
39 Reviews
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Blithe Spirit (2020)
Noel must be turning in his grave !
11 May 2024
What a load of old rubbish ! After 15 minutes, it was clear that this travesty has nothing to do with Noel Coward's brilliant play and was, instead, some ludicrous modern "re-working". How anyone can believe they are fit to rewrite the theatrical work of a genius, is beyond me.

The Condomines are farcical, their maid, Edith, comes across as simply ridiculous and Madame Arcati just doesn't have any of the necessary character. The rewritten script is dreadful and the direction jerky. The acting may be what the director wanted but is awful - overdone and unbelievable, as is the action.

For this utter tripe to be connected with the works of such a great author as Noel Coward is an insult to his memory.
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A real little gem !
13 March 2024
What an excellent film ! A well made and genuinely suspenseful story, with mystery and a little spookiness built in.

Is life pre-ordained ? Can the future be seen through our dreams ? At the start, the characters range from those who believe implicitly that it can, to those who consider such things as fanciful nonsense. By the end, all have had an awakening and the final scene is an amusing reminder to a disbelieving officer who is only too happy to accept credit for another's insight.

A fine cast, well acted and directed; a good and intelligent script, and plenty of real drama, negating the need for any overpowering background noise to create the illusion of drama. It might be almost 70 years old and seem outdated to a younger audience brought up on a diet of 'crash, bang, wallop' entertainment, but this is a cracking good film of its time.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Utterly unbelievable
25 February 2024
Series 1 I thought was watchable, just, so gave series 2 a go. Big mistake.

Vicky McClure was excellent in Line of Duty but that was in a role in which she was one of a number of lead characters. In this rubbish, she's on her own as a shockingly unrealistic lead and she simply isn't up to it. Neither are the storylines, scripts, acting or direction.

How many times can McClure's character, Lana Washington a supposedly top level explosives officer, actually be within yards of being blown up ? How many times can she pretend she's actually an investigating detective ? She charges around like some sort of super-hero and thinks she's the only one capable of doing the job - in truth, she'd have been put on sick leave after the first episode.

There's the usual quotas of stock, stereotypical characters whose acting is mundane to say the least. No doubt some will find it exciting - I found it unrealistic, bordering on ludicrous at times, and with no characters I cared a jot about .

Should there be a series 3, I'll find some other way to waste an hour.
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Rubbish, from start to finish
23 December 2023
This is very much a 'B'- movie, in fact it may even qualify as a 'C'.

The cast is second rate and the replacement for the immortal "She" is clearly no more than a look-a-like. The acting is stilted, at best, and the script mostly very weak; the characters and overall story line are really poor. Any connection with the original stories of H Ryder Haggard is purely coincidental. In fact the story, and how it progresses, makes very little sense.

Having read the original books and watched the first film, this is an utterly pointless and unconnected piece of cinematic nonsense. Forget it, wipe it from the mind. Whoever wrote this must have been having a bad day, while whoever directed it was having an even worse one.
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The Hollow Crown: Richard III (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
This caricature is not for me
26 November 2023
One wonders how much of Shakespeare is really left in this overly dramatised, and episodic 'adaptation' of Richard III.

Don't get me wrong, there is some decent acting, though also some pretty questionable casting and direction, and the basic story is all there, but it's presented in such a way as to leave this lover of historical drama simply wishing for it to end. Cumberbatch's over-acting renders Richard little more than a caricature and the frequent close-ups of his one expression do nothing but strengthen this impression.

The excessive and far too loud music is an annoyance and does nothing to enhance the production, in fact, it detracts from it. The first 2 episodes in this trilogy were far superior and this effort left me badly disappointed. For me, it's a 4 at best and there's no way I'd want to see it again.
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The Babadook (2014)
Excellent horror with genuine spine-tingling moments
5 November 2023
I find it hard to understand how anyone can dismiss "The Babadook" with words such as 'terrible', 'awful', 'worst ever' and more. It's none of those things, in fact it's the polar opposite.

It grabs the attention early on and never lets go. It's genuinely spooky and genuinely scary in parts. The way in which the character of Amelia gradually turns into a paranoid, even slightly schizophrenic, wreck is perfectly handled; As she struggles to come to terms with her never-ending sense of loss and her son finds himself framed as an out of control and difficult child, Amelia needs help, but she has no one to turn to. Professionals see her simply as a stressed mother, her friends don't, and really can't, understand what is happening. Is it all in her mind or is there really a malevolent spirit in her house ?

