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Euphoria (2019– )
Euphorically Addictive
22 July 2019
Whenever I watch a new show and am not sure what to expect, it's usually within those first 10 minutes of a show that can decide if the shows right for me or not. When I came across Euphoria, I really wasn't sure what to expect, I had a read a synopsis and it sounded intriguing so I gave it go. Wouldn't you know it within the first 10 minutes I was hooked.

The shows can sometimes feel too real, whether you're a teenager or an adult. It revolves around a few characters such as Zendaya ( Spider-Man: Homecoming) who has had trouble with drugs, and a near death experience with her family and her quest to get clean, which feels like an up and down battle, as she lies to everyone around her about her experience and taking drugs. When a new girl comes to town named Jules, she realizes she's in love with her as she has hew own secret that she is a trans woman.

Other characters include Nate, who is the football star who is trying to define his sexuality, Kat who has had sex and now starts doing cam shows for money and much more.

Every episode is edited perfectly, I rarely say that but every episode with its dark matter and subject, always seems to have either a bright light with dark background, or happy music through a troubled time. There are moments where an episode can feel frantic or crazy, and every editing can make the viewer feel how they are feeling in that moment.

Without giving to much away the show deals with many aspects of addiction, being true to yourself, coming to terms with your identity, coming of age. Many themes revolve and all the actors do a fantastic job of bringing these characters to life and making the show feel as real as it does.

While I was never sure what to expect, Euphoria takes shows such as Degrassi and 13 Reasons Why and then takes a lot of the subject matter that we've seen in that show to feel more dark yet also more hit home type of show. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but after 5 Episodes, I am still thinking about it, still anticipating newer episodes, and where they can go. It's a show that sticks with you after every episode and isn't afraid to go into the territory other shows have gone.

Euphoria, is a show that should be watched not just for the content and story but just overall how much the whole team on this show gives in every aspect. A worthwhile watch.
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Captain MehVel
11 March 2019
Well here we are! First MCU Movie of the year including one of the most powerful heroes in comics Captain Marvel! She will be playing a huge part in the new Avengers Endgame movie due later in May this year. But does it hold up and is the hype worth it surrounding this movie? Meh. At least that was my thinking after the film.

Captain Marvel played by Brie Larson brings a new type of hero into the MCU universe. As we get a backstory of Carol Danvers/ Veers exploring how they came to be who they are. The setting takes place party in space and partly on earth around 1995-1996. The movie does a great but minimal job at expanding the 90's setting with music, memorabilia, clothing and such. It mainly the story that sort of falls flat.

Brie Larson does a good job but I felt her wit and character brought a good amount to the role even though I felt her acting felt somewhat dry and uninspired. In short the movie reviles around finding out how Captain Marvel came to be from her fighting alongside the Kree to take out a species called the Skrull. Now if you have watched any other MCU movie mainly Guardians, you'll know the twist right away revolving around the Kree's.

In terms of other actors Samuel L Jackson does a great job as Fury and of course the "cat" steal the show. I won't spoil too much but the humor as per every MCU movie is on point and well done.

Visually the movie looks fantastic as per every MCU movie but the story and development really just feel out place it just doesn't seem to come together cohesively, and this was a movie I wanted to love and walk out being floored and wanting to see again. Sadly I just felt the movie falls short in terms of story and character development. It just feels like a regular movie and nothing really differentiating it, in an honest word it feels forgettable.

While i implore everyone to definitely check it out, and for sure the Marvel crowd will be sticking around for any hints and clues towards Endgame coming out, the movie after it was done didn't really hold my mind to thinking further on it. It didn't make me want to talk a lot about it with friends or family the movie just felt shallow with a nice a coat of paint to mask the drab by the numbers plot.

In all was not bad just a big meh, but here is hoping the next route for our Hero will be epic and see some great villains in it as well.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Great Start Flat Finish
6 August 2016
Suicide Squad was probably one of my most anticipated titles of 2016 for the summer ever since the announcement and my love for both Marvel and DC and especially after the amazing animated title Assault on Arkham which if you haven;t seen you definitely should a great animated title with the suicide squad and batman and joker all together. It's hard to say what exactly the issue was here but mostly it feels like the start of the movie it's going to be fun but falls flat afterwards. Much like Guardians of the Galaxy which was a surprising hit for me and others this movie seems to lose it's fun afterwards.

