
35 Reviews
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This is not a horror movie
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame the the marketing for this movie is a straight lie. It's not even misleading, it's a lie.

This is no horror movie at all.

The whole thing is marketed as something in the vein of Predator. I was hoping it would succeed where the godawful Prey failed.

But no. It's just a boring thriller with the dumbest reveal of all times and a message we've heard so often these days. Honestly, why can't we get movies without a political message stuffed down our throats?

I can imagine the people involved on this garbage sitting in the writing room, patting their backs and cheering themselves for putting their political views in a prehistoric thriller.

3 stars for the visuals. They're quite nice for the movie being a low budget production.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Could have been great
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, this could have been one of the best shows on the vampire theme. The setting is great, acting is mostly good, the twist on the genre with the underlying theme of religious fundamentalism and religious madness is great.


Mike Flanagan seems to be incapable of writing dialogues. To be honest, there are no dialogues at all. The communication between characters is based on endless monologues they throw at each other. They're mostly dull and boring and kill your immersion. No real person would ever communicate that way. Even if this is a kind of trademark of Flanagan's work, it's so exaggerated here that some scenes are nearly unwatchable. The worst thing is that they add nothing to the character's depth or development as they repeat in endless speaches what we already know cause it was shown to us.

Still a 7/10 due to the uniqueness, the setting and the cinematography. But also still a missed opportunity to do something really great.

A mild spoiler now: I am sure there could have been a better solution to the reverse aging process than bad Make-up and actors in their 30ies trying to mimic the body language and behavior of much older people.
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Loved it
21 June 2023
When I heard about a new Evil Dead movie I was already quite excited. When I heard Lee Cronin will be in charge, I was even more excited.

And this one truly did not disappoint!

I loved every previous release in that franchise with Army of Darkness being one of my all time favorite movies.

ED 1 and 2 where both great and Ash vs Evil Dead was hilarious cheesy fun.

The Evil Dead movie from a few years ago also did very well.

So Cronin had to come up with something good to hold up to that.

And he did. The whole movie was set up very well with a lot of small details like the placement of the scissors long before it's got its use. Some scenes like the door peephole scene were hilarious splatter fun. The eye spitting scene was a nice throwback to ED2.

He also brought in the boomstick and the chainsaw.

Acting was pretty good. I didn't like Alyssa Sutherland in Vikings but boy, she delivered here! Her whole body acting was great, she's the best deadite ever seen.

Long story short: if you love Evil Dead, watch it, you won't be disappointed! I hope there's more to come to this franchise.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Boring mainstream horror
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I should have known better, but I gave this movie a chance.

As all new mainstream horrors of the last two decades, it failed to deliver.

Good things first: it's technically well made, camerawork is mostly good.

The opening scene delivers a good setup.

Acting is okay.

Now the bad things and some spoilers:

The main character is unlikeable and behaves contrary to everything she should know due to her profession as a therapist.

Who if not her should know that if you try to convince your friends and family that something weird is happening but you're not hallucinating you should not behave like you're psychotic.

This was simply the worst writing mistake I've seen in a long time.

In nearly every scene where she tries to convince someone she's discovering a very bad secret, she acts batshit crazy and starts yelling I AM NOT CRAZY within 5 minutes of conversation. Even a very scared person should be able to act and talk different if that's her profession.

Besides that, there are the usual cheap jumpscares for the mainstream audience, a plot that has been mostly copied from Ring and It Follows, a bad cgi-monster und the totally ruined ending.

Save yourself some time and don't see this movie except you're exactly into jumpscares. Don't expect it to be as good as It Follows or Ring.
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25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This must have been one of the absolutely worst horror films I've seen in my entire life.

Nothing here is right. The pacing is a mess, the acting is terrible (especially the old couple), so much stuff doesn't make any sense.

Spoilers now:

Story 1: unlikeable Jenna, a character with the worst written dialogue I ever experienced in TV runs away from her parents who also have the worst written dialogue I ever experienced in TV. I don't get deeper into why and how cause it's boring. She ends in a bead and breakfast with an old couple played by the worst actors I ever seen on screen who also have the worst dialogue I have ever experienced in TV. They end up being some sort of serial killers no one can take serious due to the worst writing I ever experienced in TV. You get the deal.

Story 2: no idea, my phone was way more interesting than anything in this movie.

Interconnection of story 1 and 2 with the overhead story: see story 2.

Things that made zero sense:

1. Old lady gets hit hard in the head, but is fit and capable to do everything about 2 minutes after.

2. Scientist examines naked man without gloves or anything.

3. Stalker dad finds unlikeable Jenna everywhere without a reason.

4. Old lady tells her boring story to unlikeable Jenna like she's reading a script (and without any other reason than bad writing).

