2 Reviews
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Very good...what else is there to say?
17 January 2006
I must say that I didn't even originally plan on going to this movie, but after I was asked by a friend to see it on its opening night, I said that sure, I would go. I figured that it would be alright, nothing more than mediocre at the most, but this movie was amazingly wonderful.

I have heard many people's comments on how they didn't like it because "Myles' accent was completely wrong," "the chemistry between Franco and Myles was horrible," "it didn't even follow the original story," and many other miscellaneous things. While the story line was changed a little from the original story, I believe that it was still good. And come on, how many times does Hollywood actually stick to the original story anyway? I think that the way the story went was much easier for people who were not familiar with the story of Tristan and Isolde to follow.

Further, I thought that Myles did a wonderful job with her accents. I found it very easy to differentiate between the Irish and the English.

And lastly, I found the chemistry between Myles and Franco to be simply wonderful. They really showed me that the characters were truly in love; it was compelling and deep, put together for a very good movie.

I can honestly say that this is one of the best movies I have seen in a while; it was not the watered-down relationship kind of thing that comes from Hollywood most of the time. From the battles to the most intimate of scenes, it stayed simple; not the high-tech kind of thing that you would usually see. There were some parts meant to be funny, some meant to be sad, and the movie averaged out to give you the best of both. I will tell you that in its opening weekend I saw it more than once, something that I would usually never do. It's a movie that gets better and better each time you see it; one where you pick out things each time that you had not seen before.

Simply put, this is a wonderful movie. I loved it, but I would not recommend going if you're just going because you think that James Franco is hott! I know some people who didn't like it, I won't lie, but if you come to the movie with an open mind and know that some things are going to be different, you will absolutely love it, as I did.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Needs help
2 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really isn't all that great. If I could sum everything in the movie into one word, it would probably be horrendous. There were many problems I found, such as the animations, the plot, and the things with the monsters. Let me start by talking about the plot. This movie is far too easy to follow, as in, you can tell what is going to happen. It is not a movie that draws you in and keeps you interested, as I was wanting to stop watching after the first few minutes. I can not believe that people have claimed this to have wonderful action. There was not much thrilling action in it, and if there was, it was with animated characters, so the action lost most of its intensity. Also there is the problem of the animations. It is far too easy to tell that they are animated. When you animate something into a movie, aren't you supposed to make it look like it's real? These animations gave themselves away completely, compelling me to laugh when they were talking to the actors. It made me feel as though I was watching a children's cartoon. The biggest problem I had with the movie, however, was the monsters. The so-called "vampires" seem to follow every folk lore about vampires that exists (such as stake through the heart will kill them, they have no reflection in mirrors, etc.), yet they can still go out in the sunlight? Yes, most of their time is spent in the dark, but I don't understand why they can attack in the middle of the day. Finally, Van Helsing is rescued from becoming a werewolf by Anna, but yet, while she is giving him the antidote, he kills her. So, in the end, he ends up with nothing. Mainly all that occurs is Van Helsing going off to look for and kill Dracula (who really wasn't ever a vampire... another problem I had) and his "children" or all of the monsters that he has created. This movie is a fun, action packed adventure, where you can see animated creatures, go off to fight childhood monsters, such as Dracula and Frankenstein, and in the end, have nothing because the girl that you have (sort of) fallen in love with, dies.
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