First off lets talk characters. Will Smith was obviously the star as was Margot Robbie who stole the show as Harley Quinn and nailed the character perfectly, Will Smith played..... Will Smith he didn't encompass the Deadshot I know and love from the comics which I can accept but he just didn't play anything other Captain Hillard, Agent J with a new set of weapons and skills,IE it's nothing new to the role and he doesn't bring much here. Viola Davis does a bang up job as Amanda Waller she's psychotic horrible person, who's either your best friend or worst enemy, not good not bad but she'll do anything to get what she wants. The rest of the cast does a great job also and their chemistry is bang on and then there's Jared Leto's Joker..... I remember when people bashed Heath Ledger for the role of it and ended up being amazing in TDK, Jared Leto when he got the part I have to admit was excited to see how he'd bring life to the role, and even after the backlash of how his character looked, I still wanted to give him a chance, as I would with any character. Sadly The Joker is not only underused but the character is just off and seems to be there as a selling point for people to go see the movie as The Joker is one of the most popular villains of all time, yet here he's given not much time, and not much to do with the role. The rest of the squad are OK El Diablo is fun and Captain Boomerang is a very guy, all in all their chemistry together is fantastic, the quips, jokes and fun they have, shines on the screen.

The Story is easy, a bunch of criminals are set up after the death of superman to be controlled by government to do missions no one else will do and if they die, so be it they're criminals anyways, and if they survive they get benefits and time knocked off their sentence. Of course one of the squad decides to disobey and cause a ruckus ( Enchantress) and then decides to let her brother out and start building a weapon and destroy everyone so it's up to the suicide squad to take her down and save humanity. Sad part the villain is very boring... both of them are, and this would've been good to have maybe used the joker as a means to be the villain much like Assault on Arkham, but we get a very bland villain with silly motivations and while the first half of the film has a unique style and flare, the second part drags and stops using that fun throughout. Guardians seemed to use the formula correctly whereas SS seems to have tried to make it fun dark and fun. It could've been good but in the end much of the film suffers from just pacing issues, being bland and story dragging out. It's not to say the movie is bad the cast works great the characters are fun but the movie as a whole just felt in one word very meh... Not bad not memorable not great just OK.

Decide on yourself if the movie is good or not you may hate or love it, but in all just felt there could've been more done, here's hoping much like the BVS extended cut the Suicide Squad is given extended look when it comes to home video.
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Very funny movie with funny people but not as classic
18 July 2016
First lets get one thing out of the way. When I first heard they were rebooting Ghostbusters I was disappointed, One we weren't getting a third Ghostbusters movie though many can say the video game that came out in 2009 was the actual sequel, and with the passing of Harold Ramis shortly after all hopes for a third sequel were gone. Then of course there was news swirling round that there was reboot incoming there were so many rumours like Jack Black being named as one of the people who'd star and more. Finally we got confirmation that it would be an all Girl cast of Ghotstbusters, the internet freaked out.

Now fast forward we've seen trailers and clips and much more and yet people still seem mad, and looking through the IMDb section as of release of this movie people seem to be calling it sexist, awful, horrible, giving it 1/10 with no validity at least in my opinion. Lets get one thing straight this is not the Ghostbusters we knew and grew up with as much as we'd love it to be, and yes it all an all female cast.... which makes me ask those who claimed as being sexist, exactly how so? We live in an age now that women should be respected and looked at as equal not inferior, and in an age where we fight for equality I ask those who have called this movie sexist exactly how?

The movie itself has some very funny moments, for one the 3D is top notch and I am usually not one to enjoy 3D movies, the cast is also funny Kristen Wiig is hilarious as always and Melissa McCarthy stands out as usual either you really love or dislike her. The plot is very straight forward and borrows elements from both the original movie while paying homage to them in certain ways and yes the cast of the original movie do show up to do some cameos but it feels a little empty.... In my opinion one of the ways they should've integrated the movie was continuing the work of the original Ghostbusters, but how they've done this one is pretty much summed up it's a complete reboot the 1984 version and 1991 version do not exist in this universe but hey anything can happen in the future right?

