
7 Reviews
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The Ark (2023– )
Barely watchable..worst is the writing
10 February 2023
If your going to take a perennially recycled idea, at least hire some decent writers.

It all just seems recycled.

But worst so far is the "compression suits" and helmets ...with no gloves???

A 10 year old would know that won't work!

The cabin is depressurizing to space ..put your helmets on!!

But wait, all the air will get sucked out of your sleeves just as your hands will also freeze and explode.

Lots of other hokey stuff. It's a shame we've come this far and people get money to try and pass of junk like this.

The CGI is OK, almost as good as star trek next generation Era.

Seems like with some budget and some tweaks it could have worked .

But didn't.

I'd say cancelled after 1 season.
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Better Than Us (2018–2019)
Started strong ...but...
26 January 2023
I am always interested to view these silly sexbot shows. They are usually pretty funny and entertaining. This one has a LOT of similarity to the British show Humans which also started strong. But it is unique enough to be worth viewing.

1 or 2 seasons is usually all these concepts can attain. The story gets worn thin or maybe there just aren't many good writers left.

Better Than Us doesn't disappoint, it has a bit of humor but mostly plays it straight.

One strange thing is that most of the cars are 80s American models! I had no idea the Ruskies owned so many cars Made in America??? So much for their ego. 😂 This also maked the "futuristic" aspect of the show immediately dubious. 🙄

Anyway, I was quite happy with the first 8 episodes. It seemed like a tight well-formed story with an end. I was quite satisfied .

But then there were 8 more episodes left?? Hmm.

I began episode 9. Where do the writers take the story now?? All over the place !

So I went ahead watching. I don't know if this was actually 2 eight episode seasons or not. But IMO, It would have made a great limited series of 8 episodes. Leaving the viewer satisfied or possibly wanting a bit more.

Lots of plot holes arise as we delve deeper into this future world and it's characters . The writers must have just gotten lazy or run out of ideas. They definitely milked this story for all it was worth, and then some.

It's a shame. Characters start doing really stupid stuff. That aggravates me.

Some things don't even make sense.

Like, continuity, the kid calls his dad and he's in a pickle. The dad is driving in his car and says he'll come help.

30 seconds later he's knocking on the door???

I kind of expect that from a Jackie Chan movie, but I was really hoping for more.

Then comes the repetition.

Escape, get captured, escape, get captured, escape, get captured. Did I say, Escape, get captured??

Any sane person would have left the country long ago for safety and sanity. But not these characters.

I've heard of young and stupid, I've experienced it! But the kid (the boy) must have only 1 brain cell by episode 12.

I've slogged thru to about episode 13 or 14 and it's worn my interest very thin.

I'll probably take a break from it for a couple weeks and then try to finish it.
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Almost Human (2013–2014)
Started strong ...but...
26 January 2023
I am always interested to view these silly sexbot shows. They are usually pretty funny and entertaining.

Almost Humadoesnt disappoint, it has a bit of humor but mostly plays it straight.

I was quite happy with the first 8 episodes. It seemed like a tight well-formed story with and end. I was quite satisfied .

But then there were 8 more episodes left?? Hmm.

So I went ahead watching. I don't know if this was actually 2 eight episode seasons or not. But IMO, It would have made a great limited series of 8 episodes. Leaving the viewer satisfied or possibly wanting more.

Then began episode 9. Where do the writers take the story now?? All over the place !

Lots of plot holes arise as we delve deeper into this future world and it's characters . The writers must have just gotten lazy or run out of ideas. They definitely milked this story for all it was worth, and then some.

It's a shame. Characters start doing really stupid stuff. That aggravates me.

Some things don't even make sense.

Like, continuity, the kid calls his dad and he's in a pickle. The dad says he'll come help. 30 seconds later he's knocking on the door???

I kind of expect that from.a Jackie Chan movie, but I was really hoping for more.

Then comes the repitition .

Escape, get captured , escape get captured ,escape get captured. Did I say, Escape get captured??

Any sane person would have left the country long ago for safety and sanity. But not these characters. I've heard of young and stupid, I've experienced it! But the kid (the boy) must have only 1 brain cell by episode 12.

I've slogged thru to about episode 13 or 14 and it's worn my interest very thin.

I'll probably take a break from it for a couple weeks and then try to finish it.
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M3GAN (2022)
Wow! Well done!
13 January 2023
I used to watch all of the horror films. Lately just streaming a few per year, they're just dissappointing. Last really good shocker I saw was Cabin in the Woods. So it's been a while since I've been impressed.

This is not a completely original concept, but it is well executed. I would call it more of a thriller than outright horror.

The opening was hilarious to me because we had been watching so many commercials in the theater before the film , I thought they had sneaked one in between the opening and the actual film, which wouldn't surprise me these days.

It was a full fledged commercial for a product that I don't think even exists, complete with Apple trademark disclaimer !

