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The DUFF (2015)
The movie vs the book
13 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so I watched the movie before i read the book and normally if i've watched a movie first i wouldn't read the book afterwards. but because i saw loads of people complaining about how drastically different they made it i thought i'd give it a go . So I really loved the movie so much but then i read the book and it was so much better and the plots are different the only thing the same is the names of the characters and the term duff. anyway so i thought i'd make a list of the differences just in case anybody couldn't be bothered to read the book or vice versa. obviously SPOILERS

In the movie: There's a ''mean girl'' called Madison

Wesley agrees to make Bianca dateable in exchange she helps him pass science. Bianca initially doesn't like Wesley, but they become friends fairly quickly

Bianca's dad and mum are divorced and she lives with her mum who is a motivational speaker. her dad is not seen in the movie only mentioned.

The main love interest Toby tucker is supposed to be this sensitive guy who plays guitar.

Homecoming dance is where Bianca realises she loves Wesley and they kiss and she realises everyone is a duff etc.

In the book: There is no specific mean girl.

Bianca really despises Wesley a lot more than how it came across in the movie. But they end up being f--- buddies as she uses sex as a form of escapism during her parents divorce.

Bianca lives with her dad who has had problems with alcoholism in the past. Her mother travels a lot and is never at home, gives motivational speeches after writing a failed self-help book

Bianca specifically states in the book that Toby Tucker is not one of those people that plays guitar instead he is quite a nerdy,polite guy.

There is no home coming dance in the book but the place where Bianca realises she loves Wesley is at a place called ''the nest'' which is like an underage bar type thing.

Wesley's arrogance is a lot more emphasised in the book

In conclusion i feel that the book was more original and had more substance. The movie is a lot more watered down but it has to be to fit the 12 rating but it had a really good message as well. the book and the movie should be enjoyed as separate things because they are that different.
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Classic teen movie
11 September 2014
As a teenager myself, I absolutely love teen movies and have probably seen most of them. This one I stumbled on to, I think when I was reading something about James Dean. I had heard of him being a legend etc. but I never really paid much attention to ''old Hollywood movies'' but this one looked really good plus I wanted to see what made Jimmy Dean so legendary. I mean to have only done three movies before his untimely death and to be regarded as one of the best actors of all time he must have done something right.

Well I must say that if there ever has been a more beautiful man that James Dean was, I have not seen him! He just exuded coolness in that iconic red jacket. Normally I would think ''yeah right, someone as attractive as James Dean being an outcast!''. However, he portrayed his character with shyness,innocence and angst or something that really made you empathise and believe his character.

In terms of the issues explored in the movie, it really is something that I haven't seen many times before. Normally, in teen movies the focus is friends or getting laid etc. but this focuses on something way more important to teens' lives: parents. James' character how all he wanted was to do something right and be appreciated by his parents. How he wanted his dad to stand up to his mum who stripped his dad of his dignity. And Natalie Woods' who just wanted her dad to show her love and affection.I think the most interesting character was Plato, his estranged parents meant that he had no family, so wanted Jim and Judy to be his family. I felt that Plato's obsession with Jim bordered on homosexual and that's one of the many ways that made the film ahead of its time.

To sum up, everyone should go and see this movie, amazing performances and even though it's so old it doesn't feel dated and we can all relate to it. The events happening aren't realistic but the portrayal of teen angst is the most realistic I've seen and makes the film compelling down to the last second.
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Palo Alto (2013)
Definitely worth checking out
2 September 2014
Okay I just wanna say straight off the bat that this isn't everybody's type of movie. I hadn't read the stories(written by James Franco on which this is based) so I didn't really know what I'd expect, but I am a massive James Franco fan. And I wasn't disappointed his supporting role was one of his best and most convincing I've seen of him.

There isn't really an apparent plot- some may not like it because of this, but I think that's the best aspect of it- it's just a realistic portrayal of teen life. And being a teen myself, really enjoy teen movies and can relate to this one. Many dismiss this film as 'nepotism' but don't let that put you off, every actor is superb at playing their character in this film:Jack Kilmer as the angsty stoner, Emma Roberts as the shy virgin, Franco as the pervy coach and Nat Wolf as the guy who desperately is trying to be crazy. All these actors are going places.

