
39 Reviews
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Ether than I thought but not great
10 December 2020
It was an interesting watch and if you tried not to compare it to the original it could have been enjoyable, However, there were many holes I. The story line that should have been filled. A lot of confusing spots that you had to figure out how things were playing out. Sad because the actors and actresses did very well and deserved a better story line. I will watch the film again to see if I can find a better storyline that I missed the first time around. As a Witch myself, I am saddened to see certain things in the film that do not truly happen however very happy to see that the girls bound themselves when they realised that they were using manipulative magic. That is a very big no no among Witches. True witches know that using manipulative magic is against the rules I know it was nice to see how the film really showed that side of witchcraft.

I'm going to give this film a second watch and perhaps I will see something new that I didn't see the first time around at least I hope that how this plays out. Go into watching this film with an open mind and maybe you will find some enjoyment out of it but if you go into watching this film expecting an exact replica of the original you will be sadly disappointed.
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Moonstruck (1987)
Peek-aboo eggs - yummie!!!!
7 July 2020
I learned this adorable recipe from watching this film. What a terrific look at love, marriage, cheating and truth. Now I'm addict to perk-aboo eggs, Male them all the time with several twists and differences while I truly enjoy this light hearted and delightful film. Cher was terrific as was Nicholas Cage. An amazing all star cast pulled off some very touchy subjects in a light hearted way, doing it with class and style. A little on the slow side but still well done!
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Missed the mark BIG TIME!!
5 July 2020
I can see where they were trying to go with this film but it was done super slow and I found that I was forcing myself to watch it. While they captured the outer surface of the relationship of the 20 something year old, they missed the inner workings of a trite relationship. I'm out of my twenties but not long enough to remember how it felt and the writer missed everything. Sad as it could have been a terrific film.
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How does this have such a high rating?!?!
2 July 2020
What a waste of my life watching this. I kept waiting for this to get better, become one of the 'scariest films ever made' get 'eerie', become anything other than boring! It just didn't happen. The ONLY part of the film I found disturbing and hard to watch occurred closer to the end Of the film and it happened between Otis and his sister. Other than that, nothing was creepy or anything that the ratings suggested it to be. Did I miss something? Was I watching the same film? I honestly feel that was and hour and a half of my life I'll never get back!
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Someone farted in Kerry Washington'a face!
28 May 2020
It's truly sad because I have always thought of Kerry Washington as one of the most beautiful black actresses in Hollywood. Let's start by saying I never read the book so I went in without the pre conceived notions many of you did and will so I may be wrong in complaining but Kerry loses her beauty throughout this series by constantly looking like a constipated grouch who just had someone fart in her face. Really hurts me to say that considering her beauty. The series was lack lustre and hard to watch and perhaps I would have enjoyed it more had I read the book but I doubt it. I forced myself to sit through it, hoping it would get better and praying that Kerry Washington would empty her bowels and spray something to clear the air. Though I could see her character was meant to be dark and mysterious, she took it way too far for me. I'm sorry if I got it wrong and I do hate leaving bad reviews but I really wish I didn't waste my time forcing myself to finish this. May you have a beautiful day always.
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Chilling and shocking but a bit slow.
27 May 2020
I think this film would have been much better had more of this perverse man's crimes been explained. It barely scratches the surface though I had never heard of Robert Hansen until this film. I simply had to read up on him and his crime spree was shocking. I only wish that his crimes were better explained so as to draw the viewer into the story further and increase the hate you simply don't fully feel watching the film. All in all it was a terrific film with beautiful cinematography at times of the Alaskan wilderness. It does draw the viewer into the film nicely but feel it would have been more if this man's crimes were further explained. Wonderful acting and portrayal of characters. Thumbs up.
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Up in the frat house click click click what you did is really sick!!!
10 March 2020
I adore Imogen Poots very much and am a big fan for years. It's why I watched this film to be honest. Again to be honest, the best part of this film was the girls singing in their Santa costumes to the lads from the frat house. Click click click. Wish I had better things to say but I truly hope you've had a lovely day all!!! Cheers
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WAY better than The Shallows!!!
8 March 2020
I'm shocked at the low score of this film and the much higher score of a lake Lively's Shallows film. I found this one to have far more depth (no pun intended) and entertainment value by far! Though this film is a solid 8 IMO, I gave it a 10 to help the score. I found this film to be scary, I held my breath a few times, engaging, realistic and it managed to hold my attention throughout which is hard to do. In comparison to the Shallows, that film was nowhere near as engaging, realistic and was not truly scary. Side by side, 47 Metres Down gets my vote hands down! I hope it will yours as well. Have a terrific day!
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Goodwin A++ Fairley...
10 February 2020
Though the story was touching, gut wrenching sad with happy moments I do have to admit that while Ms Goodwin provided a stellar performance, often times I wanted to cringe while watching the beautiful but nowhere near as talented Fairley. There were a few times I found myself debating on shutting the film off because I could no longer handle her. I'm gutted to say that because I thought she was beautiful and something in her eyes said she had it in her to pull off this role with ease but I really wanted to wring her neck in many of the scenes. It took away from the harsh realities that poor Regina Louise lived through which truly frustrated me because I do not feel that Ms. Fairley pulled the role to its true depth and she barely scratched the surface of the true hardships.

