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3 June 2023
Quite simply perfection. This movie does not disappoint whatsoever. I've been hyped for this film ever since that first trailer dropped and it was worth the wait. The visuals are even better than the first one (which I didn't think was even possible) it is quite simply a groundbreaking film and the way that it is able to explore spider man in a way you can only do in animation. It is very rare you get sequels these days that are able to be even better than the original but this film definitely does that.

Overall Thoughts- This film is a much watch. Stop what you're doing right now go to the cinema and watch this film because it is a masterpiece in every single way and I think I will only love this film even more on rewatch. Overall I'm going to give Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse an easy 10/10.
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Am M Night Film without a twist
9 February 2023
👍🏻 7/10

The Good- it gets straight to the point. Just a simple premise of 'what would you do'. It manages to make you feel things without even properly showing what is going on. Dave Bautista gives his best performance to date. You can see that he wants to be taken seriously as an actor and doesn't want to fall into the same boat as John Cena or The Rock. In short it's a straight forward film with solid performances that gets you invested in the simple scenario that makes you question whether these characters are telling the truth and it doesn't drag on for too long either.

The Bad- the movie pretty much relies on the first film to set everything up. Dave Bautista shows up and it relies on that one scene to set the tone for the rest of the film. The ending just sort of resolves things but doesn't have this 'big twist' that you expect from an M. Night Shamylan film. The ending makes you sit there and go 'is that it'. It doesn't make you roll your eyes but it also doesn't have that big payoff.

Overall thoughts- this is just a mid tier M Night Shamylan film. I liked it, I thought it was good it kept me engaged but it was far from his best and it just feels like a safe bet. Overall I'm going to give 'Knock At The Cabin' a 7/10 and if you enjoy his films then I'd go check it out.
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A really fun movie with lots of emotions
8 July 2022
Great cast, Hemsworth knocks it out of the park once again with his performance. Taika Watiti remains one of my favourite directors at this moment time. Christian Bale is terrifying as the villain here and gives one of my favourite performances in the MCU and brings one of the best villains. I'm just not quite sure where else this Thor character can go now. Feels like a conclusion for his character.

Overall I'm going to give Thor Love & Thunder a 9/10.
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Choose or Die (2022)
Would've mad for a better mini series rather than a film
31 May 2022
The Good- The dynamic between our two leads at the beginning of the film was interesting enough. Even though I didn't think they did a good job building up these characters, the game itself was fascinating as it gives the audience this 80s feel to it.

The Bad- At the start of the film they set up these plot points that they just don't explore whatsoever as they were focused more on exploring the game. Something I could not get past was as we went through the film they did not give us any answers and there wasn't enough depth to the script. Whenever someone dies you don't really feel the stakes cos I just do not care for these characters. Even the game at a certain point feels conflicted and even the explanation and the ending feels messy, convoluted and overly ridiculous. My main issue with this film is the depth of the characters which there is none. I feel like if this was a mini series it would give it more time to flesh out these characters and make the characters more interesting.

Overall Thoughts- Choose Or Die delivers on the gore however it leaves you confused and wishing for a series rather than a film. Overall I'm going to give 'Choose Or Die' a 3/10 and you can definitely skip this one.
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Sam Rami Back In The Comic Book Genre
7 May 2022
The Good- Now Sam Rami is easily one of the most influential and important directors in the comic book movie. In this film Sam Rami shows what he can do when give creative freedom. Fair enough the opening act has the same old MCU formula like most of its films. But in the second and third act he is able to really showcase what he can do as a director, not only in the comic book genre but also t horror genre as well. I was surprised how dark they could go with this film while also still being able to keep it as a PG-13. We continue to explore the heartbreak of Wanda's journey. Elizabeth Olsen continues to showcase the her acting range as she shows this heartbroken character that is also terrifying. While the plot is a follow up to WandaVision, the character ark and exploration is focused on Doctor Strange and you get a clear idea of where he is at post-Endgame and how he has evolved as a character since that first Doctor Strange film. The new addition to this film America Chavez, who is essentially used as a plot device, is a plot device done right. Although she is there to move the plot forward she has the charm and chemistry with Doctor Strange and is enjoyable to watch on screen but her set of powers are used to move the plot forwards. Lastly we're going to talk about the cameos. Now unlike No Way Hone this film isn't built on the idea of merging three different franchises together that being said there were obviously opportunities to bring back some familiar faces. And when these sequences happened I had a massive grin across my face. One face certainly caught me off guard that I did not expect. I'm glad this did not end up being a cameo centric movie but still had some fun with the multi-verse. There's so many things in this film that I'm glad were mad a part of the MCU.