Essie Davis is excellent, as is Noah Wiseman as her 6 year old son. The direction is good, the action well managed and the overall atmosphere quite malign. I found it compelling viewing from the start and a real hit. For once, I actually cared about the characters and wanted to know what happened at the end. It has to be a 9.
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Black Snow (2022– )
Slow, boring and devoid of real substance.
4 November 2023
I really thought "Black Snow" would be a good watch as the premise was good. How wrong I was.

It's slow and deeply uninteresting. The constant switching between eras, a current fad of directors, it seems, is just annoying. None of the characters hold the attention and none demand any sympathy. It's bitty, poorly acted and with a very limited and inadequate script. The direction is weak and there's just nothing to grab hold of in the whole production. After 1½ episodes, I find myself simply being bored. It's a case of style over substance, with so little real substance as to be virtually devoid of it.

I'm not Australian so perhaps I don't understand what those 'down under' like, but this I really don't like. Wh there are so many reviews giving it marks of 8, 9 or 10, I can't imagine. It's 2 for me.
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Much better than many seem to think.
10 September 2023
I've only recently discovered this detective series on BBC 4, and watched its third incarnation. Frankly, I can't quite undersatnd why so many have entered negative reviews.

Having to read sub-titles is a nuisance but well worth while. The story is coherent and well acted and there's little in the way of extraneous noise or scenes. The chief character, Louise, comes across as a bit of a troubled soul at times but watching her think as she considers her response to questions, or seeks knowledge from suspects, is well done.

The story in series 3 is a good one and I've been gripped from the outset - if I hadn't been, I'd have given up long before the end. It's not perfect but it's well worth a mark of 8, and much better than many of the formulaic offerings from elsewhere.
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Case Histories (2011–2013)
What is it meant to be ?
3 September 2023
I am struggling to understand why there are so many great reviews for this series. For me, it simply doesn't work.

Jason Isaacs mumbles his way through his lines and the stories jump around all over the place, to very little purpose. While there are some interesting moments and even some decent cameo perfomances, most of it seems to be highly contrived with very unlikely and uninteresting characters. It's difficult to see what it's meant to be - is it a detective drama, a comedy-drama, or what ? It's clearly meant to be a bit quirky but much of it makes little sense, at least to me. Unlike some reviewers, I have no issue with the soundtrack which is limited and avoids being intrusive.

Sadly, after watching the first 4 episodes, I've had enough. It's not awful, but it's not for me. 5 is the best I can give it.
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Elemental (2023)
Ignore the messages and enjoy the action.
30 July 2023
My 12 year old niece wanted me to take her to see this film, which I did, though rather reluctantly. However, I was was pleasantly surprised.

Yes, it has its social messages about immigrants, differences and all the rest but it's also a rather cute little film which can be enjoyed simply as that. I found it a little confusing at first (I am of a much older generation than that targeted !) and it seemed rather slow to get going, but once the storyline was properly established it was fine. The characters of Ember and Wade came across as very likeable and demanded attention. The numerous other characters created sufficient background to the main story and the overall scene setting, dialogue and direction was good. There were moments of genuine emotion, too.

Overall it's not a great film but it's an entertaining one which even an old fogie like me could enjoy. .My niece scored it as 8.7, which I feel is a bit high but perhaps reflects the view of the targeted age group; my own score is a good 7.
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Van der Valk (2020–2023)
Doesn't cut it.
12 August 2022
Apart from being located in Amsterdam, this series has no connection with the original 'Van Der Valk'. I haven't read the original stories of Nicholas Freeling so can't comment on the realism of the various episodes, but it is a fact that Marc Warren's character is utterly unrelated to that portrayed by Barry Foster in the original series. From that perspective, the new series could just as easily have been called "Rebus : The Dutch Connection" or "Miserable Cop in Holland".

