
21 Reviews
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Good Omens (2019– )
5 July 2020
A marvelous mini series about the end of the world and two angels (well the second one is fallen) trying to save it? Well count me in. Perfect blend of humor, thrill, action, mystery and a little bit of a noir sensation here and there. Some episodes touch on the matter of equality, while moral ambiguity is painted o every scene. And one last think... Michael Sheen and David Tennant.. Just wow.. Wow.
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2 July 2020
Just a decent detective comedy, but not much to expect. Adam Sandler has made some 5+ movies as of recently, including the Uncut Gems masterpiece. Would watch it on a casual view..
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Knives Out (2019)
Clever and Unique
28 June 2020
Detective movies tend to feel like a replay after a while, as most of them follow certain repeatable patterns that inevitably lead to the conclusion and the solution to the grand mystery. But this one differentiates itself as the story is unique to its conception. Add to that a perfect blend of a catchy score, a brilliant cast and a very beautiful direction by Rian Johnson. This is a must watch. 9/10.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Cant hide my enthusiasm..
22 June 2020
Well, this is an excellent gangster movie. Amazing plot, double amazing cast, triple amazing film. That is how it goes. The mechanisms behind the curtains are complex at all times and the viewer needs to pay attention, as there are little hints here and there at all times. Of course, the reward is a grandiose mixture of quality movie making brought to you by the one and only Guy Richie, paired perfectly with a glass of fine Scotch, I may add. It might be an 8.5 or a 9, but I give it a 10 cause I am a McConaughey fan.
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
A mixup of goofiness and fun
22 June 2020
OK so supposedly you are at this expensive sushi restaurant, getting ready to eat sushi for the first time. Dishes arrive and you're like "OK what?". But then you taste it and it's fun, at least for most people it crosses the "enjoyable" barrier. Same thing happens for that movie. In the beginning it feels like the film tries to gather all the (excuse me for that) WTF moments it can get into one full sweep.. And it succeeds until the action kicks in and the whole thing rolls with a pretty good level of smoothness, making you forgive the film for its rocky start. On the acting side, Daniel seems like he is making small steps of improvement, while Samara Weaving and Ned Dennehy act their part quite well to be honest. A 7 out of 10 for me.. Depends on the expectations though..
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Temple (2019–2021)
Solid, with nice Character buildup.
17 June 2020
It was pretty refreshing to watch a TV series where no protagonist was easy to root for. All of them have ambiguous motives and do things beyond one's limits, usually for their ultimate goal (and no, I don't just mean the good Dr.) Character buildup was excellent and the plot picks up pace around the 3rd or 4rth episode where one starts to understand that in one swift moment your favorite character can become the complete opposite. Nice comedic touches here and there, effortlessly blended with some hard-to-watch moments. A solid 7.
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
Fresh and Energetic
1 June 2020
Stargirl is a TV-series of the superhero genre that doesn't feel repetitive or dull at any point. It is filled with dynamism and it feels like it brings something new to the table. Definetely worth a look if you're looking for something fresh.
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Capone (2020)
Could be...But isn't.
31 May 2020
Before watching this, take a moment to understand what you are about to watch. Don't expect the usual "Gangster Biopic" stuff... Actually the movie's main theme is Dementia. It just so happened that the hit or miss director Josh Trank chose Capone's last year of his life as the setting. We relive some of Capone's life events through a series of situations in which he is experiencing the effects of dementia, portrayed in a raw way. After a while, we're caught in a loop of fading in and out of reality with no real end-goal for the film. It could work if the film was about brain disease without putting the spotlight on Al's story, a weak story nonetheless. As for the subplots, they are as weak as Al's reflexes. 6/10 Because Tom Hardy is always in top form.
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Let me explain why this movie gets a bad rap....
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna surpass the whole studio-producer differences and refer to this movie's ultimate edition that runs at 3 hours long. This review is long due but i feel like the time is right for me to put my opinion out there. Justice league snyder cut and all.. Someone took our beloved heroes and put them into this time and this era of humanity. How would the world see a man dressed as a bat fighting crime at the streets of the most criminally bent city? How would the world see a Jesus-God like character that falls from the sky and tries to do the right thing every day despite the fear that his powers send down the spine of people trembling because of their feeling of powerlessness? Alfred does mention it turns good men cruel. And he is right! All of this would be absolutely logical to happen if their were set at our world. Bruce Wayne resembles the daily, ordinary man who fears the strong and acts irrationally. But the strong are not always bad.. Lex mentions that if God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good and vice versa.. Well he is right ! But in this case Superman is not a "God", but an alien raised as human, even more humane than ordinary man Bruce, trying to do the right thing. As for the cast, complains usually form around Jesse. He did give an excellent performance as a mixture of what we would get if Joker had a baby with Alexander Luthor. But i would like to imagine that Leto and Eissenberg got mixed up when the actors were cast. Onto Ben and Henry... the Batman that we know from the comics and the Supes that we would get in this new world came to life with these folks. And last but not least... Batman doesn't kill... But here we see what happens when man loses all things that he could hold on for a glimpse of light... And the same glimpse of light reemerging when "God" sacrifices for him to live. Definitely my favourite comic book movie. 10/10 is just cause i am a fan, i admit it.
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The New Pope (2020)
Clever, ambitious, Worth your time
24 May 2020
New Pope tackles multiple current Era issues amidst the constant "feud" between Church and politics, while adding notes of comedy here and there to lighted up the mood. You can't stop being in awe when you hear Sir Braxton (Malkovich) speak. So eloquent and full of depth in his speeches. Idolatry is tackled as a new generation problem in the clever form of people waking up and sleeping to the sound of Jude Law's pope breathing. Seems Iike the writers found the best way to express this issue here. Definitely worth your time.