The Bad- The movie feels like it was by two different directors. The first 40 minutes is your generic MCU film and I was saying to myself 'this doesn't feel like a Sam Rami film' and then as you get into the back half of the film it is very distinctly a Sam Rami film. With a bunch of the creatures and the way he visualises horror aspects. While it has some of the visual horror rami stuff. The visuals feel like a massive step down from the first Doctor Strange film. The story is fairly straightforward and moves at a pretty fast pace which is why the film is fairly short compared to recent MCU films. I appreciate that not every MCU film needs to be 2 and a half+ hours long. When your call your film this there's an expectation that there's going to be a lot of multiverse and a lot of madness. While a lot of these recent comic book films could of been cut 10,15 minutes this is one that could have added 10,15 minutes.

What I will say is that Sam Rami clearly brought his A game when directing. He clearly didn't have a lot of freedom when it came to structuring the story due to him being brought in late in production. I can imagine a version of this that would have be a lot better if they had given Rami more time and freedom on the story.

Overall I'm going to give 'Doctor Strange Into The Multiverse Of Madness' a 8/10 and if you are an MCU fan I would recommend watching it but go in with limited expectations.
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Am Emotional But Fun Sci-Fi Action Movie
16 March 2022
This was a film that wasn't wasn't on my radar until I saw the trailer. From when I saw the trailer I was hooked

The Good- This is a good old-fashioned sci-fi adventure. The movie very much has deep emotions and about remembering those loved ones which absolutely resonates with me in what I have gone through in my personal life in the last 3 months and really let me reflect on my memories with lost loved ones (in particularly my dad who died just before Christmas). It has everything you would want from a time travel film. It has everything you would want from a modern day film while also having a bit of an 80s feeling to it (although it is not a film that I could see being released in the 80s). Ryan Reynolds is just doing what Ryan Reynolds does and I love it. As an adventure film there is plenty of action throughout the film.

The Bad- There are a few sub plots here that don't quite work. For example the relationship with Ryan Reynolds and Zoe Saldana feels like in an earlier version of the script it had a bigger part in the story and now it's just feels like it's just there and doesn't have any real significance.

It's a movie that I had fun with. I liked it. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad. It laugh and it played with my emotions. If you like sci-fi actions with emotion this is a movie you will enjoy a good bit. Overall I'm going to give 'The Adam Project' a 7/10. And if you liked the trailers you should definitely go and check it out.
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Tall Girl 2 (2022)
Why does this exist
23 February 2022
Why is this movie a thing. There was no reason to continue this story. Even though I didn't like the first one it did feel like a good enough conclusion. This one just stomps all over that conclusion in the first half an hour. It is filled with cliche drama, cliche relationships and cliche dialogue and interactions. There were lines of dialogues being written where I was left scratching my head thinking who talks like that. It is crazy to think about some of the Netflix shows that got cancelled but Netflix agreed to Tall Girl 2 and that just baffles me. Overall Tall 2 is unnecessary and I'm going to give it a 2/10.
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Home Team (2022)
A Cliche Sports Movie
22 February 2022
It tries to be a emotional, feel-good, uplifting American Football movie under Adam Sandlers production company. Kevin James does an okay job but doesn't (in my opinion) give off an accurate portrayal. However this film does nail what it is trying to be, which is a cliche sports movie. There are some heartwarming moments but it is filled with absolute silly moments which take away from the heartwarming stuff. The humour here does bring the film down in quality a little bit. However it is better than what I was expecting. It's a fun movie for family and kids but doesn't really attract other audiences. Overall I'm going to give 'Home Team' a 5/10.
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Nothing New To The Genre
19 February 2022
The best way to describe this movie is that it is a very slick production of familiar source material. If you enjoy murder mystery/w whodunnit films then this will be a very watchable film for you. Now there is a lot to enjoy here however it did feel like we have seen this movie before so it doesn't really add anything new to the genre. I enjoyed it enough I just don't know weather I'd ever be in the mood to rewatch this one because of how familiar it is. For example Knives Out was such a fresh take on the genre and is a film that I find myself rewatching multiple times a year. Now I'm not familiar with the source material for this one, I didn't know how it ended however I was able to guess how it ended around an hour in. I would just about give this a positive review but I would only recommend it to people who are fans on this genre. If your not already a fan of this genre this film probably isn't going to be one that will win you over. Overall I'm going to give 'Death On The Nile' a 6/10.
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Scream (I) (2022)
A Return To Form For The Franchise
22 January 2022
The Good- This is a really good cast weather you are talking about returning characters or newcomers into this franchise. The great thing about having such a good cast is that it makes it that little bit harder for the audience to figure out who the killer actually is. Not only is this film creative but it also has something new to say about the horror genre which is what these films have done in the past. Even with all these things going for it. It all goes down to the characters and it does hit hard when them kills come. I really liked the ending with all the madness that happens and certain things catching me off guard. The more I think about this film the more I appreciate it.

