
2 Reviews
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A Prophet (2009)
A Prophet?
22 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Please, how can this movie have so may good reviews??? Is someone deleting the bad reviews and the insults? Because the movie is, in parts, really insulting.

It's not that it is bad… sometimes it is quite good, and the acting is truly great, in particular the actor who plays Lucciano – the incarcerated mafia Don - who is terrific.

But the story is a little bit stupid, and the filming is, many times, so incredibly boring that you don't want to believe it!

Fortunately I have seen this at home, and so could fast forward the most boring bits (and bytes), where the characters would just drag along, pointlessly, looking at some empty space beyond their eyes. In this particular aspect, this is a very French movie: the Frenchmen seem to appraise directors who drift pointlessly as if it that is some kind of artistic statement. Why? You can only guess.Perhaps it has something to do with the effects of the French accent on males.

However, what really ruins the movie is its artistic presumption: the "Prophet" attribute of its main character. This is beyond ridiculous, and really really embarrassing!

I'll try to explain: this guy, the main character, kills another guy in the beginning of the movie. Then, the dead guy starts to appear to him, not in a frightening way, quite the opposite. He becomes a kind of a boring pall, pseudo intellectual, hanging around, sometimes with flames burning his clothes or his skin (one guesses that the he must live in hell the rest of the time), expressing insipid and pointless reflections that don't add anything to the story, sleeping with the main character (I think that they even get to make love, one night, but perhaps it was just one vision… you don't really get to understand). And then, one day, this dead buddy explains to the main character what will be the actions of the prisoners who walk around in the yard ("look, that guy is going to turn around and run, look, that guy is going to stop and do push-ups, Ah! look that guy is going to put that ball through the basket!"), and he guesses correctly all the time. Really impressing, as you may guess...

Then... another day, the main character is out on a mission for the mafia – as he sometimes is - and gets his ass saved at the very last moment because he impresses another gangster - who is about to shoot him – by predicting that a dear is about to cross in the car's way, provoking an accident. There! The accident occurs, fortunately, no one gets hurt, and the gangster gets really impressed and calls him a prophet ("What are you, some kind of prophet?").

That's it! That's why the movie is called "The Prophet". But that hasn't got anything to do with the story.

Well, never mind,... it's FRENCH ART!
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Inception (2010)
24 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I will try not to repeat some of what others have so brilliantly written in some reviews. I just add this in order to contradict the hype that has allowed this movie to be ranked so high in IMDb. The same has been happening with other movies, and that is a shame for IMDb, which is becoming unreliable.

I want to stress the fact that the only complexity in this movie is trying to figure out how you can invest so much money in a script that continuously makes a fool of the average critic intelligent viewer! The story is not complex. It is deliberately confusing in order to conceal its stupidity. Nothing that really matters is explained in the movie.

And there's so many embarrassing clichés (the recruiting of the team, the episode in Mombassa, the assault of the ice fortress, many of the action sequences)... the average viewer must be disappointed!

And the dreams - which serve as the scenario to most of the movie - are populated by the utmost lack of imagination.

Finally, there's the score, louder and louder, building a suspense that is never there, for everything is a dream, and we do not quite catch what there is exactly that can go wrong...

Well, all in all, the movie is an insult to the average intelligent viewer and, having been directed by Christopher Nolan, an ultimate disappointment.
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