
11 Reviews
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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
Surprised by the rating.
29 November 2022
At the time of writing this the overall rating sits at a 5.6. Maybe it isn't surprising as the reviews seem to be either a 2 or an 8. This is highly unusual for a well written movie with two A list actors. Maybe it hits too close to home, it deals with some dark mental health issues that some people don't find funny. Davidson has staked a lot of his career on that, which made him particularly suitable for this movie. The humor is more mature than you would find in a typical SNL cast type Adam Sandler movie. It's more Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets Groundhog Day than 50 First Dates.
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Our Friend (2019)
How Else Could You Tell the Story?
23 September 2021
Reading the reviews a lot of people complain about how the time line jumps. I'm not sure the story could be told in a linear manner and not be even more confusing and less engaging. Not all events in our lives are exactly memorable until we look back at the decisions that led up to them. I realize this isn't traditional story telling but I know I don't always looks at the events in my life chronologically. This is the story of how 3 separate lives are intertwined, twisting and turning back on one another. If the movie was edited to present the same scenes in the order they happened I think it would be predictable and very sad.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Amazing Soundtrack
19 September 2021
It's not even worth reviewing this show, you just need to watch it. The writing, the acting, the scenery, even the wardrobe are all top notch I'm only writing this review to praise whomever chose the music. It's not only good music, it was all well chosen to fit each episode or scene. The entire show is extremely well done.
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Pandora (2019–2020)
29 August 2021
It's like a kick in the baby maker. If anyone can explain how this show got two seasons and FIrefly only one I'd like to hear it. The writing is bad. The concept and storyline aren't terrible, but the dialogue is just painful. Even with the occasional nod to other Sci-Fi series the characters seem wooden. The acting isn't great but I'm not sure you can blame them given the material they have to work with. Many of the episodes are contrived and you have kids skipping classes to run top secret missions stealing spaceships to foil intergalactic crime syndicates before returning to their dorms for study group. It makes it difficult to suspend your disbelief. I don't think the CGI is as bad as people are making it out to be, but some of the props and costumes are pretty weak. It's not the worst show in the 'verse but it's pretty close.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Where is my mind?
24 May 2021
I thought I'd write a review before finishing the final season. I didn't know about the show until several years after it premiered. Man, what a gem of a show. Well written and well acted in the post vampire, zombie apocalypse era of TV this one stands out. The characters are not only well written they are well developed. If I had to compare it I'd say it's like Justified and Twin Peaks had a baby. If I wanted to write for the screen this is where I would set the bar. If I had a friend that didn't like the show I would reevaluate that friendship it's that good. I'm thankful for the pandemic, without it I probably wouldn't have ever seen the show. If I had 1 criticism it would maybe be the title. "The Leftovers" while apt, is a terrible and completely misleading title. If I saw this title when it was on TV I literally ignored it and left it covered in cling wrap in the back of the fridge. Like many leftovers they can better after the fact.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
Mark, you can eat my cabbage head and go on comp of you don't like it.
28 January 2021
What a gem. And a the best jean jacket. Yes, I said jean jacket.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
8 October 2020
Great show, sad to see it walked through the door. I thought the last season opened it up to another but when your time is up, your time is up. Ted Danson has played out of his Malone character and this is a better reincarnation. Perfect binge show.
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Star Trek Continues (2013–2017)
A Great Homage
8 September 2020
The Corona virus has been great for one thing, binging shows you may have overlooked in the past. I seem to recall thinking Star Trek Continues was going to be a cheesy knock off when it first aired. Nothing could be further from the truth. I've been so impressed with the series I felt I had to write this review. The sets, lighting, costumes, make-up and hair, as well as the music are spot on to TOS. Frighteningly so. And while they do take some comedic liberties with the characters, the stories are in line with the classic science fiction writing that made TOS a cult classic. It's not as slick or action packed as the new movies or series like Picard or Discovery, but it's a great homage to Roddenburry's original vision. Congratulations to all involved and thanks.
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Merlin (2008–2012)
Hidden Gem
22 December 2019
It's literally an age old story expertly turned into a episodic. Each episode is complete in and of itself, but also contributes to the overall story arch. If you pay attention the entire series is laid out in the first episode The series itself might be simplistic, but the stories and characters are still compelling to the end. It resolves itself like a sitcom but keeps you watching like a drama. The writer's did well portraying Merlin as the not-so underdog that clumsily fulfills not only his destiny but those of everyone around him. The stories have simple moral value and are good family entertainment.
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See (2019–2022)
Not Terrible
8 December 2019
It's hard to watch at first. If you're like me you'll be scratching your head at the directors interpretation of how people would adapt to a sightless world. And while It's set a few hundred years after humanity has gone blind and some things appear to have aged 20 years while others 2000. Into The Badlands had a similar post apocalyptic setting and was probably equally unbelievable at times but I didn't mind it. If you can suspend your disbelief for long enough the story line is interesting and some of the fight scenes are entertaining.
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Easy (2016–2019)
Great Dialogue
28 May 2019
The dialogue on this show is next level. If Joe Swanberg wrote it all someone should give him a medal. The characters aren't exceptional in the classic sense but they are extremely engaging on a personal level. Even the format, with producing one or two episodes per year on a character, is so much more realistic than forcing a character into situations week after week. Nothing is so over the top you need to suspended disbelief. I think viewers like myself can appreciate that for what it is. Even using Chicago as the back-drop for the show is well thought out.
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