The Bad- The film occasionally pulls you away for a quick conversation. Although most of the performances here were fine they're 1 or 2 questionable acting and line delivery which didn't quite work and although their was some humour I wasn't laughing as much as I wanted to.

Overall Thoughts- 'Scream' breathes fresh air into this franchise and keeping you on your toes whilst doing this. The kills are as horrific as ever. This is probably one of my favourites in this franchise. Overall I'm going to give 'Scream' an 8/10 and is definitely worth watching.
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A fun comic book film that improves in the first film
18 October 2021
The Good- There is plenty of action in here that absolutely amazes me. The humour between Eddie Brock and Venom works once again in this one and is something I wish we had more of in the first film. It knows that the relationship between Eddie and Anne didnt work so we get less of that and more of these funny bromance moments between Eddie and Venom. Woody Harrelson kills it as Carnage.

The Bad- although I liked the humour I feel that some of it doesn't land as well as it should have especially with the more side characters. Also feel like Carnage was very underwhelming for a character as big as they are in the comics.

Overall Thoughts- Overall Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a fun blockbuster that is sure to get some laughs out of audiences while providing some good action and is a definite improvement on it's predecessor so I'm going to give 'Venom Let There Be Carnage' a 7/10.
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Another Good Edition To The MCU
6 September 2021
The Good- This film blends all of it's genres in very nicely. It is one part martial arts. One part family drama and one part fantasy. One of the things the MCU is good at is telling stories from different genres and making them fit within the universe and this film does exactly that. This has some of the best fight sequences within the MCU. The dynamic between Shang Chi and Awkwafina's character has a very nice dynamic between the two and really play of each other. All of the characters play a part into the story and none of them really feel pushed to the side. The Villain is also one of the better ones we have in the MCU as he has these conflicting values and we see both his good and bad side. It also isn't very predictable to see what he is going to do next. Finally the director feels like they were given a lot more freedom than usual inside MCU films because of how the story is told there hasn't been many films that have been told in this sort of style or tackling these sort of issues. This movie feels like a significant film into the MCU and moving forward in the MCU which was one of my issues with 'Black Widow'. Overall it delivered everything you want from an MCU film plus some new stuff which I enjoyed.

The Mixed- The humour made me laugh and I found some of it funny. But there is a lot of forced MCU humour. If you are one of them people who are tired from the quick one liners we have in the MCU then this movie is going to frustrate you.

The Bad- One of the biggest problems is the MCU template in the sense that it has to have all these jokes, a massive CGI battle at the end and has to tie into the MCU in different ways. Some of the humour works in the moment but others just fell so forced.