There's not really much gore shock in M3egan. They steered away from most of the cheap gore spectacle probably to get the PG13 rating. I think it was a good choice.

It is really a well rounded film. I laughed, I cried, and sat on the edge of my seat in other parts.

I usually hate musicals, but the disney-ish solos by M3gan, just added to the chaotic character of the android.

I actually teared up as she was singing to Cady when she missed her parents. A seemingly realistic study of psychology in that sequence.

The pacing was good, I never felt like hitting the fast forward button the way I did with Oscar winner, Everything All At Once. It wasn't repetitive like EAAO.

The cast was great. At first I thought Cady was the little Princess Lea actress, but it's not.

Film is not perfect, but Definitely recommended.

I never would have guessed that they filmed in New Zealand.
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Time Trax (1993–1994)
This is a great blast from the past
11 February 2020
Many times I remember shows being much more enjoyable than they actually were. But rewatching this series on roku channel is almost as satisfying as the first time when I was in my 20s, unlike Xfiles and UFO reruns that kind of bore me these days. I think one of the more enjoyable elements of the show, as hellraiser's review mentioned is the fun factor. It's not as dark and dramatic as Xfiles or UFO for instance. Hellraiser also nailed it IMO with a comparison to knight rider.. Although, on a much tighter budget. The writers did a good job of selling the futuristic angle and yet keeping a low budget by camouflaging the most often used items to look like current day devices. (I used to have an AT&T Universal card that looked exactly like that!) Also, by making all of Darien's future physical gifts internal, they didn't have to pay for alien makeup or anything. So this is a nice little escapism on a tight budget. Although, I do not want to discount the 2hr pilot which probably used most of the season 1 budget with its futuristic shots. It was believable enough and stands up pretty well even today. I always enjoyed Selma with her Aussie accent and formal diction. Hellraiser did possibly misunderstand some facts, which I had to pause and re-watch sections of the pilot to Understand. Sambi was getting paid by these criminals to send them back and used the money to fund his further research. His long term plans were definitely to jump back to the past once he had his team in place and try to institute a new world order. However, as seen in the pilot episode, he was shocked and unprepared for Darian's arrival in the past, but he maneuvered to try and make the best of the situation.
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Amo (2017–2018)
Very engaging although somewhat disturbing
5 March 2019
Like most other people in the world, I have heard tidbits about the controversy of the new drug war in the Philippines. Like many in the US, I have known and worked with Filipinos here in the US and that also influenced my interest in this series. Many do not realize, it used to be a protectorate of the US. So, although it has a distinct culture, there is also a noticeable amount of influence that remains from that former association with the US. Having familiar American businesses there (McDo, Krispy Kreme, etc) it almost seems to present an alternate reality of the America that we know and this can provide a very interesting foreign culture that is still somewhat familiar to the American viewer. Therefore, I had a burning curiosity for more information about this war on drugs and how it is being implemented and how the general population is reacting to it. Not living in the Philippines, it is otherwise difficult to get a pulse on this type of perspective. I felt that my chance discovery of this series, Amo, was possibly a fateful answer to my questions. So I dove into it not knowing what to expect. I found it immediately engaging and could not stop watching episode after episode! I felt that the actors were very good and appealing. The stories interweave on many levels but are much more believable asdociations than many American soaps that try to do this same thing.

I came away from it feeling very informed and somewhat ill at my stomach from some of the carnage that appears to be taking place there. I feel that the producers have done a great service in presenting this drama/documentary in such and engaging and watchable way.

Occasionally the editing was a bit rough, I am not sure if that was due to its transition to Netflix or if that was an original fault. Although it is not a high budget series, I found its gritty reality to be endearing of my interest, not a detriment.
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Jonny Quest (1964–1965)
I'm still asking the same question after 10 years!
19 July 2014
As Sawyer said..this was the best animated series of the time...So I am still asking "When are we going to get a Live Action version of this gem of creativity and adventure??"

I don't care who's going to be cast as wonder woman, etc. I want to know who is going to play Johnny!!!!

Who is going to play Race and Hadji? Could be a break through role for someone. There is a lot of casting opportunities for a project like this to do something different and bring some new faces to the screen as well.

If I had the big bucks...THIS is the property I would be investing in (see below)! With today's CGI those hover crafts and other cool gadgets could look pretty realistic. And animal casting has gone so much further since the days of Frank Inn (Benji) that could be cool. (No scooby doo please.)

Film or TV, I don't have a preference, but if you do, let us know......

So how about it people? A write-in campaign to Fox or Universal requesting a Live Action production? (old school method)

Or maybe someone knows a producer who is interested in initiating a KickStarter campaign and we'll just fund it ourselves!(new school method).

We are the boomer generation....we have "proven" that anything is possible!! - (Anything, that is, except entering the word "proven" into an IMDb review without quotes. Don't know why this editor refuses to accept an "n" on the end of the word "prove" in this context, it is a real word, I've tried 3 times to correct it..sorry grammaticians)
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