To conclude, 'Palo Alto' is definitely worth checking out. Gia Coppola's debut is an interesting movie with captivating performances and you'll especially enjoy it if you love teen movies.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
I could not stop thinking about it...
13 August 2014
I had very high expectations for this movie and they have been exceeded.

It's simple really... just the life of a Texan kid called Mason filmed over 12 years- from age 6 til aged 18. That itself is so astonishing yet beautiful to see as time unfolds seeing all the characters age- not just Mason but every single actor is the person. We see the ageing by haircuts, growing taller,growing facial hair, divorces, new babies etc.

The best thing about this film is, as you watch them trying to find their place in the world, you just care about them a lot. Even though the characters are actually ageing the events happening are fictional but it never feels that way; it feels so natural and not acted. This makes it so relatable and it especially resonated with me since I am only a year younger than Mason. So I remember old brick-like mobiles and box TVs, Facebook to iphones and how I didn't realise how quickly things were advancing.

I'm not even exaggerating when I say I could not stop thinking about it. Literally after I watched it, before I went to bed, when I woke up and even the next day.It kind of made me quite emotional but not in a sad/crying way but in some inexplicable way. I think all ages including parents, kids, teens can identify with it. As it show the struggles of everyone and even made me understand a bit better what my parents go through.

I've never seen anything so beautiful, humane and warm. I honestly feel enriched after seeing it and I never say that about films. It is 2 hours 45 mins but I was so transfixed that I didn't even notice and it could have been longer and it would not bore me. Definitely Oscar-worthy or should,at the very least, be nominated.
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Teen Wolf Too (1987)
Most unnecessary sequel
8 August 2014
3.5/10 I would give it.

Well I loved the original yeah it was corny but a whole load of fun, had a it had great story line and was hilarious . Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for this ''teen wolf too''.

It must be said that it is exactly the same as the original but so much worse. Just replace high school with college, replace the sport from basketball to football and replace a charming, adorable Michael J. Fox with a lifeless(but very cute) Jason Bateman.

Let's talk about the acting. Ha! I've seen more charisma from cardboard.The most annoying of the bunch was the love interest person how whiny and annoying she was.

Okay some parts were funny and the soundtrack was okay- although not memorable. But it just wouldn't end! It's a short film (1.5 hours) but I kept checking the clock cos it felt so much longer than that!

Bottom line is watch the original instead of this ridiculous drivel and accept no imitations. Unfortunately, the DVD of Teen Wolf comes with both so I'm stuck with it.
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Look closer...
2 August 2014
Where do I even begin to describe 'American Beauty'. It's masterfully directed and acted,thought-provoking and funny. It really lives up to its title- it is beautiful especially the cinematography and soundtrack. The casting in the movie is ideal and all the performances are amazing especially Kevin Spacey who portrays Lester Burnham with humour and intelligence and a chilling voice, making you sympathise with his character.

The movie challenges our stereotypical ideas of beauty, shows the effects off homophobia,raises the question of the importance of sex in a marriage and how families may look happy on the outside but this may not always be the case. This is one of those movies that will make you think about what exactly the message it's trying to convey.
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Not bad but over-hyped
22 June 2014
I was so excited to see this movie and I do love sad movies but I didn't like something about this movie. Like when I normally watch a sad movie I feel depressed and will think about it for a while but I just didn't think too much about this because it was too depressing. It laid it on waaay too thick; it did not need to be that depressing I didn't see the point. But the movie was smoothly engineered to make the audience sob uncontrollably and yes it achieved it for most people. Literally you could hear the whole theatre sobbing, I think I was the only one that wasn't crying but I never do anyway.

Acting by Shailene Woodley and the people who played her parents and the guy Isaac was really good too. Some parts were really funny as well, surprisingly. And it was filmed really well, in terms of how it all looked.