Overall Thoughts- Overall 'Shang Chi' is a exciting mix of the MCU, martial arts, family genre and fantasy. I loved the martial arts aspect but you can tell the MCU formula trying to cheapen the experience a little bit. However put it all together you get yet another MCU film that knows what's coming next. Yet not quite a top teir MCU movie. Overall I'm going to give Shang Chi a 8/10.
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It Does Its Job
2 September 2021
The Good- I liked the concept of this film about meeting two crazy people of holiday and not wanting to bring them into your everyday lives. It's something everyone can relate to I'm sure. The comedic timing in here is great from the secondary couple. John Cena is perfect for this role.

The Bad- Now this isn't a film I'd recommend all that much. If your in the mood for some dumb comedy then yes this is one I'd probably recommend but there are better comedies out there that are a lot funnier and send a better message. There wasn't a lot of issues I had with this film. There just isn't a lot of great things about it either.

Overall Thoughts- 'Vacation Friends' features enough laughs to keep viewers engaged. However the comedy doesn't 100% land but there is enough chemistry between the cast. Overall I'm going to give 'Vacation Friends' a 6/10.
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Bad Trip (2021)
24 August 2021
The movie follows 2 friends on a cross country road trip pulling there real life audience into the madness, mayhem and pranks.

The Good- One thing this film does great is breaking the fourth wall with the audience they don't try too hard to act they just go straight into the pranks. There wasn't one moment that felt dull. This movie is absolutely hilarious which is what you want from a comedy.

The Bad- Not every joke landed, not every prank landed but it is very hard for that to happen these days with comedy.

Overall Thoughts- Bad Trip is absolutely hilarious and accomplishes everything it aims for. Overall I'm going to give 'Bad Trip' a 8/10 and I had a lot more fun with this than I thought I would initially.
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Vivo (I) (2021)
Great soundtrack although all too familiar story
21 August 2021
The Good- The music in this film. A lot of this has to do with Lin Manuel Miranda. This feels like a Disney movie in the fact that you have such a likeable character (yes I know it isn't a Disney film). Every scene has them moments that will make you cry or laugh. The story does it job and made for kids.

The Bad- The story feels like we have seen this before and I feel like it should have done more to stand out from the crowd.

Overall Thoughts- Vivo features one of the best soundtracks of the year and kids are going to love this. Overall I'm going to give 'Vivo' a 6/10.
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Stillwater (2021)
A Fascinating Film With Strong Performances
4 August 2021
Stillwater was an absolutely fascinating journey. Stillwater starring Matt Damon. Follows a father who moves from Oklahoma to Marseille, to help get his daughter out of prison for a murder she claims she didn't commit.

The Good- This is a unique and fascinating journey. Some of the choices in this film were unpredictable and some of the twists here work very well. Matt Damon gives an amazing performance in this film and one of the best performances I have seen him give in a film. If you are interested in this film you should definitely go and watch this. The second act of this film was amazing and the focus of the movie changes here a lot. Some people might not like what they do in the third act. Personally I didn't mind it too much, it didn't ruin the film for me but I do think I'd have preferred them to go down a different route.

The Bad- I do think this was 10 or 15 minutes they could of taken out of the film, especially in the first act. The first act was very weak. The film does take it's time to find it's focus and rhythm.

Overall Thoughts- Stillwater was a beautifully shot movie that takes you on a very fascinating journey and gives you some very strong performances from all of our leads. The themes and messages are the strongest parts of this movie. It isn't a perfect movie however the good outweigh the bad enough for me to recommend this movie to people. Overall I'm going to give 'Stillwater' a 8/10.
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A Good Conclusion To The Trilogy
3 August 2021
Fear Street 1666 is the final film in the Fear Street Netflix trilogy. As we learn about the origins of Sarah Feir

The Good- I like how it was executed in the first half by using the cast of the first film. There is definitely a pay off from the original film in this film. Sarah Feir was a character I was expecting a lot from and I got what I wanted from her. This film gives you the conclusion that you want from the finale of this trilogy

The Bad- The way the story played out you can probably predict what happens. Some of the lines of dialogue is cheesy as you expect from these films. Some of the actors didn't quite nail the accents that you expect from a film set in the year 1666.