Above all we've given fair chances to many other reboots that were worse, going by the movie you either went in hating it before it started or you were willing to give it a chance. The trailers and clips didn't wow me, or make me laugh but the movie itself was done well enough to make me entertained and enjoy some fun and nostalgia, is it the classic movie we all remember and hold dear and grew up with? No. But is it fun and entertaining? I certainly enjoyed myself and hope we see more and maybe just maybe get a crossover with the original team. Here's hoping. Ghostbusters is fun and well worth a check.
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Be your own critic! Love it Hate it or even in the middle
1 April 2016
Batman v Superman is not perfect. But then again what movie really is giving a 10 to a movie is quite hard because while I can say one movie was a 10 to me could be a 6 to someone else. I love comics and love all comic book movies even Marvel ones. I've had issues in the past with Avengers: AOU, and even with Thor the first movie. But critics seemed to have panned this movie a lot, and I can see sort of why, but also why not. In the end be your own critic and make up your mind of what you think, and thats the beauty of being your own critic, you may like it and not every review may ring true.

First off the movie introduces Batman played spectacularly by Ben Affleck. We get to see the Dark Knight on screen in probably the best costume inception ever and even fighting style wise we get to see him plow down bad guys greatly, being fast and also brutal while taking down criminals. Batman is much older has been around for a while and takes a lot of cues from Frank Millers Dark Knight Returns sans Kelly as Robin. His interactions with Alfred are some of the best being deep and meaningful. I can only Ben does a solo flick as well as he's done other movies he's directed. Superman is portrayed well here as well, the whole tone of the movie is dark and asks the question of what would we do if we had a godlike figure who could save people and help people, but who is also flawed too, would we accept him or would we dismiss him? Henry Cavill does a decent job of showing this throughout the film, and while the fight scene between them is short and the trailers have ruined most of it, it's still worth a watch. And finally Wonder Woman was amazing, we only see her on screen for a bit and get a bit of history of her, but her theme song, her fight with Doomsday is just so bad ass you cannot help but just watch and smile. The movie takes a dark overall brooding tone and that was fine by me, it can feel a bit depressing at times, but it's a contrast from Marvel movies being fun and fast. If DC went the fun route I feel people would've picked on DC for copying Marvel and so and on so forth.

Some of the bad comes with motivations and plot. One they should have left out the whole Batman V Superman title they fight all of once, in the movie and thats it. We all knew it was a precursor to Justice League but they could've called it Batman & Superman and dropped the V it was totally worthless to have it. Jesse Eisenberg was probably the biggest let down there were times I enjoyed his performance but he came off as psychotic joker/riddler hybrid. His constant giggling and psychotic breaks were so unnerving and ridiculous. It was over the top even at the end when after we first saw promo pics of him bald, even though through 3/4 of the movie he has hair, we see him yelling and going loony. It was just not a good fit. Plot wise the motivations for fighting were a bit silly. But we didn't get enough depth into it and it was a missed mark for Snyder.

So why should you see the movie? Make up your own mind critics are not always right and fans are not always right about movies. I left my brain at home and enjoyed the movie for what it was, I had fun and I have to say it was a good movie not perfect, not amazing but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Go check it out and make up your own mind for what you feel is best. But it is worth a watch!
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Moonbeam City (2015)
Funny, Stylish and Stupid.
9 November 2015
Lets get one thing our the way before we start the review, the comparison to Archer thats being made. I can see where the similarities come from but this is still different enough from Archer to be original, almost such as Family Guy is similar to The Simpsons or Mad TV was/is to SNL. While they may be similar they're also very different and the show itself stands as an homage to 80's comedy and action films. Chances are if you have watched an 80's cop movie such as RoboCop or Lethal Weapon or TV shows such as Miami Vice you'll understand the style and take for the series. But the show is not an Archer clone and unfair to describe it as such. Moonbeam City is a fantastic new addition to the adult cartoon humour that has been getting bigger in the past few years.

