
30 Reviews
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Creed III (2023)
If only it were a two-partner! Subtle theme of Trauma
21 May 2023
I think it was a wise decision to let the viewer add to the story of this film. This movie could certainly have been told over a couple parts, or a 3.5 hour runtime, but I doubt anyone would want to see a literal retelling of the original Rocky films.

Do this: Look at Damian as a sort of "bizarro" Rocky. The backstory is all there for Adonis and Damien. Its a story of mistakes, guilt, forgiveness, anger and vengeance (for both characters). Both are far from perfect.

Just picture Damian as the Rocky character from the original films (his entire arc in the span of half a movie). Use your imagination. Respectively, use your imagination for the out of retirement arc for Adonis. Personally, I wouldn't mind 2 parts but knowing how the world is today I could see why it was not.

Maybe thats why people claim it felt like 3 different movies? There are 3 boxer stories here, family stuff, and other things that could have been their own film.

By the end, things were clear. In addition to the themes above, my main take away is the theme of TRAUMA. How we deal with it, how we DEALT with it... and how we will behave when it eventually resurfaces. This was made super clear by the way we see the final match between our 2 flawed heroes.

Great movie.
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Murderville (2022– )
A lesson in perfect comedic literature
5 February 2022
I dont know what else to say- this is an exercise, a perfect one; on the origins of comedy and improv. Yes, and...

Apart from being absolutely hilarious, This show tells me so much more about how crappy movies and tv are now. These are friggin artists... with the training and wherewithal to showcase raw talent and chuckles.

Enjoy this stuff while you can, as it is a dying form. I would watch 100 more of these if i could.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Yada yada yada...
15 December 2021
I enjoyed it. No details needed, its all been said.

I just want to be first in calling out: people will rewatch this show within a year. And when that happens, said people will be begging for more.

All of you fans killed this show. Plain and simple.

Cowboy out.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Umm- people have selective memories i guess-
20 November 2021
Dude- the anime was way ahead of its time, so much so that it was scary accurate in predictions- just like other sci-fi greats.

My advice to most is: dont re-watch the anime. You saw it 22 years ago and there is no need to ruin this version by drawing comparisons which, is satisfyingly true to the original source material in more ways than not. If you watch this after rewatching the anime, it will seem redundant. Which is why i will save the original for after this pretty dope ass show.

Everything is smooth and violent and slick and beautiful.

I think people forget that wayyy back in '98, trans, sexuality, social commentary... was all present in the anime. It takes place in the future for poops sake- of course it wasnt forced. Doesnt feel forced here either its just; unfortunately the world we live in. If you want content, you gotta put up with a minimal amount of wokeness. But in general, all other shows and movies are too woke and annoying and ruin the story.

Just watch the first 2 episodes and decide to continue or not. What else u got goin on?
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The Guilty (2021)
Claustrophobic Madness at it's best
4 October 2021
Claustrophobic Madness at it's best. Usually quite difficult to achieve and keep you thrilled but, done right and that dude Jake kills it as usual.

Hits all the targets; characters by voice only; filling in the needless waste of time for character development. Lol they are already developed. Your in the S.h.t pretty fast here. Not too topical at all so ignore those reviews, Always gonna be haters.

Hard to say more without spoilers. Well done.
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21 January 2021
Literally- Half the film is a claustrophobic horror and the rest is Badass dogfights and Action. The Majority of the film Takes place in the plane- adding to that feeling of no escape for the viewer.

Quite a few bologna scenes; forgivable, Because they are pretty sick and quite fun. Thin script didn't bother me at all.

Thrilling, perfect run time, engaging, fun, and rated R. Checks all boxes. The current rating is insulting.
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Lupin (2021– )
Finally- properly Dubbed
9 January 2021
Its nice to watch something that is not cheapened by horrible voice over actors.

until now, I have watched all foreign titles in original language with subtitles because the voiceovers are often a joke.

Please learn froM this, netflix... we know you are acquiring foreign selections this year. Spent a few on voice actors
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Win It All (2017)
Toight nups.
20 October 2020
This movie was quite engaging, accurate, Dark, and funny.

The chemistry between Jake and Joe was awesome- not surprising since they roll in the same circle in the tv industry.

To be honest, if you have any experience with a friend or family member with an addiction... this movie kind of hits all the right spots. Keegan was great as well... but Joe lo Truglio truly stole every scene he was in. Very nice display of his range.