Overall Thoughts- The final film in this trilogy gives you the conclusion you want while also having a few terrifying scares along the way. Overall I'm going to give 'Fear Street: 1666' a 7/10.
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Oxygen (2021)
Predictable But Enjoyable
2 August 2021
Oxygen tells the story of a woman who is running out of Oxygen and must rebuild her memory to escapeZ

The Good- This film at the very least had my intention. I enjoyed the intensity, if you don't get invested you will not enjoy it. I was surprised by how much this entertained me. They did a good job with futuristic vibe.

The Bad- The twist in the final act I sort of saw coming. The CGI isn't the best either. If you are not invested you are not going to like this film that much.

Overall Thoughts- While it is predictable. 'Oxygen' is a effectible claustrophobic thriller. Overall I'm going to give 'Oxygen' a 7/10.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
It Was A Good Concept The Execution Not Quite There
31 July 2021
This is probably going to be one of the most intense films that I have seen this year.

The Good- This film is intense, entertaining and constantly keeps you at the edge of your seats throughout because of the different aspects that conflict with one another. Although we have seen some elements like this in other films. This film takes those elements and uses them in a way that it feels completely fresh.

The Bad- The execution of it all could have been that little bit better. There were some points where I did start to lose interest because of the execution not because I wasn't having fun with this film. The second act does become a bit dull for my liking as everything starts to slow down.

Overall Thoughts- Although the story brings nothing new to the genre it definitely gives you the intensity you want out of a film like this. Overall I'm going to give 'Red Blood Sky' a 6/10.
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Old (2021)
Not A Perfect Film. But Appreciate The Concept
30 July 2021
M. Night Shyamalan is a director who's films I will always go and watch because of how divisive they are and because of that this film was one of my most anticipated films of the year. The film is a psychological thriller about a family on a tropical island who discover that the beach that they are on is somehow causing them to age rapidly.

The Good- Although it is not a perfect film I get the feeling that not a lot of people will appreciate this film. For me personally I enjoyed my experience with 'Old'. The creative vision of M. Night, is not the strongest of his films but is the most passionate and you can feel the passion that he put into this film. The message this film gives is very strong and honestly I came out of this film just thinking about my friends and family and really appreciate the little things you have in life. There is a lot of strange and intense moments in this film and I couldn't think of another director who could have made them moments work. All of our main leads do give great performances that all work.

The Bad- Some of the line delivery from certain actors didn't work and certain characters did end up coming off as cliche. Some of the editing and cinematography wasn't exactly great either. Now although I thought the ending worked it felt like it dragged on just that little bit and they could of ended it at a different point.

Overall Thoughts- If you're not an M. Night Shyamalan fan this film probably won't win you over, however go in with an open mind. Some of the dialogue is cheesy cliche however the message this film gives us really strong and something that is going on in a lot of people's lives. Overall I'm going to give 'Old' a 7/10.
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Perfect in every way
30 July 2021
James Gunn does it again as 'The Suicide Squad' is one of the best comic book films made and is just amazing in every way.

The Good- this film is a fresh film in it's genre and honestly I want more comic book films like this. This is one of the best blockbuster films probably since Avengers: Endgame. This feels exactly like a comic book exactly and I mean that as a positive. James Gunn nailed the action, there were times I found myself at the edge of my seat because of how amazing the action really was, weather it was the final battle or Harley Quinn and the best we have seen her. Margot Robbie absolutely kills it as Harley Quinn. The movies pacing flies by and doesn't spend too much time away from the action. The comedy is all great throughout and I was constantly laughing throughout this movie. Every character has that one moment to shine throughout as well weather it is that one joke or an emotional moment every has something about them. James Gunns writing here is so whitty that it feels so unique in a genre that realistically has been very overcrowded over recent years where there is a new film every couple of months. Honestly I think Margot Robbie is the perfect casting for Harley Quinn as well and personally I think it's time we put her in the top tier castings for comic book characters. The cast here is all amazing and you can see there passion for this project within there roles.