The Good: The show is hilarious. And the cast does a great job at keeping up with the jokes and playing their respective characters. Rob Lowe plays Dazzle a dimwitted cop who is narcissistic, stylish and probably our first Pan-Sexual character on a TV show, without any spoilers basically Dazzles character hits on women, men and even animals...You'll have to watch to get the reference. Next is Will Forte who plays Rad Cunningham Dazzles rival to be the #1 cop and replace Dazzle as much as possible, he is also another dimwitted character who only cares about pretty much overtaking Dazzle but is just as selfish and maybe a bit more dumb than him. Pizzaz Miller played by Elizabeth Banks who their chief, she basically yells and screams at them for always screwing up and seems to break a lot of windows, her purpose is to basically be a huge bitch and chew out Dazzle and Rad for their incompetence and you have to wonder why she Dazzle and Rad around with all their blunders. And then finally there's Chrysalis the only person with brains on the team and who seems to know what to do, and when. But of course with all the morons around she's used and abused by just trying to do her job. The style of the cartoon is very nice, a very 1980's neon type of glamour look. The city looks fantastic even though it's rampant with crime and just overall the overall tone gives you a feeling of 80's culture and references. And while at this point there hasn't been many episodes the jokes are great. With some funny reoccurring jokes that happen in every episode. And then the music which is a synth type of club music, from opening credits to chase scenes all the way to end credits, the music rolls and gives it that extra nostalgia feeling.

The Bad: Some of the jokes fall flat and are just not there or are hard to get, other times it tries to be funny but really t's more awkward.but frankly they're few and far between as of now there aren't that many episodes so it's hard to say if the show will get renewed, though here's hoping it will. There's not much else to really say bad as the series relies much on humour that you either may or may not like, but all in all the show is still a great gem.

Final: Moonbeam City is funny not everyone may think so, but not everyone has the same tastes. The shows animation and voice acting is top-notch and the humour either makes you laugh out loud or may fall flat, either way if you're looking for a new show thats both funny and stylish try out Moonbeam City you won't regret it.
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We are your friends, But We are not a very good movie.
6 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Zac Efron is definitely becoming a bigger star than we give credit for, he's choosing some great roles and some very unique ones. But why he chose "we are your friends" is beyond me. When I first heard of the title being made I was kind of excited as we don't have many movies about DJ's. But unfortunately we get a movie more about clichés than we get about DJs themselves. This movie tries so hard to be something original yet falls into place of other clichéd music movies. Lets mark them down.

-Talented person starting from the bottom trying to make his way: Check

  • Finds a talented producer with whom he starts working with: Check

  • Starts a relationship with a the girl his mentor/producer is dating behind his back: Check

  • One of the closest friends dies: Check

  • Finds his sound in the end: Check

And so on and so forth. The summary in short is Zac plays a DJ named Cole trying to become bigger and finding his song, along the way he has friends help him out, takes odd jobs and works with a producer to help while having a relationship behind his back. In the end he's given the chance of a lifetime to prove how talented he is.

There's not really much going on here, the movie does;t do anything different, You learn bit about DJ culture, and while as a DJ I must admit drugs are a big part of the scene, the movie starts to glorify drugs such as molly and more. And even in one scene when Cole trips on PCP in a very weird yet artistic segment.

Now for all the bad that there is there is some good but not enough to save this film. Zac Efron does a good job acting and is practically a saving grace for and otherwise lacklustre film, he does a good job narrating and showing some cool DJ tricks while he's spinning. The other saving grace is probably the music, now again most of the music here is EDM, and as for me I do quite enjoy EDM music, but if you're not a fan there's not much here for you in terms of that.

Newcomer director Max Joseph took a chance in trying something new with the DJ culture but didn't exactly bring much here. And it's too bad because Max does have a good eye and great visual aspect, but for why he chose this movie, when it's completely riddled with bad acting, nothing original and overly clichéd film, is beyond me.

We are your friends is not a good movie and definitely one I would pass on, it's not good but it isn't horrible. Its more forgettable as there is nothing fresh here all characters are bland including Zac Efron Cole, and there's no redeeming factor to watch this even more than once. "We are your friends" is a movie trying to hard with little vision and lacklustre story. Watch but don't expect much.
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One of The Best
22 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There are rare time movies touch us, and feel so real, especially with Hollywood making us believe that everything can happen, no matter what. Enter "C'est pas moi je le jure". A french film about A family going through a divorce, and how the children are raised, with one parent looking after them. This movie not only spits in Hollywood's face, but does so with grace and Honor to be so real, so imaginative and so amazing.

Leon is ten years old. He is not normal as he tells us. He tries to commit suicide sometimes. other times he is vandalizing his neighbours houses, and he has a trait he picked up from his mom: He is an amazing liar. But Leon is not the only one who's abnormal, his family directly shows that as well. His mom and Dad fight constantly, until they finally divorce one another. The mother leaves for Greece leaving Leon's father to watch over Leon, and his older brother Jerome.

