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Evil: 2 Fathers (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Supernatural rip-off
12 May 2024
It was bad enough two episodes ago when they kind of did a Ghostfacers thing, but Rose opens up her mouth and looks just like a leviathan? Come on! I like this show but recycling ideas from Supernatural (and possibly other genre shows I haven't seen) is a bit over the top.

I need two hundred some more characters in order to post but I think I've already made my point and this is just silly and I'm only typing more to hit the limit. Benjamin from Lost is so creepy. That actor (Michael Emerson, I think, is his name) is sooooooo typecast as a creepy, weird guy. I don't think we'll ever see him as anything else.
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All Saints (2017)
Corbett and Corbin reunited!
19 March 2024
I loved John Corbett's portrayal of Chris Stevens in the 1990s TV series Northern Exposure, so I decided to see what else he's been in and came across the 2017 movie All Saints. It had a decent imdb rating and was available on a channel I get, so I watched it not expecting much. Well, I really enjoyed it and the presence of Barry Corbin (Corbett's Northern Exposure co-star) was an added treat. Their relationship in All Saints was reminiscent of their Northern Exposure relationship, so that was fun. Corbett's sermons as Pastor Michael Spurlock were also strikingly similar in tone to Chris Stevens's on air musings on Cicely, Alaska's radio station.

All Saints is a sweet, uplifting, wholesome movie anyone can enjoy.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Tooooo slooooowwwww
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great story and I learned a lot but...

There's absolutely, positively no reason this movie needed to be three hours long. The first hour was beyond boring and unbearably slow. I get it. We need to know his backstory but did we really need to know every little tidbit? For example, we had a whole scene that ended with them temporarily giving their baby away. Did that impact anything later in the film? Not that I noticed. Ok, he cheated on his wife. Did we need to have sex scenes and a fully nude Florence Pugh? No. Completely unnecessary. Did it matter that his first class initially only had one student? Nope. I'm surprised the movie didn't start with Oppenheimer's conception and show every time he went to the bathroom. Yeesh! Just tell us what we need to know for the rest of the movie to make sense and move on!

I'm not a fan of time jumps either. It probably could've been told just as well linearly.

The movie has an excellent supporting cast with many big name actors who only had bit parts. Blink and you'll miss them. Which is really a shame given that we're stuck looking at Cillian Murphy in every scene for three loooong hours. Ugh!
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Horrible editing
28 January 2024
There are several things about this documentary that are less than stellar, but the editing is the absolute worst.

While the overall story is mostly told in chronological order, there's a lot of unnecessary jumping back and forth in time. The clips of artist interviews often have nothing to do with the scenes before or after them. Album covers are shown while another artist's song plays. A few concert clips go on a little too long for the overall format of the movie. The same can be said of several interview clips.

An excessive amount of time is spent talking about punk, while many metal genres are never even mentioned. Thrash metal icons James Hetfield and Scott Ian are both interviewed but the movie doesn't delve into thrash. The movie cites Alice Cooper's (very valid) influence on glam but also give him credit for Ghost with absolutely no mention of Mercyful Fate. Sixx A. M. is included but Motley Crüe is barely mentioned. The movie is named after a Slade tune popularized by Quiet Riot but the connection is never made when Slade is shown and, as far as I recall, Quiet Riot was never even mentioned.

It's pretty much a mess and there are far better metal documentaries that put this one to shame.
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9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was a very interesting and suspenseful movie for the first 2 hours and 16 minutes. Top notch cast. Good plot. You're not sure who can and can't be trusted. The weird stuff with the deer and the flamingos. The piercing noise. Is it something from another country? From outer space? Near the end, you're pretty sure Kevin Bacon's character is right, but then... nothing. There's no payoff. No confirmation that it's Korea, China, Iran, none of them, all of them. Just the little girl who everyone's looking for going into the Blast From the Past doomsday bunker, but no Brenden Fraser, Sissy Spacek, or Christopher Walken. Just the last episode of Friends. Grrrr!

A great movie but that last minute sucked. It completely lacked an ending.
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Love Again (I) (2023)
Why Celine Dion?
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why Celine Dion needed to be in this. It was weird and unbelievable that a distracted reporter would become close enough to one of the world's most famous singers that she would end up as a matchmaker for him.