It astounded me that as late as the 1970's there was still such racial tension in your US of A. I feel truly blessed that I was born and raised in Canada where for the majority (not saying it doesn't happen here!!), we all intermingle beautifully. I remember as a child growing up in the early 1990's one of my best friends was a lass who was in foster with another friend. Sve was black and her mother (and possibly father) before her too. Her mother had been adopted in the 1960's or VERY early 1970's into a white family. It was never frowned on or swept under the carpet. Then in turn, my friend was placed into a black foster home but she too was adopted to a white family like her mother before her.

I find it horribly sad that a country such as the USA with all its powers and abilities STILL, to this day, has racial issues, especially in the south. SI find it shameful how horrible people still treat each other in this day and age. I wish in my perfect world, that we could all get along and be loving towards each other. However, that is not reality and the story of Regina Louise shows that quite clearly.

This film with sit heavy in my heart and stomach for ages to come however, I take some comfort that for one of the millions of girls like RefinaLouise there was a light at the end of the long, dark tunnel. It's an enigma though. Something that rarely happens. If we all chipped in to lend a small hand, we could make that difference for the Regina Louise kids out there.

Be grateful for what you have, cxherish those who love you and do remember to always tell people around that you care. Brightness to you, have a terrific day
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Braid (2018)
Mitzi Perione??? WTH??? Director gives this a 10/10?!?!
3 February 2020
Mitzi Perione gave her own film a 10* rating and she did it under her own handle/name. While this has a terrific presence and the actors are very good, this film dragged and dragged. One girl is insane and the other two start out as normal druggies but then they all go nuts. Strange movie that makes you feel as if you are on drugs too but it lacked energy and substance. Could have been MUCH better. Was looking forward to this but feel let down.
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Rabid (2019)
Didn't see the original - fresh eyes
25 January 2020
Because I never saw the original I kind of have a fresh look at this film. While some of it was silly, for the most part I really liked this little gem. I'm so sorry that so many of you hated it because the original was 'better', but going in with fresh eyes and a fresh perspective allowed me to enjoy this grizzly tale.

Be well and I hope you enjoy the next film you watch much more!!!
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Well done!
22 January 2020
I did wait quite a few years in order to see this film. I honestly did not believe that anyone could capture the reality of Green street. I was pleasantly surprised that someone finally got it right. None of us are hooligans. Football simply runs through our veins and the team we support is our life. You could never understand it unless you live it. Sometimes it's quite sad how much we take this sport so seriously, but other times, there is no feeling like it in the world. This film portrays the worst of the worst and some very sad truths. I would have liked to have seen them portray the other side of the camaraderie brotherhood and sisterhood of those of us who have football running through our veins however those types of stories aren't Hollywood worthy.