Once she leaves the family falls apart, Leon decides to go insane, emotionally wrecking everything in his way. You feel for Leon, how he acts without a mom, and how he feels, you get a true sense of his character, and how empty he feels without her. But Leon quickly finds solace with another girl for whom he falls far. Lea. She is almost exactly like Leon in every way, she is messed up, none of the kids want to play with her and she and Leon are made for one another.

The movie gives us so much character development and processes it rather amazingly over the 2 hours the film goes on, it's one of the few movies thus far to really get a connection with your characters. Leon and Lea are not perfect, they are down right evil, but there intentions are pure. Leon stealing from other peoples houses to get a ticket to fly to Greece to see his mother whom abandoned him. And Lea trying to find her father, who has been on a business trip for over 2 years. None of them are perfect but, you still feel for them, and get attached, hoping for the best.

By the end of the movie you smile knowing that, Leon has kept one thing for himself: Hope. That even though a lot has happened in his life he can change, and hope for the better, hope for a new change on himself, hope to one day see his mother once again.

The film has so much and without spoiling every little detail, this is one I recommend to buy, it's not a perfect film, there is no such word for a film, but it is unique, amazing and touching. A pure gem. And the acting is done so well so real, it puts to shame anything Hollywood has put together.

For the reviewer who stated that this film is like Home Alone, I ask this, when in home alone did his parents divorce, or he vandalize a whole house, or cut himself and lie to to keep an alibi, or even swear. This movie is nothing like Home alone this is a masterpiece and is no John Hughes family comedy, this would be the Coen brothers take on Home Alone if anything.

Rent it, Buy it. Do whatever you can to see this film you won't be disappointed.
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A Very Misunderstood Movie
17 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just recently saw Wild Tigers i have Known, i can only say it is one of the most beautiful and intelligent movies i have seen. Though i know most people have gotten confused over it or saying it was boring. I was very reluctant to see it after seeing some negative reviews. And by no means is this movie for everyone. It is considered an art film, and i couldn't agree with that more, it is very artsy filled with emotion and imagination all following our main Character defining himself.Relying mainly on lots of imagery and tones.

The story revolves around Logan a misunderstood boy, who is unpopular and is gay as well. Lots of the imagery and voice over we see is all about him, the voice overs are what he's thinking inside, and the imagery his emotion, like him on the beach as a way to show he is calm, or when he's in the cave how dark it is and how it reflects, and sometimes he writes on his chest how he feels. Logan soon finds that he is attracted to the bad boy rebel in school Rodeo, they quickly become friends as he is also considered misunderstood and it is why they understand each other a lot problem is Rodeo isn't gay but Logan feels an attraction to him and would do anything to get him. Even by trying to become a woman, wishing he could be someone else.

A lot of people have been saying it is a boring movie, i guess it depends on taste in that aspect, but i found myself intrigued, and understood most of what was going on. The acting is not the best but it's not over the top Oscar type either, it's just regular like if you were to talk to your friends or anyone around you.

In the end i found myself to enjoy it much more then i thought i would and would say to most people to give it a try and see how they feel from there, in my opinion it was smart,engaging,sensitive and haunting at the same time, but not everyone will feel the same of course.

Wild Tigers i Have known an excellent art film

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Disturbia (2007)
Wanted To Hate This Movie
14 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I walked into this movie expecting to hate it since I'm not really much of a fan of Shia Labouef he annoys me to the utter end. But instead i walked in and saw a decent Hollywood flick. The story centers around Kale(La Bouef) who is 17 and his father was recently killed in a car crash, leaving Kale to become a rebel and not care for much else. Until his Spanish teacher makes things a lot worse for him tells him something pretty rude about his father making Kale give him one big shiner on his eye.

Kale is sent to court, and the judge understands his position so instead of community service or being put in Jail, Kale is sentenced to house arrest with a little gadget on his foot that if he walks outside a 10 yard line the cops will arrive, and they give him the three strike line after three times of being caught by cops he'll be sentenced back to court for a new punishment. His mom decides to cancel everything his Xbox 360 account , his iTunes the TV everything leaving Kale with only one option spying on the neighbors. So this is where the story falls into a rear window type except this time for teens.