Marc Warren undoubtedly ticks the box for being a modern, gritty, detective, not averse to the occasional one night stand (though thank God he's not portrayed as homo-, bi- or trans- sexual as well), while Barry Fosters's character was happily married and a one night stand would not have occurred to him. Sadly, Warren seems less prepared to engage with his superiors than did Barry Foster as I recall him. His assorted assistants tick the boxes for inclusivity to a degree but not so much as to be off-putting. Warren himself seems out of place and wrongly cast; quite simply he's a good supporting actor but not a lead. We do get some nonsenical references to classical literature, but why ?

By itself, the series is watchable, if there's nothing more compelling, but it's not particularly different, gripping or memorable; there's a good chunk of style over substance too. For those who remember the original series, this is not Van Der Walk. Warren simply doesn't cut it and, overall, it's not anything to bother about for either original devotees or new viewers.
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Not Wyndham's Cuckoos, but watchable enough
2 August 2022
The first thing to say is that this has almost nothing to do with John Wyndham's novel of the same name. It does take the basic premise of children being conceived and born after some sort of inexplicable event knocks out the population of a town, but there any real similarity ends. The rest of the story, with plenty of attention paid to ensuring all politically correct boxes are ticked, is a new one.

That said, it's not too bad. The story, as rewritten, is a decent one, although some parts are a little incoherent, and the acting and script are fairly good for the most part. There is, of course, an abundance of ethnic minorities who are simply out of place in a small, rural English town and there are nods to various politically correct attitudes, but that's par for the course these days. One or 2 completely unnecessary and unwarranted scenes of sexual activity add nothing whatsoever and could easily have been omitted.

There is plenty of angst, family issues and the like, but the children look suitably malevolent as and when required, particularly the seeming ringleader, Hannah. The dramatic musical accompaniment is often unnecessary and far too intrusive; will directors never learn that silence is usually far more frightening than loud noise ? Some of the dialogue is quite indistinct with the usual mumbling and rapid-fire delivery making it hard to understand it at times, particularly with the background noise.

As the end approaches, the story does seem increasingly contrived, illogical and confused. There's no doubt that it's much too drawn out and could have been far better if restricted to 3 or 4 episodes rather than 7. That said, it's not terrible and I watched to the end, which wasn't much of a surprise. A mark of 6 is probably fair and many will no doubt enjoy it greatly.
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Unexpectedly decent SF
9 July 2022
This is an unexpectedly decent film, not great but not so bad either. It's obviously dated and somewhat stodgy, with entirely unnecessary romantic interludes common at the time, but still surprisingly watchable. It has echoes of "The Time Machine" and "Brave New World", but is scientifically far less nonsensical than many other SF attempts. Made at a time when we were all terrified that nuclear Armageddon was around the corner, it carries a simple message, but carries it fairly well. The acting and script are definitely 'B' movie, as are the sets, and yet it has enough going for it to demand watching to the end. I had anticipated what that end would be but found myself taken a bit by surprise, which was certainly unexpected. All in all, I give it a 7 for being a cut above many other SF efforts of its time.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Better than the Beeb's usual output
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Forget the supposed inspiration for this series and ignore the occasional political comments. In truth, it bears very little resemblance to the events on which are its loose inspiration.

With that out of the way, it's actually a very decent series, well written, directed and acted for the first 4 episodes, things I am rarely able to say about any modern BBC drama. It even benefits from a low level musical score which doesn't intrude on the action or dialogue. There are moments of genuine emotion and the tensions in a divided community are laid bare. Unfortunately, the last 2 episodes are rather too slow, introspective and drawn out, as if the writers had difficulty filling the allotted time, which does detract slightly from the overall quality.

As always in modern drama, there has to be a quota of assorted minorities and so we are presented with an Asian police chief and Black school headmistress, as well as a neurotic Asian train driver who murders his daughter-in-law for no obvious reason. All three parts could have been allocated to anyone of any background although the last is an entirely unnecessary one; none really does anything to enhance the production.

The cast is high profile and excellent and the atmosphere created by the location and historical connection works very well for the most part. Overall, I have to say that the good outweighs the bad and I'm happy to give it a 7, which would be 7½ if that was allowed.
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One of the very best
17 April 2022
Was Richard Burton ever better or more realistic than in "The Spy Who came in from the Cold" ? As the doomed Alex Leamas, Burton is quite superb, downcast, world-weary and dreading what will happen next, while also having no power to change things. At a time when the world was still horribly aware of the threat Russia presented as a wayward nuclear power, the Cuban crisis was only 3 years before the film was made, the Berlin Wall was very much a reality and life either side of the 'Iron Curtain' was very different, this was a story of real life.