Good movie.
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The Unicorn (2019–2021)
Quite funny- compare to "happy endings"!
18 October 2020
Dude- this show is legit funny. Obviously not as hilarious it can be, the tragic-comedy theme has to keep it in bounds.

HOWEVER- the funny parts made me laugh out loud. I compare it to happy endings because of the group dynamic of the main characters (adults), and the amount of "piling on" and ballbreaking they give to each other. All The kids are an added bonus executing their cleverly written chuckles and appropriately take a back seat to the main story.

8/10 for sure.
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Sirens (2014–2015)
Sirens is Another show gone too soon...
20 July 2020
Like most reviewers here, I am pretty frustrated with the cancelation of this show... Add it to the list of one of my Favorite shows that was cancelled too soon. I'm on my third watch since it came out. GUYS- its absolutely hilarious, slightly ahead of its time, and clever AF.

That said, if sirens came out today... with streaming abilities and all that, it would have probably got another season. BUT NOW, We have Tacoma FD- a similar comedy and superior in every way.

Keep watching these shows while they are airing and Support shows on a platform that reflects viewership!
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Episode 1 fail but keep watching
29 June 2020
Netflix- I would have watched this a while ago had the first episode not been so horrible.

As far as gameshows go, its pretty darn good. There is very little dead time and quite a few laughs. Most gameshows are so freakin slow and can be condensed down to 20 minutes- not this one.

Maybe if you put the first episode at the end of the rotation, it would get better reviews? Most people who shamed this show probably only watched the first episode.

People can identify with the science behind these games- sleep deprivation is pretty common so its kind of fun. Host isnt bad.
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Never trust a man in a tunic
19 June 2020
This movie is kind of a classic. I've seen it a half dozen times. Decent watch... can be Great to tune out too, keep in the background.... it is highly re-watchable.

This is in a nutshell a stoner buddy comedy with cool special effects and a decent tongue-in-cheek plot. Love it. Will ferrel and Danny Mcbride are hilarious.
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First real film i have seen in a while
13 June 2020
I understand that this movie isn't for everyone. I feel that the reason for this, unfortunately, is because Hollywood and casual viewers have been brainwashed by decades of how a movie "must" be formatted. I don't want another neatly packaged, happy, unrealistic swamp monster...

This movie was damn good. I never felt i was losing the plot because, in the best way possible, there really isn't one. Its a story with many sub-plots and quite simply, a linear story with insight into FDNY (or all FD) culture, what it is to be a Man, strong Woman, black/white... and like most movies with top comedians, the idea that gender and race roles really have no impact on our daily lives.

I am totally fine with The extra run time; it really added to the fun. This movie was released for us to be viewed at hoMe during these crappy times. Its not a cash grab. Sit back and enjoy.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
favreau, you are a GOD
1 December 2019
Thank you so much for bringing this series in. mr Lucas cant ruin this one... so guess who shot first?? Thats right, our anti-hero.

Ill keep it short. Action scenes and cinematography Are top notch and subtly nostalgic. Lots of new content here, better than some movies. Favreau even approached and brought in some out of the box characters as well.

Finally- a new story, one thAts escaped us for 40 years. This task alone... i mean, cmon. Halfway through... cant wait for the ending. And then the re-watch. Every episode has something- fan or not.

Thank you Jon.
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The Masked Singer (2019–2024)
Have to agree..
11 November 2019
Such garbage. Please do not watch on the network so this show gets cancelled. If you want to just... "cut to the chase", watch the unmasking on youtube. Its just a garbage TV show. Half of human beings have a good voice... and "celebrities" guessing who it is provides zero excitement.

Cash grab. Not american idol, americas got talent... nothing. Just a silly celebrity fomo show. Dont watch. Get this show cancelled and let fox regret all the money put in for promos when they cancelled shows that were/are amazing. (Family guy, firefly, almost human...)