After spying on the girl next door, he hears on the news and in the paper about missing girls and starts suspecting his neighbor Mr, Turner(Morse), he eyes him, watches him and tries, to pin everything on him for him to be a murderer. Without giving to much away, the movie ends pretty predictable, but it's still enjoyable. There's a lot of comedy and a bit of thrills though i wish they had set up for more tense moments with Mr Turner and left the teen thing as a sub plot as it wasn't to important.

Also in my theater there were a lot of boom microphones in the shots, someone at Dreamworks is getting fired most likely, and it's not the first I've heard of them being in there either, and it did take away from the movie a lot, even the crowd laughed when seeing them. All in all it was still enjoyable very good Hollywood movie but i still hate Shia Labouef but i guess i'll have no choice but to watch him in the future as he has a lot of upcoming projects including Transformers and Indiana Jones 4.

All in all it's a movie worth seeing for fun.

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An Excellent Film not to be Missed
24 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Children, we see them grow everyday, as individuals and as people, looking back at the time you were 12 years old, you could only imagine what growth came next. Micheal Cuesta makes this brilliant film into a work of magic of growing up, dealing with our emotions and change. And proves yet again why he is probably one of the most brilliant directors in Hollywood today. 12 and holding not only proves this, but makes the clear statement.

The film starts out as we meet our main characters Jacob,Maelee,Leonard and Rudy. We see them going day to day in there lives, with each there own problems. Maelee has just started puberty and menstruating, Leonard is eating so much and gaining weight his family is no better, and Twin brothers Rudy and Jacob, Jacob in which he hides his face because of the huge birth mark on his face, and Rudy who wants to defend his tree house and his brother. But the gang is soon faced with a troublesome occurrence. Two bullies decide to throw Molotov cocktails inside the tree house while Rudy is in there Leonard as well. Leonard manages to escape but Rudy is caught and it takes his life changing the path for each of our characters.

Jacob decides to plot revenge against his brothers killers while visiting them at a juvenile prison. Instead he bonds with one of the bullies, becoming friends with him, which starts impacting his life, while his family is changing around him.

Leonard who escaped the fire is diagnosed with a disorder, one in which he can't smell or taste what he's eating, but it leads him on a path to start eating apples and start eating healthier and realize his weight is a problem and he needs to fix it by exercising everyday and even starts looking towards trying to help his family.

Maelee takes her emotions she realizes shes attracted to a man twice her age, whom she looks pretty for, sings songs for. She becomes obsessed with him, trying to be with him, she doesn't care how old he is, only that her heart is telling her she really loves this man, who he himself has problems of his own.

I won't get into much spoilers here about what happens to the characters as this movie is just a gift to unravel, you feel the characters grow each time there story is presented and shown. The writing is top notch as well as the acting. None of the kids overact in there situations but play out there roles as regular kids and when a situation arises they take to there own. Cuesta does a fantastic job to make you care for these characters and see what will happen next, and that most likely you will sympathize with a character or even connect to your own. Cuesta is never afraid to walk over the line thats drawn, he goes there, he crosses it and portrays real people in real situations. If anything 12 and Holding is one of those movies that are is so great and so well done, that it will probably be passed up for Oscars. My only quip about the movie is that, it leaves you wanting more! You want to see where there situations have led them what will happen to them, but i guess thats up to us to figure out, as to where or what we think will happen to them, or how they will grow. In total this is definitely a movie not be missed.

A Defnite 10/10 Rent or buy this one to give it a chance.
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A Great Comedy For The Summer
7 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Quebec, Ontario, the war has waged so many times the french vs the English. Well in this movie they bring two provinces and languages together. Colm Feore plays Detective Ward and Patric Huard plays Detective Bouchard, When a murder happens and the body is laid over the border of Quebec and Ontario it brings these two Cops together to try and solve the crime of who did it. Only problem is they both hate each other and hate the company along with it. The premise a very simple one to follow. People in the "Hockey Laugue" who have sold out the Canadian teams to an American buyer have basically angered some people who are now killing these people, and Tattooing them as a kind of symbol.The move is set mainly in Montreal and some times in Toronto to put both our Detectives together. Many of the laughs are between Ward and Bouchard, as one who speaks french obviously and the other English. One of my favorite Parts is when Bouchard first meets Detective Ward in the Montreal office, and Boucahrds boss try's speaking french. The conversation itself in that room was worth my ten bucks alone. It's been a while since i've laughed out loud and even teared in a movie so funny.