Burton was brilliant. Claire Bloom as his naive lover was utterly believable, while the assorted support, form Cyril Cusack's 'Control' to Peter van Eyck's 'Mundt' are so well cast as to be almost indistinguishable from the general public's idea of what such characters would have been like in real life. Indeed, the supporting cast includes many others of great note - Robert Hardy, Bernard Lee, Sam Wanamaker, Michael Hordern, Rupert Davies and Oskar Werner to name but a few - who came to prominence in other roles. As a whole, the film portrays the hopelessness that many must have felt at that time, when nuclear annihilation seemed to be only minutes away and life itself seemed pointless..

It's a great film, undoubtedly one of the very best of its type and of its era. Being in black and white enhances the general tone of foreboding and depression, the general sense of fear and gloominess about the future. When Leamas makes his final choice, it's as if he's decided there's no other way out - whatever happens, it must be better than the life he's been living.

Absolutely fantastic. Brilliant story and script, great acting, great settings, magnificently unobtrusive background accompaniment. I've seen this film many times and I still can't find a better way to describe it.

Absolutely fantastic !
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Before We Die (2021– )
Weak and implausible - don't bother.
5 July 2021
This series starts out with a promising story line and goes steadily downhill from there. By the end it's utterly implausible, with little but lots of noise and rusing around; the script is weak and acting is poor. Even the characters don't make much sense, with 60+ Sharp totally miscast and Vincent Regan seeming to be sleep walking through his part. Sharp's character's son acts like a wannbe James Bond with none of the ability or charisma, before breaking down when the going gets tough. A final ludicrous shoot out with Sharp doing her best "Dirty Harry" impersonation just about sums it all up.

It really is pretty poor.
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Poor, predictable nonsense.
16 May 2021
Reading other reviews, I'm wondering if I've watched the same film. For me, 'Fear is the Key' is bitty, confusing and illogical. Even as a product of its 1972 origin, it's a very poor offering. I have trouble believing that the novel on which it's based isn't rather better.

The action is frequently ridiculous, the lengthy car chase being one of the more implausible elements, while the characters are wooden, the dialogue banal and the direction seriously weak, with too much style and too little substance. The plot itself is obscure and the 'twist' is obvious from very early on. Only at the very end is there anything that approximates to tension or suspense or, indeed, a scene that lasts for any length of time with reasonable dialogue.

John Vernon plays a the archetypal villain, but hardly seems enthused by his role, Barry Newman the hero who is on a mission and tackling a whole gang of crooks single-handed. Suzy Kendall provides the female interest, doing very little while looking terrified most of the time she's on screen, which isn't much.

Altogether it adds up to a pretty dreadful film. It's one I would not bother watching again and rather regret the time wasted in watching it at all. There are far better films of similar type from the same era and I'm far from surprised that this one has been largely forgotten.
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What a load of rubbish.
5 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest, this is appalling tripe. It's a vast mish-mash of disparate ideas, everything that the writers thought up, with very little concern for sense or logic. Spanish conquistadors ruled over by a child, ridiculous figures in Ku-Klux-Klan outfits, quite laughable monstrous creatures, ship wrecks and plenty of violence, all thrown together in an utterly haphazard manner.

The acting is weak, the script likewise; the action makes very little sense and the story is nonsense. The story actually goes nowhere, leaving the survivors in some sort of nautical limbo and viewers likewise. By the end, I had no idea who had avoided the seaweed, giant crab, rubber scorpion or whatever it was that was seemingly trapped in the conquistadors cellar. What's more, I didn't care.

If this is even remotely like the Denis Wheatley novel it's supposed to be based on, I'd be very surprised. Wheatley may not have been the greatest novelist of his time, but he was a lot better than this film.
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The Legacy (1978)
Not terrible but .......
2 April 2021
A film obviously made in the UK with American money. American couple, who are, of course, the heroes, fall foul of nasty English Satanists, or some such, who also seem to be adept with crossbows, rifles and other assorted weapons.