5. Unlikeble Jenna texts random boyfriend to call the cops instead of calling the cops with her phone she's texting from.

6. Dialogues are mostly monologues to explain the story cause writers aren't capable to visualize properly or work it in in some natural dialogue.
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6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Forget the story, watch it for gore and violence.

Honestly, the story isn't that great, you should expect nothing here.

But if you're into violent and gory fun, this is for you.

As several people in other reviews mentioned, there's tons of blood in very well made killing scenes. If that's your thing to waste a few hours, you will definitely not be disappointed.

Turn your brains off, grab some popcorn and enjoy.

Only downside here, and mild spoiler now: obviously the movie prepares for a part two, the ending already sets this. I don't know exactly how they'll do it, as the story is already thin and drawn out. But we'll see.
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The Strain (2014–2017)
Cheesy fun!
29 April 2023
I Love this series. It's cheesy as hell, but at the same time highly entertaining if you can accept it for what it is.

The take on the vampire theme is very unique, you could enjoy it for that alone.

Production is mostly good, cgi is ok and not annoying.

Acting is between acceptable and top notch, the actor playing Eichhorst does a great job and so do some others from the cast. Both child actors are horrible tbh.

Setting and scenery are well worked in.

The story is quite cheesy, with a lot of deus ex machina moments where main characters survive unsurvivavle situations. But that doesn't stop you from being highly entertained at the same time. Also the good guys and the bad guys being a genius at one moment and incredibly dumb 3 seconds later is something that happens quite often. But somehow the show manages to work that in without making you lose your interest.

Tldr: embrace it for what it is and you'll have a great time watching it!
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Our Planet (2019–2023)
10/10 images but inconsistent information
14 April 2023
The pictures are great. The filming is great. Really. I could watch a lot more of this.


You don't get enough information on the different animals, their relationships to each other in terms of ecosystems, predator vs prey relation and so on.

The documentary never gets deep into a specific topic, they show you something very interesting and then give you a tiny bit of information, then switch to the next greatly filmed scenery and leave you desiring more knowledge.

It's more like browsing through social media with small pieces of information everywhere but no depth.

I think this is a missed opportunity as this documentary could have been great by going deeper in certain topics.
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1 April 2023
I usually like Cronenberg's work. I greatly enjoyed The Fly, A History Of Violence and a lot more.

But this is not for me.

I don't really get the point of the movie to be honest.

Yes, the setting is interesting. Yes, the acting is mostly good. But it lacks of substance. I usually rather not use the term style over substance, but it fits very well here. The whole movie feels like you missed something whilst watching it. It's hard to put in words, especially as a non native speaker, but I hope people understand what I mean here. It feels constantly like a missed opportunity, as if it could have been great, but isn't.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
This show is so bad
19 February 2023
I still can't believe I made it through four seasons of this garbage. My curse here is being a completionist and finishing most stuff I started.

At least this allows me to justify my rating.

Good stuff first: It's mostly well shot, and starts at least mildly intriguing as a poor man's Breaking Bad.

That's ist. Nothing else is good here.

Now to the bad stuff: The acting ist mostly terrible. Laura Linney and Julia Garner overact their roles to the max. I still can't believe anyone gave them awards for that histrionic crap.

JB is annoying, bland and seems to be out of his role, especially in the last season.

The rest of the cast is just expandable, no one stands out with anything, they are just there and do their stuff.

The plot gets more and more ridiculous, at the end of season four it's almost a parody for me.

The ending is a mess, done in a rush with complete changes of character's behavior out of nowhere. Like GOT but worse.

Avoid this crap at all costs if you want to save yourself some lifetime. Netflix proved again that they're incapable of doing anything remotely good.
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Barbarian (2022)
A big no for me!
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First things first: This movie is well made. Technically. Acting is mostly good, except from Justin Long, but that might be a personal bias as I can't stand that guy. He seems to make every movie a bit worse than it actually is. Also one gore scene is well made and shocking.

The first 30-40 minutes are intriguing. Sadly it ends somewhere else.

Now to the negatives: Although it's nicely shot and intriguing first part, the movie disappoints on so many levels after

(spoilers now!)

Skarsgard gets his head smashed. As soon as the cut to Justin changes the setting and the tone it goes downhill soooo fast.

I can't really get my head around why people praise this as surprising, genius, whatever.

It's subverting expectations in the worst way possible, by turning an intriguing intro into a silly half comedy half horror nonsense with a message that doesn't get delivered through nice acting and a nice plot but more through the dumbest decisions and most nonsensical behavior by every single character. How anyone thinks the message is delivered well through this is out of my mind.