Overall, it's worth a watch to see what the hype's about but it is overlong, pretentious dialogue, depressing, great acting(a lot of crying in to the camera-type shots),often funny, very saccharine and predictable(even though I had not read the book). Personally, although it was not bad,I would definitely never see it again.
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One of the best comedies ever
17 June 2014
I love this film so so much. It's one of my favourite comedies... actually among my favourite movies ever. I guarantee that you'll enjoy it... that is if you have a sense of humour. All my favourite comedy actors in here and they all play crumby versions of themselves making it even funnier. They all have great chemistry and you can tell that they get along in real life. It's got many unpredictable moments that make you jump and it's just a barrel of laughs. Yeah it's got strong language and crudeness but what do you expect from a Seth Rogen movie? Plus if you are religious you may be offended- but I don't see how because it's so over the top that you can't possibly be offended. Also, I heard people on here say "it's a movie to watch when you're stoned and if you're a guy" well I beg to differ since I'm a teenage girl who would recommend this to anyone who has a sense of humour and can lighten up for an hour and 40 minutes. It's a must have in your DVD collections: it will cheer you up when you feel down or if you want to have a laugh with your friends.
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Hilarious, even better than the original
10 June 2014
I didn't think it was possible for a sequel to be better than the original,especially a comedy sequel, but "22 Jumpstreet" proved me wrong. I absolutely loved "21 Jump street" but this one was bigger,better and funnier. My friends and I were literally laughing the whole way through- I've never laughed that much in the theatre before. Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill have such good comedic chemistry which makes the movie work.

It's not one of those sequels where they repeat exactly the same formula as the previous film- this is same but different with a few plot twists. Definitely the funniest movie I have seen in a long time.
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Not that good in my opinion
31 May 2014
^ 4.5/10 I found this film to be very similar to "Better off Dead" in terms of premise and cartoons. However, "Better..." was so so much better because it was really interesting and the gags worked better. This film just seemed to drag on and on even though it was only 1.5 literally wouldn't end. Most of the characters were under-developed except for John Cusack who was great as usual. Those two Calamari characters were so damn annoying and really got on my nerves.

All in all the only things that stood out in the movie were John Cusack, the soundtrack and the animated cartoons were really fantastic. Otherwise boring film and I would rather watch "Better off Dead"
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It's okay but not memorable
27 May 2014
I expected this to be really stupid but really funny and I just love John Cusack so I got it on DVD. It was kinda stupid and fairly funny but the few hilarious jokes were all in the trailer.

Everything was just mediocre about it, to be honest. It's like you know when you watch a great film and you feel all excited about it and want to recommend it to your friends, well that didn't happen for me with this film. I just felt nothing much but I didn't feel like it was a complete waste of time or anything because it was fairly entertaining.

What I didn't like was that there were so many f-bombs. And I don't even mind swearing but literally every second word was an f-word as if a teenager wrote it. Craig Robinson and John Cusack's acting was good (although not Cusack's best)but I found Rob Corddry crass and annoying.

This time-travel stuff has been done in more memorable and better movies such as "Back to the future". If I were you I'd probably rent this and watch it on a night when you have nothing better to do- just don't expect too much from it.
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White Chicks (2004)
A great comedy!
25 May 2014
One of my favourite comedies ever, it's one of those ones where you can return to when you're feeling a bit down and it will make you happy. It's just non-stop laughs from beginning to end, and if you're looking for a profound or intelligent movie then why would you watch a movie called "White Chicks"? I've seen many negative reviews on here branding it "racist" or "misogynistic" well, maybe it is but it's definitely not offensive because it's so over the top how could you possibly be offended by it? Personally, I don't see the film as "racist" or "misogynistic" I feel that it's making fun of rich, elitist girls who only care about money and their image i.e. people that deserve to be made fun of. The only bit that I didn't find funny was the toilet humour, but that only lasts a short time and some will find it funny. So if you are not too uptight and want non-stop laughs then get this on DVD.
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A must-see movie
24 May 2014
About a guy who wants to commit suicide(but never goes through with it) because his girlfriend(Beth) whom he is very obsessed with , dumps him for a more popular guy. He desperately wants her back but when he meets his neighbours' French exchange student then he starts to realise that Beth may not be as great as he thought she was.