Though the movie whilst being funny with the right amount of action inside, has it's own set of problems.

One of my main gripes were that the killer, he didn't seem like to much a bad guy, though makes you believe that there's a mystery killer, but in the end it's nothing really special just some kid out for revenge against the Hockey League, When you see him, you'll probably say to yourself quietly "that's the bad guy?" He looks wimpy and will probably remind people of some Star Trek Nerd at a convention. Another gripe i had with the film was the family aspect of the film, Mainly on Wards(Feore) side. We don't really find out why his son really dislikes him, or doesn't talk to him a lot. Also both cops fall in love with each others family Member, Ward falls in love with Bouchards ex-Wife, And Bouchard with Wards Sister, but in the end it's not really solved and we don't really find out if they'll be together in the end. Maybe quite possibly a sequel in the works.

Those Minor Gripes aside the movie has the right amount of comedy and action put together. Even one of the bad guys has a funny moment taken from a classic film in the most obscure way ever! Also when the two Detectives argue it makes for some great highlights in the film. Some people may not get the jokes inside, a lot of them are "Quebec Based" if that makes any sense, so sometimes the audience may laugh but kind of think to themselves whether they got the joke or not. Other then that The movie is probably one of the best i've seen this summer. It was more then enjoyable and very funny. In my opinion it's one movie you got to see and check out for yourself to see whether it's funny or not, or if the movies for you. It was the best 10 bucks i have spent on a movie in a while though. So for a great Action/Comedy/Buddy Cop movie Bon Cop Bad Cop is a great choice overall, and highly recommended

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Wonder Showzen (2005–2007)
Direspectiful,Shamful and You Gotta Love It!
7 August 2006
We all remember the days of Sesame street, watching and growing up with it. Learning new stuff stuff everyday from the show, teaching kids how to count, spell. It wasn't long before i saw wonder showzen. I caught it one night at a friends house, kinda pondered as to what that kind of "show" was doing on that late, until i started seeing the jokes and realizing that this wasn't just any kind of show. I had done some research on the show and i began to just fall in love it with it. This was the kind of show that wasn't afraid to do anything, and when i say anything, i mean ANYTHING!! come on where else would you see a kid dressed as Hitler walking around asking people questions, as to who's more offensive. Or the Jewish J and Arab 8 who fall in love, and showing them pornographically in sexual positions. It's everything like Souht Park but 10x more, this show crosses every line there is, and it does it remarkably. Each week the show has it's regular "puppets" like Chauncy, and the news caster who has almost like a thousand eyes, and of course Clarence, the puppet who annoys the hell out of anyone, and isn't afraid to do it, it gets so bad people actually attack him on the street.

The Show has many memorable segments including Beat Kids, Clarence on the Street, D.O.G. O.B.G.Y.N., a regular cartoon and many many poor. The kids on this show are foul offensive and you sometimes wonder how the hell they got there in the first place! But this show never takes it self seriously, in fact if you take things way to seriously or a joke sometimes offend you steer clear of this show. Mainly this show pokes fun at religion, the government, people, Just about anything. I'd recommend Wonder Showzen to just about anyone looking for a fun comedy with some great laughs and all around Rotten Humour. This Show is definitely not for Children no matter how cute the box may look, keep your kids away from this. This is one show I love and will recommend a lot.

Chekc it Out Sometime
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An Emotionally Disturbed, Haunting Film.
13 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Thye Heart is Sad, The Heart is Violent, The Heart is Deceitful more then anything, or in this case above all things. It stars out where our character Jeremiah who is young is sent to live with his mother who is only 23 years old. She has won custody over him, and from here on out it can only be described as a harrowing emotional ride. Jeremiah doesn't want to be there but Sarah ( Asia Argento) keeps telling him lies, saying that she's all he has no one else would want him. Mixing his feelings, they go on a road trip where Sarah has multiple partners in which she sleeps with, bringing her son Jerimiah with to watch, he goes everywhere with her, does everything including eating out the garbage. Everything emotional happens to poor Jeremiah you wish things are better for him, that you could hold him and tell him it will all be OK, that he will be OK, to save him. unfortunately this is not a fairy tale. Jereimiah is raped tortured, beaten both inside and out.