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The Gambler (III) (2014)
The feeling of emptyness
23 May 2020
Have you ever felt like there is a hole in your life that you so desperately want to fill? That no matter what you do this hole keeps getting bigger? Well this is the main theme here. Our protagonist, an individual with a good job, a nice house and good looks, keeps handling the emptyness that he feels with gambling. He is not happy with what he has achieved in life and instead has compromised with a mediocre one.. At least that's how he sees it. Gambling, as drinking or smoking etc., is a way for people to fill holes in their souls and lives. Those actions most oftenly lead to self harm through debt and addiction. In this case it was the debt that led to the protagonist dealing with some dangerous folks. The take away message here is that this hole is not something filled by more success, or by just more money. This hole is filled by finding what makes you feel alive and happy. In this case, it was love.
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A "dying" script is dragged by the cast
22 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We all remember Scrouge right? Well, The powerful and wealthy Mr Getty is sure a great resemblance. Not once in the whole film does he reach out to the audience as character to be liked. He is as cruel as it gets with the top of it being the ear scene, followed by a scene that quickly moves from "OK I'll pay" to "this is a nice way for me to evade taxes". So there is the question, do money poison us in the depths of our soul? Is love a twisted meaning in the minds of people like Getty Sr.? Mark Wahlberg is always getting himself in noteworthy films and his role here is pretty critical as he evolves throughout the film quite nicely, affecting the story in different places. A not so bright spot is the script itself. It feels like it is dragging on and on here and there. The mother's intensity is transmitted to the audience like a virus and Getty Sr. surely leaves a bitter taste whenever he is on screen, but that is not enough.
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Catch-22 (2019)
What are your expectations when you start watching a series?
21 May 2020
Every time I start watching a series, be it a mini one or a multiple seasons one, I want certain things. Character driven stories is the one stands out. Catch 22 is a great mini series, not only due to its unique storytelling, but due to its investment on the main character's path through it. The supporting cast is up there as well and I would also like to point out the fact that it's been a long time since I saw such a true life to film interpretation of an "army" environment. 9/10
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Meaningful and Informative Documentary
12 May 2020
Being a meat eater and an athlete myself, i was open to seeing a different view around nutrition and training. All surveys and interviews shown are hitting the right spot, putting the right arguments in place and proving that everything in life is about the point of view. Some of the studies are declared to not be official but still have some important findings for the average viewer to think of. In the end of it you have to question yourself about expanding your point of view and being a little more flexible in the way you view things, particularly something like the classic stereotype "oh that guy is huge, he must be having his beef fillets every day".
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Great film.
10 May 2020
So Adam Sandler showed us he can act just fine. Kevin Garnett is like an actor that has been in the business for much longer. Good work KG. The movie shows you the madness and the greediness that can potentially become leading characteristics of people in this kind of business... And the results of betting against your life in order to... Save your life. Isn't that ironic?
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Don Finds the way.. Eventually.
10 May 2020
Great cast with great performances, wonderful cinematography, nice additions of humor here and there and a movie that finds it difficult to stay in control of its own course. As we follow Toby through his mind instability progress through the film, so does our understanding of a director's grasp on reality deepens. It is not difficult to be lost in your fantasy world it seems. That being the case, the movie's flaw is that it takes too long to reach its climax and when it does, it doesn't pay off.
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Stockholm (2018)
Good but not Great
10 May 2020
The plot moves around effortlessly but could pick up the pace at certain parts of the story, as actors Mark Strong, Ethan Hawke and Noomi Rapace give their "A" performances. As for the movie itself, it doesn't offer much in terms of comedy or "awe" scenes, something that is indeed a little bit harder for real-life event movies. The story's main theme is crystal clear, as it depicts the origin of the Stockholm syndrome perfectly and leaves you thinking "but why tho?".
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8 May 2020
This flick has it all. Action, story, characters driven and a world ending plot. Live action DC movies should have a similar feeling and I hope the decision makers take notes from this. This movie perfectly mixes several teams and arcs into a cohesive story. Action is awesome at all times and we are once again reminded why superman is the best superhero there is. Let's just hope Henry Cavill gets the chance to be THAT superman.
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Extraction (2020)
Hemsworth shines through a quite mediocre and outdone script
27 April 2020
The movie's action scenes are excellent and their direction is perfectly suited for our beloved "Thor" Chris Hemsworth, who seems like a natural fit for the genre. On the downside, the film fails to offer anything new, based on a script that has been done multiple times in the past. The villain is never developed and the film's person in distress seems more like an object than a developed character. As a resume, this film is fun to watch, but surely could be developed further.
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What an Amazing Movie that was..
27 April 2020
What can you say about this masterpiece?! This is a story that can inspire people to move on from every problem, no matter its size. The characters grow naturally as the film progresses and each moment is happier and more joyfull than the other. Iain's performance is eye catching and I am shortlisting this film as an academy contender, in my eyes at least.
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Spectacular !
26 May 2014
It's difficult to talk about all the good things in this movie. Magnificent actors ,a story so great that no matter how difficult it was for Bryan Singer to deliver , in the end the satisfaction was there. No pointless action was also a plus for my review . I always wanted to see the depth of the story , the emotions of the characters , and this movie's got it all . Also bear in mind that this movie was also a try to fix the problems that the latest x-movies had created. Yet that is also done in the end . Another thing is that Hugh Jackman not only once again proves how he can perfectly perform the same role in a different mode ,since wolverine is more like a mentor in this one , but also how he can still be in 100% body shape for years in success. Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellen bring their experience in and a combination with Fassbender's and Mcavoy's great performances is a boost . Now i can't wait for the next one .
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