
2 Reviews
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Horns (2013)
Engaging but embarrassing
5 March 2016
Okay, I'm not going to lie, I loved this movie. It was incredibly entertaining and I found it hard to look away from the screen. However, from a critical standpoint, it was not exactly well put together. It wasn't really sure what genre it wanted to be, and felt like an awkward mash of romance, horror and crime drama, with often uncomfortable humour sprinkled throughout.

The way the story is portrayed in this film is terribly choppy, and while it starts off great with a lot of heart-wrenching moments, it gradually goes downhill into a cluttered, poorly thought-out mess. The flashbacks seem almost tacked-on, and some scenes in the second half of the film are just weird, for lack of a better word. The character development is clumsy, and the "laws" that come with Ig's horns are poorly addressed and can easily be misunderstood or missed completely, making the rest of the movie incredibly confusing for viewers who have not read the book.

However, I cannot ignore the good, even impressive components of this film, and why I was so generous with my rating even though I'm so critical of it.

First of all, Dan's acting is incredible. His American accent is seamless, and he truly is a very talented kid. He really steals the show with his whole act, his look, his voice, everything, even when he's reciting corny or awkward lines. For every awkward line, though, there's a truly powerful or moving one. There are some amazing, deep quotes in this movie that really make you think. Also, some of the shots in this movie are gorgeous. Shot mostly in Vancouver and other parts of BC, it really is gorgeous to look at.

So, while some scenes are hard to watch, while the ending may make you cringe, while it's cheesy, predictable, and every bit cliché, it's overall pretty harmless, and definitely a new guilty pleasure of mine.
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It's pretty! And... that's it
22 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a pretty movie! The backgrounds were gorgeous and the animation was beautiful, I applaud the artists who worked on this film. However, in the plot department, 5 Centimeters per Second is sorely lacking.

Chapter one was good, I did enjoy the first part. Childhood friends who fell in love, but their parent's jobs keep them apart. It was adorable, and set up for a beautiful tragic love story. After seeing it, I expected the rest of the movie to be just that, a beautiful tragic love story.

But then came part two. Where did Akari go? They just stopped talking? I don't know, I think if they were really as in love as we're meant to believe they are, they wouldn't lose touch. But I didn't lose hope yet, this movie could still be good. Everyone encounters problems in their relationship, perhaps this was all leading up to a big dramatic reunion at the end.

And once again I was disappointed in part three. Takaki is still thinking about Akari even after all these years, so maybe he'll look for her or write her or something. But nope, he makes no effort to get in touch with her. Okay, so maybe it'd be awkward. It probably would be, they hadn't talked in who knows how long. But then they pass each other in the street, recognize each other, stop, and look like they're about to finally speak to one another again. Then, a train passes between them and they just walk away. WHAT? Most disappointing ending of all time.Maybe Shinkai was trying to say there are no happy endings, but damn.

In fact, I found the movie as a whole to be quite disappointing. It was a lot shorter than it should have been. It spent too much time dwelling on less important things, leaving not nearly enough time for things like character development and plot development. Maybe I'm being harsh, but I found that we never got to know Akari, we never even really got to know Takaki. The person we got to know most was Kanae, And she's only really relevant in the second part. We hardly got to see Takaki and Akari's relationship, so it was difficult to feel Takaki's pain and longing over Akari.

Overall, I found this movie rushed through things that deserved more time and don't really understand what it was trying to accomplish. Was it a romance? Clearly, but where it the romance? Where is the struggle to keep their flame alive? If Takaki loved Akari, why didn't he go after her at the end? They were best friends, he should at least have said something. I'm sorry, but I don't understand why people enjoyed this movie so much. I think is was a poorly paced plot with little development and beautiful visuals in attempt to "razzle-dazzle" the audience.

I apologize for my unpopular opinion.
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