Also, I'd love to see Sam Heughan as a romantic lead who doesn't start off awkward. He needs a role where he is confident and sure of himself from the beginning or I'm not buying it. He's a great actor but it makes me uncomfortable seeing him bumbling with a woman.

Nice to see Russell Tovey. Funny cameo by Nick Jonas. Priyanka is very pretty. The rest of the cast was not memorable.
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Travelers: 17 Minutes (2017)
Season 2, Episode 7
It's no Mystery Spot
13 February 2023
The episode should've only lasted 17 minutes. It's the worst episode of the show by a long shot.

It reminded me of the Supernatural episode Mystery Spot (hence the review title) but without any of the humor or heartfelt drama. Also without enough variety to make it interesting.

We got the point by the third attempt. We didn't need to see attempts 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, especially when they all play out basically the same with no true variety.

To boot, the parts with Katheryn were just plain annoying and made her come across as a self-centered, greedy b**ch. They also had nothing to do with the main storyline.
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Road Trip (2000)
Didn't age well
21 January 2023
This movie was probably funny when it was released in 2000, but 23 years later it's total cringe. If you're easily offended, this movie is not for you. It has sexist, racist, and ableist parts and probably a few other "ists" that I didn't catch.

I watched the movie because DJ Qualls was in it and he, along with Meyer and Costanzo, did a good job. Despite what I said previously, the movie was moderately entertaining. Not hilarious but not awful. Except Tom Green's character, who was stupid, weird, and useless. The movie would've been complete and would've flowed better without his character and the really stupid premise of him as the narrator.
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A Charming Sequel
8 January 2023
As a devotee of the original movie, I didn't know what to expect. Would it be a cheesy remake? Would I be sorely disappointed? I loved the first one so much that I had to check this one out. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. It has callbacks to many of the key scenes of the original movie but puts enough of a twist on each one so that they're not just pathetic repeats of the original movie. The casting is great -- both the new cast (mom, wife, and kids) and the old (Flick, Schwartz, Scut, Randy). The nostalgia of 1973 is just as touching as the nostalgia of the 1940s was in the original. I loved how Ralph, Flick, and Schwartz had all matured into adults but still retained some of their childhood personalities. (Other movies would have them outright behaving like children.) I'm not sure if the movie would be enjoyable for someone who hasn't watched the original -- and watched it enough times to remember every scene -- but for fans of the classic A Christmas Story, I highly recommend giving this a watch.
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Roswell, New Mexico: Wild Wild West (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
This show is so awful. Why do I keep watching?
9 August 2022
I think this show was half decent when it started but it just gets worse and worse. This episode is beyond ridiculous and stupid.

Apparently I need to add more characters.
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The Northman (2022)
11 June 2022
I was really looking forward to this movie but I gave up about an hour into it when I realized I didn't care about any of the characters. Also, there was too much that's just plain weird and, seemingly, for no reason. I like Alexander Skarsgard. I like vikings. I like weird. But this movie didn't come together for me.
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The Package (II) (2018)
RiDICKulous but enjoyable
21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this movie is incredibly ridiculous and I only watched it because Alexander Calvert was in it (for about 1 minute) but it turned out to be a surprisingly good movie. For a cheesy teen movie based on a groan-worthy, childish joke, it still worked. Good cast, good pacing, good editing, nice scenery. I almost stopped watching once I realized what The Package referred to, but I'm glad I stuck with it.
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Arrow: Elseworlds, Part 2 (2018)
Season 7, Episode 9
Crossover crap
15 January 2022
Crossovers are only cool if you watch the other show(s). The rest of us are totally lost and don't want to watch a bunch of characters we don't care about. At the very least, the episode should be a stand alone that doesn't require prior knowledge of the other shows or affect future episodes.
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Vice (I) (2018)
Odd style
8 January 2022
Excellent casting, acting, makeup, and prosthetics but I didn't like the style of the movie. I found the occasionally on-camera narrator (Jesse Plemons) and, worse, the waiter (Alfred Molina) giving background info to be off-putting. There were other things about the style that I just didn't like.
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Eighth Grade (2018)
Painfully awkward
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Eighth Grade was but I guess that was the point. I was hoping for a big "revelation moment" that never came. Way too many uncomfortable, awkward moments. I remember 8th grade. It was never that bad.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
The pop music of period dramas
1 January 2022
If the likes of Outlander and Poldark are the classic music of period dramas, Bridgerton is the pop music of period dramas. It's catchy. It has a good beat and you can dance to it. But it lacks substance, layers, and depth. I thoroughly enjoyed it as a one-day binge but it can't touch the nuances, depth, and historical accuracy of other TV dramas set in the18th and 19th centuries.
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A Week Away (2021)
Sweet but...
28 March 2021
It's a nice, sweet movie but they ruined it by making it a musical. It's fine when a song is in the background over an action scene or when it's the talent show and they're supposed to be singing, but just breaking into a song and dance number in the middle of a conversation is weird and only works on rare occasions (e.g., Grease, West Side Story, The Sound of Music).