Bright blessings, have the best day ever and live every day as if it were your last. Tell someone you love them and may health, wealth, happiness and true friendship follow you always. Hugz!
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I See You (II) (2019)
Twist and turn thriller/suspense
20 January 2020
Don't let the reviews on this film deter you from seeing it. It was very twisty and very turning. At one point I knew what was going on and then I second-guessed myself only to find out that I was possibly right in the end. It's a very entertaining slow burn thriller. I am surprised that this did not get wide spread theatrical release.

Enjoy this film and have a beautiful day!
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Are you KIDDING?!?!
6 December 2019
Seriously don't understand the mere 5* review of this film! I found it wonderfully funny, entertaining and although a wee bit daft, totally enjoyable and mindless fun! Loved the talking ferret, Nigel, all the other animals and I absolutely adored Bill Murray as the voice of Garfield. I gave this film a 10* rating to make up for all the poor reviews but I believe it to be a solid 8.5 and I do watch it again from time to time when I need a giggle.
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Horrific life
5 December 2019
It's shocking that even in this day and age little girls and women are still being raped and government and police officials don't bring the men to appropriate justice. Hearing and watching the story of Olivia, the 7 year old child who was raped and lived with her injuries for the rest of her short life was sickening. Her family including her father abandoning her, she lived a life of little happiness. Her injuries making her to frightened to even eat, because eating caused poop to leak through her vagina, she was told she was dirty and no other children were allowed to even play with her. Her government, seemingly caring, causes her much hardship and in the end she lost everything. Horrific and tragic story of this little child and many others like her. This documentary deserves multiple awards!!
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Best Man Down (2012)
Not a comedy but a lesson in true friendship love
21 November 2019
I was expecting a comedy for sure. Especially because the two main actors have done some funny films. IMBD has this listed as a comedy drama. There is nothing funny about this touching, heart searing film. This film shows true love and not in the boyfriend/girlfriend type of love but TRUE LOVE of the friendship kind. I found myself wishing I had a friend like Lumpy. Where I had expected a very mindless, light comedy I instead got a deep, surprising drama which is truly underrated. Yes it's a VERY slow burn but one truly worth a watch. I'm shocked at this little gem.
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In 2019 I am laughing at an 80's flick!
10 November 2019
I saw this film for the first time earlier this year. I laughed and laughed! While it may not be everybody's cuppa, I found it super funny and even after watching it for the third time this year tonight, it still made me giggle. It's silly yes but if you allow it to take you away, it is quite enjoyable! And noticing actors like Samuel Jackson and Cuba Gooding Jr (who had a non speaking role!) was super cool! I'm sure it was both actor's beginning roles. Loves this film and will watch again :)

Have a beautiful day!
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Too fast!
7 November 2019
The little 'info' bubbles appear and disappears far too fast. The show is funny, interesting and informative. I only wish the wee info bubbles stayed in screen a wee bit longer. Otherwise this show would have had an almost perfect score of 9.5. The show makes a person long for travel to some destinations within Europe. I have started on the very last season and am working my way backwards and have only seen European travel but it makes this travel junkie Canadian quite interested in going back to preacious destinations where I feel I have missed things now and also visit new places. Must get on an an airplane NOW!!!
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The Sessions (2012)
Touching and heartbreaking but missing something'
3 November 2019
While I have to say this was one of the best films to get into my heart & I found myself fighting the tears all the way into the pit of my stomach, I do feel it lacked just a wee bit. I think Mike's pain and fears could have been better portrayed than they were. While the 2 lead actors were on point, I think it failed to show much of the pain people with disability face. The loneliness, fear, depression and the gratefulness of feeling that *somebody* loves you. I speak this from my heart as a terminally ill and disabled young woman. This film got it right on so many levels however it failed to show what it felt like to be alone without family and nearly no more friends. While it was hard to watch I also found that it needed to show more of the heartache that this man endured. Fabulous film all in all though. Now I shall go search for his article which I am sure is beautiful.