I love this movie, every character is bizarre and quirky which is what makes this movie amazing. Also, at some-parts there is a blend of live action and animation, which is really cool as well. If you have that kind of off-beat sense of humour-and even if you don't usually- then you'll probably still enjoy this film. It's an essential one to own in your DVD collections.
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Heathers (1988)
Fantastic,dark and twisted
22 May 2014
A twisted, satirical comedy about a girl who tries to be part of the most popular clique in school, The Heathers(all of whom are called Heather). She is sick of their wicked ways and when she meets a dangerous, mysterious boy who assists her in murdering a few people she doesn't like...but one murder leads to another...until she can't take it any more. Heathers bucks all the tropes of the other teen movies out in the 80s and it's executed so well with its dark humour and amazing performances from Winona Ryder(playing angsty Veronica) and Christian Slater( playing her depraved, murderous boyfriend) among other. Apparently it didn't have box office success, which I can't understand why, but has now developed a cult following. A must-see if you have a dark sense of humour and you enjoyed "Mean Girls". But really there's nothing quite like this.
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Underrated, but one of the best 80s movies of all time!
22 May 2014
I just love this movie but not many people I know have heard of it. The ending is predictable but that is not the point. Getting there is so much fun. What I liked is the actors were not just shallow, stereotypes but there was more to them. Everything just felt natural and unpretentious and there was good chemistry between the two leads. John Cusack is especially great in the film he is just so funny without trying too hard. Another thing that's special about this is that, although the premise is about some dude tryna get laid, it's not raunchy at all nor is there an F-bomb in every sentence, like many other films geared towards teens( I love those kinds as well but it's nice to see something different).Check this movie out on YouTube; it's not on DVD,sadly. It's great, funny feel-good film to watch with friends or on your own or even with your parents.
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Sometimes you need a bit of cheese
21 May 2014
An unpopular guy desperately wants popularity so goes about it by paying a girl $1000 to be his girlfriend...but then they begin to fall in love with each other...ooh.Let's be honest you know exactly how the movie is going to pan out from the start. But come on...I know it's cheesy but I just love it!! I would watch it many times and not get bored. Beautiful actors and the characters are lovable. It checks all the high school rom com clichés even the nerdy guy taking off his glasses and changing his shirt and becoming (very)hot. It's a very sweet,breezy movie and a quotable one too, ideal for watching with girlfriends at a sleepover or something.
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Much better than expected.
21 May 2014
After watching the trailers I thought it's just gonna be a forgettable, try-hard and cliché movie. I never thought I'd watch it but my friends were raving about it so I thought I'd give it a go.

Boy was I wrong! I LOVED it: it was fresh, engaging,sweet without being schmaltzy and genuinely funny. Often I was laughing out loud like at the weed baby and Will Poulter rapping "Waterfalls". Jason Sudiekis, Jenifer Aniston, Emma Roberts and Will Poulter all acted wonderfully and their chemistry was key in this movies awesomeness. I just loved the warmth of the family bonding and the romance seemed natural and not forced. Don't listen to critics or trailers and watch this great movie to see what I mean!!
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The Beach (I) (2000)
Entertaining but often pretentious
20 May 2014
^ should be a 6.5/10 but it doesn't let you do halves.

I love the plot,I've never read the book so I have never heard of any plot like this before. The movie is consistently entertaining but is often bogged down by pretentious and sometimes cheesy dialogue. DiCaprio is good in this but it is far far from being his best work because it doesn't showcase his talent fully. A lot of the supporting actors are badly acted and cardboard, resulting in this flick being not the most memorable of movies. I do, however,love the ending;it's quite beautiful and I love the whole family spirit theme going on. Soundtrack's really nice too with its soothing, uplifting songs.
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3 hours of debauchery
20 May 2014
I have mixed feelings about this picture. I expected great things because of the critical acclaim and viewers' response that it received and it stars Jonah Hill and Leo DiCaprio both of whom I am a big fan of. Did it deliver? Yeah kind of I guess. I mean it was wickedly funny and the acting really was convincing,Oscar-worthy even. But to say it was overrated is a bit of an understatement. The negatives were that firstly, it dragged and dragged- in fact, it could have been half as long and still achieved everything. Secondly, I felt that it glorified this disgusting, greedy and hedonistic behaviour. I know this sounds really lame, but I like a movie to have a message at the end. But you didn't get that with this one. Finally, I felt that nothing much happened. They had tons of sex. Did tons of drugs. Got richer.