Also, casting directors need to cast teen actors as teen characters. Viewers can tell the difference between 17-year-olds and guys in their mid 20s.
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Supernatural: Heart (2007)
Season 2, Episode 17
Sammy grows up
6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sam (well, Jared) looks so young, sweet, and innocent (dimples!!!!) throughout the first 2/3 of this episode. It's heartbreaking watching the last of his innocence die when he has to kill Madison.

We know from S1E1 that Sam is no inexperienced virgin and over the course of seasons 1 and 2 we see him deal with death and possession and other horrors but watching him go from embarrassment over seeing her freshly laundered undies to coming to terms with killing someone he cares about is so heartbreaking.

Jared Padalecki gives a fantastic performance in this episode and the use of Silent Lucidity at the point when it kicks in is perfection. The contrast with battle-hardened big brother Dean coldly killing Glen and later offering to do the "dirty work" of killing Madison to spare Sam the pain is brilliant.
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Supernatural: Born Under a Bad Sign (2007)
Season 2, Episode 14
Brotherly love
6 March 2021
Dean is in full-on big brother mode in this episode. We see his concern and worry for Sam early in the episode and we later see his refusal to hurt Sam, going so far as to say he'd rather die than kill or hurt Sam.

Dean is, of course, always the big brother and there's always a simmering level of protectiveness towards Sam throughout the series but we really see it in the forefront in this episode. The relationship beyween the brothers is the backbone of the show and episodes like this that highlight it really shine.

As an added treat, we get to see another side of Jared Padalecki's acting skills in this episode.
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Cute movie
1 March 2021
It was a nice, whimsical movie.

The only thing I didn't like was the character Adam. Based on his comments about school and research, I assume he was 22-23 years old. Unfortunately, he acted about 15. The character was annoyingly immature on several levels.
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Supernatural: Home (2005)
Season 1, Episode 9
21 February 2021
In which we meet Missouri Moseley (portrayed to perfection by Loretta Devine) calling Dean "not the sharpest tool in the shed." Love her!!!
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New York Minute (I) (2004)
20 February 2021
I had very low expectations for this movie so I was pleasantly surprised by it. It's cute and light-hearted with a lot of fun scenes.

The only major drawback was Andy Richter's character's accent.
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One star for each decent character
20 February 2021
Despite being in their 20s, most of the characters were the same old overused teen movie stereotypes (jock, bully, bimbo, stoner, nerd) just there to be killed off. The movie was loaded with gratuitous boob shots. I have no problem with nudity but when it's only there to draw in a certain demographic, it's annoyingly obvious.

Clay, Whitney, and Jenna were the only characters worth watching and were well acted. If the other characters and actors had been of their caliber, it might've been a good movie. Unfortunately, the rest were all B movie quality.
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Walker: Duke (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first episode I've honestly enjoyed. Walker's angsty kids have mostly been irritating thus far, so this episode's sparse involvement with Walker's and Micki's home lives was welcome. I'm invested in Cordell and I'm becoming invested in Micki but I find that I'm just not interested in their lives outside of the job. If the show continues more like this episode, I'll be thrilled.

Jared Padalecki was perfection as always. As a fan of SPN, I appreciated the reference to his brother/best friend/work partner and the cremation of Duke's "remains."
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Supernatural: Proverbs 17:3 (2019)
Season 15, Episode 5
Ghost pepper jerky
15 February 2021
I could watch an entire episode of Dean reacting to eating ghost pepper jerky and Sam reacting to Dean's reaction. As usual, the interaction between the two brothers is always the best part of Supernatural.
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