Have a beautiful day
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Prayers for Bobby (2009 TV Movie)
This film NEEDED to be made.
30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
About 12 years ago, I lost my dearest friend Daryl. He was gay and his parents had disowned him for being gay. One Christmas, years after they disowned him, his parents invited him back for a family dinner. I had spent many Christmas evenings with him, not having a family myself so when this happened, all of us 'strays' were overjoyed for him.

After Xmas, one of the other 'strays' and I had planned a trip to Scotland for Hogmanay (New Years Eve). Daryl met is at our local pub before our flight and told us the story of his 'family Christmas'. They tried to convince him to go to a reconditioning centre to cure his SINS of being gay because HE CHOSE this lifestyle. They badgered him and belittled him, quoted bible versus to him and told him he was a sinner.

Daryl shortly after New Years called his ex boyfriend in the middle of the night, told him he would love him always, apologised for what he would wake up to and hung up the phone.

Daryl jumped off the Bloor Viaduct bridge in Toronto and died.

All of a sudden his parents looked like loving and accepting people. I remember sitting in a church, the very same religion who brainwashed people into gay-bashing and hearing about the 'accident' that took Daryl's life. I remember seeing the many colourful people who all sat close to the back of the church and the very conservative ones who sat right up front.

As in the film, when Bobby's boyfriend turned to the only accepting family member of his and said 'are you okay with this?!?', I saw many of the 'colourful' people in the church turning to each other asking the same. I remember at one point I laughed out loud. I remember envisioning Daryl sitting up in the rafters of the church laughing at the spectacle his family had made out of his death and how they were morning his death when they didn't even know him.

None of us went to his family' wake. Instead we all celebrated his life in our own ways and mourned him with love in our hearts.

I am VERY PROUD (and I *know* I'll get all thumbs down for this one), I do not subscribe to any bible or written religious hypocrisy. I am a Witch and though the bible tells you in Leviticus that 'thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live', my religious belief is of love, acceptance, tolerance and not fear of my Gods, intolerance, judgment and murder. Yes MURDER. Just about all religions have murdered others for their beliefs. Catholics, Protestants, Muslims etc. No REAL Witch would ever dream of harming anyone. REAL Witches have just one commandment 'Do what thou wilt as long as ye harm none'. I think that covers everything properly.

I became a Witch after many years of Christianity beating me down. How women suffered the pain of childbirth due to Eve's sins or how women were dirty when they menstruated, after childbirth and for longer after giving birth to a girl instead of a boy. But the one that got me and cut me to the bone was when I was shaken and told 'animals don't have souls! You are baptised and should know better!' I was only 6. So I became a tree hugging, vegetarian, person loving, accepting and caring WITCH. And proud of it. So while I know you will thumbs down me please remember I would never hurt you on purpose unlike many other religious people do every day.

Bless PFLAG with the support and education they give. I also feel blessed to live in a country that was one of the first to legalise gay marriage. Though I am the MOST heterosexual being I know, I do not believe there is anything wrong with anyone who is gay, bi, lesbian or trans.

This film needed to be made. Thank you to EVERYONE involved in creating this heartfelt, eye opening and truly heartbreaking film. It is sad that this continues to this day. Religion has been much cause of death, war and destruction and honestly, if I were 'Fod' I wouldn't care what name you called me by or what book you followed, all I would care about is that you live your life without hurting or judging others.