Do not support trash television.
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Terminator Terminates the Terminator... genre.
27 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
No one is talking about the obvious paradox... creating this movie erases T1 and T2, therefore how THE Eff, is this a "direct sequel". Yea I know that was the point; but really, its a bad idea for soo many reasons...At least those movies still exist in the real world and are forever cemented in history. Second "Paradox"... if every terminator sequel is considered terrible.. at least they were worthy of the title "Terminator" because, well... the term is just synonymous. If you go up to anyone on the street over 7 and say "Skynet, t-1000, John Connor, Sarah Connor or cyberdyne systems model 101..." we all know what you are talking about. I didn't feel much of the SJW, i don't care if the savior of mankind is male or female, who gives a hoot... but WHY terminate the name "Skynet", why Terminate the name Connor? Thats what makes me LOVE THE INSTALLMENTS. The basic law of time travel that propelled all Terminator movies... from T1 to chronicles... they all follow this basic rule. A future war, a solution, an "if, then, else" response by the machines, a delay, and a loop. The grandfather paradox is better known as the Terminator paradox- thats how much this pop culture icon effected our planet. The least you could have done, JAMES... was at least have "grace" know the name, "Sarah Connor" (who clearly never heard that name) because, you know, the whole ending is based on the fact that "Dani" will be the new "John"... to be raised and become the future Awesome savior in Johns name. how does the future not know of the past? How does Dani NEVER mention Sarah to Grace? Shame on you James Cameron. This was the least time-travel themed "Terminator" movie/episode, idea, EVER. Shame. Also, just... WTF? John Connor mowed down In the opening scene? Laughable. Would be a better movie without the ret-con. Also, are we supposed to know Major Dean? In mexico... where are all of Sarah's Mexico based contacts from those iconic scenes in T2? Come on mannnnnn
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Gemini Man (2019)
Deserves better.
17 October 2019
Seems like most negative reviews hold water... but unless the film was stretched to 3 hours, this is what we get.

Solid 7. This "anti-aging" technology was done before and I consider it a bold choice to have it made into a full length feature film. It amazed me when i saw it on the small screen (12 monkeys, etc).

That reason alone should earn points. Cinematography, shooting locations, color schemes all were great. And to boot, i havent enjoyed Will smith in a role this much since the old days. Also the stellar Supporting cast was great.

Would this have been better as a 6 episode series? Probably. But when something semi-fresh comes to us for OUR entertainment, it should be embraces. Knocking movies like this will just keep them fewer and further.

I enjoyed it, as did most others i watched it with. Give it a go and form your own opinion.
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DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE. Watched it 4 times.
25 August 2019
I watch everything Ito. He is, guess? DOPE. If only there was a way to convince people to NEVER watch dubbed.... you lose quite a bit.

I'll keep this one short. Seriously, best fight scenes in a martial arts movie, top 5 for sure. And yes, i know they use "camera tricks", wipes and what not... but there are a lot of long takes that draw you further in to these scenes.

Keep an eye out for some other martial arts legends (if there is such a thing nowadays). Also, just enjoy it. This movie came before a couple others that stole its template of- "level by level".

Great action, cinematography, lighting, acting, and no holds barred life or death fights. How we can go from intense brawl to horror style claustrophobic, no words needed scenes? Appreciate this art please.

Help Bring martial arts back to the frontline. Netflix, this is your calling before your business dies. Leave a mark.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
More like an 8.5
25 August 2019
No one listens to a 1. If you don't enjoy a movie, at least leave a realistic rating especially if you write something. The simple themes were obviously intentional, likely because thats not what this movie is about. I guarantee no one predicted any of the many big surprises... i sure didn't; and there were several. All gasps.

Also, the movie was just straight up dope. Tension, cinematography, symbolism, a template many other movies have followed. (Great action sequences and camera work in a claustrophobic setting... part of this movie's charm. Its pretty straightforward but somehow it sticks with you for a while. Any movie that does that today is impossible to be a "1".

As for the proclAimed "plot holes"? There aren't many, if at all. Id call them movie goofs. The learning disabled reviewer below of the arm freeze scene: dude they clearly state "at this altitude and speed" prior to the awesome scene🤔. Put ur phones down an pay attention to a movie for a couple hours.

Lastly, I've seen this movie 3 times since 2013. Evans was awesome and showed some range... his supporting cast played to the same chemistry. Leaving this review because of the upcoming series. No one asked for a series with a trailer that looks like a shot for shot remake with love story shoehorned in. No room for love in this world, people. Survive or submit to nature. Not looking forward to the show.
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Wu Assassins (2019)
Cant even bother defending
18 August 2019
I just agree with the well written review of the above writer. Took most of the words out of my mouth.

My question is... how could anyone rate this show anything less than an 8? This is a seriously original mystical martial arts series, one of the first of its kind; with some seriously talented martial artists.

If you do not appreciate the genre, why bother rating this very above average series. You are the reason that original content is dying- you do not speak for the intelligent viewers.

Sure, there may be minor plot holes... but i think they are half intentional/misunderstood. If you haters want to turn your minds off and watch something easy, just put on the office for the 600th time while you make dinner.