Also the highly praised humor here is what? Justin Long measuring the basement? People really lose their minds about this incredibly annoying scene and praise the sh** out of how funny that was. Seriously?

Also Tess being very careful in the beginning and then starting to make the dumbest choices ever seen on screen. Completely out of the formerly established character.

And these dumb decisions lack the silly charme of 80ies slashers, on one hand due to the tone and on the other due to what we know about Tess and how clever she is. In the aforementioned slashers, people are dumb tropes from the beginning on, so their decisions fit the role.

The whole movie suffers from so many small details that either don't fit the character, that completely change formerly established rules that you need a complete suspension of disbelief to get any enjoyment out of it.
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Entertaining but completely overrated
2 January 2023
First things first: it's a good movie. I enjoyed watching it. It had mostly good acting, it was funny, most fight scenes were hilarious.

But at the same time it's too long, drawn out badly paced, repetitive and sometimes frustrating to watch. The ending could have been done in 10 minutes instead of like 30 minutes without losing anything storywise.

The over the top praise this movie gets is a thing I don't really understand to be honest. Maybe it's a sign of the times, showing how bad cinema has become, when a good but also quite flawed movie like this gets so much attention.

Nonetheless I'd recommend watching it, as it is refreshingly different to the crap that comes out of Hollywood. Also it's mostly free of clichés that make most modern movies so unwatchable

In summary: entertaining and funny but not even close to being the best movie ever, as some claim.
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Incredibly well made
18 December 2022
First I have to admit I'm a big fan of Panos Cosmatos' work, so this review might be a bit biased.

After seeing Mandy several times and considering it one of the best films of the last two decades, I finally got a chance to see BTBR (not that easy in Germany as no streaming service has it by now).

It hits a similar tone to Mandy, you clearly recognize who did it. The ist of strong red colors, the super slow pacing, the strange characters. The whole movie feels like you're high on something. There isn't much story and not much explanation, see it for the visuals and the overall atmosphere and let that hit.

The soundtrack is phenomenal on it's own!

If you enjoyed Mandy or The Viewing, I highly recommend this one, you won't be disappointed!
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2 very good episodes...
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...6 times total garbage.

The Autopsy and The Viewing are great. Really great. With more episodes of this quality, the show could have easily been a 10/10.

But the other episodes are somewhere between mediocre and bad. Mostly style over substance (as the visuals are nice in all episodes), not gripping, no memorable characters, too stretched out and so on. I did not watch the last episode, as I avoid Kent's work at all costs since forcing myself through that pretentious piece of crap that is The Babadook.

Back to the positive parts and mild spoilers now: As said, The Autopsy is great, a nice hommage to Carpenter's The Thing, well acted, perfect pacing, a pleasure to watch.

But my personal highlight was the Panos Cosmatos episode. Considering Mandy might be my top movie within the last 10 years, I was very excited to see him directing one episode. And The Viewing delivered! Great characters, the best visuals in the whole series, Weller delivered a 10/10. And the gore in the last third was also worth watching.

If you don't want to force yourself through the mediocrity of the whole show, I highly recommend seeing at least these two episodes. You won't regret!
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By far the best episode yet
12 November 2022
This was by far the best episode in this disappointing season. I watched it until episode four by now and there have been three big misses and this little gem.

I won't spoil the story, see for yourself. But I can say that this was very well made, very well acted and not as strangely over the top as the other episodes were.

I loved the hommage to Carpenter's The Thing, I loved the way the story was told, and this episode gave me hope that not everything in this anthology is a big letdown.

I hope on the episodes to come will be more of this quality as there seems to be a lot of wasted potential so far.
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So this was bad!
12 November 2022
Honestly, this was incredibly bad. Like with so many recently released films and series I feel like a lot of filmmakers just forgot how to write and produce good stuff. It's empty, shallow, stretched out (the whole story could have been told within half the time) and even the Gooch could not save this mess.

This is the fourth episode of the anthology and so far there has been one hit (the autopsy) and three misses. Very disappointing regarding the fact that Del Toro always seemed quite competent in his own movies, I could enjoy them all. But this has been a huge letdown so far, I hope to see more of the quality of episode three in the next episodes.

The outside has been by far the worst yet. Big no for me.
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Hellhole (2022)
10 November 2022
I watched this movie last night and found it highly entertaining.

It's well crafted, very atmospheric with a nice soundtrack that adds a lot to the atmosphere. The setting is dark and eerie, the pacing is just right.

It's also refreshingly mature without these silly modern characters a lot of newer horror movies (even the good ones) suffer from.

The ending is one of the best endings I've seen in quite a while. It's not that surprising, but it's set up so well and is executed so good I had to watch it twice.