Rather dull and not at all original. Formulaic and with very little in the way of a decent script or acting, though nice backdrops of English countryside and country houses. The usual British stars of such films - Charles Gray pre-eminent, but with the always suave John Standing and Lee Montague plus Margaret Tyzack in support - but all seem to be doing little more than the minimum to earn their fees. What Roger Daltrey's doing is anyone's guess.

It's not very suspenseful, not at all horrific, bar a couple of scenes, and is not very mysterious. Nonsensical and inexplicable in parts with a white cat which appears at intervals as if to indicate malevolence, although its role is never explained. Some scenes of dramatic violence seem to be mostly about demonstrating masculine ego and to satisfy an American audience. The ending makes some sense but not a lot.

Basically it's not very good, with much more promise than delivery. Not terrible but not a film to make any special effort to see.
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Gremlins (1984)
Obey the rules, or else !
11 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't watched 'Gremlins' for a good few years but remembered it as a pretty funny, yet scary, film. watching it now, probably 20 years since my last viewing, I have to say that it's aged rather well.

It's a fast moving film with few quiet moments. It's scary and funny at different times and actually scary and funny at the same time as well. It also benefits from the lovable little 'Gizmo', the Mogwai who has rules attached to his keeping. Unfortunately, an accident with some water soon reveals that 'Gizmo' can produce some horrible offspring if the rules aren't observed.

Whether it was meant or not, there's an underlying message about the danger of not adhering to rules as the monstrous Gremlins wreak havoc upon a small town at Christmastide. However, it's also the case that some of the Gremlins' bad behaviour mirrors that of some of the less well behaved people that we all may know; I'm pretty sure that sitting in a bar, getting drunk and tormenting the bar girl isn't something that's restricted to Gremlins, though they make it all very amusing.

This film is fun though whether today's children would enjoy it is debatable. I suspect that many would find it dated, and younger ones would find it too scary. Nonetheless, I still think it's one of the better comedy horrors, well worth watching and one I'll happily watch again.
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A case of 'more' really is 'less'.
10 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The 1971 version of this chilling tale was exactly that - chilling. The notion of an extra-terrestrial microbe coming to Earth with devastating consequences was brilliantly handled. This can't be said of this 2008 TV mini-series.

Sadly, this overlong adaptation of Michael Crichton's thriller is an overblown piece of nonsense. The background noise is frequently overpowering while assorted madcap dashes hither and yon are nothing more than attempts to create additional drama where none is needed. There are pointless additions to the original story and, of course, lots of military action with soldiers shooting at anything and everything. The introduction of a journalist 'hero' is completely unnecessary and simply detracts from the central plot which is the effort to identify and contain the microbe; that alone would be more than gripping enough to keep viewers' attention if it wasn't lost in amongst all of the extraneous junk.

The 1971 film may now be a bit dated but it's infinitely better than this frenzied modern version. Avoid.
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Lost in Space (1965–1968)
How time changes perceptions
9 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I well remember watching this series when it was first aired in the UK sometime in the mid to late 1960s. Back then, it was different, fun, amusing and quite exciting to think of a family taking such a bold gamble and venturing out into deep space.

Sadly, the years have taken their toll. After watching the first few episodes of a rerun I have to say that I find the whole thing bordering on the ludicrous. Even for the 1960s, much of the science is laughable and the way in which the supposed head of the expedition, Professor Robinson, allows the villain of the piece, the comically villainous Dr Smith, to do pretty much whatever he likes in his attempts to destroy mission, ship and family defies belief. The space ship wobbles around like a Frisbee and the sets are reminiscent of 'Crossroads' in their lack of solidity.

A less likely group of astronauts is hard to imagine, wrapped up in their own little personal worlds and with none of the attributes of real spacefarers. The brilliant child, soppy sentimental girl, doting mother and potential young couple who might just become involved, simply don't cut it. As for the robot, he's a left over from 'Forbidden Planet' but has suffered a curious personality change, becoming alternately villain, friend and comedian. With a change of clothing and converting the 'spaceship' into a covered wagon, this would have been just the same as a series about pioneers in the wild west, and they wouldn't have needed to make much in the way of changes to scenery or scripts.