Keep it up netflix! Also, Iko Uwais is a freakin beast of a king fu powerhouse whom has lots more to show! Go watch "the raid", haters.
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Legion: Chapter 25 (2019)
Season 3, Episode 6
Wait! Did she tell you about chlamydia?!?
16 August 2019
Haha love this stuff. Every single chapter of "Legion" fits perfectly into its 3 season Arc of a puzzle. Leaving a review to even out the negatives. In my opinion, "Legion" has never really had any "filler" episodes... I like to think of them as... a sidestep into alternate thought and reality questioning.

I've Been waiting to see the return of fan favorite Jemaine Clement. Having him share the screen, and an amazing scene with surprise cameo Jason Mantzoukas, was a welcome surprise.

The show has always been a huge hit with their take on elements of music and dance (thanks mostly to Jemaine). The episode fits... give it the respect for all the work that goes into them; I'm sure it is following a cliffhanger episode for good reason...

8/10 only because they can't All be a 10.
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Legion (2017–2019)
True... "Film" and story-telling.
15 August 2019
The show is a solid 9. It gets a bonus point for things like incredible cinematography, the subtle force for making you think, deeply, about reality and the true to life history of man and her inexplicable past (based on real science). The show is for thinkers, intelligent watchers. It is for that reason I think "Legion" is slightly underrated. Its not something you can turn your brain off and watch. But boy oh boy, can it be binged.

I have been watching since the pilot, and have tried to hold my review until the series finale, but after what i watched mid final season... gotta share. Maybe if more people watch, the writers will have a change of heart and give us a fourth season, or perhaps a 1 season spin off.

The take on mental illness: superb. Questioning out past? Astounding. The questioning of reality and our shared psychology- exhausting. Def a repeatable watch.

No spoilers- but the narration in season 2 is great, and each of the 3 seasons has its own special nuance. This is art at its finest form on a screen.

Thank you. Wonderfully cast, astounding direction, provocative and stimulating use of film. Thank you to all involved.
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Why bother rating this if you do not know film?
1 August 2019
I watched this with dad as a young boy, adolescent, teenager, young adult, and now a big boy. This movie is timeless- It is Mel Freakin brooks and the great Gene Wilder for goodness sake.

When my generation thinks of Mel brooks, they think, "Spaceballs" - actually, maybe they don't even recognize that attachment. But to rate this movie anything below a 9- its like saying Alfred Hitchcock doesn't know horror.

Maybe because my father was a fan and passed it down, i was able to understand all the jokes. Spaceballs, although perhaps my favorite, is by no stretch a funnier movie. History of the world, young Frank, BLAZING SADDLES? all gold. They are real movies that you can watch for both plot AND laughs. Hollywood needs to look back at this generation of film- fun for everyone of many ages. (Yes a bit more geared toward younger males, but what film doesnt have a target audience?)

We love you Mel. It must be good to be the king!
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You alreadyy knowww! Shame on you, Endgame.
19 May 2019
If you are reading this, you are likely already a fan of this "Trilogy". (Potential for a fourth). This one has it all, just like the first two installments. Seeing the long takes and the team ups, which we havent had so far in this series, are indescribable. Fresh moveset, camera angles, and creative kills. This 3rd installment makes you really think back and realize that yes, this isnt the world we know- its different. Pardon the cliche but think matrix, which there is an awesome one line nod to here; and how that opens up a suspension of disbelief that directors chad and leach somehow dont make us question that suspension. It just is the world you enter when your stub is torn. Really... this john wick story can go on to another trilogy.

I will see this again in theatres, just to pay for the true sense of film and art. Not that cashhrab endgame garbage. Watch this movie, dont blink, and pray for a 2nd trilogy (the directors intellingently implied another universe within this one we already know). I say up the ante and go it for a 4th. Best trilogy since (choose one).

Who would have thought that Keaunu is arguable the best actor of his generation. How did he avoid major typecast? Commitment. Watch his 3-gun on youtube and yea, he does more stunts than the cruise. Sorry, Tom.

Lastly: keep an eye out for the best martial artist from around the globe. A+ wick. And your little dog, too.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Beep boop beep meep morp
12 April 2019
There is just too much going on in this show. It is an intellegnt puzzle of complex emotion, thought, art and symbolism.

If this show does not resonate with you for years to come, you are a robot. Go to the doctor and get an operation to become human. Any rating below an 8 comes from said bots.

Meep morp.
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