Overall Thoughts- 'The Suicide Squad' is everything I wanted and more it is hilarious, entertaining and surprisingly emotional. Between all that the action is brutal and bloody and one of the most brutal films you will see for a while. James Gunn created a flat out creative and wacky experiences every character has its moments and honestly I cannot wait to watch this again. This film is perfect in every way. Overall I'm going to give 'The Suicide Squad' a 10/10.
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Don't listen to the critics this is a fun movie
16 July 2021
The Good- This is a great return for the Looney Tunes characters. There are certain jokes and quirks that absolutely work in here and there isn't really any character here that falls flat. Everything about the Looney Tunes characters is amazing and I have missed seeing these characters on the big screen. The animation is great as always and the CGI works when it's needed to. The actual basketball match is great when these characters are going completely bonkers it is so much fun to watch. I smiled and laughed throughout the whole film which is all I was really looking to get out of this film. Don Cheadle was a lot of fun in this role as well.

The Bad- I didn't think LeBron James was that good in this role his acting just felt very fake or forced especially in the emotionally heavy moments. I wish that it wasn't completely focused on LeBron and more on the Looney Tunes much like the original.

Overall Thoughts- Space Jam: A New Legacy is a fun movie, it's not a perfect film but neither is the original. It brought the Looney Tunes characters back on the big screen and did them justice, although I'd have loved to of seen them to be more of the main focus of the story. I miss these types of movies and this brings back a lot of nostalgia. Overall I'm going to give "Space Jam: A New Legacy" a 7/10.
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15 July 2021
The Forever Purge is the fifth instalment in the Purge franchise and although it is being rumoured to be the final one of the franchise. It also ends up being the most forgettable of them all as well.

The Good- Now this isn't a terrible movie. Some of the direction, cinematography and set designs here and action scenes were pretty well done. Our two main leads also give some pretty good performances as well.

The Bad- This film is very heavy handed. The idea they had seemed like a good idea however it just came across as a bit too much and came across as more of a parody of a Purge film and didn't really feel like it was a Purge film. It just sort of lost the vibe that we have gotten from the latter instalments of this franchise. The killers weren't exactly that memorable they just felt very underwhelming apart from 1 or 2 moments throughout the film.

Overall Thoughts- Like I said it is not a terrible movie some good cinematography and performances and some good action sequences. However when it comes down to the concept of the film, the characters and the story it doesn't reach the heights that the other Purge films were able to reach. By the end of the film I said to myself I will probably never watch that again because of how forgettable and there is nothing memorable going on here. If your not a fan of this franchise this one probably won't win you over, if you are a fan you might enjoy it however you probably won't remember it. Overall I'm going to give "The Forever Purge" a 4/10.
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A Fun Horror/ Slasher Movie
9 July 2021
The Good- The cast all plays there part very well. There is this factor that the movie knows what tone it is going for. It is not all that it seems and takes a very unexpected turn and gets more intense that I expected and catches you off guard. I also thought the cast had great chemistry. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and had a really good time with it. After this movie I am really hyped for the second film.

The Mixed- I'm not sure weather the other two films will be as fun as the other this one was.

The Bad- The story is a bit too muddled in third act. The writing didn't do the actors justice.

Overall Thoughts- This is a horror movie that is worth watching. It delivers on everything you want it to and the story is full of surprises, but it is not without it's faults. Overall I'm going to give 'Fear Street Part I: 1994' a 7/10. It is a good film and worth the watch.
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Fatherhood (I) (2021)
An Emotional Film With Good Enough Performances
8 July 2021
The Good- As the movie progresses Kevin Hart did a good job. There are a couple of scenes early on where I thought he could of gotten more emotional but beyond that he generally gave a good performance as he builds this relationship with his daughter. The movie works a lot better when it dives into the emotional stuff and by the end of the film there is a nice balance between the seriousness and the comedy.

The Bad- I sort o fan rushes through things rather than spending more time on the big moments that happen in this film. I thought the time jump was a bit too big and happened to fast and I feel like this is down to the script of the film.

Overall Thoughts- Kevin Hart shows a nice range of emotions as 'Fatherhood' tries to pull on those heart strings. Overall I'm going to give 'Fatherhood' a 7/10.
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