There are many Bobbys and Janes out there. May they all have more tolerant and understanding people in their lives helping them to grow and flourish. In memory of all those Bobby's Jane's and of course my dearest Daryl. My heart and love go with you all.
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The Kitchen (2019)
Started great....then I fell asleep
28 October 2019
I have tried to watch this film in its entirety at least 5 times now. I wanted to love it. I love all three actresses and was shocked at the way this film tanked about half way through. It made me sad to see. I always, without fail begin to fall asleep at the halfway mark but today I forced myself to stay awake, watching the film while I had someone here to keep me awake. I now understand why I kept falling asleep. It truly starts out good and interesting it then the action dies out and the film fizzles. I mean, I hope you enjoy it, I truly do but I only gave it 5* because it was good for only half of the film.

Have a terrific day!!!
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Hocus Pocus (1993)
Watching over and over
25 October 2019
While many fellow REAL Witches (Wiccans, Druid's, Pagans) found this film a horrific rendition of a truly beautiful and natural religion disheartening, I did not. I enjoyed every single second of this film and though it depicted my beliefs in a harsh manner, I continue to thoroughly enjoy it to this very day. The film was spookie, hilarious, enchanting and down right enjoyable. Hollywood will never ever put together a film on real witches. We are tree hugging, nature loving, loving people who have one single commandment - 'do what thou wilt as long as it harms none'. It sums up what good witches believe strongly in.

I did still truly love this film and when rumours went around that there could be a follow up with all original cast, I was over the moon! To this very day, this is one of my most loved and cherished of all films. I can speak each line of the film in tandem with the characters. It drives my friends nuts when I whisper under my breath every line and softly sing every song. This film will be a favourite of yours too and not just for Halloween but for any time of the year. It will enchant you the way it has me.
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The Witches (1990)
Still one of my favourite films!
25 October 2019
Ocassionally I still watch this film and each time I do, I find something new that I didn't see before. Not many films can accomplish that! This was one of my childhood favourites and continues to be a favourite into my adulthood. Definitely a classic and I worry the upcoming remake will pail in comparison. I am looking forward to the new film, but can already see the many differences to the classic. I just hope they do this funny, creepy, delightful and heartwarming film justice. I am truly a fan!
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Good but pales in comparison
16 October 2019
I laughed a bit with this film but to be honest, the only time I laughed out loud fully was even before the opening credits during the Columbia Pictures intro with your statue of Liberty. That was funny/cute.

While I found the film highly entertaining, it truly pales in comparison to the first but that's to be expected since that's usually the case. I may have been expecting too much since I was overly excited for this sequel so while I was slightly disappointed, I'm positive many of you will thoroughly enjoy this long awaited follow up. For me, I just wish it had a tad more substance and laughs like the first did. Again, I was going in with high expectations and overly excited so I am possibly the worst to give an opinion. I do love the films and hope for a third. I think once I sign off from here, I'll rewatch the first instalment again. I do hope you enjoy and if you go into this without the super high expectations I had, I just know you'll be pleased. It WAS like x-mad morning and a terrific gift for all of us fans. Thanks for that!

Have a terrific day and enjoy life, love, happiness and films to the fullest :)
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sMothered (2019– )
Good GAWD!
9 September 2019
This was like a train wreck that you can't help but be curious about and can't turn your head away from. I power watched these episodes from my sick bed and while most of the mother/daughter relationships were over the top, HOWEVER the Sumgie or whatever woman was unbelievable!!! She has to be the most selfish person I have ever seen on reality TV by FAR! She truly did not care about what made her child happy, only what was best for her. It was so shocking to watch I simply couldn't turn away. I kept hoping for a change in this woman but as time went on it simply got worse. Her child felt the need for approval so much that witnessing her put her mother's demands above her own happiness was painful. That woman needs to be ashamed of herself and her cruel intentions because no mother would put her own wants and needs above that of her child's. Astonishing how evil this woman is and I hope now the cameras are gone that her daughter is brave and strong enough to realize this. Horrible show but what kept my interest was the insanity of many of these mothers and the disbelief that there are really women out there like this.
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