I don't want to give to much away, but as we see Jeremiah mature and grow older we also see him more tortured, he wants to be exactly like his "mama" and to make her happy even though she beats him and slaps him, he still loves her. In the end it's anything but a happy ending, in fact were not really left with one. Through out the whole movie which is fantastically directed we get to see two things the damage being done to Jeremiah and also through the eyes of Jeremiah as he damages himself, and how emotionally damaged he is. We see very vivid imagery, haunting imagery and at the end of it all we feel as if there's been a hole burnt into our hearts. The one thing that i didn't like about the movie was how it ended. I wish there was more detail put into it but i guess that leaves the imagination to us and what to expect for poor Jeremiah. All we have is maybe hope for him. I find Asia Argento had made a great transition from book to movie, and as someone who doesn't like her acting she was well thought out and well maintained, her character is gritty, you hate her yet you wonder also why? Why is she doing this and sometimes pity her because of her situation.Jimmy Bennet and the Sprouse twins show they can be more then a rated g film, i wish i saw more of them in roles like this, they all did incredible jobs with the roles given to them. No one is perfect in this film nor is anyone innocent. But i guess it shows this is life, and this is what happens when innocence is taken away. leaving a long hard road to a Grey life. and also leaving a very black heart.

The Heart is Deceitful is not for anyone nor would i recommend this to the weak of heart. But after viewing this emotionally haunting film all i can say is wow, and as i'm writing this, that movie will stick with me for a long while, but if you think you can handle it i say watch this incredible unique amazing film and be prepared.

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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman Begins, Begins Something Great!
19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After Seeing Batman, i had doubts ever since the atrocious Schumacher films came out, and were disgracing the Batman films everywhere. Upon hearing Nolan directing this movie i was surprised and excited, after seeing such movies as Memento and Insomnia, which were amazing, I had to think can Nolan pull This Batman movie off, can he re-create the whole series over again, and hope our cape crusader won't die and be embarrassed once more in a movie? Amazingly the whole film works.

The movie starts with Bale in prison, as of yet we don't know why he is there. But Bruce Wayne has a skills of martial arts and attacks anyone who dares attacks him. We then meet Henri Ducard, who trains Bruce to become an ultimate weapon and seeking that those who deserve justice, get justice.After Bruce Wyanes parents were murdered in front of him when he was child he has sworn justice ever since. The League of Shadows in which Wayne wants join is run by a criminal under lord name Ra's Al Ghul, who's method of Justice is beyond what Wayne wants. Wayne kills Ra's and then runs back to Gotham to become a sworn protector.

As we look back in the past the open thing this movie runs on is fear. We learn Bruce Waynes fear, and the fear of everyone in this movie so brilliantly done. Gotham is bleak disgusting and looks as if it should be scrapped and torn down. Run by gang lords and drug users who get off Scott-free. Bruce Wayne is sworn to protect Gotham and bring down crime. He puts fear into them by what he used to fear Bats, as he becomes Batman. The movie has amazing acting and cinematography in it, the way you fear Batman and Scarecrow in the movie, is unlike anything, especially when we see the fear gas injected. Most of all it has a cool factor on it. Bale pulls off Batman with ease he plays the billionaire playboy amazingly, and Batman all at the same time. Neeson, Oldman and Freeman all make great supporting roles even Holmes does a good job with what she has, and shows she can act. But the real reason is to check out Cillian Murphy who may not be a big star yet but he's coming towards, he performs Scarecrow and Jonathan Crane amazingly, he sometimes becomes so creepy it makes your skin crawl by the way he talks, and then shows how he puts fear into others and the plan on Gotham as well.

The effects were amazing we finally have a movie where CG isn't everywhere we look and that it's down to good Ole action and storytelling. The Wachoski Brothers can learn a few tricks as could George Lucas, CG is not the whole movie but the actors and storytelling make up for everything to make an amazing movie. The Batmobile is beyond cool, in one sentence I Gotta get me one of those. The action scenes when he's doing his hand to hand combat could've been pulled off better, it was close up and hard to see what was going on, kind of like Bourne Supremacy, but none the less this movie just rocks.

Bravo to the new Batman, and Mr. Nolan for saving him all together. While the movie isn't perfect, it's just as close to being there. 10/10
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