
14 Reviews
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
a wild ride
27 July 2023
A fun romping stomping show, based on a videogame series (which I didn't know going into it) so was clueless as to what it was but with a good crew it was worth a try. I just finished binging all 10 episodes in one sitting, so this deserves a solid 9/10 from me.

It had minimal downtime, basically a hoot to watch, and the actors did a great job, especially the character Sweet Tooth, voiced by Will Arnett while embodied by Joe Seanoa, a wwe wrestler wearing a clown mask. He easily stole every scene he was in.

The cgi and action scenes could have been better, but you can't expect MCU 200 million dollar budget effects from a TV show based on a video game, so with the budget they had they did well enough that it didn't feel to o campy.

Certainly recommend giving it a go.
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oh dear
5 January 2022
Writer, director and lead "star" is the same guy. What more need saying?

Some of these vanity projects are in the "so bad it's good" category, but this is not one of those.

Stay away, watch Dancing with superchef or some other reality brain rot show instead.
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Unit Eleven (2020)
bad all around.
11 June 2021
This is beyond bad, every aspect of this film is a fail.
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
it's like they're not even trying at this point.
1 April 2021
Ever since the show started up again after the whisperer war, the episodes have been slow, boring and not driving the story. The only exception to the boring side was "one more", but even that suffered from lazy writing. I feel like I'm watching a daytime soap series and not TWD now. And the latest, "here's Negan"...the less said the better.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
1000 miles pr hour
2 May 2020
To always stay in daylight/darkness, you would need to keep an average speed of 1000 miles per hour.
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Robot Planet (2018 Video)
zzzzz ? nvm zzzzzz
1 February 2020
It appears the director has found his niche. Gullible folks that latch on to things like flat earth, chemtrails and autism from vaccines. The next big thing to end humanity is robots!!! Spooky eh? You're better off watching old clips of Alex Jones than trying to watch this tripe. It really is that bad.
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Loophole (2019)
sweet babby jebus!
8 January 2019
If you liked God's not dead, and think Kirk Cameron is the best thing since sliced bread, this might be the movie for you. For any thinking person that appreciate production values, talented actors and a good plot, run! This is so bad it's not even good bad.
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Falls flat.
2 January 2019
Being able to achieve a modicum of suspension of disbelief is crucial when watching horror and movies with supernatural elements. Here though, the characters are just unbelievable, they do not behave like any normal human exposed to the demonic/angelic would. And a blind medium/tarot card reader? Using a white "seeing cane" in her own living room? good grief that was just cringe. Even the cop on crime scenes is silly. The main character walks around with the actual evidence instead of photos of evidence? Yeah, that would happen. The characters are 1 dimensional, and it is next to impossible to feel for them, even the fiance of the hero, you just don't care when she is in danger, it's really that bad as far as characters go. The dialogue is bad and cheesy. It's a shame really, it could have been good with a better director and editor.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
aluminum fantasy axe...
1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cage, never one to go for the toned down performance, turns the Cagey up to 11 here. It starts off slow, Cage works at a logging company, where we are fortunate enough to not see how inept he i with a chainsaw for more than a couple of seconds. Then he and his colleagues are airlifted out of the woods with helicopter? Is this how loggers usually go home for the weekend? Then we get a montage of how in love he is with Mandy, and that she suffers from some sort of mental trauma? She is very melancholic, waking at night and goes out in the woods to find a stillborn baby deer. Then as she is out walking along the road home from work, she is spotted by a van full of weirdos. The cult leader in the van sends his minions to get her, and it get's real weird from there on. A sacred horn is blown, biker xenobites on acid shows up, and Mandy is gone. So, as one does, Cage casts a fantasy looking axe out of aluminum, then starts to hammer forge it, which makes no sense, unless they wanted to pretend it was steel, which would make the axe weigh some 30 pounds. He visits the magical black friend in a caravan in the woods for his trusted crossbow, and goes after the cult. It's all over the top Cage from there on out. If you got nothing better to do, there are worse films to kill time with.
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15 February 2018
No no no no, not even a little. Nope. Gaaaaahhh! What is this? No! No no no no! Even the worst episode of any of the previous 3 installments of the Stargate franchise is lightyears above this dreck. Bad acting. Bad dialogue. Bad costumes. Bad CGI. It's all bad. Nope.
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
Acting talent and script? Bugger that, let's cast on bra size and cheekbones!
8 February 2017
If you want pretty faces and tight fitting clothes, awesome, look no further.

If you like characters with depth and chemistry, and dialogue that feels natural and sincere, you're out of luck.

For a show with seemingly decent production value, the visuals are just fine, they sure did a hatchet job on the script and the casting. All the dialogue is laughable, and the actors lack any talent, so there is just no way they can salvage this train wreck of a cringe fest. The pretty face playing Clary has the emotional vocal range of a wind up toy, it's either whiny or shrill. Watching her run is something every acting school should play for their new students as an example of how not to do it. And she runs a lot. Jebus Fracking Crust.
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Ben-Hur (2016)
And Jesus wept. . .
27 November 2016
Oh dear oh dear.

I actually had to go to IMDb to check if it was the big budget version, or some hack Asylum or Scy-Fy production I was watching.

Where did they sped all the money from the $100.000.000 budget? Hookers and blow? Or did they splurge it all on the wardrobes and 1-800 psychic hot-line calls?

The appearance of all time fairy tale hero Jesus of Nazareth has several appearances, and it's as cheesy as you can make it, completed by him doing some carpenter work. I sh*t you not.

I tried to feel anything for the characters, I really did, but they made it so damn hard.

Not worth your time, and certainly not worth your money.
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Clinton Cash (2016)
Another attempt at slander.
18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, what can we learn from this movie?

Sadly not much, just another frail attempt to blacken the name of dedicated civil servants, if you can't frame them for crimes they never committed, the next best thing is to make stuff up, and make a movie about it.

The ultra right lunatics are behind it, so we know this is top notch journalism stuff right here.

the Clinton Foundation is one of the highest ranked charities out there, and for good reason. The movie claims only 10% goes to charity, while the opposite is true. 90% goes to charity. It claims they have enriched themselves by donations to the foundation, while the truth is they have donated millions of their own money to the foundation.

But hey, Hillary had a private email server, which proves she is the worst.

I give the movie 1 star, had it had more Benghazi!!! I may have given it a second one.

Just another lame attempt at slandering Clinton, yawn.
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Not worth the time, unless you're a die-hard fan.
12 June 2016
Not going to bother with the story line, there really is not that much to say for it, more or less a D&D session made into a movie, with a sub-par DM as director/movie maker.

Production value makes the standard Scy-Fy Channels stuff look stellar by comparison. Effects are as cheesy as it gets. Dialogue is laughable at best.

The actors may as well be D&D players doing this movie for free. It's that bad.

And just to underscore how bad this is, some troll decided to bot the crap out of the ratings, spamming it with 10 star ratings.
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