Maybe because I'm a teenage girl I didn't full appreciate it for what it was but I feel that this is one of those films that guys would like more than girls. A pretty good film but I would probably not watch it again any time soon.
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The Sitter (2011)
I liked it, don't quite understand why it has been universally panned
20 May 2014
Contrived? Oh yes. Predictable? Very. Outrageously fun with a good heart to the characters? YES

Before watching it I saw that 99% of critics( and viewers by the looks of it) hated this movie with a passion. They complained it was "predictable" and "unfunny". Well, so what if it was predictable? Most movies are, answer me this how many movies have you seen where you were genuinely surprised at the ending. So naturally, my expectations were lowered. But I thought the acting by the children was really good and Jonah Hill was as funny as usual. Also, it dealt with a prevalent issue in many kids' lives, coming out as gay. It dealt with this in a respectful and not overly-sentimental way.

Basically this movie is not trying to bag an Oscar and it is not high- art melodrama stuff and it's not even close to being one of my favourite films. So watch it if you like a good,rowdy comedy.
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Underrated gem
20 May 2014
I love teen high-school comedies and I love 80s movies, but lets face it pretty much most of them are formulaic and we can predict the ending. But not this one. I hadn't heard of this before and I can't remember where I first discovered it. Plus,I can't seem to find it on DVD. Anyway, I watched it thinking that it was gonna be about some dudes trying to get laid and then they learn about love etc. etc. And it sure started out that way, for the first half of the movie- there is some gratuitous sex and nudity but it is just so hilarious that it's never offensive.

However, the second half of the movie takes a turn for the dramatic and serious. Don't look up the ending before you see it because you probably won't see it coming- it is quite sad to be honest.

What the best thing about this movie, though is that it doesn't choose to sugar-coat things. The portrayal of teenagers,love and friendship is probably the most realistic I have seen in any teen movie. Oh and the soundtrack is just fantastic, it's one you'd wanna download.
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Neighbors (I) (2014)
A sporadically funny,shambles of a comedy
19 May 2014
I was so excited to see this film ever since the trailers came out in around February. And boy was I disappointed when I went to see it. The story is about 2 new parents(Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen)who move next door to a fraternity house. The neighbours have wild,noisy parties every night and they refuse to turn it down after their neighbours' many requests. So they decide to fight back and hilarity ensues...except that it doesn't.

Let me start by saying what was good about the film. Well, although it wan't the a-laugh-a-minute raunchy flick I expected it to be, it wasn't completely deprived of laughs. There were a few funny lines towards the end(the Ambercrombie and Fitch scene was really funny). Also, there was the gorgeous eye candy: a frequently shirtless Zac Efron and Dave Franco wasn't too bad either. The sound track was pretty good too.

So what did I hate about it? For starters, it was unnecessarily crude and tasteless. And don't say it's because I get offended by crude humour ; "40 year Old Virgin","SuperBad" and "American Pie" are some of my favourite movies. But what's the difference between those and "Bad Neighbours"? Well, in those movies although the characters are flawed and portrayed as sex-crazed, the writers show respect for the characters by making them nuanced and likable, they learn something. The characters in this flick are one-dimensional, vapid and you just don't find yourself caring about them. It was so poorly written and directed and the acting,except from Rogen's, felt phoned it. This was quite a shame because I have seen Dave Franco and Rose Bryne do great performances in their previous movies.

And finally, don't make the mistake of going to see this with your parents. I did and it made for an extremely awkward viewing.
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