When I was in my early teens I might have given this 7 or 8; today I can't bring myself to consider more than a 3, and that mostly out of nostalgia. It doesn't begin to compare with 'Star Trek' and really is a rather sad, silly and outdated offering.
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Bear Island (1979)
A waste of a good cast
9 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a confusing film that makes very poor use of an all-star cast. Widmark, Redgrave, Sutherland, Bridges, Lee and more plod their ways through a story which has little explanation until the very end, which is reached after far too long a time.

None of the cast seem very enthusiastic, and much of the action is of the 'fast and furious' type, accompanied by loud music, often adopted in films with little to really shout about. The majority of the film makes little real sense with people being killed off but no one doing much about it except, of course, the hero played by Sutherland. People race around over the snow, over the ice and over the water, making maximum use of assorted vehicles, but to what purpose ?

In the end, it's just another story about those pesky Nazis doing what Nazis always do - hiding in the shadows, murdering and stealing. Yawn ! It's 2 hours of very underwhelming and, frankly, largely boring stuff, made all the worse by the ridiculously overblown casting.

Worst is that I'll never get those 2 hours back.
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Victoria: Faith, Hope & Charity (2017)
Season 2, Episode 6
One of the very best
4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While the 'Victoria' series has been quite well done, it has, for me at least, lacked punch and seemed a bit pedestrian. Until this episode, that is.

"Faith, Hope and Charity" dealt with the horrors of the Irish potato famine of the 1840s and showed, with a fair degree of bluntness, how the UK government reacted. Members of Parliament were more concerned about upsetting their most powerful supporters than with helping millions of starving people and used every possible excuse for not helping, sadly a situation which still persists with most political groupings in most parts of the world today.

There was a lot of dramatic licence; for instance, I can find no evidence that Robert Traill had an audience with the Queen and for a domestic servant to interrupt the Queen in a palace corridor would have been unthinkable at the time, but the points were nonetheless well made. Robert Traill was a real person who really did do his best to help, dying of typhus fever which he most probably contracted as a result of his efforts. Some of the scenes were genuinely heart-rending, especially for anyone whose Irish ancestors were affected, and the overall story was very well handled.

This rather shocking period of British history is rarely mentioned but 'Victoria' will undoubtedly have raised its profile very significantly. "Faith, Hope and Charity" was well written, well presented, well acted, gripping and genuinely educational. Let's have more like it.
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Save the Whales !
1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have to declare an interest in that I've been semi-addicted to 'Star Trek' since it was first broadcast in the UK. Nonetheless, I still watch the original episodes and the films (yes, it's very sad) and, without doubt, 'The Whales' is the very best of Star Trek.

I say 'The Whales' because that's how everyone remembers this film; 'The Voyage Home' seems a little less than revealing of the story line. Having decided to return to earth to face the authorities after their dramatic rescue of the resurrected Spock, Kirk and Co. discover that Earth is under threat from an alien object which is emitting tonal messages which cannot be understood. Spock identifies the necessary response as being that of a hump back whale, a species long extinct in the 23rd century. Of necessity, Kirk decides to try to travel back to the present day to see if he can find some hump back whales to save the day. What a plan ! It's a great Sci-Fi film without that much Sci-Fi, but with a lot of enjoyment. The script is unusually good, filled with odd references that raise a smile. The contrast between the imagined 23rd century and the reality of the 20th allows for a mass of amusing moments and Spock's attempts at imitating 20th century 'colourful' language are often hilarious. There are many opportunities for the star cast to have their moments too, Scotty's difficulties with using a 20th century computer being one of the best, but Kirk's "I'm from Iowa, I only work in Outer Space" is a real corker.

McCoy can't believe the deficiencies of 20th century medicine and Spock, still recovering from being dead, is full of little comments that make one smile. Catherine Hicks as the rather dishy Doctor Gillian makes the most of meeting a group of visitors from the future and has her own great lines. Given the opportunity, who wouldn't want to travel to the future ? No doubt purists can dig mile wide holes in the plot, filming, acting and all the rest, but none of that matters. It's a terrifically fun film with a genuine message about the harm that 20th, and 21st, century humans are doing to our planet and the potential consequences of that. It has plenty of drama and action, plus bits of comedy and, even, potential romance. The ending might be a bit predictable but who cares ? I've probably seen this film a dozen times over the years and I'll undoubtedly watch it again. It may not be a 'Great' film but it is great fun and great cinema. it's worth every bit of an 8/10.
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