An absolute gem in the genre I would recommend to everyone who likes a good horror movie.
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Not a great start
9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very disappointing start to this anthology. Unlikeable clichéd main character, cringy dialogue, no logic at all, stretchy at the wrong parts of the episode.

A few examples (light spoilers):

Main racist owes a lot of money, gets a chance to acquire 300k, behaves like a total asshole and does not listen to the guy who wants to spend the 300k, does ignore his warnings etc.

Scenes showing main racist throwing away garbage several times doesn't add anything, it's just unnecessary scenes. We already know it's a bit claustrophobic inside the storage, no need to show it several times, the audience isn't that stupid.

No explanation for the strange hopping of the old guy, instead a lot of showing what a miserable person the main guy is.

I hope the next episodes will be better.
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The Northman (2022)
Best movie in a long time!
15 July 2022
This has everything. A simple yet effective storyline that subverts expectations but in a good way.

A realistic setting without fitting in modern beliefs in a world they don't belong.

The music, the landscapes, the rituals performed in old Norse language make it even better.

Language in general is pleasingly Not modernized in any way and fits the setting.

Skarsgard's physical presence in his fight scenes is just great, brutal and threatening. Anya Taylor-Joy acts great and looks weird as always.

Acting in general is very good with the exception of Nicole Kidman due to her facial expressions being limited by a lot of surgery. She wasn't the optimal choice for that role in my opinion, but that's just a minor critique.

The whole movie has a Conan-vibe in it which is extra nice on top.

If you want a straight action movie, this is not for you. If you expect something like Vikings this is not for you.

If you want a brutal revenge drama in a brutal setting, give it a try, you won't be disappointed.
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Mayhem (2017)
Not really gory, not really funny
10 June 2022
I was quite disappointed with this. After reading several reviews, I was expecting a funny and over the top gory movie that doesn't take itself too serious.

What I got was a not so well written and not so well acted not so funny and especially not so gory mediocre something I didn't really enjoy.

The characters here are quite annoying and cringy, especially the female lead. Her acting was like a cheap version of Harley Quinn in the Suicide Squad movies (and I must admit here that I really hated the HQ character, so you might understand why I highly dislike the female lead here)

I honestly don't get the many positive reviews here, as this movie tries a lot and does nothing right, but each to his own I guess... I wouldn't recommend watching this one.
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Gladiator (2000)
1 January 2022
I rewatched this movie last night for the first time after more than 2 decades and what should I say... It's still one of the greatest movies of all times. Crowe and Phoenix are awesome in their performances, so is the rest of the cast.

It's loaded with violence, pathos, revenge. Basically everything I enjoy in movies.
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Shot Caller (2017)
What a surprise
19 December 2021
This was great. One of the best movies I've seen recently.

Having been a bit pandered by a lot of great series like the Sopranos or the Wire, like Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul it's always hard for me to get into character related movies as there's not much time for the characters to develop.

Somehow they did it here. They made a 10 year development in prison relatable and you could imagine what Jamie Lannister was going through.

That alone is worth 8 stars.

I'll give it a 9 as besides the character development the setting was done super well, the support cast did a great job and the pacing was fine, too.
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The OA (2016–2019)
Starts interesting and moves on to pretentious crap
15 December 2021
Half of the first season was quite interesting and kept me watching.

But then it became quite obvious that the whole show is an egotrip made (and main acted) by a highly pretentious Brit Marling who loves smelling her own farts and loves to pander people as pretentious as herself.

The show is neither deep nor complex as it moves on, it's just open ends never tied together and pretending it's made for intelligent people... with useless symbolism, useless dance choreography, useless characters that never develop and so on.

Another crap show for that kind of people considering themselves smart for watching crap like that.

I'd recommend everyone to force themselves through this, you'll see what I mean.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Surprisingly entertaining
13 December 2021
Some filmmakers are the best when they try nothing new.

So Guy Ritchie is the best when he goes full Guy Ritchie.

This movie does nothing new compared to his early works like Lock, Stock... or Snatch.

But sometimes this is exactly what you want.

It's fast paced, it's entertaining, it's well acted, it had me laughing several times.

I usually tend to not to like bigger productions these days as they're mostly crap. This one was a good exception, I would definitely recommend.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Very unique and rewatchable
12 December 2021
I just saw this movie the second time within roughly a year or so.

The first time I saw it on my 7-8 year old tv and I couldn't barely see anything due to the very special visuals in this.

So my recommendation is to watch it on a good tv in a high quality as as I did the second time as the visuals are stunning. You will love them.

It's surely not made for everyone and you might need to be in the right mood to go for it, as it is really really slow and not what you might be used to.

The story is quite simple and straight forward, but this is less focused on the story and more on the whole experience of the combination of visuals, soundtrack, characters and atmosphere.
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