
4 Reviews
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United 93 (2006)
the concrete of history is forming before our very eyes
22 April 2006
what scares me more than anything else is when i can see fictional accounts of supposedly historical events being formed and solidified before my very eyes.

This movie is based on pure speculation. Everybody on the plane died.. but somehow we have this extremely detailed account of what happened to make Us feel good like we "beat" the terrorists? This movie creeps me out BIG TIME. Ranks as one of the most scary movies I've seen since the Shining, but for totally different reasons.

Paul Greengrass should be ashamed for being part of such blatant propaganda. Evertyhing about this movie seems like a joke. Maybe its because i didn't buy into the Jessica Lynch or Pat Tilman stories? I don't really know, but what i do know is that many people will believe the events in this film, which deeply scares me.
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Sleeper Cell (2005–2006)
If Michael Moore and Ann Coulter wrote a show together
19 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I do not reveal the "ending" of the show in this review, i just spoil the content of 2 episodes ;-)

This show i believe is a mini series, since i have seen all 9 episodes and it appears to "end" on the 9th episode. It saddens me because this show had the potential to be extremely good.

The strangest thing about Sleeper Cell is if you only see one episode you will have a completely warped perspective on what political message the show is trying to send.

let me give an example, the first episode made the al queda sleeper cell to appear extremely non descript, 2 fluent naturally English speaking Arabic men, 3 Caucasian men, and 1 African American Muslim. The goal of the show at first seemed to be "lets scare the Sh*t" out of the American public by making them even more paranoid about terrorists than they already are. The terrorist cell acted like the Joe pesci, deniro, and Ray liotta in Goodfellas. In the first episode they confront a fellow member by burying him up to his head in sand and stoning him to death for bragging to his friends about their planned attack. To me it was even more charactered than a Mafia movie.

So my thoughts were after the first episode were "Wow this is definitely some sort of anti Muslim, scare American, propaganda show"

but i was extremely surprised that in a following episode the political message seemed to completely 180.

A young Muslim boy from Afghanistan comes to America hoping to be recruited to the sleeper cell. Through out the episode we learn that he was wrongly accused of being a terrorist by the American, when he was actually a farmer in Afghanistan. His rival neighbor had sold him and his family out to the American army for a large cash reward. You then follow his story to the Abu Garib prison where he was tortured over and over again until he admitted he was an Al queda member. Upon his release, by this time he had harbored so much hatred against America that now he actually wanted to commit terrorism The episode almost tried to make you sympathize with this character for "the Americans turning him into a terrorist".

very strange show indeed, although sometimes very campy and hard to take seriously, this show still makes me paranoid, question the war on terror, and realize that a terrorist attack either real or hoaxed can happen at any time.
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Masters of Horror (2005–2007)
i just don't know what to say
29 October 2005
While being a huge fan of Phantasm and enjoying Bubba-ho-tep immensely..... i cannot help but defile this terrible 1 hour POS made for Showtime..

Showtime has once again lowered the bar to unbelievable depths. We have been treated to a show that has production values less than Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You were thinking Masters of Horror would be at least as good quality in terms of production as the X-files was? WRONG, it doesn't even come close. In comparison the X-files looks like a 35mm academy award winning masterpiece, Masters of Horror looks like something filmed on a USA networks budget. I cannot think of one horror series that evoked more disgust from me(about how low quality it was) besides maybe the Friday the 13th series from the 80s.

This series is super low qual.

  • the score sounded like it was made by a 12 year old, on a sampler from 1995 that had very low quality orchestral samples loaded into it. the movie Puppet Master had a better score than this crap. Are they not aware of the technological developments in orchestral sampling libraries in the last 10 years? - the film/video whatever the hell they used to shoot with looked very low budget similar to a quality you would see on the USA networks - The acting was god awful - The script was extremely predictable and laughably bad - It was not scary, tense, disturbing, or interesting to me it seems like showtime is using some left over funds and scraping the bottom of the barrel to pump out this new show just in time for Halloween.

warning: this show as of now, is not watchable.
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Batman Begins (2005)
most faithful to the comic of the entire film franchise
15 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly expected to like this movie much more than i did. Part of it was the amount of time I'd been following the development of begins. I never expected the movie to actually come out...So when it did i was extremely surprised It took many liberties with the Batman origin story from the comic books, but was able to capture the feel of the the comic better than any of the previous 5 Batman pictures (including the Adam west 70's movie).

semi-spoiler warning - some of the stuff below reveals specifics about the movie but stuff that in my opinion wont truly spoil anything.

any ways I'm going to give some bizarre comments on aspects of the movie which other people may not find important.

  • Music - One of my big worries was what will the new Batman theme sound like? Danny Elfman's batman theme for 1 & 2 was some of the best music ever written IMO. The theme and music composed in a similar style was used throughout Batman: the animated series, which is by far my favorite screen adaptation of Batman thus far. The opening title music from Batman Begins was very dark and ambient, had some electronic elements but was mostly just acoustic sounding drones over slow taiko-like drums. A very drastic change from all previous batman films. Not a theme song really, but it was a good atmospheric opening to the film. Later the score reminded me of the eerie but emotional piano music from "Unbreakable" or "The Sixth Sense". This was mostly played during the flashback sequences from Bruce Wayne's childhood. Some of the action oriented symphony music was good but not too memorable during Wayne's training. Later in the film when you actually see Batman fighting for the first time the music turned very cheesy Jerry Bruckhiemer-like. I'm not sure if this where Hanz Zimmer stepped in, but whoever is responsible for this atrocious cookie-cutter music should resign. Sorry for sounding so angry but when these regurgitated "time is running out" Vin Deisal themes start i get a little pulled out of my suspension of disbelief. Other than the 10 minutes of this awful music spread out over the last 45 minutes of the movie, the soundtrack was pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty-pretty good (Larry David voice).If i had to choose I'd sadly pick the Batman Forever soundtrack over Batman Begins.

  • Scarecrow psychedelic weapon - this was definitely the best aspect of Begins for me. They portrayed the Scarecrow as a realistic and almost likable guy, aside from the fact that he caused hallucinogenic waking nightmares upon unsuspecting people. The visual effects team did such a wonderful job that i was sad we didn't see more of the Scarecrow's Datura-like gassings.

  • Batman - Christian Bale was great as Bruce Wayne, but as Batman i still think Keaton was better. The horse scary voice whisper Bale does in the close-up Batman dialog makes him seem less intimidating than even Val Kilmer. When Batman first appears on screen it is a very scary moment. Bale still does a great job (when not speaking) of making batman seem like a frightening and almost evil man in many scenes. This is what makes up for his sometimes sheepish batman character interaction.

overall i give the movie a 7 out of 10, i felt the ending was unfulfilling, some stuff ruined the great atmosphere at times, but it is definitely a breath of fresh air in the batman movie franchise.
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