racism and particularly about KKK, it's handled in a clever way, No surprise here because the director is Spike Lee who likes to make movies about this subject, like Malcolm X.

I like the way this movie is both funny and political, and I especially like the way "white power" and "black power" are aligned by editing like the extremisms they are. It's really interesting and I recommend it.

I didn't like Adam Driver in Star Wars 7 but here he's a big surprise. His character is really strong with improvisation which helps a lot his infiltration in KKK. Both main characters are well written. The costumes and haircuts really add an immersive atmosphere for the time period.

Watchout for the end though, don't bring anyone under 16 it's really graphic and it's real footage of violent riots about racism.
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